SPOILERS: Two surprise entrants confirmed for Rumble


WZCW Veteran
Originally Posted by PWInsider
Booker T and Kevin Nash are both booked for the Royal Rumble as surprises, PWInsider.com has confirmed.

As I noted yesterday, I suspected Booker was scheduled based on recent discussions with the company and based on Booker being pulled from his scheduled appearance at the New Orleans Comic Con. Company sources confirmed this morning he is in the Rumble.

WWE sources have also confirmed that Kevin Nash is booked for the Rumble and is scheduled to fly into Boston later today. Nash, who was in discussions with TNA as late as yesterday to finally finalize his deal to return to the company, will instead make his first appearance in a WWE ring in years.

TNA sources confirmed they ended their discussions with Nash within the last several days. The two sides had been going back and forth on signing a new deal in recent months and at one point, sources indicated that a new deal was done. That led to Nash accusing TNA's office of leaking the information, which led to new rounds of negotiations. Nash admitted in a recent interview he was negotiating with TNA. Those discussions ended sometime within the last 24-48 hours. Nash has been pulled off the TNA website's roster.

Didnt see Nash coming if value
Damn i wish they actually would be SURPRISES. Now the LD is going to be full of "booker yet?" "3...2...1....booker??!!!" Then we get "WTF NO BOOKER WTF THAT WEBSITE LIED!!!!"

Cant wait. :disappointed:
Should be fun to see these two in the WWE once again. Booker's always good value for money and Nash should be interesting in the Rumble environment.
I couldn't care less about Booker. Nash, on the other hand, is someone I can't wait to see. Not only because I've always loved Nash, but because he really has little use in the ring these days and has far more belief in his worth than is justified. Couple that with his recent criticism of the youth movement and you have a compelling return. The potential for unintentional hilarity in the ring and backstage turmoil just went up!

I hope it's a full time Nash return.
I'm curious as to how long they'll stick around. One off or long term? I'm thinking they'll be around for a while though.
The question remains, will it be a one time appearance, or are they going to be sticking around?

Honestly, I don't see WWE having much use for either of them, unless one of them turns out to be the Raw GM.

Actually, now that I think about it, how about having Nash as the GM?
Clearly, he's not in the condition to wrestle any more, so why not give him a "desk job" that would still allow him to be part of Raw every night? It would certainly be a move not many would see coming, and just think about what would happen if/when Triple H makes his return. Two members of the Kliq running Raw. It'd be like the McMahon/Helmsley Faction all over again.
Booker T and Kevin Nash are scheduled to appear as surprise entrants for tomorrow night's 40-Man Royal Rumble Match, reports PWInsider.com.

Booker T was expected earlier based on recent talks with organization officials and his scheduled appearance at the New Orleans Comic Con this weekend being canceled. Company sources confirmed this morning he is set for the 40-Man Royal Rumble Match.

WWE sources have also confirmed that Nash is booked for the match and is scheduled to fly into Boston later today. He was in discussions with TNA Wrestling officials as late as yesterday to finalize a contract with the organization, but instead opted to return to World Wrestling Entertainment.

Meanwhile, TNA Wrestling sources have confirmed that discussions with Nash fell through. Both sides had been negotiating on and off with sources indicating at one point that a deal was finalized. An infuriated Nash then accused TNA personnel of leaking the information, which led to new rounds of negotiations. He admitted last week to a Puerto Rican newspaper that he was in talks with TNA regarding a return to the organization. The aforementioned discussions ended within the past 24 to 48 hours.

This is so damn epic it's unbelievable. Sadly TNA probably won't reform the MEM without someone like *Cringes* Bobby Lashley.
Nash will probably get some kind of spot considering him and Vince are really good friends
Are Booker T and Kevin Nash staying in the WWE, or at least one of them? Although according to that, he sounds like he's going to TNA. Then again, he is appearing in the RR. Maybe he agreed to do it to piss TNA off.
That sounds like it could be part of a mildly-offensive, cutting-edge storyline. Some top heel should use it to cut the legs from under Booker T heading into WrestleMania.
That sounds like it could be part of a mildly-offensive, cutting-edge storyline. Some top heel should use it to cut the legs from under Booker T heading into WrestleMania.

No, he actually did rob a Wendy's. I read he used to work there, and with some friends who worked that, used their Wendy's uniforms, and robbed it. They got caught, he plead guilty, and was sentenced to five years. Then he got parole and only spent about 19 months.
What's the best part about this thread?

Is it Booker T int he Rumble? As awesome as that is, no.
Is it Kevin Nash back with WWE? As awesome as that is (maybe a Hall of Fame induction, or at least he could induct Shawn), no.

The best part is that Fucking BALLERs name is crossed out. Good fucking riddance.

Oh yeah, and as I said, Nash for HOF? Nash to induct HBK? Either of those would be awesome, and make getting back Nash worthwhile.

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