Summerslam Heading To London

WTH...the WWE doesnt owe the U.K anything. The wwe is a United States Company that gets most of its money from citizens of the United States.

This argument is pitiful tbh. It's WORLD wrestling entertainment and as the E likes to say, it's a globally accessible organisation. If the UK (which i hope they do) doesn't get a PPV, give it to somewhere outside the US, even Mexico.

And doesn't owe the U.K. anything ? WWE has about 16 or so shows a year in the U.K., all sell out and mostly all arena's are at least 6k plus in capacity. That's some decent $$$, and our crowd's are the best in the world as shown by Monday's Raw and considering alot of the post WM RAW crowd were from the UK/Mainland Europe we deserve a Summerslam or Survivor Series, any PPV even.

Anyway, bring a taping to Scotland lol, that'll do nicely.
Why only consider having it at Wembley Stadium? Why not try some park and make a festival out of it, draw in a few 100,000+ I know never going to happen, but it would be nice to see on tv someday, and I'm not even from the UK, but there fans deserve something huge, something bigger then just Wembley, and I could imagine many more fans then just the 90,000+ would want to be at the event. So why not outdoors with a unlimited amount of space for people.

I don't think the timezone thing is even an issue. Most people now a days most likely have the show recorded to dvr as they are watching it, so even if for some reason they couldn't watch it on a Sunday afternoon in the summer time, they could have it recorded.

One problem though, WWE isn't a huge profit on UK ppv, mostly due to it being so cheap on ppv in the UK, where as over here it cost $40-$50 and some times more. I think its half that price in the UK.
It's probably not gonna happen. There's a story floating on the main page and various other sites stating as much. When I first heard about this a few days back, I didn't give it much of a chance of actually coming about. WWE's simply not going to risk killing ppv buys here in the states just for the novelty of hosting one of the classic Big Four ppvs in England.
London really deserves a SummerSlam or even WrestleMania as the UK fans have brought some serious energy to the past 2 WrestleMania's and all the UK tours. I have no doubt they would fill up Wembly. Also you can still keep the regular starting ppv time 8PM which means you can still air live on ppv in the States between 12-3 PM depending on where you live. Those times are still regualr viewing hours so I wouldn't expect ppv sales to dip.
Every year lol. NO! Jesus it's basic logic. Sure, let's draw 100,000 people and lose 300,000 buys. Makes sense...

I wish there was a way to do it but there just isn't. Confiscate everyone's iPhones and hold them until after the show has aired in the US?
Summerslam PPV buys are way down from what they used to be. People saying that having a PPV in London would harm buys because of the time difference, well I think it would only do them good.

90,000 screaming fans in a packed out Wembley Stadium, that sells itself to the American market regardless of the time - plus the timings are much better for Europe so you would see an increase in buys here. Then you have to consider gate receipts. Tickets will range from £40 - £100 from the vender.

A strong card would make this a success. A B PPV in London would be a fail. Wrestlemania is too precious to have in a foreign country, Royal Rumble is also their second biggest PPV and another risk but I think Summerslam would be fair game.

Wade Barrett vs Sheamus vs Drew McIntrye (push him) for the World Title would be an amazing spectacle for the crowd.
It's probably not gonna happen. There's a story floating on the main page and various other sites stating as much. When I first heard about this a few days back, I didn't give it much of a chance of actually coming about. WWE's simply not going to risk killing ppv buys here in the states just for the novelty of hosting one of the classic Big Four ppvs in England.

Very short sighted. What about 90,000 ticket sales for the event? Summerslam only gets just over 300,000 PPV buys so they could risk this falling by a third anyway. WWE will make money...

And the only way to fill out Wembley is to give us one of the big 4.

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