Shows You Loved Watching As A Kid

Oh my !! you reminds me my childhood days.. i love that time when i had watched some shows daily.. which are pokemon, swat cats, mask.. I know most of people think that are cartoons not shows but i like only these are thats why i shared.
The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was great. The Zeo Rangers I thought was good too and I enjoyed watching that show too. Turbo Power Rangers was just okay. Nothing beat the original though.

Rugrats I watched too. I always had to watch that for some reason. I have no idea why.

Does anybody remember Are You Afraid Of The Dark? The opening freaked me out when I was a kid though; mostly the doll that looked like Chucky.

All That: The next best thing to SNL. (I know I will get bashed for this).

Kenan and Kel. This show was awesome and watched it because I thought Kel was hilarious.

Man thinking about these shows (with the exeption of MMPR) I forgot how great Nickelodeon was.
When I was younger, the first show I remember getting really into was the original, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I was a total mark for this show and had a white ranger outfit, despite I thought Tommy was cooler as the green ranger it being my faveourite colour and all and to see a new Power Ranger come out of nowhere was awesome.

As I got older, I started watching Nitro on TV but I will leave that as it's a given I watch wrestling.

Pokemon was really big for me too as I'm sure it was for most people who are around my age who were 9-10 when it came out over here. I would watch the cartoon every morning on a show we had here called Cheez TV which was very popular here before 10 took it away. I had the VHS tapes and I still have an absolutely massive folder full of cards, heaps of holographic cards, promo cards, standard rares, etc which I may sell off one day if I need the money, but not at the moment.

Dragon Ball Z. Dragon Ball Z was huge too when I was in primary school. Everyone watched it and would talk about it at school and everyone would be wondering how they would kill Cell since he could regenerate. The DBZ tazos were insanely popular too. I have a couple of the PS2 games aswell which are always fun to break out and play when I'm bored. When I find a new job I will definately by the DVD box set.
I have lots because over here in australia they have a show which shows two anime shows and then i got to school but i've compiled a list.

Power Rangers
I remember having the biggest crush on the original Pink Ranger. She was a hottie! I saw a recent pic of her and she's still pretty hot.

Hell yeah. Amy Jo Johnson...she is still a babe.

Power Rangers was amazing when it first came out. There was all the media frenzy criticising the show as kids were seriously injuring each other with karate kicks in the playground, but every one of my friends would play Power Rangers and never hurt anyone. It was so exciting with all the martial arts, the hot Pink Ranger and all the Zords.

My favoruite was Tommy the Green Ranger, who later became the White Ranger...I remember my Mum saying I could have long hair like his when I was in high school...and then her not letting me when I got to age 11 haha...fucking bitch!

They should have stopped it after the 2nd version, where Rocky was the Red Ranger and Adam was the Black went shit after that...or maybe I grew up?!

I still enjoy the original Power Rangers The Movie, I need to get that on DVD. Its childish and cheesy but just harmless fun, same reason I still occasionally watch Thundercats, Transformers or Johnny Bravo
Being older, mine are different... I tend to base it on themes I still love/mark out for...

Monkey - The old Japanese show

The Professionals - This is the most badass theme other than Enter the Dragon.. and the show was pretty good too....

Buck Rogers - Beautiful Song... played it in bands... great show... and this intro has Erin Gray in her smalls :) BiBiBiBiBiBi

Murphy's Mob - Crap show - Great Theme -

Mr. Rossi - Totally Cool...

Man In A Suitcase - the single coolest piece of music on the planet...

The Incredible Hulk - God I wish I wrote this -
Wow...what a GREAT thread!!!

Here are some of my faves I used to watch...

Sesame Street, and Electric Company, Mr Rogers: as a very little youngster. I remember I got into SO much trouble in daycare when I was little. My mom told me I used to stand about 5 inches in front of the tv and beat up other kids if they got between me and my shows!!

Shirt Tales: These animals were like Pammy Panda, and an Orangutang, and other animals that lived in a tree and wore certain colored shirts, it was the coolest show to me.

Snorks, Smurfs, Tom and Jerry: any of the cartoons on in the early morning as my mom got ready for work, or after we got home from school. Always entertained me.

You Can't Do That on Television, Hey Dude, Salute Your Shorts, Are You Afraid of The Dark: Nickelodeon had the market cornered on some of these kids' shows. Did you know?? Alanis Morrissette got her start on the You Can't Do That On Television..which was a Canadian tv show.

Fifteen: It was a soap opera on Nickelodeon. It didn't last very long, I think Ryan Reynolds was on it. But it was cheesy junior high stuff. Enough to get me hooked. LOL

Degrassi Junior High/Degrassi High: This was back in the late 80's early 90's. Not the one that is popular now. The students in this version are the adults/teachers in the current series now. You saw the kids like Joey Jeremiah, Snake, Spike, etc. I LOVED LOVED that show.
I remember when I was a real little kid, probably 4-7 I loved Nick Arcade. It was a game show where the competitors had to answer trivia and direct this character around a themed map with the corresponding villain. I don't remember the rules exactly but if they landed on a certain square they had to play an arcade game for points and they had to beat a certain challenge (for example, they had to get 50 rings in Sonic the Hedgehog in under one minute). Whichever team had the most points by the time limit got to play in some sort of virtual reality video game where they were the characters, and it looked fucking awesome. My young mind didn't understand how it worked, so I actually thought that they were interacting in some sort of environment that resembled the video game (I knew they weren't IN the video game, I just thought that the show recreated the video game in real life and then presented it as a video game through the magic of television). I think the reason I liked this show so much is because my parents never bought me video games as a kid. I didn't get a gameboy until I was in 3rd grade, and I didn't have a console until I was a junior in high school.

I also loved Double Dare. It was another game show, except instead of teams of two you played with your family, and at the end of each round you got to participate in all these wacky challenges. At the end of the game the team with the most points got to go through this obstacle course which basically entailed crawling through tunnels, digging through slime, going up ladders and down slides, and doing a ton of awesome stuff, and you would win a shit ton of prizes. If I ever get super stinking filthy rich where I have so much money I could buy the White House, I'm going to recreate that set and spend many a day playing in it.

Doug and Rugrats were easily my two favorite cartoons. Rugrats is on Netflix and I watched it recently and it's still funny as fuck. Those babies did the coolest shit, and I'm sure it inspired me to make my fair share of mischief. Doug was a much more mature show, but it still appealed to me because of how funky their town was and how quirky all the characters were.

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