so whats going to be better this WM27 or SummerSlam?


Pre-Show Stalwart
ok WM is this sunday the excitment is nearly over we have 5 good matches on the card

HHH vs Undertaker (HBK will be involved somehow)
John Cena vs The Miz ( The Rock will be involved in this match)
Edge vs Alberto Del Rio
Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes
Randy Orton vs CM Punk

so with all these match happening sunday what do you think is going to happen at SummerSlam this year will we see John Cena vs The Rock because its pretty obivous that Rock is going to Rock Bottom Cena at WM aand by doing this will it cost Cena the match?

HBK will proberly cost HHH the match somehow maybe superkicking him by mistake and then Taker chokeslams HBK and then Tombstones HHH will this cause HBK to return and have a grudge match with Taker or HHH at SummerSlam?

will we finally see Christan get his World title shot and could we see a Edge vs Christan feud after mania then maybe ending at Summerslam in a TLC?

will John Morrison get a WWE title shot at this time?

The return of Chris Jericho so an Miz/Jericho feud is on the card will this be at Summerslam so with all the possibilities do you reckon Summerslam will out shine WM27?

for me yes I believe Summerslam is going to out do WM27 hands down why well this years WM has been rushed and the the only thing to look forward to is Rock Returning and Rock Bottoming Cena and the HHH/Taker match is going to be great but the storyline for the match is rushed which is a big let down for me. but with Summerslam 5 months away WWE can really build on the feuds they have now or even push some other guys to the main event, and to think who Orton will be feuding with and CM Punk at the time what do you think and what matches do you think were going to see or hopeing to see?
Do yourself a favor and don't get your hopes up. Cena vs. Rock is a possiblility. HBK wrestling again is not likely at this point. There is no reason to think Jericho will be back by SummerSlam other than IWC wishful thinking. He could come back, but it's not a fact by any means. Your SummerSlam card is pure fantasy right now so the question is hard to answer. I'll wait a few months and see how things develop before I answer.
I don't see how you can try and predict the Summerslam matches, at this point, and I'm even more lost at your attempt due to the fact that Wrestlemania hasnt even happened so we don't know who the Champions are, or anything for that matter. There is still MITB PPV to go and depending on who comes out the victors for RAW and Smackdown respectively, things could change.

Jericho has said he'll be back once DWTS is finished, or that he'll prepare to return once DWTS is finished, but him going directly into a feud with The Miz I can't see, seeing as Randy Orton put Jericho out with a punt to the head. Jericho not returning and reacting to that would be nonsensical.
Summerslam is way to far in the future to get any predicitions at this point in time. There is no reason as to why to start prediciting because the truth is the amount of change we expect could easily change the entire outcome of the WWE. With the array of various events that make the WWE less predictable coming up there is no way possible we could guess. Last year for example who would have possibily though they we would have seen Kane vs Mysterio in the main event. Also who would have thought that group called the Nexus would emerge, cause havoc, and get the final match on the card in a mega tag match. It s clearly impossible to even try to say what will be on the card let alone who will eb the current champions. If the quality of the WWE product keeps up then there is no way of prediciting. There is however the ability to dream and I think a dream match would be Cena vs the Rock but once again this is very unlikely because of the amount of time in between Mania and Sumemrslam. Until then instead of prediciting I would much rather see the product unfold before guessing what may or may not happen.
Well you left off a couple matches from the WM card.

And who knows? Summerslam is months away.

How do you know HBK will be involved at Mania? Nothing will come out of that match besides HHH knowing whether or not he can beat Taker.

There will not be a TLC match at Summerslam between Edge and Christian, mostly because there's already a TLC PPV.

The most plausible scenario would be Christian and JoMo winning at MITB. Even then, we can't guarantee we know who will be champions by then, or if they would be willing to even cash in.

You're just overthinking. Let WrestleMania happen first.
I think summerslam will be better for the very fact that besides a couple matches, this mania's card sucks. wwe had to bring back the rock, shawn micheals, scsa, and trish stratus to get buys. the card itself is pretty shitty. summerslam could be worse, but that would just be sad.
ok WM is this sunday the excitment is nearly over we have 5 good matches on the card

HHH vs Undertaker (HBK will be involved somehow)
John Cena vs The Miz ( The Rock will be involved in this match)
Edge vs Alberto Del Rio
Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes
Randy Orton vs CM Punk

so with all these match happening sunday what do you think is going to happen at SummerSlam this year will we see John Cena vs The Rock because its pretty obivous that Rock is going to Rock Bottom Cena at WM aand by doing this will it cost Cena the match?

HBK will proberly cost HHH the match somehow maybe superkicking him by mistake and then Taker chokeslams HBK and then Tombstones HHH will this cause HBK to return and have a grudge match with Taker or HHH at SummerSlam?

will we finally see Christan get his World title shot and could we see a Edge vs Christan feud after mania then maybe ending at Summerslam in a TLC?

will John Morrison get a WWE title shot at this time?

The return of Chris Jericho so an Miz/Jericho feud is on the card will this be at Summerslam so with all the possibilities do you reckon Summerslam will out shine WM27?

for me yes I believe Summerslam is going to out do WM27 hands down why well this years WM has been rushed and the the only thing to look forward to is Rock Returning and Rock Bottoming Cena and the HHH/Taker match is going to be great but the storyline for the match is rushed which is a big let down for me. but with Summerslam 5 months away WWE can really build on the feuds they have now or even push some other guys to the main event, and to think who Orton will be feuding with and CM Punk at the time what do you think and what matches do you think were going to see or hopeing to see?

That could happen or;

The Rock will have gone back to movies and continue to twitch whenever says "The Rock" on set

HHH could have retired by then

Christian could be jobbing to Curt Hawkins

JoMo could leave WWE and be on Jersey Shore season 3

The Miz could have fizzled out and is feuding with Santino

Point is a LOT can happen in a short time period these are a few outcomes (most unlikely) but it is possible
Theres no real way to tell right now.
This thread should be revived near summerslam after the title matches and the non-title draw match quite possibly involving The Undertaker or Randy Orton.
What I want to see is a good couple title matches like the ones we saw in 2005 and mabye 2004.
That is like saying why is Kofi not in a match @ wrestlemania? possibly because he's going to do a heel turn and join up with Corre? Chances are it's probably not going to happen but in a strange way I wouldn't be surprised if Wade becoming IC Champion is Kofi's ticket into Corre since he's been on a downer as of late.

But it's all predictions and he probably isn't in a match due to some backstage heat or something but we can't predict wrestlings future, Let it all unravel out rather than try and fail to predict the future.
You really can't expect a good answer at this point. I'd say don't worry about the SummerSlam card until about 7 weeks before. Too much could happen between now and then.
Well I really hope Summerlam will be better then Wrestlemania because this is the worst Wrestlemania card iv'e ever seen. I like the Orton-Punk feud but that is also rushed just like every dumb feud/match there is this year. So at Summerslam I would like to see a Rock/Cena match, Jericho back in the main event. HHH back as a regular performer and HBK as GM with Christian and JoMo with the MITBs. WWE has been god awful of late and I hope there is a change soon.
i honestly dont think wrestlemania 27 looks that good to be honest...rey vs cody and punk vs orton can be good IF cody and punk win i dont wanna watch superorton get his ass kicked then come out of nowhere and hit the RKO and win :banghead: and i think cody NEEDS a mania win this sunday in order to have a shot at being a main event guy on smackdown and honestly how does this win benfit rey? :confused: then cena vs miz i doubt supercena will lose :disappointed: but he should lose and let miz beat him! miz is awesome (no pun intended) as the wwe champion,his promos r great and hes really trying hard now i havent been impressed with him this much ever! but yes i think Summerslam is gonna be a better ppv i expect to see the rock face john cena and with any luck the rock would walk out the winner! and by time summerslam rolls around i frickin hope Christian & John Morrison are both in wwe/whw title matches! it would be great i think edge vs del rio will suck only because del rio just isnt that good in the ring IMO. im giving mania a shot but summerslam is gonna be alot better i say :shrug:
WWE, for once, needs to make sure that Wrestlemania is better than Summerslam. Think of it - the last 2 years, Summerslam was probably better than Wrestlemania (if you leave out the Taker vs HBK matches). Mania 25 and 26 were pathetic PPVs for the caliber of a Wrestlemania, and the only saving graces were Taker vs HBK. WWE needs to go back to the standard of Mania 17 or 24 and ensure that it stays as the best PPV of the year, since its the biggest, most expensive, most anticipated and most hyped.

I'm hopeful that Mania will deliver this time. Maybe that the lack of the MITB (which I had earlier challenged) will be a blessing in disguise because it will give more time to the other singles' matches and hopefully the guys like Bryan and Sheamus will be able to deliver something better than expected.

1. Taker vs HHH - guaranteed to be a good match despite whatever people say about Taker's and HHH's physical condition. Taker even at 80% can perform better than all the other guys as he showed us at Mania 26. Rest assured they will try their best to make sure this is the show-stealer because that is what is expected. Hopefully HBK will not interfere because they should let these 2 legends have a clean match just like Taker and HBK had at Mania 26. Who knows during the course of Mania, he might be announced as guest referee to surprise everyone. But still.... Prediction: Taker (clean win).

2. Miz vs cena - technically the match won't be that good but expect a lot of emotion considering that the Miz will act very cocky. Of course the Rock will be involved and it will be interesting to see how he will screw out cena from the title, which is expected. Maybe the WWE will shock us by letting him count a clean pin for cena winning the title? But what I would prefer is that there should be no screw-up and Miz should actually get more credibility by beating cena cleanly in this one since Miz has been champion for quite a few months and its high time he starts getting clean big wins to prove his championship-worthiness. Prediction: Miz (Rock interferes/ doesn't count the pin when cena has Miz down; maybe cena hits him and Rock hits him back, later Miz pins cena)

3. Edge vs Alberto del Rio - a lot of potential to be a show-stealer match. Del Rio is for real, face it guys. He is one of the best in-ring workers in the business right now and he deserves his main event push. Its sick how the WWE has been repeatedly making him lose the main-events and dark-matches in the recent past because it just doesn't do any justice to him as Rumble winner - he should be pushed as a winner and a threat to Edge's championship. Hope the match is better than Edge vs Jericho last year (which was good, too). Prediction: del Rio

4. Randy Orton vs CM Punk - Punk needs to carry Orton in this one but given sufficient time, they can pull off a decent match. I'll be esctatic if Punk wins. Prediction: Randy Orton

5. Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus - the last match between these two was good, hopefully they will put something better at Mania. Prediction: Daniel Bryan

6. Jerry Lawler vs Michael Cole - I'm pissed off that they made Stone Cold the guest ref. Yes you heard that right. I don't have problems with Austin being the guest ref - Austin is great, but he should have been the guest ref for some other match. I have problems with him being the guest ref for 'this' match. Why am I pissed off? Because Austin will ensure nothing goes wrong and hence Jerry will win. What will Jerry gain after winning? He hasn't gone through any gimmick/ persona change in the last year. He won't last very long in the commentary desk and will soon retire. Cole, on the other hand, will stay in the business for much longer and his heel persona has FLOURISHED in the recent past. Cole needs to win this one to get even more heat from the fans and then maybe get pushed beyond a commentator like a heel manager. It will be interesting to see if Austin and Rock have a backstage confrontation. Prediction: Lawler

7. Mysterio vs Rhodes - I'm not too high on seeing this match, I don't think Rhodes deserves a singles' match at Mania yet. Somebody else like John Morrison would have been better instead of him. Prediction: Rhodes (don't know why but I think Mysterio is almost ready to retire)

8. John Morrison, Trish and Snooki vs Dolph Ziggler and Laycool - How good would Morrison vs Ziggler have been as a singles' match? I don't know why Snooki and Trish need to wrestle. Snooki is not a wrestler and Trish has done enough of wrestling and was retired. She retired on a winning note - she should not wrestle again and give any chances of retiring again on a losing note. LayCool deserve a match but why not let it be a divas match which has someone like Beth/ Natalya involved. Prediction: Snooki's team (as much as I love Michelle McCool, but she'll lose despite having Vickie on her side). Obviously when a celebrity is involved, he/ she has to get the upper hand - be it Mickey Rourke or Floyd Mayweather or Akebono or Mr T or Donald Trump or any other - they have to win, otherwise they'll stop coming to Wrestlemania from next year

9. Kane, Big Show, Santino Marella, and Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Corre - This is kind of like the replacement for the MITB since they need to put most of these wrestlers on the card. Prediction: The faces will win.
Whats going to be better?....

No one knows. I mean, the WWE might try to bring back a Nexus angle, and try that again for next Wrestlemania.

Danial Bryan might go heel, and try to make Cena tap at Summerslam.

You can't really predict or guess if Summerslam will be better or worse then WM27. We haven't seen it yet. I mean, the Rock might come out with both the Nexus and Corre and reveal he was the leader, and have the ring destroyed during the main event.

Overall, just sit back relax, and enjoy WM27. It's shaped to be decent. The Rock is back, and there is a decent card.
If there is one thing we can learn from WWE from the past 12 months, then that is we cannot possibly predict what will happen over the next 6months. Who saw the Nexus angle starting when NXT Season 1 finished? Who saw Daniel Bryan being fired and then being rehired at Summerslam when all signs pointed to The Miz being in the team??? The Rock being the guest host was a big shock, Miz keeping the title till Wrestlemania, these things have all come within the last 12 months so its very difficult to predict what will happen in the build up to Summerslam, let alone at the event itself.

Personally im just looking forward to Wrestlemania and seeing how it all unfolds, especially after Mondays fantastic episode of Raw...
Well as good as WM looks, I'll put together a SummerSlam card that would totally trump it. Again this is just my opinion, without knowing what the draft, injuries signings or releases could bring.

SummerSlam 2011:
Main Event:
The Rock vs. John Cena - nuff said

WM 27 Rematch:
The Undertaker vs. HHH - HHH loses at WM in a close match, wants his rematch, gets the win here.

WWE Title Match:
The Miz (c) vs. John Morrison - In this slot these 2 could shine. Miz retains.

Edge vs. Christian - This could end the feud after Christian turns on Edge at WM.

World Heavyweight Title
Alberto Del Rio (c) vs Big Show - On SD this type of WHT feud always seems to happen.

First Time Ever
Rey Mysterio vs Sin Cara

U.S. Title
Daniel Bryan (c) vs C.M. Punk

Randy Orton vs Sheamus

I-C Title
Wade Barrett (c) vs Kofi Kingston vs Drew McEntyre vs Cody Rhodes

WWE Diva's Title
Awesome Kong (c) vs Beth Pheonix
I think its really futile to sit and wonder wether SS will be better than Mania 27,since neither have taken place yet.Were months away from Summerslam.Obviously WWE creative has a template of sorts of what they want at SS in a few months but nothing concrete.Obviously whatever happens at Mania,they are going to need to gauge fan reaction to it in the coming weeks of Raw/Smackdown so they can work out if the storys coming out of Mania have the steam and the interest to build all the way to Summerslam.

Personally I dont see how WWE could stretch out Cena/Rock to Summerslam without having them wrestle beforehand.I mean if Rock stays around after Mania and all the way to SS,its going to get pretty damn boring seeing them trade insults every week for the next 5 months (At least 20 episodes of Raw) then it FINALLY leads to a 1 on 1 at the 'Slam. So unless like some people have suggested,Rock gets distracted withe a Miz feud,or they have the big Rock/Cena match happen before SS,or Rock disappears for a while then returns closer to SS for the match.....I dont see it.

Last few Summerslams have been disappointing IMO.Then again,so have the Mania's. I mean ive loved them,but when you compare them to the greatest/classic SS's and Mania's,they dont match up.

I really doubt HBK will return in-ring at ANY stage.At least not for a while longer than SS.Also hard to see him costing EITHER taker or HHH the match then just disappearing again,wouldnt make any sense.So I reckon he will either interfere,make his choice and then make a comeback.Or he will do a classical run-in,trying to reason with either Taker or Hunter and end up accidentally costing one of them the match,then disappear.Or of course,he might not do anything at all.

Whatever happens,I hope Cena kicks the Rocks ass.I agree with everything he said on Raw.

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