Should Ken Shamrock return?


Ice Tiger
There is an article on the main page stating that Shamrock has an interest in returning to WWE.

Here is the link

I started watching wrestling just before Shamrock left. I was 7 or 8 so I cant remember too much, but I do remember that I liked Shamrock and thought that he was cool.

I would be interested to see Shamrock get another run with WWE as I was too young to appreciate him back in the day.

However, is Shamrock now past his prime, is it too late for a return?

I think WWE could do a good job of building him up and use his mma & wwe history. In my opinion I think a 2 year run would be good and that he could put some guys over.

Who would you like him to feud with?

Brock Lesnar would be interesting, considering their UFC history. I would also like to see him feud with punk. I also believe that he could od a good job in putting over Bryan and Ziggler.

Let me know what you think.

Ice Tigers are GO!
It really depends if he can still go in the ring and still have the same presence and intensity he had back in 97 to 99. That's what made him marketable and entertaining that every match he had he always looked dangerous. I have not followed his career after he left in the WWE so I am not sure if he can still do what he did back then.
I remember Shamrock's days somewhat but not that well. I had seen him in ufc before he became a wrestler in wwf.

He played the kind of psycho role and they used to call him "the worlds most dangerous man" he had similar entrance moves to Goldberg but not quite as exaggerated.

He had an ok feud with Owen Hart over the title of most dangerous man or something from memory and Owen Hart was in the nation of domination and had an outfit that said "danger" on it. I'm not entirely sure but Rick Rude was involved somehow.

So they invested in Shamrock a fair bit storyline wise but it never really paid off all that much. He also had a feud with undertaker and actually called the Undertaker "Mark" in a promo. It was painful to watch. This was during the attitude era.

I am getting somewhere with this by the way.

The point is yes he won a couple of championships like the intercontinental belt and the tag team belts but he just used to go around belly to belly suplexing and ankle locking people. He just always had such an air of mid cardedness about him even though he won king of the ring.

If he does return to wwe I don't think it would be that entertaining to have him as world champion and yes he is past it, he could have a mediocre nostalgia run for the attitude era though.

He'd do well feuding with a any mid card heel. Maybe The Miz. Someone who's intelligent enough to make insulting him funny during promo's.
Even though Shamrock is probably pushing 50, it probably would be interesting to see him back. As said before, if he still has the same intensity and ability that made him a big name during his previous two year run, it would be pretty cool. As for who he should feud with? Well the obvious answer is Jack Swagger. Ankle lock vs. The Patriot Act. Another interesting feud would be if he were to resume his little feud with Chris Jericho. Imagine if he made his return at Mania and cost Jericho his match with Fandango. Other guys like CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and Antonio Cesaro would be good too.
I'm not sure who I would have him feud with. There are quite a few names that could be tossed into this one, as he never got a title shot, and the highest prestigue he achieved was Intercontinental Champion. The question is how would he make his return?

My idea is this:
Should Lesnar win or lose at Mania he could come out on Raw and say how he is the best and he is the only MMA World Champion to come to WWE and show them what pain is all about. *Music hits, titan-tron reads "World's Most Dangerous Man* Shamrock comes out and comfronts Lesnar. They could build it up a few months in advance, then at SummerSlam have Lesnar VS Shamrock in a Lion's Den match. Two former WWE/UFC Superstars back in the WWE but having a UFC style match. Because even if Dana White had Lesnar and Shamrock under contract, he would not book that match. But you know alot of UFC fans will want to see it. *BAM* You have instant buy rates for SummerSlam, on one match alone.

Hey WWE Creative Team..........Your Welcome!
It's a shame Heath Slater isn't still doing his version of the Legend Killer gimmick. Shamrock would've bee the perfect superstar to bring back and squash him. For a one-off nostalgia pop he'd bring down the house. As a full time return apathy would find him quickly.
I dont think there are any doubts about Shamrock coming back with the same intensity, the guy is a legitimate psycho! Always been a huge fan, remember a bit of his stuff from the attitude era (particularly when he joined 'the union' with big show, test and somebody else) and his time in the UFC too (TUF 3 v Tito Ortiz was probably the best season imo, shame Ken couldnt put that ******** Tito in his place even after trying 3 times!).
I for one would love to see Ken Shamrock back in the WWE, i think a major problem with people moving from the upper midcard to becoming bona fide stars is because of a lack of Ken Shamrocks in todays wrestling. In the attitude era sure the real stars were in their prime and top of the pile but would they have achieved that without the Big Bossmans, Godfathers and Jake Roberts'? All three of these had had main event careers at some point or other (Ray Traylor in WCW, Godfather as Papa Shango, and Jake as well... Jake) and were just used during the attitude era as primarily put over guys (Jakes time in that role was a bit earlier but I thought he was worth mentioning cause he happened to 'make' the biggest star of the AE, Stone Cold Steve Austin). Nowadays a lot of the putting over is having to be done by either part timers or guys who have had to do it so much its not really a career booster (ie Chris Jericho). I think Ken Shamrock coming in as a bodyguard/ally of a major main eventer/stable put there as a stumbling block could really help get certain people just over that line they havent been able to get to before. For example, what if Cena turned heel (doesnt have to be Cena, although I would like to see him turn heel im just using him in this example because hes a top star), aligned with a heel authority (Laurinaitis, Vicky or Vince maybe) and they then created a stable with a few up and comer heels. Now when combating this, sure you can throw Orton or someone v Cena for a little while, then Sheamus, then Ryback, but the stable then has to die in a short period or slip down the rankings. If they had a legitimate gatekeeper in Shamrock youd have your Kofi Kingstons feuding with him and then when they are ready to move up then they get the opportunity. Same sort of thing would happen with the corporation and ministry and even to an extent the NWO with Goldberg.

Im gonna stop now before I lose complete track of what my point was lol, the only other thing i can think to mention is would Shamrock be willing to come back as a put over-guy? The interview seems to think he would want a title run, and maybe if he had a few years in him it wouldnt be a bad idea to come back, win the WHC for a short run to solidify his place to younger viewers and then be the put over guy in an idea such as the one above. Could be a good way to get rid of swagger out of the title picture, the guy has the intensity of a mouse which is why he'll never be an Angle or Shamrock or Benoit like they oh so wish he was.

Is THIS the guy you want to see come back?

It's not 1997 anymore. Shamrock's not the same guy he used to be. I don't think he's capable of providing any benefit in the ring anymore. Maybe a one off nostalgia thing, but even then, I don't know how many people are really clamoring to see Ken Shamrock in the WWE again.
Ken Shamrock is not Brock Lesnar. Lesnar added being a legit MMA heavyweight champion to his already impressive resume, and he still has the necessary intimidating physical presence. Plus from what I remember, Shamrock couldn't cut a decent promo to save his life.

I honestly can't picture too many people caring about a Ken Shamrock return in 2013 or 2014. He's just going to be another one of those guys, who happened to be on the WWF roster during the Attitude Era. Sure, he might get a nice pop for one appearance, but the nostalgia factor is going to wear off quickly after that.
I'd be cool with a one-off appearance. His music was pretty cool. No interest in seeing him return full time or even part time, though. He wasn't all that good 15 years ago, little reason to believe he would be now.
No, Ken is what 50 years old now? Even in his prime as a wrestler he was so-so. Maybe one match, but we don't need another part timer on the roster taking away from the up and coming talent. This has become all too common in WWE. When the part timers, Cena & Punk aren't able to work anymore WWE is screwed because they refuse to create new stars.
I remember Shamrock's days somewhat but not that well. I had seen him in ufc before he became a wrestler in wwf.

He played the kind of psycho role and they used to call him "the worlds most dangerous man" he had similar entrance moves to Goldberg but not quite as exaggerated.

He had an ok feud with Owen Hart over the title of most dangerous man or something from memory and Owen Hart was in the nation of domination and had an outfit that said "danger" on it. I'm not entirely sure but Rick Rude was involved somehow.

So they invested in Shamrock a fair bit storyline wise but it never really paid off all that much. He also had a feud with undertaker and actually called the Undertaker "Mark" in a promo. It was painful to watch. This was during the attitude era.

I am getting somewhere with this by the way.

The point is yes he won a couple of championships like the intercontinental belt and the tag team belts but he just used to go around belly to belly suplexing and ankle locking people. He just always had such an air of mid cardedness about him even though he won king of the ring.

If he does return to wwe I don't think it would be that entertaining to have him as world champion and yes he is past it, he could have a mediocre nostalgia run for the attitude era though.

He'd do well feuding with a any mid card heel. Maybe The Miz. Someone who's intelligent enough to make insulting him funny during promo's.

Rick Rude was in WCW at the time of their 1998 fued. It was Dan Severn who was involved in the fued, in Owen's corner
If Kenny Boy does indeed return i only want it to be a one off appearance maybe squash heath Slater or Something. Back in 1997 folks gotta remember shamrock back then was a very dangerous individual. Dont believe me go watch his match at UFC 5 against Royce Gracie which lasted around 40 minutes or so.

When he was in the E he really wasnt half bad at all. Yah not a very good pro wrestler but definitely he made it entertaining and that kinda overrode his inability in the ring IMO. Kenny Boy now is pushing 50 i doubt he really has kept himself in peak physical condition so a one offer yah that be nice but a full time return no not so much.

Poor Kenny Boy though,he must be hurting for money dude is still fighting at 49 what a shame that is
No, Ken is what 50 years old now? Even in his prime as a wrestler he was so-so. Maybe one match, but we don't need another part timer on the roster taking away from the up and coming talent. This has become all too common in WWE. When the part timers, Cena & Punk aren't able to work anymore WWE is screwed because they refuse to create new stars.

Age is nothing but a number, remember that. Shamrock is still in great physical shape, and despite being 50, I'm sure that he could put on a wrestling clinic. I remember last seeing him in TNA a long time ago. His reign wasn't memorable, but the fact that he showed up and was a big enough name to help give TNA some credentials back then only speaks for itself.

And you call yourself a wrestling fan? While criticizing Ken for his age yet supporting the likes of Kevin Steen? In case you're not paying attention to what Kevin Steen is standing for, or what Samoa Joe stood for in TNA, it's not about age or even size. It's about being able to go inside the ring. And I believe that if Shamrock could go, then by all means WWE should at least give him a chance.

Personally, I would much rather see him return to TNA for the fact that I've always wondered how a match between him and Kurt Angle would work. It's one of the few Dream Matches that I have left and if TNA can secure that dream match, then I'm all for it.
Age is nothing but a number, remember that. Shamrock is still in great physical shape, and despite being 50, I'm sure that he could put on a wrestling clinic. I remember last seeing him in TNA a long time ago. His reign wasn't memorable, but the fact that he showed up and was a big enough name to help give TNA some credentials back then only speaks for itself.

And you call yourself a wrestling fan? While criticizing Ken for his age yet supporting the likes of Kevin Steen? In case you're not paying attention to what Kevin Steen is standing for, or what Samoa Joe stood for in TNA, it's not about age or even size. It's about being able to go inside the ring. And I believe that if Shamrock could go, then by all means WWE should at least give him a chance.

Personally, I would much rather see him return to TNA for the fact that I've always wondered how a match between him and Kurt Angle would work. It's one of the few Dream Matches that I have left and if TNA can secure that dream match, then I'm all for it.

Don't you question me being a fan because I'm not clamoring for the return of Ken Shamrock. How do you know he could still go in a wrestling ring when the last time you saw him wrestle was 11 years ago?

And did I say size had anything to do with being able to go in the ring?

People like you, with this age is just a number bullshit are why Hogan and old timers like him want to wrestle till they die. That's all well and good, but we don't need a bunch of old men on Raw, Smackdown, or Impact for that matter.
Nostalgia factor, I'd like to see him around for a few months. I don't really see him in the WWE Title hunt, but going for Heavyweight, might be fun. Depends on who he faces. Heel against ADR or face against Swagger. Give him a couple PPV's as champ then put it on someone else.

The guy is pretty damn intense. I still remember him in I think the third season of TUF, coaching against Tito Ortiz. You could see the murder in his eyes when Tito kept goading him on. Even more crazy than when he would "snap" at the ends of his WWE matches. His matches against Dan Severn and Steve Blackman were pretty legit. A lot of intensity. I think Vince would tell him "You're not the sharpest tool in the shed, but you're the most dangerous". Nice backhand compliment lol.

The big issue is, I don't know how well he would fit in in today's product. It's not the attitude era anymore and he really benefited from that.
I wasn't a fan of his in the Attitude Era. I respected what he did in UFC, but I could just not stand the "snapping" bit. I am not even saying he was bad, but his character just didn't go over well with me. That being said I am sure he would get a good reaction in a one time shot kinda thing, but I have no interest in seeing him back full time at all.
Stop complaining about age.

If he was going to UFC age would be a factor, but in a scripted WWE/any pro wrestling match guys in their 60s still put on entertaining matches. He could diffidently come back for a few matches and probably be perfectly fine and he'd get huge pops for some nostalgia from the attitude era. So if they want to use Shamrock by all means they should.
If Kenny Boy does indeed return i only want it to be a one off appearance maybe squash heath Slater or Something. Back in 1997 folks gotta remember shamrock back then was a very dangerous individual. Dont believe me go watch his match at UFC 5 against Royce Gracie which lasted around 40 minutes or so.

When he was in the E he really wasnt half bad at all. Yah not a very good pro wrestler but definitely he made it entertaining and that kinda overrode his inability in the ring IMO. Kenny Boy now is pushing 50 i doubt he really has kept himself in peak physical condition so a one offer yah that be nice but a full time return no not so much.

Poor Kenny Boy though,he must be hurting for money dude is still fighting at 49 what a shame that is

Ken is in top shape for his age. He still trains MMA at his gym "Lions Den" and has a fight lined up in July. he cant compete at the top level of MMA due to the mileage he has on his body but there is no reason why he cant be a top performer in WWE. he just has to get his acting down and he will be fine. and you are correct ken is 49, and should be turning 50 later this year or early 2014. Flair is wrestled into his 60s and is in and has been in worse shape shamrock was ever in.

the reason he still is fighting for money is that he took UFC/ZUFFA to court because he still had one fight under his UFC contract after the UFC forced him out after his TUF season 3 loss to Tito Ortiz. Ken owes ZUFFA a few hundred thousand if I do recall and that is the only reason he is fighting. he even offered to fight for free for the UFC to settle his debt.
Stop complaining about age.

If he was going to UFC age would be a factor, but in a scripted WWE/any pro wrestling match guys in their 60s still put on entertaining matches. He could diffidently come back for a few matches and probably be perfectly fine and he'd get huge pops for some nostalgia from the attitude era. So if they want to use Shamrock by all means they should.

really good point here. really good thread by the OP.

i'm not saying make this guy a full-timer, sign him to a 10 year contract and make him the new face of the WWE.

but a part-time 2 year deal, a la Lesnar, could work out well. not as limited a schedule cuz, quite honestly, he's not as big a draw in any way.

Shamrock is in a unique class. not a class all his own, but unique enough. he's one of those names that could and, if signed by WWE, should be a special attraction type guy.

i'm such a strong believer that WWE needs to get back to the idea of having the "big 4" ppv schedule. one way to do that? have "special attraction" type guys, such as Shamrock, work only those 4. show up on Raw and Smackdown leading up to those big 4, work the ppv, then disappear for a month or two.

Shamrock was fun for the few years he worked during the Attitude Era. i liked his feuds with Rock, Blackman, Severn, Owen Hart, Billy Gunn and Chris Jericho. i think he could have some good/fun feuds with Bryan and Punk, catching up with Jericho again, and of course Swagger and Lesnar come to mind.

so with those five names, you've got opponents for Shamrock's first year plus one more match after that. i think it could work.

again, in MMA, age is a major factor. in pro wrestling, not so much. just ask Flair, Hogan, Sting, Funk, etc.
Im not sold Shamrock can go anymore. But honestly, as long as he's not booked as another part timer who never puts over any talent, I'd b ok with him coming back. I just cant deal with anymore "celebs" taking time away from guys who are committed to the business and not just the paycheck. But I really liked Ken back in the day, so I'd be psyched to see if he can still get it done in the squared circle.
I have to be completely blunt with this one, theres absolutely no reason for this man to return. He wont draw given the fact that 95% of the audience wont know who he is. And I'm pretty sure the other 5% could care less about Ken Shamrock. Now dont get me wrong, MMA guys have a lot to offer in ring wise but what role could he possibly fill? What relevance, if any, does he have to the business anymore. If he wants a one off thing there was a time and place for that and unfortunately either WWE didn't reach out to him or they did and they couldn't strike a deal. Ken says he keeps getting shot down every time he tries to work out a deal. Maybe that's Vince's way of kindly saying that the doors are open, but hes not welcome right now.
I can see it now.

Ken Shamrock's music hits and the crowd is shocked into silence. He cuts a promo - still a stunned silence. He has his first return match - absolute silence.


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