Michelle McCool: A Possible Return?


Last week, Michelle McCool & The Undertaker were at the WWE Performance Center working out with some of the talent there. McCool was reported to look amazing, better even than when she was wrestling in WWE. There was talk last year, allegedly serious talk, about her returning to WWE. There's a buzz going around now that there's a feeling that a return in the near future MIGHT happen. At this stage, Michelle McCool could return to WWE to have a run to ultimately culminate in a WrestleMania XXX payoff.

I'm of two minds on this if she does return. If she does make it back, all the "she's only doing this because she's Taker's wife" stuff will start up. Which, in all honesty, there's at least some degree of truth to it. Unlike other Divas who are dating WWE stars with a lot of stroke, namely The Bella Twins, Michelle McCool is someone who can actually wrestle and was pretty damn decent at it in my view. If The Bellas could wrestle, then it wouldn't bother me that they have so much stroke via who they're dating.

If she did make a return with the intention of ultimately having a but at WrestleMania XXX I think the best use for her would be to put her into something relevant with someone who has some genuinely good overall ability rather than the usual Diva filler nonsense. As a result, I think the best use would be to have her in a program against AJ Lee or to bring Paige up from NXT to the main roster to give her a showing at WM XXX. While it's hard to view McCool as an "all time great" in the grand scheme of things, she certainly is compared to most of the Divas in WWE history.
I would welcome a Michelle McCool return. She may not be Trish or Lita, but Michelle was better than people give her credit for. I don't anticipate any of the "no she sucks she only got pushed for being married to Undertaker" arguments that inevitably will come up.... but she would bring more to the table than more than half the divas roster currently does. Another Divas Championship reign is possible. I'd like to see her feud with AJ, Natalya, and maybe even Kaitlyn. It could benefit the current divas to work with her, honestly. I enjoyed her run as the top diva a few years back, it's a role she should be placed back into immediately if she returns.
Well, with Lita and Trish Startus out of the picture, McCool really is the only retired Diva, who could come back and make a significant impact in the Division as a realistic option for a return. So yeah, as far as "great" (using that word very loosely) Divas goes, McCool is the best you're going to get right now.

McCool VS AJ would be the most obvious match that could generate some buzz for Wrestlemania XXX. It would be interesting to see if McCool would re-team with Layla to form Flawless again, because along with AJ, McCool and Layla as Flawless has been one of the few entertaining acts in the Divas division over the last two or three years. If an AJ VS McCool feud culminates into a Wrestlemania match, I would hope AJ gets the win on the big stage, because McCool has nothing to gain.

As far as the inevitable "she only got her spot because of Taker" complaints go, meh. Doesn't bother me too much. As Jack Hammer pointed out, McCool is actually someone, who can go in the ring. The Bellas receive some so much shit, because their matches are terrible and/or a chore to sit through 99% of the time.
Divas division is a joke. Michelle McCool isn't likely to change that and would only get a little revival of "Le Cool" if she did come back. Maybe turn AJ face again and have her feud with the two heels. It's so stale. Every angle they try is ridiculous overdone and they have little to no in-ring ability in the entire division.

Embarrassing for women IMO.
I see no reason to not include Michelle McCool back into the Divas Division.

She has a decent move set, and can make people care about her even if the care is minimal. Which is more than what 90% of the Division has right now.

McCool garners my interest.
who wouldnt wanna see the sweet side of undertaker, what i mean by that is michelle would go on total divas. and then she would have undertaker as her loving husband. undertaker would actually be on wwe tv once again. and it could show him trainging to get back to the ring, may sound crazy but undertaker/mccool on total divas would be interesting. even though alot of people dont wanna think taker has a heart. and this may take away from the big dead man gimmick. it may actually pull ratings up higher. cause wwe fans love undertaker. michelle is a great wrestler, and a veteran so why not hire her?
if nothing else she could help new talent and help build up the newer divas. michelle is a all time great!
McCool I would welcome back in a heartbeat. The current crop of Divas is a joke it really is. AJ is awesome and IMO Natalia is being wasted. I feel bad for natty i do! Michelle has a decent set of moves,very athletic for how tall she is. McCool could very well be Divas Champion once again if she decides to return. While i dont rank Michelle as an all-time great she isn't bad either.

She would be a decent breath of fresh air and can cut great promos. Kaitlyn,AJ,Natalia,are all great possibilities. Please come back ms McCool
Despite her rep of only getting where she got because of Taker every Diva shoot interview I've seen/read has had former Divas praise her as a person and as someone who worked very hard, even Maria who was critical of several Divas said McCool was unfairly labeled and was actually one of the good ones.

As far as a return goes, personally I thought the LayCool Mean Girls schtick got old about 6 months after it started but it dragged on for a whole year on top of that 6 months, so if she returns I'd rather she did something different, she'd probably make an ideal Corporate Divas Champion as obviously her marriage to Taker will not be acknowledged on WWE TV and I don't see the fans getting behind her as a face.
LayCool was one of the few entertaining diva's programs in recent memory so I wouldn't mind seeing her come back and reform that duo with Layla, and then move into a feud with AJ. AJ is solid in the ring and McCool could put her as over as any diva can really get someone over. It would be a good divas match for Mania 30. I wouldn't mind seeing her return at all.
I would gladly welcome back the return of Michelle McCool. She has the talent, and the looks, as well as probably being one actual Diva who the audience would consider an upper tier diva. I personally want her back regardless. I think she could continue to elevate the divas division and could really help someone get over. I really hope she returns, I really do.
I wouldn't mind seeing Michelle in the ring again, but my only concern would be how she would fit in with the top heel diva being AJ Lee, who is also current Divas Champion.

1.) AJ and McCool have never worked together in WWE.
2.) McCool has done some her best work as a heel in the company and I don't think she would make for a convincing face.

Although these are things that have to be taken into consideration if McCool was to return, I am all for increasing the in-ring production of the Divas division, and if bringing in multiple FEMALE WRESTLERS from the past could help with that cause then I'm all for it. But I still think the first think that needs to happen is the dismissal of the title and re-introduction of the Women's Championship, possibly with a new, revamped look. In addition to this please include the firings of Cameron, Aksana, Alicia Fox, and even Layla. The ONLY reason for the Bellas to stay is for a hopeful Kharma return to make sense, due to the hurtful things they said to her before she left. And if Kharma returns then we will have the possibility of seeing Beth Phoenix return as well. Kaitlyn could fit in somewhere. Naomi needs to face more experienced wrestlers, so she can clean up her offense. Natalya needs tougher competition because IMO she simply has lost her touch in the ring facing these barbie dolls. Also a One-on-One feud between Michelle McCool and Nattie would be very interesting.
It's crazy how far Michelle McCool has gotten in the WWE, considering her diva beginnings. I remember back during the diva search thing when she was one of the contestants. All I kept thinking was how nobody was picking her and I thought she was hot. But then she popped up later in a managerial role and I was thinking, okay cool, they're still using her. Now look at her. She has blossomed into an actual wrestler and has had multiple Championship reigns. It reminds me of Trish Stratus. I wouldn't mind seeing her return to give the Divas division a bit more old school competition. She was one of the few that had the wrestling quality of a Trish Stratus or Molly Holly. Hell, I want Kharma to return just to feud with Michelle McCool 'cause the way that ended was so anti-climactic and neither are in the WWE now. Michelle is probably focusing on her baby and other stuff. Hopefully she does return for one more run.
As long as McCool puts over a young diva in the process at mania I'm all for it! Great in the ring and was very nice to look at. She could add some credibility to the divas division for a while as these young divas hone their craft
The last time there was ANY heat at all to a Divas storyline was when Laycool was feuding with Mickie James back in 2009 or so. Michelle McCool is EASILY the best talker of any diva of the last few years (granted, it's a pretty brutal field) is a capable worker and has a tall, athletic look that makes her look like a genuine threat. I would immediately be 500% more interested in Divas storylines if McCool returned.

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