Roman Reigns, You MORON!


Lord And Master
Staff member
WWE star and this year’s Royal Rumble winner, Roman Reigns, recently spoke with Sam Roberts, prior to the Rumble PPV, and the following are some interview highlights.

On the backlash he has been receiving from WWE fans:
“I’m aware of all of these things. You have to look at it through many different perspectives. For me, as a provider and as a man, I have a responsibility to provide. I can’t look at it like and get down on ‘oh, this is what they’re thinking and this is what they’re saying.’ To be honest I really don’t care. I can only do my thing and do the best that I can. The majority of critics, I would say, are people who have no clue what they’re talking about and have never been in a wrestling ring. They’ve never been a public speaker. They wouldn’t even know how to lock up with me if I allowed them to. If I gave them the opportunity to lock up and tangle with me in the ring, they would have no clue what to do so for them to critique or ever say anything about any performer is asinine and just blows my mind.

It’s one of those situations where obviously the company is gonna do what the company does and the fans are definitely gonna do what they do. That’s what’s so great. The fans have to realize that as opinionated as y’all are in the way you want it, the company is the same way and they’re gonna do what they wanna do…at the end of the day i’m just a guy getting rich.”
One of the big criticisms about Roman Reigns’ act is that his promos still need a lot of work. Reigns revealed that he does read a lot of what fans say about him online, but as long as they’re talking about him, he’s doing something right.
“I see all of my criticism. I’m in a position now that I get a ton of love which is great and a ton of criticism which is great. As long as i’m in people’s mouths that’s all that matters to me. As long as people are talking about me.

The majority of the time…the people that are critiquing and bashing me, they’re making me more relevant, I would think. If you didn’t want me around then just don’t talk about me and try and make it silent out there. That’s not the case [because] they make it even more overwhelming. You know, noise is noise. That’s the thing.”
You idiot. The people aren't booing you to be cool or because they hate you. They boo you because they can see clear as day that the company is pushing you to a spot you're not ready for prematurely and stubbornly despite better options being around. Who gives a shit if they can or can't lock up with you? Your BOSS isn't a trained professional wrestler and he's the one putting you on the spot. You, much like your boss, are not listening. To anyone. :disappointed:
I don't get pro wrestlers some times. That fans can't critique them because we aren't trained? :lmao: But at the same time it requires no other formal training to become a booker or promoter besides business sense, patience, and allot of willpower. Ridiculousness.

Some fans have no idea what they are talking about, while others do. And in the end we all watch the same product.

Though his last statement is spot on...
I can only hope they have having him do this for character reasons. If not, they are pushing a guy who is not only incapable of doing the in-ring stuff correct, but the outside the ring stuff as well.
I didn't have much against him until I read this. If it's out of character, oh Jesus Christ.
I'm quite certain Vince McMahon has had some training.

Yeah, I'm finding it harder and harder to defend him at this point. He isn't mature enough to handle this spot.
Wasn't this the pre-Royal Rumble interview? If not its basically word for word.
I always love when people say oh this job is hard but since you have never done it, you can't criticize me. If a brain surgeon sucks at his job, are we not allowed to criticize him? Sure it's a hard job and I can't do it, but that doesn't matter. It's not my job. If it's too hard for you, choose another profession. Almost everyone recognizes it's a matter of being pushed too early.

Batista understood why he got booed last year. The only criticism for the fans he had was that we are so focused on Bryan, we might be ignoring other talented guys cause we just wanna see Bryan. He was also was worried that we would get burnt out on Bryan.
I've done some training as a wrestler, I know how to lock-up.

Reigns isn't ready, he's still quite green, he has a good look, sadly that doesn't get you everywhere, he should ask Dolph Ziggler.

My opinion now matters. BELEE DAT!
It seemed to be a poorly put response to those haters who criticise regardless of what he does, be it, in the ring, on the mic, etc...

Should he have answered it like that? Nope, and he deserves all the heat he gets for it as it was a stupid thing to say at a critical time for his push.
That said; I can see where he is coming from with regards to not taking such haters seriously...

That last part, tho... that is something that Cena has said before...

Edit: I am sure someone told him about it after, as on the Post-Rumble RAW, he did do a 360 and backtracked from that comment totally, along the lines of, 'the fans pay, so they can do as they like.'
This is fake, there is no way Reigns but together that many thoughts and sentences together.

Then again, Reigns is getting great heat with this stuff. I like it. Lesnar is the face now, Reigns is the heel. Seriously, Lesnar dominated, got injured and came back Super Cena style to keep the championship. He's also been at odds with the top wrestling heel in The Authority.

Brock Lesnar is now John Cena.
What is his excuse for the trained wrestlers who are saying the same things as fans are?

The more he talks (scripted or otherwise) reaffirms that he isnt ready for this skyrocket push yet.
He seems to have an overly defensive attitude when it comes to shit like this. If you're looking to be the next top guy, you can't think like this. And if you do, throwing it out there to the public is idiotic.

I understand why he's irritated, but he has to grow up.
I've given Reigns the benefit of the doubt until now but I can't justify it any more.

You think you'd be a little more gracious considering you've just been given gifted the main event of Wrestlemania, but obviously that's gone to his head.

His attitude with regards to negative attention is so akin to any other immature young celebrity that it's truly discerning.

And just before Raw, too. I expect the boos tomorrow to be just that bit louder now. And maybe the initial reaction was right. Bring back Bryan's 'go where the wind takes me' attitude. Sheesh, what a goof.

To me, this is the scariest bit, "I can’t look at it like and get down on ‘oh, this is what they’re thinking and this is what they’re saying.’ To be honest I really don’t care." I don;t want to be of the old school ilk, but he's been brought into the business wrong if that's his mentality.
"i’m just a guy getting rich". Seriously? Although true, he forgets that the fans make him rich. Does he really have such a big ego? He can't even be a "face" in public.

Edit: Seth Rollins is going to be WWE's biggest babyface after cashing in on Reigns and they'd be stupid not to capitalize on Reign's heat to put over Rollins, something they did with Ziggler back in 2013 after cashing in on a "face" Del Rio.
He comes across as a mega douche. It's unbecoming, but it's not unlike a lot of wrestlers. Most wrestlers have a crazy overinflated ego.

The kid the show is aimed at don't care about that, though. They just want to see good vs. evil.
I'm quite certain Vince McMahon has had some training.

I remember feeling so sorry for Vince when Shane was training him to go up against Stone Cold. I remember thinking that this guy was going to get killed, because you don't become a pro wrestler overnight, despite all the one-finger salutes...

Vince McMahon may be the greatest trained wrestler of all-time for whatever we know just never wanted to show it so he didn't overshadow everyone else.
"i’m just a guy getting rich". Seriously? Although true, he forgets that the fans make him rich. Does he really have such a big ego? He can't even be a "face" in public.

Edit: Seth Rollins is going to be WWE's biggest babyface after cashing in on Reigns and they'd be stupid not to capitalize on Reign's heat to put over Rollins, something they did with Ziggler back in 2013 after cashing in on a "face" Del Rio.

That part about "getting rich" has been twisted a bit, actually.

Below, is the Actual quote that has been twisted due to the change of One Word:

That absolutely is NOT the full quote. You deliberately erased a key word.
That tells me you have an agenda.

Full Quote:

"It’s one of those situations where obviously the company does what the company does and the fans do what they do. And that’s what’s so great. So, the fans have to realize as opinionated as you want it, the company is the same way. The company is going to do what they want to do, fans are going to do what they want to do, and hopefully at the end of the day I’m just the guy getting rich."

"HOPEFULLY" – That word makes a world of difference.
Funny how tonight he looked so great but everyone else was shitting all over him. As if they were all being terrible on purpose.
Roman Reigns has found a way to successfully make it to the main event of Wrestlemania while you're the one on a message board pissed at him and he's the idiot? oook

Was this bulletin board material for the fans in Philly or something? Daniel Bryan fans absolutely are booing him to be cool because when you drink the Daniel Bryan kool-aid you subscribe to the philosophy of Daniel Bryan or nothing else.

Reigns 1. IWC 0.
Oh and they're pushing Roman Reigns because Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar is a blockbuster match-up, whether the match actually lives ups to expectations isn't the point. Reigns is getting pushed now because you may not have another opportunity at Reigns vs Lesnar. That's the match WWE wants. Better options? What does that even mean. Your personal preference?

I agree 1000% with Aeon Mathix, a lot of butthurt in this thread because Reigns doesn't care about his critics. I just wish he said as much tonight. The nerds can fuck off.

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