Royal Rumble - Randy Orton vs Sheamus - WWE Championship

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I honestly don't know what to think for this match. Orton should be the winner, but they have built nothing for him as far as possible Mania opponents. At least with Sheamus winning, we know we won't be seeing Triple H vs Orton at Mania for two straight years.

While I know I would like Orton to win, Sheamus will win tonight, as this is just a stepping stone to taking a huge risk at Wrestlemania, should he not lose at Elimination Chamber.
look,Stuntz i'm new,so back the hell off.I will do better next time.Either way this is a wrestling form so focus on that,not grammar!By the way xXLegendKillerXx is right.wwe dose not need a champion that was award the belt.They need a champion that works hard and the hardest things sheamus has done was become Triple H's Friend.
The ending was just what everyone was suspecting, and it was done well, i just think Sheamus booting Orton was unnessicary but its good to see that this will most likely culminate at Mania.
Big Surprise ending to this match! NOT. Heres the problem with Sheamus being champion. He loses cleanly to anyone you take away the "Goldberg" like monster you tried to create, but if he doesn't lose cleanly soon. IT'S GOING TO GET STALE REAL QUICK. Bad idea to put the title on the kid in the first place. He reminds me of a young JBL. Rough tought and can't put a series of moves together if his life depended on it
I'm glad Sheamus kept the belt a while longer... I'm not crazy about him, but he's got the belt, and he needs it a lot more than Orton does. Plus the Orton/Legacy stuff will probably be pretty cool. As long as they don't team Orton up with Big Show or something.

Two sort-of related questions:

1) Has Sheamus had a clean win against any worthwhile opponent? How many times is he going to DQ his way out of finishing a match?

2) What's Kofi up to?
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