Should RAW and SD Be Reversed


Dark Match Jobber
I have never understood something and I want your thoughts. RAW seems like the show that is dedicated to the kids (barring HBK child abuse) and very little wrestling. SD is the show that is not fully dedicated to little kids and has awesome wrestling.

The problem I have is, is that RAW is on Mondays at 9:00 p.m. Kids are going to bed to wake up for school, unless clever enough to watch it without their parents knowing or they are not supervised at night.

SD is on at Fridays at 8:00 p.m. Not too many kids are going out at night since they are too young to drive a car or stay out all hours of the night, unless their parents are super leinient.

Mondays are recognized by wrestling fans as being a wrestling night. Fridays are nights where people go out somewhere (unless you are like me and have no social life, and yes I will most likely be here on a Friday night).

I think that RAW should be the wrestling oriented show, while SD should be the show dedicated to the little tykes.

Any thoughts?
i totally agree with you on that, it does seem like all the kid-friendly stars (minus Jeff Hardy) are all on Raw and IMO the better overall wrestlers are on Smackdown.
I think that RAW should be the wrestling oriented show, while SD should be the show dedicated to the little tykes.

Any thoughts?

Smackdown has always been the more child friendly show.

Raw in no way seems more childish than smackdown, I dont care how "good" the wrestling has been on smackdown as of late.

I don't know what you are basing this on, The PG thing has dumbed down raw, but come on.

Also, out here on the west coast, smackdown airs at 9pm, just like raw, FYI.
Well..RAW will always be the entertainment show. thats why we have these celebrity guest host crap every week...they promote there stuff and i guess it entertains. SmackDown in my opinion should be the wrestling show and let RAW entertain with the kids. although you make a good point about the time slots and why they should be reversed, but in my opinion i think there roles should remain the same
I don't feel that Raw is the more kid-friendly program. I mean they have DX and sexual chocolate and a legend killer. The closest they come to being kid friendly in my opinion is hornswaggle. Where as Smackdown has Hardy and Mysterio who the kids love and CM Punk who until a few months ago was the "kid role model promoting a drug and alcohol-free lifestyle" I'm curious as to what exactly the OP would change.
For everybody who feels that RAW is not more kid friendly than SD, here is the proof.

RAW has Hornswoggle winning matches
Nonsensical backstage segments
The best wrestlers stuck in midcard purgatory ie Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger, MVP, Kofi Kingston
Guest hosts
Five minute matches
I'm gonna put out there. RAW SUCKS. Their, I said exactly what everyone was thinking. Everything that wrong with the WWE enbodies the RAW brand. You see almost the same version of the main event every damn week. Instead of letting new wrestlers shine, you have the same 4 old guys holding back 8 other potential world champions. Smackdown should be enough proof that the WWE doesn't need to always typecast every champion they create. Raw needs to stop looking to create the next Rock and focus more on boosting the current Miz or MVP etc. Raw doesn't understand that it's not about a predetermined formula it's about the fans.
For everybody who feels that RAW is not more kid friendly than SD, here is the proof.

RAW has Hornswoggle winning matches
Nonsensical backstage segments
The best wrestlers stuck in midcard purgatory ie Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger, MVP, Kofi Kingston
Guest hosts
Five minute matches

The quality of wrestling has nothing to do with being kid friendly, some of these posters are confused as to what makes a program kid friendly, and having good wrestlers stuck in the mid card has absolutely nothing to do with being kid friendly.

Guest hosts = adults, get real, Jeremy Piven's work is all in the R rated adult friendly area, Sgt slaughter, you pretty much have to be an adult at this point to be a sgt slaughter fan

5 minute matches, there EVERYWHERE, not just raw broseph.

BTW, watching midgets wrestle seems like adult entertainment to me, its just funnier that they dress a grown midget (no pun intended) like a little leprecon.

Half of all backstage segments are nonsensical to children and adults.
To me its all pretty much the same now. Different time slots, but it is all an entirely tamed down, watered down version of itself. That being said. Raw has being better as of late....the segment where HBK kicked the kid was funny to me. In the past Raw especially was not at all kid friendly. Maybe its because Linda McMahon is running for the senate. But until the 1990's WWF/WWE was always pretty kid friendly.
I have never understood something and I want your thoughts. RAW seems like the show that is dedicated to the kids (barring HBK child abuse) and very little wrestling. SD is the show that is not fully dedicated to little kids and has awesome wrestling.

The problem I have is, is that RAW is on Mondays at 9:00 p.m. Kids are going to bed to wake up for school, unless clever enough to watch it without their parents knowing or they are not supervised at night.

SD is on at Fridays at 8:00 p.m. Not too many kids are going out at night since they are too young to drive a car or stay out all hours of the night, unless their parents are super leinient.

Mondays are recognized by wrestling fans as being a wrestling night. Fridays are nights where people go out somewhere (unless you are like me and have no social life, and yes I will most likely be here on a Friday night).

I think that RAW should be the wrestling oriented show, while SD should be the show dedicated to the little tykes.

Any thoughts?

I whole heartedly agree, for awhile it really was that way. Even before the whole PG thing started, Smackdown was pandering to little kids a lot of the time.

At some point the roles seemed to get reversed and there are a lot of times where Smackdown feels more like the "A" show.

In my personal opinion I think this is because Vince has a lot more involvment with Raw. A lot of times Raw feels more like the Vince McMahon show, where as Smackdown seems to get get by more often on what the majority of their writers/talents want.

So with the whole PG era it kinda makes sense for Raw to get hit harder by it if you use that logic..
Raw is defintely not the kid freindly show. DX is set to return, and while I don't think they'll push things to far, they will surley go as close to the edge as they can. Then earlier in the year, you had Orton going crazy, punting everyone left and right, and then there was the DDT on Stephanie. SD on the other hand has CM punk and Jeff Hardy. Although Punk is heel now he still isn't as evil as Orton. Jeff Hardy is just as kid freindly as Cena. Even though his past of suspensions and failed drug tests are mentioned on air, the kids still love him. Raw is WWE's flagship show, and Vince is more hands on with Raw than he is SD. Therefore you will always have a greater varitey of material on Raw yhan you will on SD.
I am going to have to totally agree with the original post. RAW & SD should be reversed.

RAW for many years has been known as the flagship brand where the best of the best at that moment compete for the greatest of championships that the wrestling world has ever seen. This is how, for many years after the brand extension, RAW has been treated... as the wrestling show targeted for the young male audience where it is storyline driven. SmackDown was the family-friendly product were all the secondary titles were sent that still held some prestige but not recognised as the best. It was also a chance for some of the superstars that don't yet have the experience to move on to the Big Leagues of RAW.

Nowadays, only half is true where the Best Of the Best are still on RAW & SmackDown is being used to establish the next generation superstars. However, switching the roles of RAW & SmackDown is purely a business ideal to attract the mainstream audience & showing the media that the most known brand of the WWE is now kid-friendly, whilst the lesser show SmackDown is being used for the story-line driven wrestling with owning the most prestigious [looking] titles. The times for each program doesn't seem to reflect a constant pattern with the kid demographic as like some people have said that some kids are in bed by that time. As the years go on, time constraints will become less & less for the WWE's targetted audience as the kids will become older.

So, whilst I do believe RAW & SD should switch roles or at least switch time slots... as long as you get the kids interested at least once in the WWE for a suitable period of time, then VKM has done his job. Why? As the old saying goes:

Once a wrestling fan, always a wrestling fan

By the way, this is an alright thread.
So Raw wrestle don't get to use mild cuss word anymore, it's still the same bs formula that it's been trying to do for years. In so many ways, Smackdown breaks the rules and is, in my opinion, the better brand to be on. Smackdown is the only show where an up and coming star has a legit shot at being champion. Case and point CM Punk. He's not the best wrestler, but he's got a unique look and attitude that has him over. In addition, their isn't the list hasbeens that are desparately trying to cling on to stardom for one more ppv. Smackdown is young, hip, and fresh every time. Raw should take note.
So Raw wrestle don't get to use mild cuss word anymore, it's still the same bs formula that it's been trying to do for years. In so many ways, Smackdown breaks the rules and is, in my opinion, the better brand to be on. Smackdown is the only show where an up and coming star has a legit shot at being champion. Case and point CM Punk. He's not the best wrestler, but he's got a unique look and attitude that has him over. In addition, their isn't the list hasbeens that are desparately trying to cling on to stardom for one more ppv. Smackdown is young, hip, and fresh every time. Raw should take note.

Don't hold back, please list the "so many ways, Smackdown breaks the rules".
There are plenty of up and comers on raw, Swagger, Bourne, Legacy, need I name any more.

"CM Punk, He's not the best wrestler" All I need to hear, and FYI, Punk had tons of success on raw, heavyweight, tag, intercontinental.

Who are these has beens you speak of?

I still don't see how raw is being aimed to kids more than smackdown? besides the fact that its all aimed to kids, there is no way raw is being pushed to kids more than smackdown.

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