Saddest Moments in Television History?

I had never watched One Tree Hill, but I watched the second of a season finally once. They graduated high school and I could see that they all had mixed emotions about it. They were all hanging out in a park or something, by a small basketball court, and crying and hugging and laughing and reminiscing. That was sad. I may have cried if I was a follower of the show.
I had never watched One Tree Hill, but I watched the second of a season finally once. They graduated high school and I could see that they all had mixed emotions about it. They were all hanging out in a park or something, by a small basketball court, and crying and hugging and laughing and reminiscing. That was sad. I may have cried if I was a follower of the show.

One Tree Hill is my favorite show and I would say one of the saddest moments I've had when watching that show was when Quentin was shot. When he first was on the show I thought he was just another knucklehead athlete but throughout the last season, he really changed. His funeral was one of the saddest I've ever watched on a sitcom and One Tree Hill won't feel the same without him.
The finale of Pitchmen had me in tears. I loved that show, and Billy MAys, and the whole thing was quite possibly the best finale I've seen for a while. The tribute at the end really got me. Call me soft, but I cried, hard.
1. Futurama, Jurassic Bark and The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings get me all the f-ing time. When Fry's dog waits for him for the rest of his life at the end after Fry decides not to bring him back is so fucking sad for a funny cartoon. Great story telling. And the Idle Playthings episode when Fry and Leela sit in the opera house and Fry plays the holophoner for her it's so good. You just want em together.

2. LOST, when Charlie dies. Someone said (in this thread) that romances on LOST can be somewhat fake but the way Claire and Charlie appeared was perfect. And when he sacrificed himself for the rest of the survivors it was pure gold, very heartbreaking.

3. Friends, the last one. When they all put their keys to the apartment on the bench and leave and Chandler says lets go to the coffee house and closes the door you just know that's it, over. I dunno if anyone really got into Friends but that show really built the characters up over 10 years to make you really care about them and to see it end for me was pretty sad.

4. Prisonbreak. When they make you think that Sarah is dead and Michaels face after he finds out. Very sad moment and you feel a lot for ALL Michael has been through. I wouldn't be able to continue after a thing like that but he does and it's very emotional when he finally see's her after thinking she was dead..
That Futurama episodes was really sad! His dog and all that? I'm a big softie, though.

I'm going borrow from Scrubs though, and pick the episode My Lunch. Dr. Cox uses the organs of a patient that died of what he thought was a drug overdose to complete organ transplants for 3 patients, including a friend of his. Only thing is, the tests come back and the girl didn't die of a drug overdose but Rabies. The infection ravaged and killed the patients, and Dr. Cox fell a long fall.

It was powerful, it was poignant. It was the one time on television I've ever felt like crying.

Final Scrubs episode for Season 8, i admit as a guy i cried, it was sad JD and Elliot leave and the footage at the end showing what he wants his life to be like in he future.

Final episode of MASH. some the best television writing and viewing ever created i cried at the end.
For me it goes to Sharpe's Battle. Towards the very end as Harper and the rest of the Chosen Men begin to repulse the assault of Brigadier Loup's attack, Rifleman Ben Perkins, youngest of the lot of them, crosses a courtyard to assist his Irish allies, only for the turncoat O'Rourke to stab him in the chest with his bayonet and leave the boy for dead. What follows is the rest of the Chosen Men pull Perkins away from the battle and hold him close, with tears in their eyes, as Ben asks Daniel Hagman to give him one final tune, and he obliges with a heartfelt rendition of 'O'er the Hills and Far Away', and the scene ends with Patrick Harper swearing cold bloody revenge upon Private O'Rourke...... which he does, but man, watching one of the Chosen Men get offed by someone on his own side made even me shed a tear.
one series that made mE cry alot was ER as alot of their storylines were just brilliant. like in the first series their is an episode were a guys heart keeps on giving out on him so they call his family to say good bye and what made me cry my eyes out was when just before they came in he said "I dont wanna die, i dont wanna leave them". the other episode to make me cry was when the character Dr Greene died as i balled my eyes out (his acting was brilliant) with the whole storyline of him moving to hawai (dont know how to spell it) and him making his daughter better.

the "Jurassic Bark" episode from futurama i just cant watch it as i cry every time (i have it on dvd and i just skip over it). just the fact he thinks his dog lived another life and he didnt. then the clip at the end of him curling up brings a tear to my eye.
Final Scrubs episode for Season 8, i admit as a guy i cried, it was sad JD and Elliot leave and the footage at the end showing what he wants his life to be like in he future.

Final episode of MASH. some the best television writing and viewing ever created i cried at the end.

Dude, I cried like what at the Season Finale of Scrubs. It was done immaculately. Walking down the hall and seeing the former patients and people in his life, then the rustic projector screen footage of the group all grown up, and Turk and JD's kids getting engaged to each other, etc. It was funny and bittersweet all at the same time. Scrubs succeeded in making viewers legitimately care about those characters.

I remember one time watching TV when I bawled, legitimately, 5 or 6 different times. The Owen Hart tribute on Raw. Every time they did an interview, especially when Jarrett said his peice, I lost it. So sad, so tragic.

I also remember crying during "The One With The Morning After" episode of Friends. The Rachel and Ross break-up was tough to deal with.

I cry more at happy moments on TV than sad ones, but as far as "sad" or "bittersweet," those are the first three I thought of.

One more - the series finale of The Wonder Years when we learn that Kevin Arnold married and had kids with someone OTHER than Winnie Cooper and his dad died of a heart attack. It was so real - not a "happily ever after" moment, but it felt real.
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air that comes to mind. Where Wills father comes back into his life, they start hanging out and start gettin close to the point where his dad invites him to go with him on a trip(he is a truck driver). Well on the day of the trip, daddy bails, leading to a very emotional moment between Will and Uncle Phil. Sad shit. Also some shit on Full House worth mentioning, just don't feel like it right now. Feel free.

I am such a freaking sap, I swear. Dude, this was a classic. When Will starts screaming, and Uncle Phil just looks at him, concerned, but with nothing but love in his eyes. This episode signaled how great Will Smith the sctor could truly be, and how solid James Avery already was. When Will turned to Uncle Phil and asked "Why don't he want me, man?" Oh dude, I still tear up.

I will tear another page from Fresh Prince - the episode when Will has the speed in his locker and Carlton takes it by accident. Those two had battled back and forth for sometime, but at the end when Will confesses that the pills were his, you see such genuine concern for his cousin, and when Phil and everyone realizes how upset Will is, they all pull together like a family. Amazing work.

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