Stone Cold back on Raw as Guest Host!


I know its a little early, however I am surprised I haven't seen a thread about this subject yet. It has been confirmed by the WWE that "Stone Cold" Steve Austin will be hosting Raw on March 15, just 2 weeks before Wrestlemania. Now I am not sure what if any impact he will have on Mania, however anything is possible. A few questions popped up when I read this for the first time.

1. Who if anyone is going to get stunned?

2. Who would you like to get stunned?

3. Will he insert himself into any storylines?

There are others but I want to know what you think of this.

Me personally knowing that Vince wants something big for Cena, I am hoping Cena gets stunned. What a better way to help a heel turn.

I can see Cena starting to bitch about not being involved in anything for Mania and getting pissed off at everyone that week. Whining and bitching at the beginning of the show, and in the middle of the promo, the glass breaks, crowd goes ballistic, Austin walks down to the ring says nothing Stuns Cena.
Grabs a mic and says "Now that is done," and goes into something maybe even challenging Cena for a match at Mania.

Now I know its a long shot but since the possibility of the Rock/Cena(which Vince was working on) is probably at 0 percent as of now, this seems to be a legitimate second choice.(And a great way to turn Cena into a heel)IMO only
Well, Yippie Skippie!!!!!!!


Consider me in the "Less than enthused" party.

Whenever Austin shows up, it is the same old stuff:

- He serves as a Guest Referee because he simply can not bring himself to get back in the ring and wrestle, despite the fact that he has admitted in talk shows that he could actually wrestle for another year if he wanted.

- He will be there to promote another one of his useless films that won't draw squat.

- Vince McMahon will get stunned for the millionth time.

- And he will drink beer and have a beer bash after the show is over.

Does that about cover it for an Austin appearance? It should. That's what happens every time he appears, and appearing as a Guest Host will be no different. Absolutely nothing new. And that is exactly why I honestly wish he would stop appearing, because it's the exact same garbage every single God damn time.

Just for once, it would be great to see Austin show up and someone gets the best of him. But we can't have that now, because we all know Austin can't even commit to working for a month with WWE to even do a very short term program to help elevate someone.

I thought you were absolutely done and retired from the WWE, Steve? I thought that meant everything to do with wrestling? If all you are offering is the same old stuff, I'd rather see someone new come along that might actually do something different.

So to answer your questions:

1) Yes, Vince McMahon will be stunned. SHOCKER!

2) Nobody. I would prefer to not expect anything and to genuinely be surprised at what happens as opposed to knowing that an all-too-predictable Stone Cold Stunner is coming.

3) Of course not. Austin is only there for one night only. Here today, Gone tomorrow.
You know what, I used to mark out for Stone Cold returns, but over the years, they've just become boring to me. As Sidious said, it's usually the same old stuff. Vince is probably going to get stunned for the millionth time, he will have a beer bash with someone or by himself, and he will most likely promote another one of his films or something else he's working on.

He most likely will be inserted into the McMahon/ Bret Storyline. It's the only thing that would really make sense for him to get involved in. I like Stone Cold, and loved watching him as a kid, but his returns just don't excite me any more.
I can't imagine Cena not having a match billed less than two weeks before WrestleMania. It's stupid. Cena is the top star in the company and the show should be built around him. It's like your trying to do a worse job booking him than the creative team already is.

Your idea sucks.

Would Austin-Cena rock? Very much so. But not the way you mentioned.

What we will likely see is, as Sid said, the usual formula for a Steve Austin sighting these days which is, as Sid said, tired and predictable. My expectations beyond that are non-existent and I am nowhere near excited. Could be worse though. They could have booked Verne Troyer again.

Would it kill them to surprise us? How about CM Punk hears that Austin will be on Raw and promos on him for weeks leading up to the show? And then when the big night comes along, we get heated confrontation and a pull-apart brawl... without a Stunner in sight. Punk can be there every week to build the feud up until the event and Austin, who supposedly CAN work, comes in for a one off match against the Straightedge Savior at WM26?

Well... it wouldn't kill them, but they probably think it would.
I knew Stone Cold would be guest host one day and I can quite say that I am not looking forward to it. I guess part of that would be because we've seen him so much since his last match. If this was the first time we've seen him in the WWE in say three of four years there would be much more excitement. Since he comes back so much, all I can muster is a "meh". The usual Austin routine would be coming out, some superstar interrrupting him, that superstar receiving a Stunner, and then Austin drinking beer. It's been the same old routine for ages and it is not going to change.
This was obvious since the get go of the show. The timing is perfect as well so you know WWE is going to do something big. I really hope there is going to be an interaction between Austin and Cena and I hope that Stone Cold is big enought to realize that it should go well for Cena. I hope Cena reverses a stunner in the appearance into something else, then stops tight before deliverying it. But before this Cena must give credit to Austin. That way when Cena doesn't use his move, he can allow Austin to get up and have a beer with him out of mutual respect.
Yano this has me thinking. Can Stone Cold even really be stone cold in this PG era? Beer and middle fingers just isnt PG.

Growing up I loved Stone Cold, but with these past wrestlers coming back for one night only, i dont know its getting kinda old especially with how many times stone cold has been back one nigth just isnt enough time. Its common sense If someone is back permenitly then more people will tune it but the old people who use to watch wont tune in for one night. lets hope they dont drop the ball with Stone Cold and have him build a story line with a wrestler, they challenge him for wrestlemania, then he guest hostes and raises hell that night then off to wrestlemania.
I for one will be excited to see Austin come the 15th. I agree that it would be nice if they use him in some other way rather than just a random stunner and beer bash. But let's just appreciate the fact that he still comes back. I get the feeling that if he would have stayed away for 3-4 years, we still would be complaining about how he never came back for us.

I'll keep my fingers crossed that they do something special with him this time around seeing he's stated in interviews that he doesn't want to come back unless they have something important (Bret/Vince?) creative/storyline-wise for him to get involved with.
Well its better than some random celebrity who knows nothing about the sport guest host. But like many said, it will be like the usual stuff. Beer bash, Mcmahon and Bret Hart getting stunned, All the "What" chants from the crowd and maybe even a Cena/Punk-Austin match for wishful thinking.
When I found out about this, I wasn't as excited as I would have been a few years back. But Lord Sidious has it right here. Whenever Stone Cold comes back it's always the same old, same old.

Yeah he'll probably stun someone. I don't know if it'll be Vince, since Vince and Bret Hart will be deep into their storyline by then and I see it as pointless if Austin interfered in any of that, but it'll definetely be someone.

As for him stunning Cena and Cena having a heel turn, fat chance that'll happen buddy.

All in all I don't really care if Stone Cold is hosting, or anyone else for that matter. RAW has really overused the guest host gimmick (they've been doing it for 7 months or something now I believe), and what we need to see is a permanent general manager assigned to this brand. End of story.

P.S. I'm curious as to whether they'd allow Stone Cold to celebrate with beer like he always does seeing as this is now PG television? Who knows.
I agree with Sid here and I would love to see Austin get the crap beaten out of him. Last year he did a deep farewell and said he's done with wrestling, within a year he's back. Gosh darn that's integrity.

I can safely say I'm meh on this as we've seen him in Manias, Cyber Sundays and Raws in the last few years.
Since noone has mentioned it already, I'm going to suggest he has a match at Mania with Orton. I know its a bit far fetched but hear me out. Randy Orton is the legend killer, and for some time, he hasn't been killing any legends. Stone cold would be perfect. he was inducted in the hall of fame last year and as far as i know, he's never had a match against randy orton.

So this is what i'd like to see happen, Stone cold starts out the night and Orton interrupts him (whether or not legacy is still together at that point is beyond me). Stone cold tries for a stunner but orton reverses it into the rko. then later in the night stone cold challenges orton to a match right there, right now. But orton drops the bombshell and says he doesnt wanna fight stone cold right there. he'd much rather beat his ass at wrestlemania. so stone cold, being the guest host, makes the match.

then next weeks raw could be a huge showdown between them throughout the whole night. not like a match, but like a series of confrontations. if they book it right it could be really good.
1. Who if anyone is going to get stunned?
- McMahon, hopefully, and for the reason most of you have said or stated, to aid maybe, or even push the BRET/VINCE match and mania.

2. Who would you like to get stunned?
-I think this has been unanynmous all the way though, but John Cena.

3. Will he insert himself into any storylines?
- Probably not, but wouldn't it be cool if it was Vince vs Bret with Austin as the guest referee, think about it, think about it, lol.
Well, by then the McMahon vs Hart storyline will be in full flow, so he will almost certainly do something that results in McMahon getting stunnered and him sharing a beer with Bret Hart. That will be it, in terms of interest. He will probably be promoting some piece of shitfilm that WWE have produced in the vain hope that it might mean that he'll come back for a match one day. For a guy that retired from any wrestling activity less than a year ago, he hasn't taken too long to come back, and I don't imagine that this appearance will be earth shattering.
1. Who if anyone is going to get stunned?

I pretty much agree with those who think it's going to be the same stuff he always does, stunner to Vince and then drinks beer in front of everyone. He may be retired from "wrestling" itself, but that doesn't mean he can't be a guest ref again. What if he puts Vince in a match then stunners him? Sure, that's been done before, but it'd be entertaining for that night and that way he wouldn't have to actually wrestle.

2. Who would you like to get stunned?

Honestly? I can't really think of anyone I want to see get stunner'ed that badly. Maybe Sheamus. I still feel that he's a fluke champion and should not have received the fastest push in WWE history. Have Sheamus be bragging about how great a champion he thinks he is, then Stone Cold can come out and stunner him after doing a really cool promo about how he was a great champion and not a fluke champion like Sheamus. I dunno, I'm just throwing ideas out here.

3. Will he insert himself into any storylines?

Probably not. He is in the Hall of Fame and officially retired last year at Wrestlemania, so he will probably just make his big appearance, taunt Vince, stunner somebody, drink beer, do his GM stuff for the night, drink again, and then it'll be over.

Despite my post sounding negative, I'm looking forward to Stone Cold guest hosting because he's one of the best legends. I'm tired of all the celebrities. Legendary wrestlers are the ones who should be guest hosting. He may be predictable, but Stone Cold always entertains me every single time he makes an appearance.

As for stunnering Cena to start a heel turn or a Wrestlemania match against Stone Cold? Not gonna happen because Cena is not turning anytime soon and Stone Cold is retired from wrestling, he's only going to make "appearances" and not actually "wrestle". He said so himself at his induction last year.
It is always entertaining to see Austin on Raw/Smackdown/where ever. I think it gets a bit stale if it is done too often, but he can't be any worse than Napolean Dynamite or Mini Me. The beer bash and stunner fest has been done a million times, but so has everything else WWE does (DX reunions especially).

Who is going to get to get stunned? Never know, he could stun just about anyone, and get away with it (especially Cena). Vince always has to be the safe answer to this question, but it is always a toss up when dealing with Austin.

Who would I like to see get a stunner? John Cena. Big shock there. Putting Austin into a feud with Cena would be a disaster for Cena. You think he gets booed when taking on HHH, HBK, Edge, or Orton? Wait to see how the crowd would react to this one. Wouldn't be a good fan reaction for Cena (another shocker), but I would like to see it.

Will he insert himself into any storylines? He may, but two weeks before Mania and no confirmed Mania appearance isn't a good sign. I wouldn't mind seeing him ref the Hart/McMahon match (hoping there will actually be one), but I don't think it's necessary. Austin is my favorite superstar of all time, but Hart/McMahon has enough juice on it's own.

Now, I wouldn't mind him starting a "legend killer" program with Orton, but it's not going to happen. 1. Austin isn't coming back until 2 weeks before Mania, that is nowhere near enough time to build an angle between these two guys (this would have been an AMAZING feud during the Attitude era, they might have been arch enemies). 2. Orton will most definitely already be involved in some sort of feud (my hope is with Taker, even though I know it's a long shot) with only two weeks left before Mania, and if he isn't, then we will probably have a good idea of how terrible Mania will be.
I am really excited that Stone Cold will be guest hosting Raw,but I don't see him interacting with Shawn or Bret much during the show, because it would seal Stone Cold's thunder. Sure they'll have him drink a couple of beers with the wrestler's back stage, and drink a couple of beers in the ring, and make a couple of insults at Vince's exspence... and....

Point is... it's the same old routine whenever they have Steve Austin on. He drinks, insults, and drinks again. It's getting old, and they need something new to do with him. And last thing I want it to see Bret Hart backstage with Steve talking about the good old days and drinking beers!
As a Stone Cold mark, I am just shaking my head at this. Austin's finally getting his shit together in the film industry, and the last thing the Vince should be doing is bothering him right now. If his guest host gig will be around the time The Expendables hits theaters, then I commend Austin for taking one for the team by going to his old stomping grounds for promotional purposes. But, as of now, this is not longer a mutually beneficial relationship; only WWE can gain from the association.
So long as it's not another useless celebrity, I'm totally fine with Austin hosting a RAW. Same old stuff? Sure, but it'll be a nice departure from these out-of-touch celebrities we've had thus far.

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