So I started to wonder


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Do kangaroos eat hot dogs?

ANd if they do, what do they put on them?

I mean, you can't just have dry dogs.

Do they put condiments on them?

It's not like they have money to buy mustard or something like that.

I mean, what could a kangaroo do for work?

Are there really people taht want to hop in a pouch and be transported to and fro?

Where did that expression come from anyway? To and fro?

To and a weird hair style that looksl ike you got electrocuted.

Seriously, what is wrong with english?

For instance, assault and battery. why not assault and apepper?

It has to sound better than battery.

I mean, do people really eat salted energizers/

I thought it wasn't kosher to eat rabbits.

I guess Elmer Fudd isn't jewish.

He sounds Croatian or something like that.

If nothing else he needs some speech therapy.

Or get hit in the head with a sock full of sand. It worked on reen Acres and Good Times.

What the hell is a chow line anyway?

Is it like a soup kitchen but a line instead of a kitchen?

Why would you want to go stand in a line for soupy chow?

Better yet, why would an actor be named Soupy Sales/

It's better than Soupy Buys I guess.

Damn I could go for some soup

Also, why is it called tomato soup? I don't see any tomatoes.

Are the tomatoes in my pocket?

No there was just a mouse trap in there.

Oh and 37 cents.

What can you buy for 37 cents anymore?

I guess anything that costs less than 38 cents.

We need to get rid of pennies. I don't trust that Lincoln guy. he's from Kentucky. There is no such place as Kentucky.

It's an Italian word meaning no state here. When the first map was being made the map maker dude ran out of states so he just let it blank.

Did you know that every footstool comes complete with a free breakfast inside?

Go find a footstool and open it up. There should be two over easy eggs, a glass of juice and a bowl of cereal in there.

I hope it's not Trix. i can't eat those with a clear conscience.

I mean, that rabbit was clearly an addict.


It's not expensive cereal. It's what, 4 dollars a box?

Do you have any idea how many toothpicks you could buy for that/

Toothpicks aren't that hard to come by.

If nothing else we could make money by taking a tree hostage and turning it into a toothpick company.

Let's see. We'll need four guns, three ham sandwiches, a bazooka and Bruce Willis.

Why Bruce Willis you ask? Bruce Campbell is busy.

See? It comes back to a soup company.

Why is it called soup though/ Shouldn't it be called liquid in a can?

And why always a can? Why not a bottle?

Why discriminate against bottles? Is it because beer comes in them and beer is satan?

WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME??? I'm not a ham sandwich with the crust cut off and cut into the little triangles that your mom used to make for you on hot summer days back int he winter of 48.

Why is it always the summer of something?

Did nothing ever happen in the spring?

We should just call that time the slinky season. Everyone knows slinkies better than springs.

They walk down stairs alone or in pairs.

Which is a bad idea. What if there are toy thieves out there?

I mean, could you live with yourself knowing that somewhere a slinky is being rubbed around a grown man's penis and having its innocence stolen every second?

I wish I had some glass tubes.

They could be recycled.

Wouldn't that mean that everything is previously cycled though?

How do you do that? Why not biked or walked or swam?

Did Lance Armstrong come up wtih this name?

Why would you name your son after a way to get rid of a boil?

Was fucking and getting pregnant just a way to cure an unsightly skin mark/

If so, that's not a bad idea at all and I need to find a drunk turtle.

I hope the TMNT never drank.

How long have they been teenagers anyway? 25 years or so now?

DAMN they're older than mania.

That's kind of disturbing yet in no way related at all.

Kind of like Madonna's vagina and George W. Bush dancing on stage in a green thong to ABBA music.

I wonder which A-Rod would fuck first.

Hey! 60 of these just vanished!
I think it would look something like this:

You could be putting your humor to work in the See No Evil LD.

Hint hint.
You stole my Wyoming joke! Which I in turn stole from Garfield and Friends!
I mean seriously, he runs around giving people chocolate cereal with no nutritional value at all and gets paid for it.
This is too much effort to merge all your posts.

You have won this round. Or, rather, I'd prefer to continue smoking then merging every one of your posts. But it was quite humorous. To me atleast.

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