[Rumor]: Michelle McCool Leaving WWE


According to PWInsider.com, former WWE Women's & Divas Champion Michelle McCool is shortly going to be leaving the WWE. Apparently, there's been talk that she was going to be taking some time off lately but, according the sources, McCool is legitimately leaving.

This is just something I read within the past 5 minutes or so and the story is "developing". This might well be just a rumor but, for some reason, I have a feeling that this is legit.

If she actually is leaving, then she's probably got good reason. She's only 30 I think, 31 at most, and if she hasn't got a lot of nagging injuries or hasn't suffered a severe injury, my guess is that she wants out so that she can start a family.

So discuss.
McCool is the best Diva right now, but she has her rights.
I only can be happy for her and i hope that she can do mini-undertakers and be happy with The Deadman right?

They will probably use that Laycool feud to put that thing over, if this is true, which i believe, because Mark Calloway isnt getting younger right??
She isnt retiring, she is only going on a "vacation", more money to the WWE, dont have to pay her 100% of her salary XD

Best Wishes Michelle, hope you get back soon and kick Kharmas ass, after she dominates the whole Diva Division!!
Yeah she's 31.

It is most likely legit, but only temporarily. She wouldn't (I doubt) leave for good, as she is a talented diva with a lot left to give. She'll be spending time with Mark, and will more than likely be bck around the same time as UT.

But atleast Kong/Kharma can take her position as top heel diva and capture the title while she's away :)
I'm desperately trying to pretend that I care but damnit, I just can't do it. Nothing about Michelle McCool has every entertained me during her entire tenure so to sit here and pretend that her leaving is such a sad or disappointing story to me would be quite hypocritical of me. This whole LayCool story has way outlived it's relevance and that's essentially the only she's got going for her. I am quite okay with this.

And hell, at least it isn't Layla. I'd be a bit more disappointed if I didn't get to see that marvelous ass on my TV every now and then, more so the McCool's skeleton-like physique.
@Yesiamaduck: Mate, be careful about the spoiler rules.

McCool is one of the most talented "Divas" (ugh, hate that word) at the moment, given the current state of things, and I'll be sad to see her go.

She could go in the ring with Nattie and IMO is more or less equal to Beth in terms of ability. I always say the best women wrestlers look like men, or rather, genderless in the ring. Not to sound sexist or patronising, but WWE employs a lot of ex-models and the like and one of the problems surrounding that division is ... sometimes it looks like "girls trying to play-wrestle" rather than "women who are competent wrestlers". I mean come on, it's hardly SHIMMER or even the Knockouts, is it? For examples of what I mean, compare Kelly and Rosa in the ring to Beth, Gail and Nattie - the latter three look "genderless" when wrestling even though I consider all three to be attractive women.

One has to wonder about Chelle's reasons though ... pregnant? Keeping it quiet for some reason? Or was that foot injury worse than at first? Hmm.
Michelle McCool is one of the best divas in the business today. Not saying much in today's standards though. McCool has been great doing the Laycool act and if this report is true hopefully they find a way to have her legitimately put Layla over as she could use the rub. My thinking is with Undertaker being out he probably just wants some company at home and who better than his wife to give him that. I don't think it will be a full time leave, unless it is for starting a family. I'd expect her to be back soon before or after Undertaker returns. McCool seems to have a passion for the business so I can't see her retiring unless her and Undertaker have plans to start a family.
This doesn't even bother me at all in the least. Actually I will be glad to have her off of my tv for a while, maybe they will start to let Gail actually have a real match and use one of their best female wrestle...entertainers who actually can wrestle.
Call it a hunch, but maybe she is leaving because of the addition of Kharma. Michelle quite possibly doesnt want to compete with her and instead chooses to leave until Kharma possibly gets swept under the proverbial 'rug'. Kharma will no doubt be a huge addition to the Divas roster, run through the division, win the title and hold it for a while. Michelle hasnt had to play 2nd fiddle to anyone for a long time, hell they even seperated her and Eve so that Eve can do her thing on RAW. Now I hope Michelle retires and WWE scraps the Womens Division, I know it wont ever happen but its wishful thinking.
Best diva in the industry today? I literally laughed out loud. IMO I find her to be boring in the ring and terribly annoying when she talks. Nothing about her has ever screamed amazing. To me the way she talks with Layla is an embarrassment. Both are not funny and you can hear a pin drop when they come our or talk. No one seriously cares. If people think she really is the best in the industry that's fine everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I don't agree with it.

As for her leaving well she's married to Taker so she can do whatever she wants. It makes sense that she would be allowed to go home and take care of him as she's done it in the past.
Best Diva today:lol::wtf::banghead::lmao::disappointed:

I'm not sad but hopeful:)
Maybe this we'll give the other divas who also have talent (just as much if not more) some time to shine. Smackdown has been the main brand these past few years that actually give the divas time, so take all that time McCool gets:shrug: (outside the ring and in) and give it to someone like Beth, Gail, Melina, Natalya, hell even Layla. I know most of those divas aren't on Smackdown, but with the amount of screen time their getting it'll hardly cause an uproar:rolleyes:
well the update says its because Taker wants his wife home when he's at home... so it's only temp but like most say who gives a damn... it's not Layla like the other poster said and thank God for that, she was the more entertaining one for sure and that Ass is just amazing. Personally I find it interesting that Taker's wife gets so many perks by virtue of being his wife, seems a little hypocritical to me when this is the guy who tries to act like the locker room judge yet his wife gets preferential treatment. I don't mean to knock anything he's accomplished but if he's a true leader back there he should be a little more aware of this
Pretty sure they're not starting a family. We're talking about the Undertaker, who's nearly 50 years old... it's probably a case of simply wanting to spend time with each other. Until Taker gets back into the ring that is.

Personally, I don't think she's done permanently... and if she does leave, it'll be to do other things like Dancing with the Stars or other non-WWE related stuff. She's a solid diva, but nothing to write home about. Too skinny for my tastes.
.... my guess is that she wants out so that she can start a family.

It makes me wonder what their kid would look like.


Is it really true that Michelle doesn't have to work house shows? If so, is that because she's married to one of the most influential people in the company? Because if any of that is so, it stinks.....and I wonder if she's unpopular with folks in the company for her privileged status. If she is, I can understand her wanting to get away. After all, special privileges should come from her own accomplishments; not her husband's exalted status.
Never really cared for her. Not to mention have she's had a vicegrip on the Women's title's. Same could be said about Trish, but McCool never gave us matches or moments like Trish did. Of course with the exception of exploiting Mickie James' non-existent weight issues. Same show with or without her. Have full riding that bike, Taker.
She is simply taking time off because Undertaker/Mark wants her to. Undertaker is taking time of for his injuries so that he can be at next years Wrestlemania. So hes not scheduled to be on tv for a long time and so he wants or it is said that he wants his wife...Michelle at home. It is being said that Michelle will return around the same time that Undertaker will but then you have to think when Undertaker retires will Michelle as well. Shes a great fighter....her voice is like fingers on a chalkboard but she is still good in the ring and is one of the best divas today and its a shame to see her go kind of. Kind of because she is one of the best but at the same time if she leaves the other divas will get a or have a better chance of being pushed. So it seems that she will be back sometime next year.
I'm desperately trying to pretend that I care but damnit, I just can't do it. Nothing about Michelle McCool has every entertained me during her entire tenure so to sit here and pretend that her leaving is such a sad or disappointing story to me would be quite hypocritical of me. This whole LayCool story has way outlived it's relevance and that's essentially the only she's got going for her. I am quite okay with this.

And hell, at least it isn't Layla. I'd be a bit more disappointed if I didn't get to see that marvelous ass on my TV every now and then, more so the McCool's skeleton-like physique.


I agree. Anyway, I read it's just to be with Taker while he get's his yearly R & R. She'll be returning around when Taker returns. If this happens, please don't overhype her like you've(WWE) done since she got with Taker, like being the only diva able to beat Kharma. Anyway, not a huge loss. Maybe Layla can strike out now. At least we'll see more variety in Smackdown diva matches now(it's ALWAYS Laycool vs Rosa and somebody else).

Never really cared for her. Not to mention have she's had a vicegrip on the Women's title's. Same could be said about Trish, but McCool never gave us matches or moments like Trish did. Of course with the exception of exploiting Mickie James' non-existent weight issues. Same show with or without her. Have full riding that bike, Taker.

I agree with you as well sir. People compare Michelle to Moolah, Lita, Trish, and it gets me goin'. She isn't half the wrestler, and frankly isn't as entertaining as those ladies. The Piggie James storyline was dumb. There's a difference between fit and overweight. Mickie is fit. I'm glad she's not 2D.
I just watched where they annouced the Match ... if you listen her voice gets dubbed in and she says leave "the WWE" instead.

(Sorry if this is consider a spoiler...I just watched it here on the east coast...)

Soooo....yeaaaaaah I think this is more than a rumor.

Oh and up there yeah, loook at WWE.com of their pictures from their world tour you can see Kaitlyn teaming up with Layla ...guess they couldnt think of any other heel chicks to put in the match. But props to Kaitlyn for taking the spot.
Who really gives a shit, this is a woman who has built her career by riding on the coattails and privileges of her husband and at the expence of other divas because of it. She has a litttle more personality then Kelly Kelly and is shit in the ring. Now maybe Layla will get the attention she deserves.

Mccool is like HHH she married someone with power and privileges in the wwe and has benifitted from it. I dont care if she comes back and would prefer if she didn't, the WWEs divas division isn't much but will be better off without her.
:( So sad for me. To be honest Michelle McCool was one of the last few reasons I still watch the WWE. I have been a big fan of her's since her debut way back when.

I loved how she actually trained and improved greatly over the years. It's sad that all her accomplishes get downgraded because of Taker. Michelle is one of the most solid divas in the ring today. She worked her way up the ladder by improving(not just because she was banging Taker).

She even worked through numerous injuries(she wrestled multiple TV tapings with that huge boot on her foot). She always gave it her all, and with LayCool she really began to show some personality and get over with the crowd. I'm actually gutted by this as a diva's fan :(

She's been with the WWE since 2004 so she's been around for 6 and a half years(which is alot in diva time). I guess she finally wanted a normal life, and I'm glad she's getting the chance. I'll miss her that's for sure......
Well atleast she's leaving on a good story line. I'd have hated for her to just leave after a fight with Layla or even a match on Smackdown. I think a match at Extreme Rules works perfectly, and then she can spend more time being Mrs. Undertaker.
From what I'm readin on the newsboards she isn't very popular backstage anyway, because apparently she took advantage of being "Mrs. Undertaker" and got preferential treatment out of that. No house shows, only TV and PPVs. And despite that she was getting pushed heavily. I can see how that would rub the locker room the wrong way. If someone like Shawn Michaels works such a limited schedule, that's one thing. But she has accomplished nothing to deserve that. So she might as well leave, whether it is forever or whether it is an extended hiatus where she can consider if she wants to be a part of the team or not.
I just watched where they annouced the Match ... if you listen her voice gets dubbed in and she says leave "the WWE" instead.

Im really glad that wasnt just in my head.

I wouldnt exactly call myself a fan of McCool, heck for the longest time I always got her, Kelly Kelly and Maryse confused because they all look so much alike. With that said, I do think she does atleast have potential. I thought of the Diva roster, she was one of the more talented of the bunch. I am glad they are ending Laycool though. Ever since the Piggie James bit, Ive never liked them.

If Undertaker Barbie leaves, then they'll probably start pushing French Barbie again. I know some people want to see Gail Kim get a push, but lets be realistic. The WWE likes their model blondes, and its the model blondes that get first pick.
McCool has sufferred quite a few injuries and illness within her career in WWE. She was hospitilized with the electrolyte imbalance, had the deal with her electrolytes being out balance, broke her sternum, and more recently, tore something in her ankle. I know that seems like par for the course for the normal wrestler, but she's not exactly the normal wrestler. She's married to the Undertaker.

Perhaps Im out in left field here. but the man has sufferred alot of injuries and has had countless surgeries throughout the past few years. Living with him on a daily basis, Id imagine she sees the amount of pain he's in, and doesn't want to wind up in the same situation when she's in her fourties. It would be hard for me to continue in a career you've seen your husband destroy his body in, and likely suffers every day as a result.

Watching Smackdown last night, I was quite curious about the "Loser Leaves WWE" stipulation that was added to the match between her and Layla last night. But Im going to assume the rumor is true, as I expected her to say the Loser Leaves Smackdown. It even fits the storyline, as McCool has been on Layla for weeks about how shes carried her and taught her everything she knows. What better comeuppance then for Layla to defeat her former mentor, then BFF, and send her packing? It would fit perfectly with the storyline.

McCool has alot to fall back on if she chooses to retire. Shes got a Masters Degree in Education, so she could always return to teaching. Or perhaps she wants to start a family. Mark Calloway isn't young, so that window could be closing. I won't miss McCool, as to me, she's just another generic Diva, and the roster is full of Divas who have little going on right now. With Kharma debuting soon, where would she go after the feud with Layla anyway? The stipulation came out of the blue, which leads me to believe this is much more then just a rumor. Whether it be injury, fear of future ones, wanting to go back to her former career, or simply starting a family, I fully expect McCool to be gone after ER.
I will say I hate to see her go I truly grew fond because she worked and improved herself in the ring and made some of us half way care about the divas division with the birth of laycool. I do want her to legitimately put layla over in the match and not some b.s finish. these two should have good chemistry as they have been working with eachother for 2 yrs now.

Another indicator that she is leaving may be the number of divas that shifted brands during the draft. Natalya,tamina,alicia fox all switched brands so things on smackdown may get interesting in the future we will have to watch.
I like McCool. Not only does she have the look but she is good on the mic and better than decent in the ring. WWE has few 'believable' female wrestlers and IMO McCool is one of them. I think it is a loss to the E is she leaves even for a short time

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