Shawn Michaels VS Undertaker (Career VS Streak)

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Wow, I had chills while watching this amazing match unfold. What a story to of the greatest to ever wrestle told us tonight. HBK and Taker gave us everything they could and it was more than I had hoped for. The defiance at the end by Michaels and the awesome tombstone by Taker was the perfect ending to this match. I loved how Taker came back and helped Michaels up and hugged him, what a show of respect and what a way to break character for just a moment. When Michaels' eyes welled up with tears so did mine, because I too doubt he'll pull a Flair. He's wrestled for 25 years, he went out at Mania and lost to the Phenom, there is no shame in going out that way. Tomorrow is going to be an emotional night, I can't wait to see it.
I'm right along with you with the crying. I grew up watching HBK, and I can't believe it is over. Here's hoping WWE does the right thing and they make RAW a tribute show to HBK and the legendary career he has had. THANK YOU SHAWN! I WILL MISS YOU!

Oh, and HBK = The Best of all Time
The slightly-botched Moonsault spot was a bit miffy,
Oddly enough, similar to last years botch dive, I thought the botch added to the match. HBK landed on Takers leg with that moonsault which was perfect considering the fact that HBK was working on Taker's knee throughout the match. And Similar to last year's botch I thought Taker might have been really injured on that move.

Great match. Match of the night definitely. I was wondering what they would do to differentiate the match from last years. I got my answer. The very action packed start to the match, the emphasis on Takers knee and the spot on the announce table were enough to spin a different tale from last years match.

Was it as good as last years? I would have to think about it but me having to think about it is quite a compliment to the two men.
Oddly enough, similar to last years botch dive, I thought the botch added to the match. HBK landed on Takers leg with that moonsault which was perfect considering the fact that HBK was working on Taker's knee throughout the match. And Similar to last year's botch I thought Taker might have been really injured on that move.

Looking back, I agree with you. It still seemed to do some damage, and it added to the unpredictability of what wrestling brings to the table.

SPIKE Piledriver.
I'm going to say this now. This match was BETTER than their WM 25 match. Just wow.

I loved their match last year, but one thing I didn't like was how slow it was in the beginning. This match, however, was fast paced and balls-to-the-wall from beginning to end. I liked how this time Shawn had a gameplan, and was just going after Taker's knees for the whole match while Taker was hitting every big move imaginable to try and end HBK. As I said this match had a much faster paced, a bit more technical (for the first half ) told a great story and overall, just seemed to flow better than last year's match. Some thoughts:

-The Tombstone on the floor was awesome, but that jumping spike Tombstone at the end was just sick.

-Was Taker's arm bleeding, or was I seeing things?

-This match was shorter than last years, but had a hell of a lot more going on.

-Sweet moonsault on the announce table by HBK. I'm assuming he landed on Taker's legs on purpose for the sake of story, but if it was botched, it works out either way.

-3 Tombstones and 3 Sweet Chin Music's. Damn.

-I loved how defiant Shawn was. The throat slashes and that slap at the end really added to the feel of this match.

-If this isn't the end of Shawn, they did a great job making it seem like it was. With the handshake/hug between HBK and Taker to the "Thank you, Shawn" chants, it was such an emotional ending.
It was a good match. I was quite sure that there was a good chance Shawn would win because I wouldn't of thought he would lose to the same guy two years in a row. I thought probably Shawn getting screwed by Triple H for a Summerslam match. 'Taker goes 18-0, Shawn retires, starts a tv reality series, if true. I hope no one will end 'Taker's streak. It should go to a perfect 20-0 than retire at Wrestlemania 28.
I can't really say that HBK losing to Taker again was any sort of a surprise. Anyone that visits this site frequently knew about both men were going to be gone for a bit after WM had ended. I'm assuming they'll go with some sort of "injury" angle to explain Taker's absence. Shawn's will obviously be due to the fact that he lost so his career is "over."

Do I think that we'll never see HBK on WWE TV again? Definitely not. The vast majority of these performers who claim to be "retired" always show up again in some capacity; whether it's to wrestle, manage, or even just to be a special weekly host (IE: Bret Hart, Ric Flair, and Stone Cold Steve Austin).

I have to admit I really was pulling for HBK in this one. I'm probably one of the few people that is eager to see Taker's streak end (although I don't think it ever will). If anyone were to end it, I thought Michaels was the most deserving, by far. I just hope that they don't eventually decide to end it with John Cena being the one that gets the W over Taker at Wrestlemania.

All in all, it wasn't a bad match though. It felt a lot like last year's bout, especially with all the kickouts and counters from each person. It definitely got the most crowd response both in the arena and whereI was viewingi at.
Last year's match may have been more special since it was their first encounter at WrestleMania and their first match in over 10 years with JR announcing. However, I believe this year topped last year's match. This match was fast paced and over the top that left me on the edge of my seat. In some matches I would fast forward through them or stare at the clock, but I could of watched this match over and over again.

I am pretty sick of the Undertaker's "streak" and could really care less who beats him, but I strongly felt HBK could do it even though everything told me he was retiring. We don't know if he will retire for good or come back for one last match, but that match was so incredible that he doesn't need to have another match again. I don't think anyone will or even need to break Undertaker's WM streak now. I mean how insulting would it be for anyone even if it was Cena to face Undertaker next year and just beat him 1. ..2..3 after what HBK went through.

No one can top the excitement of that match for a long time, and no one ever will beat the streak because it has become too important now.
I'm going to say this now. This match was BETTER than their WM 25 match. Just wow.

-Was Taker's arm bleeding, or was I seeing things?

No, he was. From his right arm, near his wrist. I do agree with you on every count. That Spike Tombstone was sick. PILEDRIVER.

On a completely unrelated and awesome note;

1) Is your username a nod to the character Jean Valjean from Victor Hugo's classic, Les Miserables?
2) Is that Zero in your sig?

If're cool.
A very good match!!!

Not quite as good as last year?? Just because it came after last year's match. Of COURSE HBK is going to kick out of a Tombstone or two. Of COURSE Undertaker is going to kick out of a SCM. But heck, this match was INCREDIBLE, especially considering it had to follow last year's match.

Just gotta say, I loved the ending. Undertaker feeling pity for Shawn... Shawn doing the "throat slice" thing, before slapping him... aw man. Brought tears to my eyes. And then that last Tombstone. Fucking epiccccccc.

A great way to end Wrestlemania, yeah?

I hope HBK stays retired! <3 him, but he's old, and retirements in wrestling need to mean something at some point.
Great, great match. Just as good, if not perhaps even slightly better than last year's match. It took a little while to get going, but once it did it never let up. Loved seeing HBK go into his moveset to pull out old moves like the ankle lock, and the tombstone by 'Taker to HBK on the outside after the spingboard cross-body from HBK was another sick spot. The moonsault onto the announcer's table was another great spot, you had to know HBK was going to go all out with another big-time spot in his last match. The ending was great as well, just the look in Undertaker's eyes after Shawn slapped him in the face was fucking classic and to see how damn pumped up and invigorated Taker was after that was awesome, he delivered what had to be the single most impactful and devastating tombstone I've ever seen from the man on HBK, it really looked like he was trying to drive HBK's body straight down to hell. The aftermath with the hug was just a classic moment that will live on in wrestling history forever, and I'm not ashamed to say that a few tears welled up in my eyes when they hugged at the end.

Incredible match that rightfully got to main event Wrestlemania, a great way to end one of the greatest careers in wrestling history. Thanks for all the memories HBK, I still remember staying up late to watch you win your first title at Wrestlemania 12 and I'm damn proud to say that I was able to see your last match as well. You will always be one of the greatest of all time brother.
Great, great match. Just as good, if not perhaps even slightly better than last year's match. It took a little while to get going, but once it did it never let up. Loved seeing HBK go into his moveset to pull out old moves like the ankle lock, and the tombstone by 'Taker to HBK on the outside after the spingboard cross-body from HBK was another sick spot. The moonsault onto the announcer's table was another great spot, you had to know HBK was going to go all out with another big-time spot in his last match. The ending was great as well, just the look in Undertaker's eyes after Shawn slapped him in the face was fucking classic and to see how damn pumped up and invigorated Taker was after that was awesome, he delivered what had to be the single most impactful and devastating tombstone I've ever seen from the man on HBK, it really looked like he was trying to drive HBK's body straight down to hell. The aftermath with the hug was just a classic moment that will live on in wrestling history forever, and I'm not ashamed to say that a few tears welled up in my eyes when they hugged at the end.

Incredible match that rightfully got to main event Wrestlemania, a great way to end one of the greatest careers in wrestling history. Thanks for all the memories HBK, I still remember staying up late to watch you win your first title at Wrestlemania 12 and I'm damn proud to say that I was able to see your last match as well. You will always be one of the greatest of all time brother.

I agree completely with this.

The entire mentality of the matchup was just perfect. The one thing I think this match was inferior to from WM 25 would have to be the feel. There just seemed to be slightly more electricity in the air last year, but not by an overwhelming margin. Otherwise, this was more than worthy to be a sequel to the Match of the Year, and a more than fitting way for Michaels to go out.

Breaking it down a bit, the whole match just played out so well. I'm assuming the Taker knee injury was a complete work, and that the Moonsault was a bit off angle, but it worked perfectly. Hell, it actually would realistically do more damage to hit an injured limb than to land on a person's chest. The commentary was pretty damn good for it too, considering no J.R. behind the desk.

Taker was playing the role of an injured animal backed into a corner. His streak is his life, and he won't lose it to just anything. Shawn, on the flip side, is throwing everything but the kitchen sink to put the streak to an end. The climax and finale of the match was perfect. In similar fashion to Austin/Rock III, finishers were abound in this one. Three Sweet Chin Musics landed, and Shawn couldn't put Taker away. However, after two Tombstones, Taker couldn't put him away either. Taker's character is one of near immortality at Wrestlemania, being unbeatable and all. Yet, Michaels was showing the maximum endurance possible for a 'mortal' and was actually gaining the deadman's respect. It makes sense, and that is good booking.

This then brought Taker to a crucial point: now that I respect the guy, do I really want to end his career? To hurt him further? Thus, he started yelling for Shawn to stay down, which obviously, Shawn didn't. Again, perfect mentality. The entire build focused around Shawn's soul feeling incomplete or just disturbed because he couldn't beat Taker last year. This year, he hit him with everything he had, and still couldn't do it. So, he made his peace with losing, but going out with a bang. It was a retrospective feeling for Shawn's character, having taken pity on Flair several times during their match at WM 24, and not wanting the same pity from Taker here. His final look was basically, "If you're going to beat me, then beat me Damn it! I'm not staying down for you." Perfect.

Ok, so I just vented all that pent up emotion. I can't say I didn't expect Shawn to lose. It was pretty obvious considering all the signs. Yet, he will be missed. I also don't want to get caught up with overhyping this match just yet. I'm watching the replay as I type this, and will probably watch it countless more times on DVD later. Now, we can only wait and see what the future holds. RAW is tonight, after all...
That may have been my favorite match of all time. I think the biggest reason for this and the fact that it topped last years was just how much was riding on it. When they wrestled last year, I knew it would be a good match, but I had no doubt as to who would win. This year, though...I just couldn't decide, despite all the rumors about Shawn's pending reality show and such. Not to slight the credibility of this site, but rumors are just that: rumors. And they have to be taken as such. The back and forth action kept me on the edge of my seat, and my heart rate spiked every time someone hit their finisher. Honestly, the ending sorta reminded me of Shawn vs. Flair 2 years ago. Taker actually looked genuinely upset. Well, until Shawn slapped him anyway, lol. Admittedly, even though I am a huge Undertaker fan, this was a bit emotional for me. I've been a fan of Shawn's since I was like 8, so it sucks to see one of my all time favorites hang it up. I do hope we haven't seen the last of him, though I hope it's in a non-wrestling capacity. In closing, I gotta agree with everyone, that last tombstone was FUCKING SICK!!!
Ok, so I have went back and watch that match 3 times now and i still have mixed emotions about it as i did when i watched it live. I really was not sure who was going to win this match. First, you have the streak. 17-0 going into the match, would the wwe really put an end to the streak? I thought that if anyone is going to put and end to the streak, then shawn michales is the only guy to do it and no one elese. Second, you have hbk's career on the line. Surely shawn isn't retiring is he? I mean he can still put on 5 star matches and although he is definitely getting up there in age, he still has a couple years left in the tank. He seems to be in a lot better condition than Taker seems to be in. Shawn is my favorite wrestler of all time and is hands down, one of, if not the best in ring preformer of all time. I really wanted to see him come out on top because i value his career more than the streak. I was not ready to see what i really do believe will be shawns last match.

Aside from that, I thought the match was very good, definitely the match of the night. Was it as good as last years though? Im not sure. Just like sequels and remakes of movies, you will always compare it to the original and the original will always be better simply because it was the original and the first time that you had seen anything like it. Taker Michaels 1 was amazing and to try and follow up that is going to be hard if not impossible no matter what circumstances. The match had a fast pace from the get go and never really let up till the end. There where some really cool spots in the match like the tombstone outside of the ring, the moonsault on the announce table, and the sick spike tombstone piledriver at the end. The match had lots of finishers and kick outs just like last years did. It was a very compelling match and somewhat unpredictable. I really enjoyed how michaels worked the leg the whole match and alghough i hated to see michales get defeated, I thought it was an awesome ending to an awesome career. It was a bitter-sweet match for me.

The one thing that this match was missing that last years had was the fact that JR was not commentating the match. Alghough this did not affect or have anything to do with the actual match itself, I think it somewhat took away the drama, compellingness, and story telling from the match. Cole, King and Striker just were not very good tonight throughout the entire ppv but they especially took a little bit away from this match for me. JR was awesome in hbk taker 1 and had some memorable line in the match. He just has the abaility to give certain matches a main event feel to it and create the specialness that the match has. It is a real shame that he wasnt not able to call the match this year. It was hbk's "final match" and JR did not call it, instead we had to hear Michale Cole. JR would have just added to how great the match was. And after the match was over, where was the story telling, the compassion, the drama, and the propper send off to one of the all time greats? It was not there. At the end of the show we got to hear king say shawns carrer is over and then whisper we will miss you. It was crap. JR would have came up with something great to say to give shawns last match and career the propper send off it deserved.

Overall, awesome match but I'm going to have the give the slightly give the nod to last years match simply because it was the original and because JR was calling the match. I think if JR had called tonights match, I would probably be giving the nod to hbk taker 2. It definitely took away from what last years match had. Also, hbk lost which kind of ended wrestlemania on a sad note for me even though it was a great match and a high not for hbk to go out on. I hope they keep the streak now. I havnt really cared for the streak that much and did not think it was that important, but now i feel that it is. If hbk failed twice and had to retire while trying to beat the streak, then no one should end the streak. Please do not let some young up and comer end the streak. I know it would make their careers but the streak really is that important now. The Undertaker should retire at Wrestlemania whether it be at 27 or 28, and his undefeated streak should be intacted. That is his legacy and he deserves it.
Great match considering the pressure they were under. I dont like how Undertaker "hurt" his knee from going Old School off the ropes. Selling a funny landing as a serious injury makes you look weak and doesnt do anything for your opponent because its pretty much self-inflicted. It wouldve looked better had Shawn drop-kicked his knee coming of the ropes or something. Considering the hurt knee angle would play a crucial part throughout the story of the match, I really think they couldve done better with its introduction. But thats just a little thing that isnt that big of a deal. The match was still by far better than anything else on the card. The finish was the best part of the match. There hasnt been that level of emotion felt in the ring since HBK tuned up the band for Sweet Chin Music on Flair in his last match.

I've been a huge Undertaker mark since his debut oh so many years ago. Of course I dont think the Streak should ever end. I would love to see Undertaker beat Cena next year. There shouldnt be a single star on the roster thats safe from doing the job to Taker at Wrestlemania. They should all be volunteering to receive the honor of having their name added to the list of losers. I hope we get to see the streak go up to 20-0 before he retires.
Before i get started im going to answer the question for myself and say HELL YES! i loved all of mania 26 and this match is literally the best match i can ever remember seeing! That moonsault onto the table and taker was fucking insane! And the JUMPING tombstone?!?! AWESOME! I loved this match and even though i do expect HBK to be back i do think if this were to be his last match that man should be fucking proud of it! this is the first and only time i thought taker would lose a mania match and thats what made it better then last year for me!

So what about all of you fellow posters? was this better or worse then last year? or just as good? please dont just say yes or no give a reason why you chose your answer

thanks for reading
Undertaker in a hoodie looking badass.

Seems like he's started to incorporate a lot of his old personas into one final persona as he winds down his career. His promos suggest this might also be the case. And you get the feeling he'll be doing alot more promos and alot less wrestling as the years go by.
Damn, now that was once again HBK and Taker going out there and showing everyone and their mother how it's supposed to be done. At first I was a bit surprised, and a bit sceptical too, about HBK vs Taker going on last, and not one of the championship matches... but holy crap, I was really impressed.

Now I loved their match last year, but for some reason, this one was even a bit better for me... Last year's may have felt a bit more "epic" in a "Clash of Titans" sense, but this year's to me was much, much more intense. They went a much faster pace than last year and really went all out; not much lying around, even after the big false finish moments. Now to be honest - I was and still am not sure if Taker's leg injury was legit, and that is testament to his greatness again. For if it was a work, it's impressive how real he made it look and sold it throughout the match (and I somehow got the feeling it may have been real in that moment where HBK slaps on that Armbar, and Taker gives a yell in agony apparently from his knee twisting a bit... damn!); and if it was legit, for working the whole match without slowing down to the bitter end. Also, the psychology of the entire match was in a class of its own - especially if Taker's injury was a work, it made it look all the more like the Deadman's streak was on the verge of breaking, and that HBK might come even closer than last year. One of the best efforts in storytelling in a long time, in my humble opinion.

I actually liked the fact that he didn't do the Suicide Dive this year, and I was impressed at how different the pace was all in all. The Moonsault to the announcers table was also a sight to behold, but even that pales in comparison to that last Tombstone Of All Tombstones. Especially if Taker's leg injuriy really was legit, that must've hurt as hell. And yes, I will also go out and say it... SPIKE PILEDRIVER.

A truly great match once again, and the two old timers proved once more why they are considered the very best at what they do. Very intense match, and in my opinion on par with last year's showing. Both matches had a very different feel to them I'd say, and I think I'll have to watch both back to back again soon to compare them before I can say which one I liked better. My hat goes off to both Taker & HBK; because ladies and gentlemen - this is what it's all about.
Holy hell, that was worth the money. But I'm going to say it, he ain't coming back. Kills me to say it but Shawn is done. If he ain't, then he's just like Ric and Hogan.

Does anyone know what he said while he was making his way back up the aisle? 'something something daughters something three weeks' That's all I got anyone know?
I loved this match! It was a classic and I really believed that HBK was winning.

I really thought That the Undertaker messed his leg up bad on that moonsault on the table.

The storytelling was something they young guys should be tattooing on their brains.

Oh and for DrunkenPenguin Shawn said " Ill be driving my daughters crazy in three weeks"
I laughed when I heard it
This was a fantastic match, even better than last year and that is saying something. The match started off slow which I didn't mind as they was going to go for a long time. Once it started to get fast it next stopped. There was some very nice spots such as the Tombstone Piledriver on the outside and the Moonsault through the announce table was fucking amazing, I didn't think he was going to make it but he did and it looked great. The match was full of great spots and was so entertaining to watch. The ending was very good. It was the most vicious Tombstone I have ever seen and there was no way HBK was kicking out of that one. Both competitors went all out and put on a classic. An amazing match.

The ending with Undertaker picking up HBK and hugging was a great feel good moment. It was one of the best things to see since Eddie and Benoit hugged at WM 20. It was nice to see UT leave the ring so that HBK got his moment and it was very emotional. I got a bit teary and it was sad to see HBK retire. I'm not sure if he is going to stay retired but this moment will stay with us forever. I can't to see Raw as long as they give HBK a Flair send off.

A fantastic match with a awesome ending. I give this match 5 stars.
It was a fantastic match, there really can be no complaints towards the wrestlers, they really gave it there all.

But Michael Cole ruined the whole show me, he missed called so many moves and has such a small dictionary it grinds on me. "Look look look" .."Did you see that"... Christian hits a reverse ddt from the ladder on Hardy and Cole calls it as a twist of fate, killing the spot. HBK reverses a lastride into a faceplant, Cole screams "Michaels is done", killing the spot! Get JR back into the booth please.
Well all you can do is hold your hands up and say thats wrestling. I have no idea what WWE are going to do next year without Mr Wrestlemania.

Excellent match yet again by these two, once again they managed to make me believe the streak will end.

Every superstar even the top guys who are excellent in the ring like Edge, Punk, Jericho, Orton should be watching a tape of that match 100 times, it was a clinic in storytelling, drama, emotion and suspense.

Good luck in your retirement showstopper, you've earned it.
This match was amazing. Better than last years match and that really is saying something. Slow start, but got the feeling to get everyone ready for a good show and when it picked up, holy shit! The moonsault, the chokeslam, the final sweet chin music and that jumping tombstone... just wow. The wrestlers in the back need to take a copy of this match and shut up and just WATCH it over and over and over until they've learned something.

As a Shawn fan, I prayed he'd win, knowing that it wasn't going to happen in a million years. I didn't care, I just kept rooting for him. That finish had me man. Watching Shawn crawl up Undertaker, you knew it was over and when he gave him the finish sign and Taker hit the final Tombstone, it was indeed over. Undertaker didn't want to do it and you could tell. After the match when Taker picked him up, that was TRUE class. It was very powerful and Shawn has earned all of this and I hope he enjoys his retirement as much as we enjoyed his career.

Goodbye Heart Break Kid. We love ya man! You earned it. Now ride into the sun!
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