Ken Shamrock to Return? *Merged*


Dark Match Jobber
I just read that Vince is looking into signing Ken Shamrock. I watched his match against Ortiz and when i found out that it was his last UFC match I instantly thought of the possibility of a return to WWE. Personally I would love to see him in a WWE ring again and I just wanted to know if anyone else felt the same way.
i would also love to see him back in WWE. Even though i hated the Corporation, which he was involved in, i always really liked his style during the Attitude Era. I'd love to see him come back.
i think it would be a great idea put him on smackdown and give him a push for the world title and a rivalry with benoit
Yeah id like to see him back aswel I guess, but he wont be as good as he once was, hes like 42.
I would also like him to come back and be on smackdown
This would be probably the best thing the WWE has done recently. Almost everyone I know liked Shamrock when he was in the ring, and I thought he was one of the best of the late 90's. I seriously hope Shamrock takes this into consideration. But really, since he just retired from UFC, he's probably going to take time off for his family.
Shamrock to return to the WWE would be gigantic. I feal that it would be a move talked about more and a bigger deal than Angle's move to TNA but of course, it's just to have Ken Shamrock to take over Kurt Angle in the WWE but Shamrock > Angle.
angle vs. shamrock.......................damn that would have been good
man candy said:
angle vs. shamrock.......................damn that would have been good
who's to say it'll never happen, anythings possiable, but imagine Shamrock vs. Benoitthat would be just as good if not better, both guys are so much alike stlyewise that it would be an instant classic and the perfect smackdown main event for wrestlemania 23
i just read this in the headlines on this site, apparently vince is making the writers come up with ideas in case shamrock returns? i hope he returns. finally, "stupid fake rip off of shamrock" kurt angle is gone and the real man who coined the ankle lock submission move has a chance to come back, now that is what i call COOL. im praying that vince does this, because lately vince has failed at life and as a boss, this could be a better move that hes made in 2 years. cause the last two years have been between awesome and gay, and wwe has always been awesome.
i agree that this is awesome news. ken shamrock was one of my fave wrestlers. i remember the time when he put the ankle lock on the rock and when he tapped he wouldnt let go. i definitely hope creative has some good ideas for him
ctighe said:
i agree that this is awesome news. ken shamrock was one of my fave wrestlers. i remember the time when he put the ankle lock on the rock and when he tapped he wouldnt let go. i definitely hope creative has some good ideas for him

i fully agree.
Great, the worlds most boring man might be coming back. The only way I can see the WWE using him is to feed Sylvester Terkay who IS the worlds most dangerous man
omg! i love ken shamrock he's my baby i hope he does come back and i hope they put him on smackdown how is it ever going to get better if you keep putting the best people top notch wrestlers on one show and give the other people semi okay and popular on the other and then wonder why smackdown is not doing good. they need more wrestlers instead of focusing on the same people. please let him come to smackdown.
cuckfena said:
Great, the worlds most boring man might be coming back. The only way I can see the WWE using him is to feed Sylvester Terkay who IS the worlds most dangerous man

terkay sucks at life. you should be lifted of your priviliges of talking ever again. im hoping that berke and terkay just quit and they hire 2 others from ovw or dsw cause those 2 are the most boring guys ever. not impressive, sorry.
Ken Shamrock has been one of the best of Wwe. Once Shamrock comes back It all will go up once again. Well Its a great idea to make Shamrock come back but this just shows that Vince Mcmahon is afraid of MMA.
Angle- a rip-off of Shamrock? Don't make me laugh! Shamrock was good and all but he wasn't a touch on the wrestling machine.
age doesnt matter 4 shamrock....hes an animal. if he goes on smackdown he will win the world title no doubt
Apparently theres an open challenge against Umaga for Cyber Sunday. If we could vote for that opponent, im sure we'd all be voting for the return of Shamrock haha
How great would it be if Shamrock was the person to end Umaga's unbeaten streak. And hey just for s**ts and giggles why not put them in a lions den match. That would be an insane match and i'm getting excited just thinking about it.
you guys are all crazy...Shamrock is a has-been ...getting annhilated by Ortiz in the 1st rd. 3 fights in a row washed away what little cred he had left, but that's my, if McMahon managed to sign Ortiz to a deal, that would be something to get excited about...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Wrestling has Pre-Determined Endings, does it not? So a Win/Loss record in UFC isnt going to make a blind bit of difference to what he can/cant do in a Wrestling ring. If he can still go like he used to when it comes to Wrestling, then I say let him come in, I've always liked the idea of him returning, sadly the feud I wanted to see him in is no longer possible, since Angle signed for TNA.
yeah wrestling is pre-determined, but part of its charm is blurring reality, and yes, i'm sure Shamrock can still go, but i still think he is damaged goods...why should i believe that say, he vs. Benoit, Angle, whoever, is a dream match when ive seen him get easily busted by Tito Ortiz....does that mean Benoit or Angle would be crushed by Ortiz, too? i dont want to think i said, this is my opinion...i just dont see what the big deal is....Shamrock was mediocre at best back in the Attitude days...a less than stellar reign as IC champ, and a gimmick of "snapping" and suplexing the refs after the match...the only time he ever beat The Rock when it meant something was the KOTR tournament...a forgettable reign as NWA champion early on in, i just dont see what the excitement is all about, Ken Shamrock is washed up

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