SmackDown Live, April 4th 2017 - As One Door Closes, Another Opens

FunKay the Inevitable

People Like Me, We Don't Play
Chapter 1, The Takeover
It's been a long one so bare with me: On Saturday, NXT took over Orlando (waitaminute) and we saw what proved to be the end of The Revival in developmental with the "Top Guys" making their main roster debuts this past Monday on RAW. Are there more names on the up? Elias Samson lost his spot on the roster to Kassius Ohno, maybe paving the way for a spot in the 'big-leagues'? What about The Revival's long term enemies #DIY? Or perhaps we'll see the "Perfect 10" make an appearance? Or maybe it'll be some nobody like that Shinsuke Nakamura fella...

Chapter 2, The Long Good Night
Seven hours (including the Pre-Show). That's a long time and that was more or less the length of WrestleMania 33. It was, frankly, epic in length and scope. The headlines? Two new World Champions, a couple of Boyz returned to conclude an expedition of gold (by capturing silver), John Cena finally popped the question and a 52 man from Houston, Texas reduced grown men to tears as he ended a career spanning well over a quarter of a century, tearing away the layers of his demonic facade to reveal a man who had left everything in that ring.

Thank You Taker.

Chapter 3, The Red Night
The most raucous RAW of the year didn't disappoint for Team Red. Though it was like a sugary treat being all ecstasy and fun with little substance, we did see the aforementioned debut of a couple of "Top Guys", a new General Manager appointed in Kurt Angle, a challenge or two laid down by and at Brock Lesnar, the return of a "Demon King", the departure of Goldberg and one of the greatest openings in the history of RAW. Seriously check that opening out, it is something else. Oh, and Vince said that RAW and SmackDown will be trading some folks next week, no biggie.

Chapter 4, The Blue Night
Just when you thought it was over, the biggest weekend of the wrestling calender just got even bigger. With the brand split in full effect, SmackDown Live celebrates its post-Mania show with a renewed sense of expectation. A noisy, boistrous crowd leftover from Mania weekend is expected alongside some returns (who?), debuts (you know who!) and a sense of some form of direction ahead of the new WWE year ahead. Do we have farmer's strength, perhaps we'll have the whole world in our hands, or maybe we'll come from out of nowhere? Who knows, but one thing is for sure, it should be an intriguing show.

So, In the Immortal Words of Dusty Rhodes

"Let's Get Funky Like a Monkey!"
I hope Daniel Bryan does the right thing and suspends the referee who failed to inspect Cena's gear for foreign objects.
It's hard to put value on any debuts this week when they can easily be on the opposite brand next week.
Yeah but it feels like such a missed opportunity to not debut him tonight. Debuting Nakamura as a Smackdown star on RAW just wouldn't feel right. Not to mention I don't really think it's big enough. Granted I know Finn debuted similarly last year but that was an entire roster draft that was supposed to issue in the "New Era". This shakeup thing is just in non-kayfabe terms a way for Vince to get AJ over to RAW.

Given that it's being presented as a mutually agreed transfer between shows, I can't see anyone who's debuting this week going to another show - it seems like a total waste of time and effort.
Plus this.

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