Round 2: Thriller -vs- Captain Insano

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Gone but never forgotten.
The ECW Invasion of TNA vs. The Nexus Invasion of Raw, which one is coming off better?

This is a second round match in the Debater's League. Thriller is the home debater and gets to choose which side of the debate they will be on and who debates first, but they have 24 hours to make their choice.

This thread is for DEBATERS ONLY and will end on Friday at 2pm EST.

Good luck.​
Looks like he isn't going to show up, so I might as well get a post out of this.

Nexus and the TNA/ECW Invasion were both surprises that have dominated their respective companies. However, only one of these merged seamlessly into the programming and became the dominant storyline in the company. Only one was a fresh take on an invasion storyline that had fans filled with anticipation for its next turn. Only one used wrestlers that weren't old enough to father other men on the company's roster. That storyline was and is, Nexus.

When Nexus ended, we thought we had seen the end of Skip Sheffield, Darren Young, Michael Tarver, Justin Gabriel, Daniel Bryan, Heath Slater, and David Otunga. Maybe they will be repackaged somehow and debut again later, we thought, but there was no way anyone expected them to walk out on Raw the Monday after NXT1 ended. Since that destruction of both the Raw set and John Cena, an air of uncertainty and excitement comes with every new episode of Raw. What will Nexus do next? What is their bigger purpose? Can Wade Barrett's hair move?

The ECW storyline in TNA, however, is about as boring as it gets. Tommy Dreamer shows up, cries (literally) about how WWE handled ECW, more bingo hall guys show up, and they have a terrible PPV. This wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that Dreamer helped organize the same thing 5 years ago with WWE. Except that show actually had good wrestlers and the ECW guys were less old and shit than they are now.

The easiest way for me to state why Nexus is better is to look at what each company is saying with these storylines. WWE is saying that they want to use their younger talent and look to the future, while TNA is stuck trying to reclaim glory that wasn't that glorious from the past.
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