Sin Cara, should he be pushed?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
On Smackdown, Sin Cara defeated Barrett, shocking everyone as I think we all expected a squash. When Barrett nailed one of his finishers, I thought it was over. The crowd thought it was over and it was amusing to almost see a "Huh? Wait, this is still going?" reaction from them. When he won, I was stunned.

I felt Barrett had WHC potential before his last injury, but since his return, I've been unimpressed with his booking. He had to play dirty to conquer Cesaro and needed help to beat Ziggler. Contrast this to when he returned last year, cleanly beating Mysterio before moving on to conquering Big E (back when that mattered) and RVD (also back when that mattered) before having a pretty good run for awhile.

But my question is, was this intended to be a dock on BnB's record or is there a plan to push Sin Cara? I remember when R-Truth beat Bo and it seemed like the plan wasn't to push R-Truth as much as it was to bring out an uglier side of Bo Dallas. I personally liked it at the time, but it ended up hurting Bo in the long run as their rematches seemed more competitive- making Bo look weaker instead of making Truth (who tends to job) look stronger. Will the same thing happen to Barrett?

Sin Cara's in ring abilities are awesome. Even when he gets destroyed, he usually gets to show off his athleticism in some capacity. This alone makes me wish that WWE would utilize him more effectively, but I also don't find Sin Cara- the character- to be very interesting. Every time he talks, he doesn't showcase any personality beyond vanilla face. Admittedly the mask is restrictive and Sin Cara isn't as charismatic as Ray Mysterio. I don't necessarily think he should drop then gimmick though because I kind of want to see a Luchador wrestler on the main roster.

So I can accept Sin Cara going over Barrett if there are any long term plans for this. But I'd rather see him used as a Jack Swagger-styled midcarder, as I don't think he'd get over as anything more. But WWE keeps botching peoples pushes with their short sighted plans that I doubt anything will come of it and this can only hurt Barrett in the long run. Maybe if he only lost to Sin Cara after some high profile wins, but not within the first month of his return.
I don't think Sin Cara will be pushed much further than being a tag team champion with Kalisto, or a mid-card title holder at best, for two reasons. Firstly, the fact that he's not the 'real' Sin Cara (i.e. Mistico), and secondly, the fact that he will always be overshadowed by Kalisto when the Lucha Dragons get called up to the main roster. That guy's moves are astonishing.
He refuses to blend, refuses to learn English. Name one superstar ever who got massively pushed despite being completely unable to speak English.
Kalisto might one day get a push, he is great, I watched few of NXT shows just because of him! Sin Cara, I doubt he will ever get pushed :)

Maybe if Lucha Dragons get called to the main roster, they will get a push and then they will "break up" and it will become storyline, but there, Cara will be "food" for Kalisto, so he can get his push.
He refuses to blend, refuses to learn English. Name one superstar ever who got massively pushed despite being completely unable to speak English.

Dude, that was another guy. This one (with the arm tattoo) is Hunico, who is acknowledged for being strong ever since he beat up Sheamus backstage.

The answer to the original question- No, I don't think this has any future implication for either guy. Heels suffer surprise losses at times, and this is no different. If I remember correctly, Barrett attacked Sin Cara after the match. Maybe it was done to remind fans that he is a bad man and they should not cheer for him. Moreover, Sin Cara is doing very well in the tag team scene of NXT; it would be under-productive to bring him back to the main roster as a regular, because he will get lost in the glamourous and star-filled world very quickly.
But my question is, was this intended to be a dock on BnB's record or is there a plan to push Sin Cara?

My guess is that it has nothing to do with Sin Cara; the whole thing was about Wade Barrett.

As it is, a lot of the weakness in the match had to do with Wade's rustiness; he's been out for quite a while. He looked pretty good against Dolph Ziggler, but with Dolph bouncing around the ring like a human pinball, that wasn't hard to do.

The finish to Barrett-Sin Cara surprised me too, but I took it as one of those "You never know what's going to happen in WWE" moments than a sign of anything good coming for Sin Cara.

As for Barrett, what follows this loss will probably be more telling than the loss itself. Wade Barrett is a heel, through and through, and there's got to be a reason they'd hang a loss on the new IC champion so quickly after he won it. After he disposes of Sin Cara, maybe we'll find out what direction is push is moving.
Personally, I don't think this had anything to do with Sin Cara. I think it was ultimately just another in what's become a pretty long line of poor creative decisions for the past several months on Vince McMahon's part.

What happened on SD! is EXACTLY what I was afraid would happen if Wade Barrett wound up with the Intercontinental Championship again. It's the same shitty booking of him that's dogged his time as Intercontinental Champion in the past. The formula has been Barrett losing non-title matches so the guy who beat him earns himself a title shot at a ppv, Barrett successfully defends at said ppv, the wrestler possibly gets another title shot after beating Barrett again in a non-title singles match or tag team match, loses to Barrett again in the title match and the whole thing starts all over with another challenger until Vince gets bored with the idea of Barrett being champion.

If the Intercontinental Championship over the past 6 months or so is any indication, I'm worried that WWE is heading back down the road of playing hot potato with all their championships. Vince seems to like frequent changes or he likes having the champ hold onto the title for long periods without really doing anything with the title or the guy holding it.
As Smark Madden said; Sin Cara was basically playing the Dolph Ziggler role on SmackDown!

The result itself doesn't really matter, rather, what happened post-match was the important part as it is clear that the WWE is trying to get BNB some heel heat and establish him as a relevant heel. Given he has been getting cheered, it's not a bad move at all and makes perfect sense.
It's WWE everyone is batting .500. Eventually everyone wins and losses. Does the loss make sense, no. Do they happen? Yes. For whatever reason they do and just because Sin Cara won does not mean he is going to be pushed. More than likely we just might see an even more pissed off Wade. I wouldn't look to much into if you're a Wade Barret fan, he'll be okay.

I personally would like to see Sin Cara get pushed. He is entertaining and them masks would for sure sell.
I can see a sliver of logic in it... that it demonstrates people are "stepping up" since the 3 have been fired if only for Storyline purposes... It does also give Barrett a reason to ally with the Authority/J&J Security...or Neville...

It seems a dumb move, but it might pay off if Adrian is gonna come up and be with Barrett and thus Kalisto can come up with Sin Cara. BNB and Neville win but then it leads to them splitting/IC title feud.

Sin Cara in particular doesn't deserve it over others, I think it was just a "filler feud" for a couple of weeks personally.
Building heel heat for the popular BNB, and possibly just reminding people who Sin Cara is before he shows up in the Royal Rumble match. Nothing more.

In terms of Cara's push, I'm one of those old school fans who enjoys tag team wrestling - but with actual teams (ie not just two singles stars thrown together to further a storyline); as such I'd much rather Sin Cara come up with Kalisto as the Lucha Dragons, as I feel the tag division is getting neglected again.
They can push him in the midgets area with Hornswoggle and El Torito..... otherwise, let him go so he can take his talents back south of the border where he can be as bland as he wants.

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