Round 1, WWE - Brain Busters vs. Al Snow/Sean Waltman

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WrestleMania Main Event
Round 1, WWE:
Brain Busters
Al Snow/Sean Waltman

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Oh god, lulz.

So, you're pitting two Horsemen against the jobbiest jobbers to ever job?

Good luck with that.

There is absolutely no chance Head Pac can win this. They'll get killed. Al Snow was never anything more than a joke, and X-Pac has become a joke. The Brainbusters are comprised of two greats.

"Squash match" doesn't even begin to describe this.
This isn't about will the Busters win. It's about how long will they take them and can they actually do it without breaking a sweat. I think they actually could. They're one of the most underrated tag teams of all time and they're against a pair of jobbers that have a career accomplishment list of a few European titles. This is as one sided as it can be and I can't believe someone actually voted against the Busters. You should be ashamed.
Oh god, lulz.

So, you're pitting two Horsemen against the jobbiest jobbers to ever job?

Good luck with that.

There is absolutely no chance Head Pac can win this. They'll get killed.

Make sure you vote for the right team next time. :suspic:

Seriously though, it's not going to matter. The Brainbusters were part of one of the greatest stables in the history of ever. They were dominant and controlled whole promotions.

X Pac and Al Snow? Possibly the two worst Duece's Wild wrestler pairings. I think they'd actually lose to Shelton and Gangrel, they're that bad. No way they don't get snapped in half here.
Does this mean they will shatter Head?:( I would hate for that to happen. That being said, yeah, squash (Like a brain) (Oh I crack myself up) (no I don't) (I sure talk to myself a lot in these posts) (Sam used to do this sometimes) (Hey, why is CM Punk doing the tourny now?) (I am not sure)

To avoid the infraction here, I shall show my true colours. Brainbusters would go onto form one of the greatest, if not the greatest, but surly the first great stable of (of all time). Sean Waltman would go on to attempting suicide in an AAA hotel room. Al Snow carried around a plastic head. Xpac was the bitch in his tag team with Kane and Roaddog. Al Snow was the bitch with Mic Foley and Steve Blackman. They cannot move on here.
Arn and Tully would mop the floor with these two. No chance SnowPac gets out of this alive. Hell Arn and Tully could give them an extra fall to get the victory and they'd still lose. This match ranks at the top of the squash-o-meter (That's right...Santino ain't the only one who can create a crazy meter thingy). Brainbusters FTW.
A great first round draw for Arn and Tully- who happen to be one of my favorite teams in this tournament. It should be obvious to everyone that this match would be short and sweet. The Busters are simply better is every conceivable category. Arn and Tully win this match easily and will be fresh for their round 2 opponents.
Best. Draw. Ever.

Tully and Arn will mame these two jobbers in a match that's exclusive to TBS. I don't care if they're called the Brainbusters in the WWE. They're Horsemen and they beat people up. No need for an 'international object' in this one, just good tag team wrestling and hopefully, Arn lets Tully finish it with the Slingshot Suplex on that piece of shit Sean X-Six-1-2-3 doucheface Waltman. Tully and Arn in a walk!
Why is there a jobbing squash match in the tag team tourney? There is no way in hell that Al Snow from the Job Squad & Sean Waltman a forgettable name in the professional wrestling world whom has so many chances to get over but never gained anything above midcard positioning... did I just describe Al Snow again?

Ah crap. Let's do it this way... the Brainbusters are apart of arguably the greatest stable of all time The Four Horsemen whom had chemistry, experience & psychology in the tag team world for a long, long time. These guys were a forced to be reckoned with & demolished amany. They will make quick work of "The Snowmen"
There is a God! I would seriously consider chopping off my left nut to see Arn Anderson get his hands on Sean Waltman for 5 minutes. I'm actually a fan of Al Snow, so I'll stick with Sean 1-2-Syxx Pac starting, and ending this match. I'm with Kb in thinking they may not break a sweat.
Damn, what a bad draw for Snow and Waltman. Two very, VERY underrated workers (anyone who tries to tell me Waltman and Snow weren't good wrestlers, you don't know what you're talking about and are deluding yourself). These two as a team? Man I would have absolutely LOVED to have seen that, the tag matches those two could have in their prime would have been insanely exciting to watch.

Unfortunately, they're up against the Brain Busters, who are likely to atleast be in the final four of the tournament if not win the entire thing. What can really be said about them that hasn't already? Nothing, all I'll say is you should vote for them here. But I wouldn't blame you if you gave Snow & Waltman the pity vote. I love those two.
I used to love X-Pac, and Snow was a good wrestler too, very good, but I generally go with kayfabe, and neither of them were particularly blessed in that department. The Brain Busters were a dominant team for a long while, and they are probably one of the most entertaining ever too, so I have to go with them. X-Pac was a multiple tag champion in odd ball teams though, so he and Snow would run them close.
BrainBusters here. I mean, if you read this far down the thread, you probably dont need reasons. Hell, you don't even need Four Horsemen Tully and Arn here. Go WWF style. Anyone watch that match on the HBK DVD? Great Stuff. Really showcased how Tully was the brains of the operation, and Arn just enforced it with raw power.

Oh yeah. My vote. Ill do that now
This may be considered a squash match, but I think the Brain Busters are just too good for a Team that hasn’t Teamed up before. Arn and Tully are one of the Greatest Teams ever. The proof is in the pudding and this is far too unevenly matched to even be a match.
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