Samoa Joe: Better suited for Japan?

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The Hiphopapotamus

The Dude abides
Samoa Joe is like marmite, you either love him or you hate him. Personally, I love him, but I can understand the reasons for hating him. Now, before I explain the concept behind this thread, I'll just describe so of the main things that garner opinions on the Samaon submission machine.

Why people like him:

1: Match quality

In TNA for the last 4 years, only possibly 2 or 3 other wrestlers can claim to be in as many classic matches as Samoa Joe has. AJ Styles is the only one who can claim that, and arguments could be made for Christopher Daniels and Kurt Angle. If you look at TNA's best matches: The Unbreakable 3 way. Check. Destination X 2006 Ultimate X. Check. Joe vs AJ Genesis 2005. Check. His matches with Angle at end of 2006, beginning of 2007. Check. Hard justice 2007 vs Angle. Check. Lockdown 2008 vs Angle. Check. BFG 2008 vs Sting. Check. Turning Point 2009 3 way. check. All classic matches that have involved Samoa Joe, aswell as other wrestlers I have mentioned. That list is immense.

And I'm not just focusing on TNA aswell. his matches against the likes of Bryan Danielson and CM Punk in ROH are the stuff of legend. He also has great matches against legends like Mitsuhara Misawa and Kenta Kobashi, where he came close both times.

2: His moveset and style.

Samoa Joe's moveset consits mainly of incredibly hard hitting slams and suplexes, aswell as super stiff kicks and chops and submissions.. His moves are more often then not, cringworthy, but in a good way. Like for example:

Very few mainstream wrestlers employ an offence as hard hitting as Samoa Joe. But one of the best parts is the realism accompanied with these attacks. His german suplexes and such look like legitimate knock out blows, moves that would hurt if someone did it to you. Which, always adds to enjoyment.

3: His speed and agility.

Samoa Joe is fat. Too fat. But he possesses crazy speed and agility compared to his size. He looks like a heavyweight, moves like a light heavyweight. He gets his kicks up very high, he jumos around, he goes over and through the ropes. His suicide dive is great, and his suicide barrell roll is, in my opinion, probably the craziest move I have ever seen. Moreso on who's doing it rather than the move itself.

Why people don't like him:

1: He's a bad worker.

Many people don't like him as he they don't think he's good enough when it comes to working a match. They say his selling isn't good enough. Neither is hios storytelling. Even looking at that list of matches, his detractors will still argue that it was with far superior workers. Many argue that he isn't as good anymore in the main event, becuase he doesn't have X division wrestlers to bump like crazy for him. Hence why his best matches are with AJ and Daniels. But I disagree. Sure it helps, but he does so much more. And what about Angle? He's hardly a cruiserweight. Personally, I couldn't give a shit. As long as he still entertains me.

2: Mic skills and charisma.

I like him on the mic sometimes. I like his intensity. His promo at Turning Point 07 after Scott Hall no showed still remains as probably my favourite promo for the last few years. His emotions could clearly be seen. But I can see where they come from. His charisma and character can be bad, and he is pretty plain. Up untill recently, he was just boring outside the ring, untill he adapted this "mastermind" character. But, in this department, he can be seriously lacking.

3: His look.

Seriously, the amount of times on this website I've heard some idiot say they hate that fat fuckJoe and his man boobs. It pisses me off a little. It shouldn't be about how they look. But sadly, it can. But Joe is getting bigger, and it's hindering him. He should lose a bit, but it isn't detrimental. If someone doesn't like him for either of the previous two reasons, I can accept fully. But for this, no.

Now, onto the topic of the thread, why I think Samoa Joe would be better suited in Japan.

Well, I'll go by some of the points that I've already described.

1: His moveset and style.

His moveset and style are strkingly simlar to strong style wrestling. Stiff kicks and chops are very popular in puro, and Joe loves them. And sick suplexes with head drops and neck bumps are both mainstays of not only Samoa Joe, but of Puroresu as a whole. Take a look at the video. It's really what Puro is based on, throws. He's also great at submissions, which is also a huge part. Puro, in my opinion, is based more on the in ring action and moves rather than storytelling, charisma and what not. So samoa Joe, great at suplexes, slams, kicks, submissions and flat out hitting hard, is perfect for strong style wrestling.

2: His agility and speed.

Another thing that would help him. Japan like their players big, but like a bit of speed aswell. Mitsuhara misawa was very strong, but could use moves like the suicide elbow to great effect. Joe falls into that category.

3: He's a bad worker.

You don't need to be a good worker in japan. Selling isn't important, as really, it isn't needed. The moves are that realistis and dangerous that they're going to hurt you anyway. And storytelling isn't important. So he doesn't need it.

4: His mic skills and charisma.

Not at all important. Well mic skills for two obvious reasons. 1) He doesn't speak japanese. 2) Except for maybe HUSTLE, mics aren't really used. Promos aren't what's important, your in ring WRESTLING is. And that's what Joe is best as. And as for charisma, same again. It's just not as important.

5: Look.

Yet again, not important. Look at the tits on Morishma, yet his still popular. Not one japanese wrestler that I can think of has the definition, abs, pecs and biceps as their American counterparts.

So based on what I have just said, I think that Samoa Joe would be a much better wrestler in the country where it better suits him. And that's the land of the rising sun.

So what do you guys think?
Like the's different, like the move set I mean look at his his speed and agility. Mic skills...this is something he can work on...this goes along with charisma. When he is playing dace...he just comes off as dull and boring to me. When he is me he still isn't good but decent
Can't disagree with you. Joe would do very well in a country like japan. I feel joe's overall style is more of a japanese style than an american style.

It also helps that in Japan every 3rd move looks like a MK fatality and Joe looks like he could kill a person with half of his moveset. His moves are very high impact and I think that would make him a great heel in Japan, especially if they book him just destroying all the Japanese talent, he would get major heat being a gaijin wrestler who does nothing but destroy all the top faces in Japan, Joe doesn't need a gimmick to do that.

I always thought Joe could get over in the states but like you said he's not much of a talker and doesn't have the look, but in Japan no one really cares about that, if you can wrestle well thats all that really matters. Joe can put on great matches, and I think he is a decent worker (alot better than most Japanese wrestlers) but also, like you said wouldn't matter because no one sells shit in japan.

All in all Joe would unquestionably do great in Japan, to be honest, I don't see how he could not do great in Japan.
Frankly I don't understand how anyone could hate Samoa Joe. Is it because of his phenomenal in-ring work? His uncanny athleticism for a man his size? His technical and submission prowess? His intensity on the microphone? Call me a mark, but I love Joe, and have for years now. Sure, he'd grown a bit stale during the whole MEM storyline, but that was simply bad booking. Joe has shown he's a top dog in this industry, and I can't understand how anyone could hate the man.

As for if he's "better suited" for Japan...well, that depends on what point of view we're looking at this from. From Joe's POV? No, probably not, because he can make far more money in the United States than he could wrestling in Japan. Don't get me wrong, a guy like Joe could get some nice paychecks in Japan, but the gaijins never get paid the same as the Japanese wrestlers, sad but it's true.

From the POV of a Joe fan? Sure, I'd love to see him do an extended run in Japan, the possibilities for great matches are practically endless if he were to go to a place like NOAH right now. He incorporates enough of the strong style as it is, but to see him in an environment in Japan with even more leeway in the ring would result in some fantastic matches, no doubt about it. But, considering I live in the United States and Joe wrestling for a company with a national television show like TNA has is probably best for my interests, he's being used very well right now in TNA, with the absolutely phenomenal Joe vs. Styles vs. Daniels III being a serious candidate for match of the year.

Joe could wrestle anywhere he wants to though really. He's just that big of a talent, the man could probably wrestle in Norway and make good money.
Honestly the most fans your talking about that hate samoa joe,seem to be more of the stupid class of online fans who just will say any stupid thing to get a kick in their life. Cant stand them and used to be flooded with them but it has gotten better. The fans the complain about anything at all even if its amazing they will find a way to complain about it. Like a million mark maddens but like 25 years less mature. These guys make jokes that make me want to punch them in the face like "Owen Hart is suicide" and "why cant scott steiner just die"....I honestly would love to punch these guys in the face. Besides these type of stupid punk fans, I have rarely seen anyone else make bad comments about joe. I think hes great and is making it in the states very much since he is one of the main stars of tna
This is the problem with Samoa Joe you put him in Japan and his awe inspiring moveset that some claim is common in Japan and his moves arent that hardhitting. Samoa Joe is not a bad worker but I totally feel he is highly overrated with his generic japanese moveset.
You know, I was honeslty going to come in here, selfishly, and admit that I wanted Joe in the states fior myself. I don't follow Puro nearly as well as a Tdigle or an X, but I know enough to know that Joe could probably fair very well in Japan. His moveset is one that actually is better suited for Japan, fit with more strikes and kicks, and plenty of submissions. He works a terrific grounding type of match, and saves his high spots for when he really needs them (something almost everyone in TNA should take consideration of, and try as well. It really does add to the effect of the match, I promise you.) His intensity is comparable, I'd say, to Kensuke Sasaki, someone I've always been a mark of, and he actually reminds me of Sasaki in a lot of different ways.

Still, for Joe's benefit, it would be smart to stay in TNA. As X pointed out, outsider's don't get paid nearly as much as those within Japan. Also, The Japanese really do like to get behind their own. I know, Vader and Hansen worked out just fine there, but I think over time, Japan's fans will come to root for a more homogenous brand of face. Bottom Line; Unless Joe wants to play a heel for the rest of his career, it behooves him to stay in TNA. His pops are pretty damn good right now, it appears they'll finally give him an appropriate run with the belt should it be given to him, and his pay will be larger than if he moved off to Japan. Sure, Joe, from an actual wrestling standpoint, is probably better suited for Japan. But why should he leave when he's already done Japan? He's had a few tours, and now this is the smart place for him to be.

Though, if TNA will not take him back, for whatever reason, he'd better go to Japan, rather than stay in America and work for Vince. Simply put, Vince doesn't know how to use a guy like Joe. So if TNA isn't an option, absolutely I'd welcome him to Japan.
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