CM Punk writing a THOR comic book, what will it be about?


Getting Noticed By Management How did this project come together?

CM Punk: I can’t remember, and I knew you were gonna ask me that. I’ve been thinking for the past two hours like, “How did this all come about?” I mean, you know I’ve been pestering people at Marvel. I think it might’ve been…well, I think I met you at San Diego Comic-Con 2011, something like that? Yeah, a while ago.

CM Punk: Yeah! And I wound up talking to [Marvel Comics Editor-in-Chief] Axel Alonso and it was always kind of like, “Yeah, yeah. We’d love to have you do something! We’d love to have you do something.” And you know, I was always just so busy. I think I just pestered all the right people and the right things kind of popped up. How exactly it came up, I can’t really, exactly remember. I can’t remember who said, “Hey. Wanna do Thor?” You know what I mean? That pretty much blew my mind. I have to say, it’s been a long process. I love it. You mentioned you haven’t written a comic script before, but it’s not like you haven’t been creating for years and years. Playing a character on TV and in wrestling rings for so long, how did that affect how you approached this kind of creative endeavor?

CM Punk: You know, I think I’m more suited for it just because I’ve been reading comic books my entire life. Wearing tights in front of thousands of people and kind of, almost play-acting, I think down the road, it might give me some sort of insight depending on what kind of characters I’m writing and what the story is, but I’m not really sure it prepared me so much for being able to script a comic book.

I’m definitely prepared to fall flat on my face, I think. If anything, [wrestling] got me used to understanding that failure is part of a process, and the only real failure is if you don’t try. Like I could be nervous and bite my fingernails, worried that I think my book is gonna be a piece of crap, but I could be not doing it, and that would be the true failure.


Synopsis for issue number 1

Thor is not pleased at Odin's direction and chooses to walk out on Asgard.

The article has more but here is another comment You talked about getting into the mindset of other characters. Who else in the Marvel Universe do you think you’d want to take a crack at?

CM Punk: Oh, I think, my original pitch to Axel Alonso in 2011 was, “Let me write Punisher.” In my mind, for some odd reason, I’ve just got this Punisher story in my head, and I think it’s super, super awesome. I can read Jason Aaron’s Punisher and everybody else’s [take on the] character and it’s good, but I think that my Punisher story is pretty badass. So everything I do for Marvel is going to be leading up to, “Please just let me write my Punisher story.” So until they let me do that, you’re gonna get all kinds of other stories about all kinds of other characters until they satisfy this need I have to write Frank Castle.
Issue 1: Thor takes his hammer and goes home till Odin gets his shit together.

Issue 2: Thor goes to a Blackhawks game.

Issue 3: Thor comes back & rules Asgard for 434 days.

Issues 4-12: Thor becomes irritated with the bullshit, decides to quit his job, sits on the couch most of the day & fucks his hot wife until Walking Dead comes on.
At some point Thor will break the fourth wall (or is it the second wall?) of comics and wave directly at the reader and say, "Hi <<insert name of formal Marvel character that couldn't cut it>>!"
Thor remains absent for the entire issue, leaving the rest of Avengers to make "(Arbitrary news here), THOR RETURN CONFIRMED!" jokes.
From here:

Marvel is putting out a Thor Annual and they pulled out all the stops to get the wackiest mix of creators ever. Wrestler CM Punk will write one story, that Chew’s Rob Guillory will draw; Lumberjanes’ Noelle Stevenson is writing another, with Marguerite Sauvage on art. And regular dude Jason Aaron is writing yet a third tale, with Tim Truman drawing it.

Does this seem like a guy who gives two shits whether or not he goes back to the WWE?

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