Shawn Michaels VS Undertaker (Career VS Streak)

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BOSS Productions

Pre-Show Stalwart

WOW just WOW, it was one thing to have a rematch but to put HBKs career on the line now that is amazing and risky either way something is going to end at WrestleMania 26 I hope it is HBK's career because I like Taker's streak better.

Now this could be one of those Hulk Hogan retirement matches where it doesn't mean much or it could be a Ric Flair retirement match which means we can expect a send off if HBK does lose.

Now discuss this match.

Who do you think is going to Win ? ....... decide!
I'm am FRIGHTENED with this match this match has way to much on the line. Shawn Michaels Career on the line come on no More of that Sweet Chin Music and the streak come on the streak is a big part of Undertakers career. I don't want Michaels to hang up his boots but I want the streak to live on forever. It pains me to say this but I think Mr.Wrestlemania is winning this one I hope he doesn't but that's the way I see this panning out.
Shawn Michaels will win this match, assuming they he doesn't pull a Ric Flair, and come out of retirement a couple months later.

WWE knows that rumors have been going around about Michaels' retirement, and supposedly this being the last Mania for him. However, other reports came out and said that he planned to go another 2-3 years before actually retiring.

I think the angle is a swerve and Taker will actually lose his streak to one of only probably two people in the entire company (Cena being the other) who actually has the credibility to defeat Taker's streak at Mania.

Definitely don't see Taker getting two big wins in a row against the same opponent.
Shawn Michaels will win this match, assuming they he doesn't pull a Ric Flair, and come out of retirement a couple months later.

WWE knows that rumors have been going around about Michaels' retirement, and supposedly this being the last Mania for him. However, other reports came out and said that he planned to go another 2-3 years before actually retiring.

I think the angle is a swerve and Taker will actually lose his streak to one of only probably two people in the entire company (Cena being the other) who actually has the credibility to defeat Taker's streak at Mania.

Definitely don't see Taker getting two big wins in a row against the same opponent.

Very good argument for Shawn winning, but I think an equally good case can be made for Undertaker winning which in the end is the beauty of this match.

The one problem I have with the streak is you never really believe it's going to end, had small doubts with Orton and Shawn last year, but in the end we always knew how it was going to end up.

But this year? This should be the final match on the card, do the right thing WWE. It's unfair for the other wrestlers to try and have to follow this.

If WWE keeps the winner hushed up they will have the crowd on their feet and last years match will be topped.
If WWE had any balls, they would do a Loser Must Retire match for both Taker and HBK.

Given the rumors that both of them have been contemplating retirement, this would make the match so much more intriguing.

If you really think about it, what does Shawn have to gain by beating Undertaker's streak? He wins a match. Nothing more. It seems to me like a very unfair trade.

Sure the Streak has been impressive, but it's not like Taker is actually putting his career on the line, like Shawn is. Shawn gets to simply state he defeated The Undertaker at Mania.

I just don't really see the intrigue in this match, because it's clear that Shawn isn't going to retire just yet. Taker should put his career up in this match, as well ... and ONE OF THEM SHOULD ACTUALLY RETIRE.

Many would agree that Taker's time has actually come to hang the boots up anyway.
Most likely what might happen is someone could screw HBK to lose or screw the undertaker to lose,

If Shawn does lose then he will come back 'out of retirement' kind of thing, just like he did to hogan for '1 more match'

It will be interesting on how this ends up.
You know, with how the 'E' has been lately (see: Sheamus as Champ, Batista as Champ), I can honestly say I have no clue how this one will go. Some months ago, when 'Taker dropping the streak as a means of pushing a young star was a big thing being talked about on here, I posted my opinion on the matter...that being that the only person who could successfully end The Streak and not become the most hated man in wrestling (at least as far as the IWC is concerned) was HBK last year. I feel the same way this year, especially considering that his career is (theoretically) at stake.

In the end, though, I can't see Shawn being done just yet. In general, I have a hard time envisioning WWF/E without Shawn Michaels. He's been there too damn long. I don't think he's quite done. As such, I expect The Streak to come crashing to an end at WrestleMania 26. Of course, this sets up a theoretical WM 27 rubber match for these two, possibly career vs. career at that point. Yes, it's speculation on the future, but given that they are running the same match (essentially) two years running, I can see the 'E' going to Michaels/'Taker one more time next year.

All in all, it is going to be damn hard for these two to exceed what they did last year...especially because the (whiny) denizens of the IWC are probably going to be slamming this match before it even takes place. However, if there are two performers who can take what they did last year and turn it up, it's the two cornerstones of WWE.
If WWE had any balls, they would do a Loser Must Retire match for both Taker and HBK.

Given the rumors that both of them have been contemplating retirement, this would make the match so much more intriguing.

If you really think about it, what does Shawn have to gain by beating Undertaker's streak? He wins a match. Nothing more. It seems to me like a very unfair trade.

Sure the Streak has been impressive, but it's not like Taker is actually putting his career on the line, like Shawn is. Shawn gets to simply state he defeated The Undertaker at Mania.

I just don't really see the intrigue in this match, because it's clear that Shawn isn't going to retire just yet. Taker should put his career up in this match, as well ... and ONE OF THEM SHOULD ACTUALLY RETIRE.

Many would agree that Taker's time has actually come to hang the boots up anyway.

Actually, I was thinking this same thing, and then it hit me. Many of us have always expected that when Taker finally did retire, it would be after finally ending the streak at Wrestlemania. Honestly, I see the end of the streak as a fitting end for the Deadman's legendary career, so I am looking at this as, for all intents and purposes, a true retirement match. This match alone makes this the most important Wrestlemania in many many years. Either the end of HBK's storied career, or finally the end of the streak AND more then likely the career of the Undertaker. And for the first time in a LONG time, I will be counting the days to a WWE PPV.
It's interesting to see the added stipulation of Shawn retiring if he loses to taker at Wrestle Mania. This could probably be the main event of the show. A streak just doesn't seem that important when you look at someone's career. I mean Shawn already beat Taker years ago numerous times. I don't think HBK will retire but Undertaker should probably consider it since he his banged up a lot.

I agree that it would be ten times more interesting if this match was a career vs. career match. This could be the match of the decade or the greatest match of Wrestlemania if each man's career was on the line. A career up against a streak is ridiculous when you think about it. I mean what is there left for Undertaker to do? Win the World Heavyweight Championship off of Edge or Batista for the 12th time? Taker needs to hang it up.
I personally do not what this match to happen. If it was a Hell in a cell match fine. Only because I don't see Taker's streak ending why I don't wanna see this. Why HBK would even agree to losing 2 years straight to the same guy baffling to me. Both careers should be on the line in order to make this better and this needs to be the main event...sorry. The 2 world title matches do not have the same BIG match feel for a Wrestlemania.
undertaker should win this one because I just can't see why they would build up the "streak" just to end it? I mean that's nearly 2 decades of dominance in mania. Besides if they were planning to end the streak why not give it to someone that will be the face of the wwe for years to come than to a respected veteran that is 1-2 years away from retirement.

But, on the other hand hbk has alternated wins-losses in mania and if that trend continues, his due for a victory in this year's mania. If someone was ought to retire hbk it's triple H.(probably in nxt year's mania) I am excited to see what will happen in this match and i hope this will be the closing match of wrestlemania.
Im not quite sure what to think of this match. I think it will be awesome considering both are great performers. I have seen reports that both men will be taking time off after WM, which I would have to assume no plans on retirement just yet. Which would mean HBK has to win, but that means the streak is over and Taker is still around? Doesnt make sense to me!

I agree with the above post though, why let a guy that is close to retirement end the streak. He is already a future hall of famer, why does he need to win this one? If Taker was going to go out after losing at WM, why not give the rub to someone who is credible but will also be around several more years?

But at the same time, why would HBK agree to lose to the same guy two years in a row!? This match certainly has everyone talking! I have to admit, when I first heard of a rematch, I was skeptical, but now im very interested now that it is shaping up as such!

But could this be a way to explain the absence of HBK after WM only for him to somehow get brought back in? Just a thought...
too much is at stake here, im a big hbk fan but i dont want him retiring yet... this could end in a double count out or both men not getting up by 10 count... really too much is at stake...
well I have been thinking about this since it started at the slammys and with the new development of HBK's career being on the line this is what comes to mind. Taker and shawn have a 60 min match with taker finally going over shawn to keep his streak alive. However this will only be the end of Shawn's in ring career and he will go back to being the GM/Commissioner of Raw. This will allow WWE to end the guest host thing they have been doing while allowing shawn to get a seriously reduced schedule which is something he wants. This will also keep alive the streak which is seriously one of the main things that will be the foundations of the Undertakers legacy once he finally does retire which is probably not to far off.
With all the reports that Michaels plans to take time off and return around SummerSlam and Taker taking time off, I don't see Shawn losing because if they do a big retirement celebration thing and then he comes back in 3 months, it will seem pointless when he actually decides to call it quits for real. Hell, Taker has 17 straight victories. One loss would just give him a winning streak, like baseball has hitting streaks. One loss at Mania out of 18 is astonishing anyways if you look at it from purely win-loss and forget the fact that its a work. If they do a cheap DQ or count out ending, the fans would feel ripped cus its such a high profile match. I think somehow HHH will get involved. I was seriously hoping somehow Michaels would win the title at EC and drop it at Mania just to give him 5 total reigns. 30 days as the champ wouldn't kill him.
No no no no no no no! OMG NO! The Undertaker's streak won't end. So we either have Shawn retiring FOREVER which would be awful, or Shawn retiring, having an amazing retirement ceremony, and then returning in a few months, making his actual retirement no where near as special and seeming stupid. I'm pretty sure I read Shawn saying this WASN'T going to be his last Wrestlemania, so what are the WWE playing at? Has he changed his mind? Are they going to pull some swerve? Will The Undertaker lose? I'm completely lost. I wanted to see this match, but I don't want to be career vs. streak, because I don't want either to end.
i just remembered stone cold is hosting on the 15th, 2 weeks before wrestlemania, any chance he will be the guest referee in this match? he had big feuds with both man, and match of this magnitude could use a strong official figure.

i'm so psyched that i am attending that wrestlemania, first ever
No no no no no no no! OMG NO! The Undertaker's streak won't end. So we either have Shawn retiring FOREVER which would be awful, or Shawn retiring, having an amazing retirement ceremony, and then returning in a few months, making his actual retirement no where near as special and seeming stupid. I'm pretty sure I read Shawn saying this WASN'T going to be his last Wrestlemania, so what are the WWE playing at? Has he changed his mind? Are they going to pull some swerve? Will The Undertaker lose? I'm completely lost. I wanted to see this match, but I don't want to be career vs. streak, because I don't want either to end.

My thoughts almost completely echo this post. Assuming no bullshit ending occurs (double countout/draw/interference/etc.) we are left with two scenarios:

-Taker loses the streak.
-Michaels "retires."

The first is actually just a simple loss for the Undertaker, yet would seriously turn off many fans, especially those that have followed the Undertaker's career thus far. I'm one of the few that believes Taker should either lose the streak on his way out or not at all. This isn't his way out, or at least it doesn't seem to be, so I really don't want him to lose here.

The second option is far more complicated. As many have stated, the retirement would really mean nothing if Shawn gets back in the ring within the next year or so. The IWC tends to rip guys to shreds that keep getting back in the ring after major "retirements", and I would hate to see this happen to Shawn. However, there are plenty more directions that creative could go with this if Shawn loses. I'd be up for him returning as GM, but it seems like a weird way to go out really. I'm still really unsure.
Well call me Mr. doom and gloom but I didn't want to see Undertaker vs HBK 2 the first time I read about it and now I don't want to see it even more.

This is why... If HBK wins he ends the streak. It will no longer be a big deal to face the Undertaker at future Manias. The streak has became its own main event. It is a big reason why many buy the ppv. Also in the past the WWE has used the streak to put over young superstars at Mania. Orton, Edge... and it worked. This is what they should be doing this year.

If Undertaker wins, it means the end of HBK. Yet again another good opportunity for a ME guy to put over a MC before retirement goes out the window. I don't know about you but i wanted to see HBK vs, Morrison, HBK vs Punk...... So many wasted opportunities. AHH!! I understand if he really is going to call it quits after Mania. The Man is a Legend, and has paved the way for so many in the business. But if you ask me, I think its just a selfish way to go out. Don't get me wrong I like HBK but I love wrestling . it would be better for the business for HBK to put over a younger guy if this is in fact his last Mania/mach. Somebody like Morrison in a ladder mach. :) This makes me really want the mach to end in a double DQ, or maybe the time runs out.
Well im going to get straight to the point about this match.

If HBK doesn't want to have any title runs anymore then he should retire. Don't give me that crap about workin a schedule because him and Undertaker work the same schedule. HBK will go all out this WM. No doubt. But he should hang it up b4 UT loses at a WM. If HBK doesn't want the big one anymore he should just go and retire. Don't end the Undertaker streak and behind close doors you being offer a title run and turn it down cause you cant take the pressure of being a champion.

IIf HBK can't handle the pressure with titles and stuff. Then i prefer the streak.
The thing I love about this match is the fact that no one can actually guess for sure what the outcome will be. Especially since both Undertaker and HBK are planning on taking time off after Mania. Also with Taker in pain lately, it seems prime time for the streak to end. Then again, Michaels has been talking about retirement for years, Vince just makes it too hard to walk away.

If Michael's should lose, I don't see it being a permenant thing, just look at the Savage-Warrior match, eventually the Macho Man came back, after spending time as an announcer.

As far as Taker's streak is concerned, I don't think it is his legacy at all. I mean come on look at some of the people he beat, Snuka, Bundy, Boss Man, etc. Sure there is also HBK, Flair, HHH, Edge and Orton, but if the list included all A+ foes then it would mean more. 17-1 is a great record. I admit that I was hoping that it would be Dibiasi Jr who ended it, Shawn makes sense to me. They both have been with the company the longest and over their careers have had numerous terrific battles. What better way to put the cherry on top. To me Taker's legacy is the fact that as a heel, the writers came up with some kick ass storylines for him. His legacy is that he was always true to wrestling, not afraid to do whatever it took to make the business stronger. His legacy is that he was a true professional every step of the way. No stupid streak will ever change that.

With that being said, what I would love to see happen since this match probably will be the ME, I would love to see Bret Hart come out and "screw" HBK. Think about it for a second. Earlier in the night he will finally get his revenge against Vinny Mac when he puts him in the sharpshooter, then he gets even with HBK, "ending" his career.

Or the way out there scenerio but would be cool to see: Hart comes out and helps HBK, screwing the Undertaker over. Hart will then become GM of Raw and finally join the Kliq.
NNNNNNNOOOOOO I can't beliebve they are doing this match again. Yes it will be a good match and yes it will be a draw so I know why they are doing it. I have no doubt it will be just as great if not better than last years match but I don't want to see it AGAIN! Oh well I hope though that Shawn loses, I believe the streak should never end and lets face it in the WWE world retirement means NOTHING.Being banned means NOTHING. Shawn will find a way back. Remember if he retires he is retiring from being a full time in-ring competitor, so what do you do? Make him the RAW GM. Shawn doen't have anything to gain from ending the streak so please WWE you are doing this match just don't mess it up. I personally am most interested in the Orton vs Legacy fued going on, but that is just because i am a Orton fan lol
This might as well be Career vs Career because once Taker has lost at Wrestlemania I'm fairly sure that'll be the end of him. With that in mind I think you'll be seeing a retirement at Wrestlemania and it won't be Shawns. It's become fairly obvious recently that the Undertaker is really starting to struggle and I'm not convinced he wants to do another year. I'm predicting a HBK win.

Or HHH to screw Michaels over.
This might as well be Career vs Career because once Taker has lost at Wrestlemania I'm fairly sure that'll be the end of him. With that in mind I think you'll be seeing a retirement at Wrestlemania and it won't be Shawns. It's become fairly obvious recently that the Undertaker is really starting to struggle and I'm not convinced he wants to do another year. I'm predicting a HBK win.

Or HHH to screw Michaels over.

I am with you, I think HHH may just screw Michaels then HBK will come back to have a fued with him etc

The thing is we cant tell yet about what type of match this will be right?, they CANNOT POSSIBLY, have the exact same ending as last year then it will be a WTF not again moment right?.

I think these things might happen:

-HHH be included into the match as a 3 way (Taker pins HHH thus HBK wanting HHH when he comes back?)

- Double count out?

- Interference from HHH to screw HBK (thus HBK comes back 'out of retirement to have one more dance with HHH)

- Taker wins and HBK comes back as a GM role kind of thing <-- most likely

- Undertaker telling HBK (Real life) , to win the match and take his streak (Remember Taker told Kane to take his streak 2 years ago and retire, KANE refused)

Plus a stipulation must be added to this match.

One more point im going to say again - THEY cannot have the same outcome as last year no way.
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