Sandow cashes in!

This will not be the last time Sandow and Cena go at it! There match was amazing the crowd loved i loved it! This is awesome chant even broke through! WWE cant afford to mess this one up they need to build up Sandow so he has momentum when he verses the World Heavyweight Champion (either Cena or Del Rio) His victory will be much more that if he was to win last night so i think WWE went the right way with this! Del Rio probably will get the title of Cena who would be injured and Sandow feuds with Del Rio causing the long awaited, speculation of Sandow turning face :)
I'm not gonna be long in this post, I only want to say that I enjoyed the match and thought the decision was a great one. I like Damien Sandow and I like John Cena and I understood the reason behind the decision - I'm excited to see what John Cena is going to do with the World Heavyweight Championship, it's fresh and it's a revival of the title and we all witnessed that last night.

Damien Sandow won a lot last night, he won credibility, he had a great match and nothing on his failure made me want to turn out on him or whatever, if anything I enjoyed it so much that I want to see him chase it even more. Cena's storytelling and use of psychology is just out of this world ence the reason he's one of the best ever. There is nothing I can say that will top what Harthan said, it's a great decision overall for the championship, the talent and the Money In The Bank concept. Well done WWE and great job by both workers.
It was interesting, but come on enough of that crap this is good for wwe, or sandow or mitb. No NO NO!
This is bad for sandow, this year wwe had no one to give the mitb briefcase too, so sandow got picked out, however cody ended up getting the major push of the two, wwe must have found out that sandow sucks, this was a waste of a briefcase, they should've never gave it to sandow. Wade barrett was a better choice. but wwe never seek's to amaze me how dumb i am for watching the crap. im mad not cause sandow lost but the mitb was a waste.
I thought it was a great match between them, it told a great story and had a lot of great drama. Personally, I do think there was too much of the Super Cena stuff going on last night. It did seem a bit much at times, no question about that in my mind.

At the same time though, I'm reminded of the various complaints over the past few years regarding the MITB concept and the WHC in general. When it comes to MITB, the most common complaint revolves around the opinion that MITB needs to be shaken up some. How it's become a bit too predictable and how that some have wanted something different than the unpredictable aspect of the MITB briefcase holder cashing in anytime & anywhere. The concept was certainly shaken up some last night as Damien Sandow became the first MITB briefcase holder to cash in and lose the match. Even though Cena cashed in last year against Punk, Cena won the match by DQ while Sandow straight up lost altogether. MITB is no longer the ironclad guarantee that it once was and, generally speaking, last night's bout was really the first genuine match to come about. The rest of the time, the MITB cash in matches have lasted from seconds to only a few minutes before being over.

As for the WHC, it's generally gotten the same complaints that we see in regards to just about every title, whether it be a WWE or TNA title or whatever. You know, all the "the title doesn't mean as much as it used to" and "a lack of prestige is hurting it" or "how come the WHC isn't on the same level as the WWE Championship" stuff. Whether or not this leads to some sort of title unification down the road, John Cena being the champ will certainly elevate the stock of the title, no question about that.

I know that some hate the ground Cena walks on with the burning hot passion of a thousand suns. Sometimes, honestly, I do agree with some of the complaints & criticisms towards him. All the near superhuman hero worship WWE lavishes upon him does get nauseating sometimes. I'm also disappointed that he's simply waltzed right back onto the top of the mountain without missing a single beat. It's a level of star power that NOBODY else in pro wrestling has right now, barring The Rock, except for John Cena and it does get frustrating sometimes. But the fact remains that Cena's THE guy in WWE, is going to be THE guy in WWE for the foreseeable future and honestly has earned the spot of being THE guy in WWE whether you like him or hate him.
Did you watch the match or just read about it? Sandow wasn't going to cash in the belt at first. He successfully injured Cena with his sneak attack then decided to cash in. He said before in the promo that he suspected Cena was hurt worse than he claimed to be so he felt him out with an ambush. This was perfect booking.

To me its far from perfect. Mainly because I excpected smart heel like Sandow to wait for Cena to be beaten like nobody and then to cash in. Fits within the character...
Should've been obvious Cena would win after a while.

Should've been, yet there was an element of doubt. On one hand, Damien Sandow is hardly world championship material, especially after the losing streak they've had him on. He's a very fine ring worker and a real asset to the mid-card.

But the black marble was the presence of the doctor at ringside. I figured he was there to step in and decide that Cena had had enough. Would a medical disqualification give the title to Sandow? I don't know the answer to that, but reason would dictate: what was the doctor there for, if not to step in at some point? Made me wonder, that's for sure.

Okay, so now we'll see Damien without the briefcase, for the first time in quite a while. He's a dynamic enough character to roll with whatever Creative comes up with next for him. His "intellectual savior" persona could even persevere through a face change, if that's how management wants it.
It'll all be for nothing if Sandown doesn't get a programme with Cena now. I don't expect him to win, I do expect Del Rio to be inserted to increase interest and I don't expect it to last more than one PPV. But if those things don't happen and if Sandow doesn't get elevated at all by his dalliance with Cena, then what was the point.

Also, what kind of intellectual doesn't cash in when they know for certain the title holder is down for the count? Only a babyface is stupid enough to do that.
i know this may sound odd, but i was wondering the whole raw after that match if maybe sandow perhaps failed a piss test. there really was no talk if any the rest of raw of him at all, no "sandow was the second person in wwe history to cash in and not win." hell there was barely any talk of cena, just del boreo coming out and saying hes using his rematch clause. makes me wonder...
I was pleasantly shocked that Cena retained the belt. He needs to be World Champion and the long term benefits are obvious. Cena winning should not be an issue to anyone because that is what is best for business and the World title.

My main worry is Damien Sandow losing. Now I don't love Sandow, I certainly don't think he is the best mid-carder the WWE have but him losing his a strange one. He had zero momentum going into this, he hasn't cut a good promo in a while and I was beginning to lose interest. Now he doesn't have the MITB, he has nothing. Moreover, I really don't believe there is a chance Sandow will win the World Title of Cena in the next few months.

What happens with Sandow is an interesting one. I suppose it could be good because it gives time for the World Title to be elevated but Sandow has fuck all do to in the mean time. Cashing in now just seems like a lazy decision from the WWE.

When he won the MITB they obviously didn't plan for this so the fact that there was a face champion for ONE FUCKING DAY and he cashed in was pathetic. Surely, they didn't need to pull the trigger so quickly. I'm fine with Cena winning; I think it is very smart that they made the MITB winner lose but they have left Damien Sandow with nothing. They will probably have Sandow face Cena at TLC or be involved in a triple threat at Survivor Series but thereafter he will go back to where he was before MITB in July, a nothing mid-carder,

In my opinion, they could have waited for Sandow to cash in. He could have teased a few times but never actually doing it. I understand there is a problem that there is no obvious feud for him and I suppose that could be a blessing. Now they can move on from him being the "uncrowned world champ" and give him an actual program. The WWE have been unlucky that Christian, Sheamus and Rey are all out injured because these are the guys that Sandow could have feuded with. Where Sandow goes from this is impossible to predict but I don't think him losing last night was the correct decision.
The match was good but this was really lame. Just when Cena won the world title and it looked like that title scene was starting to matter again they kinda killed all that anticipation. I've found Sandow very entertaining ever since he came in but he has been booked so poorly. I don't know why he even won the MITB because since then he has hardly ever won against anyone, he has been a jobber since then. I guess they're trying to be unpredictable here by having a failed cash in to prevent us from assuming that almost all cash ins would lead to a title reign. Maybe they didn't want Cena to lose a 1 on 1 match to Sandow so they are going to put them in a triple threat match also involving Del Rio and have Sandow sneak in a win and hold the title for a month, though as others have stated Sandow is nowhere near world title material, but then again it's only the WHC so who cares?
There is something clearly apparent in the WWE right now...most of you seem to have missed it.

A lot of what is going on onscreen with HHH is for REAL!!! The company is restructuring ahead of Vince's retirement, which will likely come at the biggest ever event. Everything and everyone is being looked at, evaluated and positioned to either be at Mania 30 or not.

Now whether it's down to booking or not is up for debate in a different thread but when Trips said D-Bry was a B+ and Vince says he isn't championship material they are right for real. He clearly isn't as the ratings have dropped since he's been the focus, maybe not as bad as other times but enough that he's going to have to wait until Mania and perhaps go via the Rumble route to get it. When Big Show, Orton, Cena, Kane are all starting to take major roles again it's not because young talent is failing or not ready it's because it really IS best for business at this stage to build as much around the guys who have sold Mania's in the past so that when 30 comes and is a massive success they can hand the company over to this new breed in the best possible financial and entertainment manner. Now is not the time to be trying to build main eventers it's to be solidfying the guys you already have in the main event as come 30, they are the guys whose legacies are gonna sell it as the greatest ever. Indeed the new game is out and 30 years of Mania is the major mode, so of course guys like Orton, Cena, Triple H, Shawn and the like will be the focus right now... you don't see Sheamus v D-Bry in that mode...

They have made a definite line in the sand of who is Main event and who is mid-card... some like Bryan and even Punk are below that line right now, not a knock on them from WWE but it's just the way it is for now. To an extent it's their turn to put some others over like the Wyatts.

Sandow not winning wasn't a slight or a burial, he got to have a great match with the greatest wrestler of the last 10 years. Just as when Cena had to do those early-ish jobs on the way up, Sandow did his last night and would have gotten a lot of respect and credibility in the back. Once Mania 30 is out of the way his time will come, same as Cody's, Barrett's and Cesaro's. These are your Upper mid card guys, some like Axel, Ambrose and Big E a step below and then the tags, which for the first time in several years feels like a proper division on it's own level.

You have to remember that MITB is a guaranteed title MATCH. Not a victory, or a main event push it's one match, one night. By Sandow losing it demonstrates that, he wasn't ready to take that opportunity and he got it wrong but look at it coldly, this is a man who hasn't really DONE anything in WWE as Sandow. He won the tags as an Edgehead but since being Sandow he hasn't done anything other than win MITB. That is a midcarder but what he got was an opportunity to work with THE main eventer and he held his own, got the fans engaged and will now get another chance at some point.

In the past mid-carders had to have a killer feud with someone established at the top to move up THEN they got a title. Since 1993 they have had the "fast track" with the Rumble, KOTR and then MITB as the shortcut way to the title. While some have succeeded like Austin, others have failed with it. Shawn perhaps was the one who was most damaged by winning this way with ADR second and Billy Gunn the biggest failure as it can be an albatross around the neck. Cos you won the Rumble/MITB/KOTR it created the false assumption that you are now main event. You're not... you just have the chance to be as guys like Ziggler have found out to their cost but fans and then wrestlers started to believe it and for everyone who made it work like Edge, Punk and Bryan there is a Mr. Ass, a Ken Shamrock or a Mabel...

Sandow won't suffer for this - he took one for the greater good and now has the feud with Cena, be it now or in 6 months that if he continues to perform as he did last night, will take him there but even if he NEVER wins the title...he can still main event - Piper did, DiBiase did... and if that's where he ends up he can hardly say that's a bad spot.
We all witnessed the burial of Damien Sandal. Enough said. Kinda sad such a great heal.

I don't think you understand what a burial is if you thought last night was Damien Sandow being buried.

Damien Sandow, as a wrestler, has, to my best recollection, won two matches since winning the Money In The Bank briefcase back in July. That's two matches in 4 months for a guy who's been appearing and wrestling on both Raw and Smackdown on a consistent basis. Yes, he worked over Cena's bad arm in a big way before the match, and smartly targeted it throughout the match. If Cena was burying Sandow, he would have shrugged it off and used the arm like nothing had happened. Instead, Cena demonstrated no ability to use the arm whatsoever. He went for the STF twice and Sandow shrugged him off easily. He couldn't hook it whatsoever, because he was selling the arm. Every time Cena went to use the arm, Sandow countered with ease, and went back on offense. He got in 80% of the offense in the match, and pushed Cena to the very limit. The only move he didn't hit on Cena that he attempted was the piledriver. That was Cena's only counter of the match, and as we've known for ten years, Cena is a strong guy. He's AA'd Big Show and Edge at the same time, so for him to AA Sandow with one arm isn't a stretch. And again, he did so in his only counter of the match.

If anything, this match elevated Sandow in a major way. Was he ready for the World Title? Heck no. So he lost to one of the most famous and automatic moves in wrestling history, Cena's AA. How is that a burial? He absolutely dominated the biggest and toughest star of the past ten years. A burial would have been Cena shrugging off the arm injury like nothing happened. A burial would have been Cena surviving an Elimination Chamber, ala 2006, then still beating Sandow. When that happened, and Cena was first cashed in on, he lost. This wasn't the case, this was a one-on-one match. Sandow has never been shown to be anywhere near Cena's level, so Cena winning a one-on-one match, even dinged up is hardly a burial of Sandow. He looked awesome in defeat, and simply wasn't opportunistic enough.

I'm not sure what more all of you can ask for, to be honest. The consensus for some time has been that the World Title has meant little, a fact bemoaned by all of us. So WWE went with a simple solution, and that was putting the title on its biggest star. Now that Cena is holding the title, people are upset that he defeated a glorified jobber who cashed in Money In The Bank. When Sandow won Money In The Bank, he was opportunistic. He sold outside the ring the entire match, and only won when he knocked Cody off the ladder, and claimed the case. He's done nothing since to show that he's a main event player, yet there's outrage that he lost to the main event player of the past ten years. So instead of getting a fringe mid-carder who's lost almost every single's match he's had for the past 4 months as World Champion, we get the 14 time World Champion. The only man at this point who can bring focus and relevancy back to the title.

Further, what has Cena made a career out of? Overcoming the odds. And that's exactly what he did last night. Sandow looked absolutely great in thoroughly dominating Cena, he just didn't do enough. It's a simple story: All Cena needed to do was survive until he could hit one big move, and he did. Simple as that. This was the furthest thing from a burial of Damien Sandow, it was an enhancement through a loss. He's now looking like a big time player with the way he dominated the majority of the match. That's something he wasn't coming in.

Finally, this brings MITB full-circle. Cena was the first to be successfully cashed in on, by Edge at New Year's Revolution 2006. He was the first to unsuccessfully cash-in MITB, against CM Punk at Raw 1000. And now, he's the first to be cashed in on and win the match. Anything can happen now with MITB, and you have John Cena to thank for that. You wanted the World Title to mean something again? WWE acquisced, and is giving us the most credible champion possible, John Cena.

What would the title mean if its current holder was Damien Sandow?:blush:
Didn't see the match but I see no issue with Sandow losing his cash in. 1st off its nice that someone definitively lost their MITB contract match as it at least makes things less predictable on the front. I think Punks first MITB and Swagger shouldn't have cashed in as they weren't ready either and it did no favors for Swagger or Punk in his first face run (he wasn't close to over until he turned heel). I would rather Sandow lose the cash in and them build off of that as there's plenty of avenues WWE can go down with Sandow at this point in time, a lot more than if he was champ.

I think Sandow has a bright future in the WWE, I can see him doing a lot so why not take your time with the guy instead of force feeding him into a situation where he is destined to fail. It's not a bad thing Sandow lost but it could very well turn out to be a great thing if they play their cards right. When Bryan lost in 18 seconds to Sheamus almost everyone shit all over that decision when it happened but as it turns out it was the best thing that ever happened to him.

I think its a good move having Sandow lose, if he won what would happen? He would snake his way out of a few title matches with Cena, Cena would beat him and he would be back to where he was before the case, at least in this situation he can grow.
Also, what kind of intellectual doesn't cash in when they know for certain the title holder is down for the count? Only a babyface is stupid enough to do that.

Yes, and in this case, the babyface was dumb enough to go after a seemingly helpless Sandow, who was lying senseless outside the ring while the ref was counting. I'm thinking: "Leave him there, John!" while the ref counts him out and ends Sandow's cash-in bid. I really liked the match, but score one for the folks who complain about "Super Cena" after that dumbass move.

I think it is very smart that they made the MITB winner lose but they have left Damien Sandow with nothing.

Okay, but since every single bad guy who's held the briefcase has cashed in and won the title, it makes good sense to change up and cast some uncertainty on the process by having the heel fail once in a while. I think it's high time to change the MITB format. Having a fresh briefcase holder cashing in on an exhausted champion has been done too many times already. The result last night might be the beginning of a change......or, it's just a one-time occurrence that I regard as well-advised.

Damien has lost only the briefcase; he's still a viable mid-card character and I think there will be plenty for him as he goes along.
In my opinion, this was the first time I've felt they took Super Cena too far.

This cash-in was unnecessary, it hasn't helped Cena in anyway and has only made Sandow look weaker. Here's some random points:

1) If Damien Sandow is unable to beat a tired, injured Cena after hitting Cena's arm into the steel steps AND having the element of surprise on his side, how can Sandow ever beat anyone again realistically?

2) Cena can't lose clean seems to be the mantra of the WWE. It annoys me, but he didn't have to lose clean to Sandow. They had a ready made excuse with Cena's arm. See point 1.

3) If the WWE doesn't want Damien Sandow to beat Cena, then how about not making him cash in? Sandow could have waited a bit longer and theywouldn't have had to make Sandow look weak. As I've said, Cena beating Sandow does not make Cena look any better. He's already over.

4) If they didn't want Sandow to win the World title, why give him the briefcase? Even after Sandow won the briefcase, they had an opponent in Cody Rhodes prepared to take it from him - it could have made sense.

This failed cash-in makes no sense to me unless Sandow needs to take time off (As in time off until MITB next year)
I don't give a fuck about the prestige of the WHC. I don't care what John Cena is doing in October. I am interested in the future of Damien Sandow. I certainly didn't want him to become the next Jack Swagger or Dolph Ziggler level champ. What I care about most is being entertained and although I knew the outcome of the match beforehand, the segment and match still entertained me. It also made me more interested in where things are going with Damien Sandow. He looked very competitive in the match. I assume this means a move up the WWE hierarchy. I think that's a good thing for him and me. Nice job WWE, keep it up.

And for anyone criticizing WWE for booking the "self proclaimed" Intellectual Savior of the Masses as hot-headed and foolish you are completely ignoring the fact that he has consistently been booked to look hot-headed and foolish.
1) If Damien Sandow is unable to beat a tired, injured Cena after hitting Cena's arm into the steel steps AND having the element of surprise on his side, how can Sandow ever beat anyone again realistically?
Because not everyone else is John Cena. Cena has a history of overcoming the odds, and like last evening, needing to hit just that one big move. Cena is, simply put, on a level no one else is. Sandow can realistically beat others because they're not John Cena. He's the top guy, and Sandow almost beat him. Everyone else he faces will only be easier from here.

2) Cena can't lose clean seems to be the mantra of the WWE.
Missed Summerslam, did ya? Daniel Bryan, running knee, 1-2-3. That was only two matches ago for Cena. So much for that theory.

It annoys me, but he didn't have to lose clean to Sandow. They had a ready made excuse with Cena's arm. See point 1.
Point # 1 is a poor one. Cena has made a career of overcoming odds, and perhaps if it was a lesser wrestler, Sandow would have been successful. But it was the top guy, and Sandow gave him everything he could handle. I can't remember a John Cena match in the past 8 years where anyone other than CM Punk and the Rock came so close, only to lose. That's elite company.

3) If the WWE doesn't want Damien Sandow to beat Cena, then how about not making him cash in? Sandow could have waited a bit longer and theywouldn't have had to make Sandow look weak. As I've said, Cena beating Sandow does not make Cena look any better. He's already over.
Absolutely it does. Remember Cena's vow to restore credibility and focus to the World Title? Well, I'd say beating Damien Sandow with one arm to retain the World Title does exactly that. This isn't as much about getting Cena over, as he is, which you correctly pointed out. It's about Cena getting the World Title over, which he can.

And then when someone does beat him for the title, how much more will it mean? A lot.

4) If they didn't want Sandow to win the World title, why give him the briefcase? Even after Sandow won the briefcase, they had an opponent in Cody Rhodes prepared to take it from him - it could have made sense.
Rhodes is a face, and he's settled nicely into a program as tag champion. Why give Sandow the case? Unpredictability. We've now seen it all with the case, and there truly is the feeling that anything can happen.

Oh, and it elevated Sandow, likely so that this isn't the last we've seen of Sandow and Cena. Moving him into a main event program, briefcase or not? Sounds like a good deal for Sandow.

This failed cash-in makes no sense to me unless Sandow needs to take time off (As in time off until MITB next year)
It makes an incredible amount of sense. Sandow was overconfident, and it's not as if he lost to a John Cena who just survived a 45 minute Elimination Chamber.

And why would Sandow take time off now? Last night, realize it or not, was the pinnacle of Damien Sandow's career. There's only bigger things in store for him from this point on.

Bottom Line: This was good for all parties involved. It was good for Sandow, good for Cena, and good for the World Title. There's no one who truly "lost" here.
May aswell just stick Cena and HHH on for 3 hours every Monday night...

Absolute joke what happened last night. Granted it was a fantastic match but same old WWE, same old panic, same old bring Superman back to save the day again. WWE in think short term shocker.

I think everyone called it though didn't they? Once Sandow beat him down and cashed twitter messages all called 'Cena will win this' Its so predictable and boring. Funny thing is I have so much respect for Cena and what he has done and what he does outside of the ring but then something like this happens where a young superstar who could have had his moment last night is buried...and that will be see him as a mid carder for the rest of his WWE career. I guarantee that.
Honestly, I don't know how anyone watching last night's match could think Sandow somehow got screwed, or is in any way being buried. People were chanting "This is awesome!" It was literally one of the most exciting matches on RAW in some time. Sandow and Cena had awesome chemistry in the match. Sandow could afford to take the loss; that match gave him instant cred as a guy who can make a compelling opponent.
Everybody says the World Heavyweight Championship needs the prestige brought back to it and who better than John Cena. John Cena has beaten HBK, Triple H, Randy Orton, CM Punk, Damien Sandow barely beat Kofi Kingston in what was his first win in 4 months. It makes no logical sense for Damien Sandow to beat Cena that damages what they're trying to do which is elevate the world title. People seem to thing put over means winning a match when that's not all it is. If everybody in the locker room had come and beat up Cena and Sandow won is Sandow put over? Instead Sandow showed that he belongs in the World Title picture by putting on a great match with Cena. People seem to think Burial means losing a match when that's not all it is. Sandow was made to look phenomenal in that match all of his previous losses were forgotten about just because he took Cena to the limit and he is in a better position now than he was before last night. Calling that a burial is just stupid. Also, it makes it look easier for Sandow to beat other people just for the simple fact that he ALMOST beat Cena.
So for those who are watching just saw the return of Cena to Monday night Raw to be interrupted by Sandow.

Sandow teased a cash in but stated that he wasn't going to do it tonight. However, when Cena went to confront him as he was leaving Sandow unleashed a vicious attack on Cena's newly repaired arm. After, hitting a brutal chair shot on steel steps Sandow ran to the ring grabbed his briefcase and cashed in his guaranteed title shot.

The fight went back and forth with Sandow targeting Cena's injured arm and Cena fighting back using only his right arm. Sandow would get many near falls but in the end Cena countered one of Sandow's attacks and hit the AA for the victory.

Now, this raises a lot of questions. Sandow while still a very young and talented athlete hasn't been winning that many matches since his victory at MitB and didn't really have that much momentum going for him. So the first question has to be where does he go from here? Did WWE lose some of the faith they had in him during his run as WHC MitB Brief case holder? Is this the last time we'll see Sandow vs Cena for the time being?

I for one am a bit confused by this. A lot of people speculated the cash in happening last night due to the possibility that Cena hasn't fully recovered. I honestly thought he may win after I saw him cash in and am a bit shocked by his defeat. However, I also did not believe he was ready to be champion and figured it would have been better for him to hold onto his brief case longer to further establish himself and to get himself more over with fans so when he did cash in the crowd would be almost 100% behind him.

I just thing he lost plain and simple. Doesn't have anything to do with their faith in him. They know he's legit.

Know how awesome was that Cena match guys?

Holy cow! I was emotionally invested the whole time. Rooted for John so had because I was convinced he was gonna lose it. WWE has been really unpredictable lately.

I figured maybe he was okay for one match and they didn't wanna push him. So putting the belt on Sandow would ... you know... allow him to rest.

But surprised as hell that Cena pulled it off. That one arm thing was crazy.

Is this what fans of technical wrestling mean when they talk about "telling a story in the ring?"
Problem now is figuring out what to do with both Del Rio and Sandow. I see Cena vs Del Rio vs Sandow triple threat action in our near future...
You have to remember that MITB is a guaranteed title MATCH. Not a victory, or a main event push it's one match, one night. By Sandow losing it demonstrates that, he wasn't ready to take that opportunity and he got it wrong but look at it coldly, this is a man who hasn't really DONE anything in WWE as Sandow. He won the tags as an Edgehead but since being Sandow he hasn't done anything other than win MITB. That is a midcarder but what he got was an opportunity to work with THE main eventer and he held his own, got the fans engaged and will now get another chance at some point.

In the past mid-carders had to have a killer feud with someone established at the top to move up THEN they got a title. Since 1993 they have had the "fast track" with the Rumble, KOTR and then MITB as the shortcut way to the title. While some have succeeded like Austin, others have failed with it. Shawn perhaps was the one who was most damaged by winning this way with ADR second and Billy Gunn the biggest failure as it can be an albatross around the neck. Cos you won the Rumble/MITB/KOTR it created the false assumption that you are now main event. You're not... you just have the chance to be as guys like Ziggler have found out to their cost but fans and then wrestlers started to believe it and for everyone who made it work like Edge, Punk and Bryan there is a Mr. Ass, a Ken Shamrock or a Mabel...

Sandow won't suffer for this - he took one for the greater good and now has the feud with Cena, be it now or in 6 months that if he continues to perform as he did last night, will take him there but even if he NEVER wins the title...he can still main event - Piper did, DiBiase did... and if that's where he ends up he can hardly say that's a bad spot.

and let's not forget the first rumble winner in Hacksaw Jim Duggan. I can't recall, but wasn't the title shot always a part of being winner of Rumble?

In todays wrestling though, it takes the title now to make the main eventer, not the other way around. Guys like Jake, Piper, Dibiase were main events at a time when the champs were almost always expected to hold the title for multiple YEARS, let alone go through 2 ppvs with the belt. And they were trained much more strongly in working a crowd through their inring actions so that they were more believable as a top guy for long periods without a title then the people who are in the biz now.
Now instead of making it through the crowd reactions to your natural abilities and personality for your character, it's all entirely run through the script and written and trying to have the story force the fans who to root for as both faces and heels instead of letting the reactions of the fans drive who was the main events. That was one of if not the main strengths of the Attitude Era that so many of us long for. Things were being scripted then based on what the fans were reacting to, both positive and negative, instead of trying to force people not build for the role into positions that they fail at.
ie; Miz, swagger, Dolph, Del Rio, instead of listening to fan reactions, they were forced through the script and writting crew to positions they weren't quite ready for or don't have the skills to hold for long periods of time in todays attention span shortened era.

I won't comment on the rest of your post, as it once again just shows your ridiculous attempts to act like you have inside knowledge to matters that you know as little as anyone not named Vince or HHH.
I'm cool with Cena retaining as I could only see Sandow losing the title straight back to him if he'd won it.

Funnily, the only thing that annoyed me was, after the first break, the ref was making Sandow back off to give Cena time to recoup to start the match. I might've missed it before but I've never seen a MITB cash-in being made to wait so the champ can be ready for them, that's the whole point of the cash in.
As mentioned earlier, eventually Del Rio gets a rematch. Now Sandow should cost Cena the WHC during this match and begin to get under the skin of Cena. He could compete better with Del Rio, but right now he cant seem to beat Cena, but he can cost him dearly is he is as smart as he says he is. KAYFABE!

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