Stone Cold Vs. John Cena or Randy Orton??


Pre-Show Stalwart
The main reason as we all know for the early retirement of Stone Cold Steve Austin is due to his neck injury. But Austin who had said one time in a interview as far as getting back in the wrestling ring one more time has not said who he'd who like to face? Some has said in rumors Bill Goldberg or even Shawn Michaels. But how would Stone Cold feel about John Cena or Randy Orton??

Stone Cold Vs. John Cena: Both have been the faces of the company at two diffrent era's. They both (have) had anti-hero attitudes towards the WWE system, on the same level as Hogan during his peak, headlined various Wrestlemanias in a raw, and didn't Steve Austin pass the torch so to speak at last years WWE Hall of Fame awards in the form of a beer can? This match up & fued writes it's self.

Stone Cold Vs. Randy Orton: Both have a mean streak that gets them over as a face or heel with the crowd, both had run-ins with Jake "The Snake" Roberts & the chairman Vince Mcmahon, both are badasses, and both wrestlers have been compared to snakes (Stone Cold "Rattlesnake" Randy Orton "Viper" no pun to Jake Roberts).

So my question is, if Austin were to return to the ring by next years Wrestlemania in Atlanta? Who would you rather see betwwen these two guys??
I'd rather see Austin vs. Cena, ONLY because I know Cena would be able to carry to him to a fantastic match. Barring Austin having his injuries, I'd much rather see Orton vs. Austin for the sake that after 5 years of no Austin, Orton feels like the closest thing to him now and Orton works a great match with a brawler.
Austin Vs Orton WITHOUT A DOUBT !!! Orton has been geting compared to SCSA for the best part of a year, how good would it be to see these 2 go head to head ?

You have the man who in the "Attitude Era" , made wrestling what is was with his bad ass attitude, vs the man who is todays best thing in wrestling. If Ortons character was in the "Attitude Era" along with SCSA, and them 2 had a fued then, it would have been the best fued in wrestling history and thats a FACT.
austin vs cena... this could be the best way to turn cena heel, becasue you know the fans arent going to root for him they are gonna go for austin, plus if u have austin orton then the wwe building up orton as top face will just get thrown down the drain
I would like to see Austin vs Randy Orton. The problem with Cena is he is way to over with the little kids and the WWE will be keeping him a face for a long long time (how many of those orange shirts do you see in a arena)

If you had Austin Vs Cena you would have to make Austin a Heel (which would be stupid) of have a mutual respect type thing going which I don't think really would work well with Austin's character.

Orton on the other hand would be great. He could be a great heel and Austin can stay the face. Plus the storyline would be amazing. Orton being the Legend Killer wanting to kill the biggest legend of them all. It would be fantastic.

Save Cena for a Cena VS Rock match. That would be awesome.
Austin vs. Orton hands down. First off the match would be much better as Orton is a MUCH BETTER in ring worker than Cena. Secondly it would make a whole lot more sense if it was Orton vs. Austin, Orton has been compared as the next Steve Austin so it would only be fitting for Austin to face Orton.
Austin vs. Cena for me wouldn't really work, they are very different from each other, the match probably wouldn't be that good, and I feel Cena would be better suited for someone like Hogan, not Austin. There is no real ties between Cena and Austin so there is no point for them to fight each other.
For the sake of your specified question I'd say Cena vs. Austin. I love Orton, but I think Cena vs Austin would be a better feud and match, and we all know Cena would take the fall no problem.

As for who I would want Austin to face, The Undertaker at Wrestle Mania. Taker needs to start facing HOF guys like Austin and Michaels because for the first time in a long time I had that feeling that Taker might loose, and I feel a guy like Stone Cold would give you the same feeling.
Austin vs. Orton hands down. First off the match would be much better as Orton is a MUCH BETTER in ring worker than Cena. Secondly it would make a whole lot more sense if it was Orton vs. Austin, Orton has been compared as the next Steve Austin so it would only be fitting for Austin to face Orton.
Austin vs. Cena for me wouldn't really work, they are very different from each other, the match probably wouldn't be that good, and I feel Cena would be better suited for someone like Hogan, not Austin. There is no real ties between Cena and Austin so there is no point for them to fight each other.

There weren't any real ties between The Rock and Hulk Hogan and yet they fought two times. I would rather see Cena vs. Austin because you have the face of the Attitude Era vs. the face of the PG Era. I believe the promos will be great and the buildup excellent as Cena can try to prove he can beat the greats before him.
I will flip flop here..

Ortons character shares some un-canning simliarites to Stone cold steve austin, I WILL NOT say orton is the next "stone cold", Orton is orton. But his character is being cheered for a simliar style face as austin plays, and I think some of austins greatness is because of the people he feuded with, VKM and The Rock.

You could do the Rock vs Stone cold 20 times and it wouldn't get old (ok it might if you do it 20 time consecutivly). The point is the reason people loved it SO much was because there personailitys were so different. Austin vs The rock, it was the loud mouth vs the bad ass and it was just entertaining as all hell every single time.

People forget Cenas Rapper gimmick he got over as a loud mouth, he was a rapper, and quick and witty on the mic. Cenas character now is like a Hogan/ rock hybrid, He is of course always John Cena, and while I don't personally like his chracter I have to admit I would absoutely LOVE to see how it clashes with a personaility like Stone Cold. I think it would be much more entertaining then two people who are somewhat the same fighting it out in Orton vs Stone cold.

On the flip side everyone always screams for "ROCK VS CENA" and personally I disagree, I would LOVE to see Orton Vs The Rock with Orton's Current Tweener character SO much more then a Rock Vs Cena Showdown, and screw it let the fans decide who they want to cheer for.

In a dream world with Stone cold back for "one more feud" I would like to see him go toe to toe with superman Cena. Even though cena is by far not my favorite, and his promo's get annoying, I think that his personality is just WAITING to clash with a guy like Austins and would make for some flat out amazing T.V., it may not be a five star technical match but it would be one hell of a feud.
There weren't any real ties between The Rock and Hulk Hogan and yet they fought two times. I would rather see Cena vs. Austin because you have the face of the Attitude Era vs. the face of the PG Era. I believe the promos will be great and the buildup excellent as Cena can try to prove he can beat the greats before him.

I thought Rock and Hogan had quite a few ties, both had great charisma, relied heavily on their mic work, had amazing fan followings, and they were both the biggest stars in the 2 biggest era's wrestling has ever had, it was actually the 1st dream match the WWE put together in RAW magazine (back in the early 2000's), before WWE even bought out WCW. Their characters were different, but there were A LOT of similarities between the 2.

I think Cena and Austin could have a decent feud, but I think from a logical standpoint I think it would make more sense for Orton to feud with Austin than Cena. Cena and Austin have a great contrast of styles that I feel would mesh well together, but the end payoff would be a disappointment (Cena couldn't gain a thing by beating Austin and would lose a lot of credibility by losing to Austin).

Orton on the other hand could gain a hell of a lot having a feud with Austin. Take a teacher vs. student type storyline, I have heard even Jim Ross compare Orton to Austin so the storyline pretty much writes itself. If Orton lost to Austin it wouldn't hurt him that much (he certainly didn't suffer losing to Hogan) because he lost to the master, and if he beat Austin it would do wonders for the guy, because he beat the professor, he beat king tweener.

If Cena won how much could he gain, he beat a guy 10 years past his prime, that would be the payoff, and if he loses, he loses to a guy who doesn't even have the tools to wrestle anymore. Cena doesn't have anything to gain with a feud with Austin so there's no point pairing him up with Austin.
I would have to say clearly, RANDY ORTON!! I actually think it would be a much better match than Cena vs Austin...the fact that Orton has been somewhat compared to Austin a lot over the last year aswell...

On the off note..if there was really someone Austin would face, he said it himself in an interview, the only wrestler he would trust in the ring is Jericho!!
It'd have to be Austin Vs Orton, i mean when do we ever get to see a match where literally at any time either wrestler could strike with their finisher and end the match? It wouldn't matter how beaten up they were, these guys have both made careers out of striking out of nowhere and winning. Noone would be able to call this match as the finish could genuinely come at any time.
Austin has stunned Cena before. At tribute to the troops in 2003, Austin comes out, after Cena had a match when he beats the Big Show. Cena does the "You cant see me" and Austin proceeds to stun him. So there has been some interaction between him and Cena.

But I would rather see Orton vs Austin, simply because of the fact that he is the Austin of this era right now. It could be a great Wrestlemania match, but Austin has said he will no longer wrestle again. But its nice to dream about it.
I thought Rock and Hogan had quite a few ties, both had great charisma, relied heavily on their mic work, had amazing fan followings, and they were both the biggest stars in the 2 biggest era's wrestling has ever had, it was actually the 1st dream match the WWE put together in RAW magazine (back in the early 2000's), before WWE even bought out WCW. Their characters were different, but there were A LOT of similarities between the 2.

I think Cena and Austin could have a decent feud, but I think from a logical standpoint I think it would make more sense for Orton to feud with Austin than Cena. Cena and Austin have a great contrast of styles that I feel would mesh well together, but the end payoff would be a disappointment (Cena couldn't gain a thing by beating Austin and would lose a lot of credibility by losing to Austin).

Orton on the other hand could gain a hell of a lot having a feud with Austin. Take a teacher vs. student type storyline, I have heard even Jim Ross compare Orton to Austin so the storyline pretty much writes itself. If Orton lost to Austin it wouldn't hurt him that much (he certainly didn't suffer losing to Hogan) because he lost to the master, and if he beat Austin it would do wonders for the guy, because he beat the professor, he beat king tweener.

If Cena won how much could he gain, he beat a guy 10 years past his prime, that would be the payoff, and if he loses, he loses to a guy who doesn't even have the tools to wrestle anymore. Cena doesn't have anything to gain with a feud with Austin so there's no point pairing him up with Austin.

Why would Orton gain something from beating Austin but Cena wouldn't?Orton has won multiple championships, faced great wrestlers in Flair and Hogan. Cena hasn't had that luxury and his place in history would be more intact if he faces Austin and beats him.
I'd have to go with Steve Austin and John Cena, only because I can actually see a realistic build between these two. Austin doesn't like the fact that he can't whip someone's ass, but only "kick their rear end" thanks to Cena going PG. If Orton still had his legend killer gimmick then hands down, Orton, but since that isn't the case I am going with John Cena on this one for the storyline only, not in ring work although I do feel that these two could work well in the ring together
how the hell Cena and Austin could have a feud? by the tipical jealousy or "hey SCSA! we are in the PG era so stop pointing the middle finger and stop drinking beer..."??hell NO! the only good thing between a Cena/Austin feud is th fact that they are antaginists:goodie goodie vs bad ass. but it wouldn't be a classic match at all.

however an RKO/SCSA feud well that my friend would've been ineteresting: I can see it right now, Austin making an triumphant return and BAM! out of nowhere RKO! the storyline and the promos would've been so greats! "you want to take out SCSA!?" you know with that voice tipical o Austin. oh and the match,THE match! RKO vs Stone Cold Stunner wow!!!definitely Orton vs Austin..
Why would Orton gain something from beating Austin but Cena wouldn't?Orton has won multiple championships, faced great wrestlers in Flair and Hogan. Cena hasn't had that luxury and his place in history would be more intact if he faces Austin and beats him.

I disagree, the only way Cena would gain something having a feud with Austin is if the guy turns heel, wrestling fans will never cheer Cena over Austin, and Cena is supposed to be the ultimate babyface. I heard someone say earlier that it would be a great was to turn Cena heel and I agree completely, but putting the WWE's ultimate babyface against the ulitmate anti-hero would never help Cena's FACE status, in essence, the fans do not want to see Cena beat Austin as a face, if Cena faces Austin as a face, he must lose, plain and simple, and how would that help him.

Orton would have more to gain because he is the second coming of Austin, a win for Orton would be a passing of the torch so to speak, and people would get behind Orton that much more because the Viper beat the Rattlesnake.

Now if they used a Cena/Austin feud to turn Cena into a heel, that would do wonders for Cena, half the audience hates Cena anyways, so if he beat Austin by cheating or doing something low-ball then he would be a mega heel in about 10 seconds.

But as their characters currently stand, Orton would benefit 1000 times more than Cena would.
@LATINSTRAIGHTEDGEMESSIAH What you said is ignorant. John Cena is the poster boy if the WWE today, and the WWE today is PG. Stone Cold could make a argument saying how it's Cena's fault that he can't do what he's known for. Thats why I think it make's more sense to have them feud instead of Orton vs Austin. What would be the storyline. Why would Orton come out and just RKO Austin, especially since he isn't in his Legend Killer gimmick anymore
Austin vs Orton would be a better match in his prime it would be great especially with all the similarities between the two. However Cena vs Austin would be a bigger deal similar to Rock vs Hogan. Austin was the biggest draw in his day. Cena is the biggest draw presently.

I doubt either match would ever happen if they do. I would prefer Cena with Austin not a 100% I feel Cena's slower pace would go better than Orton's.
SCSA vs Orton would be fun to watch, but Cena Vs SCSA would be MUCH higher on the entertainment scale, forget about it. it's gold because you have the WWE's two biggest sure things in the same match. Just think, the story would be epic, the promos would be so intense. There couldn't be a bigger match, so much would be on the line. Not to mention they could sell the shit out of that match, everyone would want to see it because there would be a little something in it for everyone. Those who love Austin or hate Cena would get to see Austin stomp a final mud hole, in Cena! Cena fans could see their hero fight it out with the very best, and maybe even win...(or not.)

Lastly, regardless of the outcome it would be the perfect opportunity to (and only if) turn Cena heel.

For the sake of your specified question I'd say Cena vs. Austin. I love Orton, but I think Cena vs Austin would be a better feud and match, and we all know Cena would take the fall no problem.

As for who I would want Austin to face, The Undertaker at Wrestle Mania. Taker needs to start facing HOF guys like Austin and Michaels because for the first time in a long time I had that feeling that Taker might loose, and I feel a guy like Stone Cold would give you the same feeling.

Logically, the only wrestler that should even be considered to end the Undertakers streak at Wrestle Mania is GOLDBERG, he is the only other wrestler with a "streak", but fuck that noise. 20-0!

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