Seth Rollins title reign


Pre-Show Stalwart
It has to be said im a big fan of rollins but his title reign has to be one of the worst in history its up there with swaggers. Rollins every week raw ends with him either getting beat up by the top faces or getting pinned and especially last week with j&j beating him this made no sense for them to beat him. He was made to look the face in my opinion hes been getting screwed and beat up constantly. How are we meant to take the guy seriously when hes feuding with lesnar soon he's been made silly by everyone hes faced recently and is yet to win clean.

the question i have is how can you make his reign better and how can he be made to look serious against brock.
They made him look desirable as a champion and creditable with his showing at the rumble. Last night shouldn't have been his first solo win when it matters. He plays a cowardly champion well but they make him look so weak. That edge he showed towards the end of the match is what they need to build on.
I agree completely. Last night was hopefully the first step in righting the wrong they done with him. While I think he has done a good job as a cowardly heel, ultimately for him to be believable and to get some of the heat back, he needs to be in the driver's seat, he shouldn't be saddled down with the authority, J&J, Kane, and be stuck in the shadow of the Shield. He needs to have credible victories, that he wins in intelligent ways to play up the fact that he is both tough and cunning. He absolutely deserves the spot he's in, but the booking has been abysmal.

They need to book him in programs with credible opponents who can work solid matches with him, and let him get hard fought, but ultimately clean wins. Bryan would've been perfect in this role, but in his absence, I think Ziggler would be the most logical. He needs a Bret to his Shawn.
I think WWE Creative has recognized how overly weak they were writing Seth down as. The turning point was last night at MITB, now he'll be more like Triple H , is my guess. But who knows, he could be dressed like a clown and telling awful jokes by Summerslam.
WWE didnt start off booking Rollins all that well, but yesterday they started it in the right direction. i'm a huge fan of J&J as stooges for the Authority, but when he became champion, i felt that J&J shouldn't be involved in every title match. Kane i dont mind, Triple H, i dont mind, but J&J should be used like Patterson and Brisco....with that said, Seth Rollins winning alone yesterday was awesome and my hope is that he avenges the loss to J&J tonight.
Rollins reign hasn't been a horrible one - it reminds me a lot of when Edge was champ and had Ryder & Hawkins by his side & would run, hide & cheat to win - I don't think it's a bad way for him to have his first title run as a heel, no it's not really sustainable but it's a good way for him to be a transition champ and have his first reign
He has lost his edge since turning on the Shield. He isnt the architect anyone. They should have had a few title defenses for him that were not guys in the main event. Rollins vs Cesaro for 15-20 min with Rollins winning at a PPV. At the next PPV have him face Harper for 15-20 mins and finish with a high spot. Maybe even take out Wyatt at the next PPV to make him look like a champion. In MY OPINION, Rollins needs a few wrasslin matches to make him look like a stronger champion. Instead of hiding from Orton, Cena, Ambrose and Reigns.
It hasn't been perfect, not even close overall to be perfectly honest, but one of the worst in history? Not by a long shot, not even in the top 20 worst title runs in WWE history.

Vince McMahon has a desire to make every heel champion that isn't some 250+ pound slab of muscle look vulnerable; like a lot of things, Vince takes it too far in that he makes the champion look too vulnerable and it's also a concept that, in my opinion, WWE makes far too frequent use of.

However, to be fair, people would complain about Rollins' run no matter what. If he's booked to come off as "too strong", if he was booked to come off as some walking incarnation of badass, some fans and writers alike will complain that Rollins doesn't cheat enough or that he isn't being enough of a heel. If he looks like some walking incarnation of badass. It's part of the same sort of thinking that causes some fans to declare that a guy is being buried if he loses a match, or that a heel looks weak if he does cheat, or that someone's being targeted by company officials because they get off on screwing people over. Some will complain if Rollins' run isn't EXACTLY what they want it to be or feel it should be; since there's no chance of such a gloriously perfect run from Rollins, or anyone else for that matter, it's just a setup for bitching to begin.If Rollins managed to remain champ all the way to WrestleMania, or even to the end of the year, look at how many would come to the forums complaining about him being champion for too long, yet many of those are the same fans who gripe about WWE playing hot potato with titles. Some are going to complain, are currently complaining or have complained just for the sake of having something to gripe about whether they mean it or not.
It's not fair to call it the 'worst in history', but it's fair to say it has been pretty weak. But then again, is Rollins really the champion? I see it more as the Authority being Champion, with Rollins just being their current 'face'. You can make an argument that Rollins has begun to realize this, which is why he's becoming more independent.

But the problem can we accept that he's a threat to Lesnar for even a second? Lesnar trashed Cena, Undertaker and Roman Reigns- all guys who have been presented as much more powerful than Rollins. The Authority itself has regressed a bit, with most of their temporary alliances going down their own paths. If Big Show was still involved, then maybe there would be some tension.

Of course, WWE can sort of recycle the Shield Storyline. Lesnar isn't just facing Rollins, but the Authority can send the entire (heel) roster after him as well. But does this make Rollins look good? Nope, that's Triple H. Unfortunately, in the long run, I worry Rollins is going to be more like the Miz. He'll have his time to shine, before becoming a strong midcarder thanks to being booked as a crafty weakling. I could be wrong and I hope I am, but Rollins hasn't had a very good title reign.

It also doesn't help that the outcomes of his Title matches have been too predictable.
His title run has been odd to say the least and just a tab bit crowded. At the beginning the cash in was great and no one saw it coming. I didn't expect it to go the way it has though. Too much interference in his matches, and it seemed it was more about the Authority than Rollins.

I also feel like he's just been in limbo waiting for Lesnar to come back, and the feuds he's had in the meantime were filler's. It's been a waste of time with no real viable contenders. Now we'e just had Sheamus winning MITB, so I'm assuming that Lesnar will get the title off Rollins at Battleground, and then we'll see a Sheamus cash in soon afterwards.
It has to be said im a big fan of rollins but his title reign has to be one of the worst in history its up there with swaggers. Rollins every week raw ends with him either getting beat up by the top faces or getting pinned and especially last week with j&j beating him this made no sense for them to beat him. He was made to look the face in my opinion hes been getting screwed and beat up constantly. How are we meant to take the guy seriously when hes feuding with lesnar soon he's been made silly by everyone hes faced recently and is yet to win clean.

the question i have is how can you make his reign better and how can he be made to look serious against brock.

I think he'll be fine. He's very believable as the cowardly heel and he puts on great matches. Reminds me of Punk's heel run as champ in late 2012-early 2013. I think he'll be fine. If he can take Brock seriously like Punk took The Rock it'll be fine.

They had Punk scared of Ryback of all people.
I think Seth Rollins has had an awesome title run. He plays his part so perfectly and has been having a lot of development in the meantime. At first he relied on help from The Authority, but as recent times have shown, he "doesn't need them" and can do it "all on his own." Which leads us to where we are now, the proving point if he is capable of being the diamond HHH was talking about, and that is by scoring a clean win over Leanar. Seth Rollins is GOAT, and this first reign will be remembered. 10/10.
How are we meant to take the guy seriously when hes feuding with lesnar soon he's been made silly by everyone hes faced recently and is yet to win clean.

I believe WWE has seen the value of Seth Rollins for quite some time now and has been following a long-term plan for his development. Everything we've been seeing since he acquired an entourage has been pointing toward what he's been asking for in the weeks before MITB: to go it alone. We're always going to admire the warrior who handles his own business by himself, right?

I think the whole "championship by committee" concept with men designated to ensure Seth's victory was leading to the phase that's coming up at this moment.... his independence, followed by a face turn and an explosion of popularity for Seth Rollins.......although, I wouldn't mind him staying heel and becoming the guy who takes care of his own shop. That's the beauty of it; he can go in either direction and still revitalize his own career.

The match (or feud) with Brock Lesnar is going to underscore the changes in Seth Rollins. So many folks on this forum have complained about WWE planning storylines by the seat of their pants, with Vince McMahon changing them on a whim.

In Seth Rollins, we're looking at a long-term plan started with an "undesirable" phase that's about to turn into a smash hit.
On paper, during his reign Rollins has defeated:
- Randy Orton
- Roman Reigns, Randy Orton, Dean Ambrose
- Dean Ambrose

That, again on paper, is not a bad four month reign assuming he eventually loses to Lesnar. The problem is that he should have gone over Orton at Extreme Rules with less interference. It doesn't need to be clean, he's a heel after all. But just less interference. Same as at Payback. That match was so overbooked, Rollins should have come out stronger. Even against Ambrose - despite not winning the title, Ambrose has come out better in the feud. Which is great because Dean needs it as well. But if they booked Rollins stronger in the previous two months it wouldn't have hurt him so much now.

Now you have a four month reign - which is a pretty lengthy reign by most standards, but without any real memorable moments for Rollins. That's not his fault. It's the fault of the "you're the champ until we can afford to pay Lesnar to come back" booking.
I like Rollins though. I love chicken shit heels, they are awesome at getting heat.

His laugh reminds me of Hollywood Hogan, haha pretty cool.

Rollins is good, but he became stale because of the authority. Rollins need his own stable, stand on his own ground.

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