Signature of the Month - Discussion Thread


Championship Contender
Competition - Signature of The Month​

We would have a competition, but instead of being every week, is every month.
That would give people time to make their signatures and with that having more sigs to choose when the poll gets up...

The Prize: Green rep from every contestant.

What you guys think of that idea??
Would you participate?

Use this thread to give themes that you would like to see in the contest and other spam things that you want, like just praising a signature...
Well, how about the first topic just be a wrestling sig. Pretty simple enough. Then I'd like to enter mine:


Since it seems like the Forums are buzzing for Ryder, I made a sig outta him. Took a damn long time to get all the brushes right with this one but I'm happy with the outcome.

This is a good thread FutureShock. I wanna see what comes of it and what kind of signatures come up. WOO WOO WOO!
LOL wait, don't post your pics here...
This is the Discussion Thread, the competition will be posted in the main page of Digital Arts and Graphics!!

I just want to read peoples feedback...
I will post the first one in 1st July...

Understood? :d
Now go put your Zack Ryder sig in the showcase
OH damn! I guess I got too excited with the sig. Lol. Sorry. This is a very interesting thread too. Can't wait to see it get started.
It's exactly what I thought, therefore Signature of The Month!!
And I also added the prize, and it would be cool if everyone really give the green rep for the winner :D
I wanna see some signatures based on the DIVAS or KNOCKOUTS! WHOOO! :D

If not, then probably some Old School Wrestling sigs. Those would be cool. We gotta get more people in this thread FutureShock.
What themes would you like to see?

I like the Old School and Diva/Knockout ideas. Also, we could have contest based on various eras of wrestling, we could have sigs dedicated to the winners of specific championships, alternatively if somebody happens to be doing something a bit special that month we could have contests related to that specific wrestler.

Hell there's tons we could do, not to mention all the non-wrestling possibilities...
I have 3 themes that I would like to share for the inaugural Sig of the Month...

2011 Movies

Also I'm thinking that instead of one sig, we would have to post two sigs, and with that have two themes, which will bring more variety and stuff like that.
1st of July!!
Share the word to everybody!!
The entries will close at 24th July, and polls will go on until 1st of August, which will bring a new Signature of The Month!!

Feel free to share your opinion!! For Rules and Stuff!!
Just a reminder, in TWO DAYS, the first Signature of The Month Challenge is going up!!
Start to get some ideas, because on the themes will be:

2011 Movies - Check IMDb for information about 2011 movies.

The second theme will be chosen by a Special Judge and will only be revealed in the 1st of July...

Note: Don't post any pictures for entry here
The official thread was already posted!!
Go check it!

What you think of the themes? x)
Star Wars is a good one. That really interests me.

I'm also waiting to see what comes from the 2011 Movies one.
Not sure if I'll be making one for this month FSWWE.

There are no decent PSDs of 2011 Movies and I fuckin' hate Star Wars.

I'll wait 'til next month. Maybe one of the topics will actually be wrestling related, what with this being a wrestling forum.

I'll be watching though :)
Why not try something with a single image? You don't need to cut anything out, just mess about with the colours, levels, etc and do a bit of brush work. See where it takes you. It's better than nothing and you might learn something new.
Seth is right, you don't need to create a signature from scratch, a lot of good ones are worked photos...
Why not try something with a single image? You don't need to cut anything out, just mess about with the colours, levels, etc and do a bit of brush work. See where it takes you. It's better than nothing and you might learn something new.

That's actually a great idea. It's my main weak point. I love making my BGs and stuff but I suppose I'll give it a try.

I'll try a few and post my best. But it won't be Star Wars! Probably The Hangover 2 :lmao:
LOL ARLO you have to make one for Star Wars, I know you hate them, I also hate Justin Bieber and I've made him a signature..

C'mon be a good boy ARLO XD

And you have time to make a perfect signature, a month and as far as I see you can post your entries at 23rd July, don't be rush..
Both themes, I mean we have an entire month to work on that, I think it is not to forced, if so, well I will make it optional...

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