Royal Rumble 2014 - 30 Man Royal Rumble Match

Got to say in my opinion a poor Rumble line up - it was going to happen unless a few real surprises Punk and Batista final 2
My thinking for the 10 available would be:
Papa Shango (Not Great, but Wade Barrett claimed he gave his spot to a "Legend" and the clue was "VooDoo"
Evan Bourne
Jake the Snake
(The love to throw in big guys, if available)
Dolph Ziggler

Not overly impressive, but the Surprises almost never win....short of Cena/Edge. I could see Khali,NAO and Y2J as well.

My hope for a winner is......whatever it takes not to have a Batista/Lesnar match at Mania.
I am curious to see who the final four are in this Rumble, I imagine Punk will general it for the first 30 minutes and The Shield may be in their with him, plenty of workhorses in that quartet to shape the bulk of the match.

I think Punk gets eliminated earlier than the final 4 so as not to dilute the winners moment, the thing I'm not sure about is if Bryan is in it then how they handle it, if he enters as a "surprise" between 20-30 then him not winning will be a huge buzzlkill for the live crowd I imagine, and in truth it seems pointless to even bother putting him in it just to have him fail.

I could see the final 5 being The Shield, Batista and Bryan.

I'm hoping we get a controversial finish as I think Batista will win and I want it left open enough for someone else to be added to the WWE title match at Mania.
really excited about the match and I would say this years royal Rumble will have more returns then ever before. We already have Batista in the match and I would say Christian RVD and Jericho will also make a appearance. As for Legends, I would say that Jake the Snake is in and I would have to agree with Hakushi when He said Barretts place is more then likely going to Papa Shango and if its not then I imagine we see the return of the Boggy Man. As for who the other five will be, I would have to go with Ryback and Axle along with Ziggler and Brodus and if Bourne is still not ready to make a return. I can see WWE possible having JBL make a one night only appearance. As for the Winner I would have to go with Batista with Bryan not in the Match as I see Punk feuding with Triple H at Wrestlemania.
Sadly, I tend to agree with the posters above me as far as Batista winning. Going back to RR 2013, it is comical how far Ryback has fallen. From a face off with Cena for the main event at WM 29, to a curtain jerker in one year flat.

No matter who comes out victorious, I hope the useless entries are minimal. As much as I love the D O double G and Bad Buns (PG version) Billy Gunn, there is no reason for them to get physical more than once tonight. Hoping for one big WOW of a surprise entrant, but certainly not counting on it.

Finally, I just want the royal rumble to be fun again, the last few have played out very obviously, with the winner not actually gaining much. Except for last year, but that was so obvious it was painful. Entertain me, and I can live with the end result.
I really hope Batista doesn't win. It doesn't benefit him at all. He's just come back and I don't think he should be given the win straight away. It would be more interesting for him to be eliminated last and turn back into the bitter heel he was a few years ago.

Personally I'd have either Roman Reigns win as the run up to Mania would be very interesting.
Yeah, putting a guy with zero experience in the WMXXX Main Event sounds like a really solid plan.

I'm very excited for the Royal Rumble match. It's one of my favorite traditions in the WWE each year. The chaotic action that takes place in the ring, every wrestler trying to win his own opportunity for a world title match at Wrestlemania, the random order making you wonder who will join the match next, it's always a highly entertaining match for me. As is the case most years, it is difficult to predict who for sure will win the match. Let's take a look at the announced participants.

CM Punk
Kane had revealed that CM Punk will be the first wrestler to enter the match. That's an honor. While I don't think CM Punk will win, I expect him to make it far and last nearly the entire match. He'll be one of the last to be eliminated and have stolen the show.

I like his odds. I really do not want him to win though, as he has won before and only the very best of the best should get multiple Royal Rumble victories. It could very well happen though.

Alberto Del Rio
Probably not going to happen. I can see him getting eliminated by Batista.

Big E Langston
Definitely not happening. He's not at the level yet where he would be believable in winning the Rumble.

The Miz
Yeah, no. He won't last long in the match.

Not going to happen.

Xavier Woods
He's way too new, so no.

Kofi Kingston
Similar to Punk in that I can see him getting some cool spots and he might last a good while, but I doubt he is winning.

Cody Rhodes
Doubt it. Not this year anyway.

No way. Cody is getting the bigger push if their team gets split up.

Rey Mysterio
Probably not. He's in a similar preciction as Kofi. Rey might get to have some cool spots before getting eliminated.

He has lost too much of his momentum. I don't see him lasting that long.

Roman Reigns
Reigns has pretty good odds. Probably the best out of any announced entrant other than Batista or Punk. They are pushing him the most out of anyone in The Shield at the moment, but for some reason I just don't see him winning this thing. He'll last the longest out the three Shield members though due to his push status.

Seth Rollins
As cool as it would be to see him win, Rollins is not winning this. If anyone in The Shield is winning it's Reigns unfortunately. I think he'll last a while though.

Dean Ambrose
Same as Rollins. I can see Ambrose winning this at some point in his career, but not this year.

Erick Rowan
Not a chance. He's in it from having nothing else to do.

Luke Harper
Same as Rowan.

Damien Sandow
This could be a cool surprise! Doubtful though. He has not been built up enough to be a believable contender.

Jimmy Uso
Unless there are plans to split up The Usos, there's no reason for Jimmy to win. Not that I'd really want to see him win, anyway.

Jey Uso
Same as Jimmy.

That's everyone other than the surprise returns or cameos by legends. 10 more spots remain unknown. Each year a couple of legends make cameo appearances so we can count on that. Then there's the big chance of someone like Sheamus returning at The Rumble. Jericho is due for yet another return, it's that time of the year. Don't forget all of the Sting rumors we always get at this time of the year each year. :rolleyes: There's plenty of other names not announced who could make it in such as Antonio Cesaro, Christian, Curtis Axel, David Otunga, Drew McIntyre, Heath Slater, Jack Swagger, Justin Gabriel, Mark Henry, Zack Ryder, and more. It's a difficult call, but since we do not have more confirmed entrants I have to go by what's announced. I predict Batista will win. He's got the best odds out of anyone. It's not what I necessarily WANT to happen, it's what I think will happen. As for what I'd rather see, Daniel Bryan winning the Rumble. Anyway, Batista wins.

Batista will win the Royal Rumble.
The more I've been thinking about it, the more that I think a swerve is incoming.

I can see Punk winning the Rumble, going 1-30. And then Triple ZZZs swerves us, and makes Punk defend his # Contender spot against Batista and possibly Lesnar at EC.
Bryan has so much momentum I think it would be profoundly stupid to not have him with the Rumble and then go on to win the belt at WrestleMania. He is the most over guy on the roster. This is his time.

Here's the scenario I'd like to see play out:

- The Rumble goes down to Daniel Bryan and the #1 entrant CM Punk. Bryan wins, and the Authority hates the fact that he will be headlining WrestleMania.
- At the Elimination Chamber PPV there's a Chamber match for the Title, Punk qualifies for the match but the Authority forces him to enter the match first, just like the Rumble.
- Punk goes the distance in the Chamber and beats Randy Orton in the end to win the belt.
- This set up Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania.
- But, the Authority announces that Randy Orton still gets a re-match, and he will get that re-match at WrestleMania. Orton will face the winner of Bryan/Punk on the same night. Obviously this is BS designed by the Authority to put the belt back on their guy.
- So at WrestleMania we see a classic match between Bryan and Punk, and Bryan goes over. But then Orton comes out to capitalize on his re-match and basically steal the Title from Bryan again, mirroring SummerSlam, but this time Bryan beats Orton and walks out as Champion. The storyline comes full circle.

This angle would leave Cena free to challenge the Undertaker's streak, adding another huge match to WrestleMania, and you could use the Rumble to set-up Batista vs. Brock Lesnar for WrestleMania as well. Lesnar beats Big Show then enters the Rumble match. Lesnar clears the entire ring and then waits for the next entrant, Batista's music hits. Batista ends up eliminating Lesnar, but then Lesnar snaps and comes back into the ring to toss out Batista and then F5 him through the announce table.

So the WrestleMania 30 would look like this:
- Undertaker vs. John Cena
- CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, with the winner moving on to face Randy Orton
- Batista vs. Brock Lesnar in a No Holds Barred Match

I'm pretty sure that's way better than what has been rumored thus far.
Putting Daniel Bryan in the Rumble is horrible Booking. Especially after he has this epic brawl with Bray. They're trying to push Bryan, not bury the rest of the roster.
Having not watched WWE for absolutely months until this point, I can all but guarantee that Batista will win it all. Not just because he's fresh but because of the history he, John Cena and Randy Orton have.

All three guys have been in the ring more times than an anal porn star. For some reason the WWE really like these three (or some combination) of the three having a match up.

For that reason, it just makes sense that they would do it all again. Personally, I reckon you'll have a triple threat match at WrestleMania with Orton cashing in his rematch clause when Cena wins the title.

Mark it down.
I’m seeing a lot of Roman Reigns hopefuls out there. I would think if you’re a fan of his you would realize him winning this thing would be a terrible decision for the long term in his career. He has tremendous upside but the guy isn’t even ready for a singles position in the spotlight. A lot of people don’t realize how good Ambrose and Rollins make him look.

In recent weeks we’ve been teased with a lot of “what ifs” for WM and I honestly believe those questions are going to only intensify following tonight’s event. I wouldn’t be surprised if tonight’s winner doesn’t make it to the title match at WM.

With that theory I am going to say Punk gets the win from the one spot. How about the Shield two, three and four?
If this means that I don't have to sit through some stupid Brock Lesnar vs. Batista match at WrestleMania, then by all means, I'll take Batista winning the rumble. Plus, Batista vs. Orton doesn't sound too bad. There's history there that can make money, so why not?

Daniel Bryan doesn't need the Royal Rumble, and if he did enter, that would've completely no sold Bray Wyatt's moment.

I’m seeing a lot of Roman Reigns hopefuls out there. I would think if you’re a fan of his you would realize him winning this thing would be a terrible decision for the long term in his career. He has tremendous upside but the guy isn’t even ready for a singles position in the spotlight. A lot of people don’t realize how good Ambrose and Rollins make him look.

I'm gonna have to say that you don't realize just how good Reigns actually is. While he's definitely not ready for the big one, that doesn't mean he's not ready for a single's push. To assume that Reigns' abilities come from Ambrose and Rollins is just making you look bad. Reigns has a natural athletic gift, and whether he's in professional sports or professional wrestling, it's going to shine through. Plus, Ambrose and Rollins aren't exactly legends. They're as new to how WWE works as Reigns is.


Personally, I like the results of the Royal Rumble. And no, that's not me being a mark because I see potential in everything that happened. Reigns is on the way to singles competition, the Main Event makes sense, CM Punk and Daniel Bryan are too big to need a Rumble win, and Bray Wyatt appears to be going into a feud with Cena.
Personally, I like the results of the Royal Rumble. And no, that's not me being a mark because I see potential in everything that happened. Reigns is on the way to singles competition, the Main Event makes sense, CM Punk and Daniel Bryan are too big to need a Rumble win, and Bray Wyatt appears to be going into a feud with Cena.

No one is too big for a Rumble win. If why did WWE give Cena and Batista 2 rumble wins, or how come Taker won the Rumble in 2007 when he was already a legend? A rumble win will always help your status and standing in the WWE especially for someone like Bryan who is just about ready to break the glass ceiling.

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