Rob Van Dam or Kurt Angle

If Angle was a big draw, that would be fine. Angle proved when he jumped to TNA, and it stayed at a steady 1.1-1.2, he is not a big draw. He draws nothing. He can get over with the fans, but so can RVD, and RVD has his little croud that follows him, for a small ratings boost as well.

TNA's ratings haven't changed that much because TNA sucks. If RVD went to TNA instead of Kurt Angle I can guarantee you that the ratings would have been the same.

You're right. It is completely diffrent. But I see no reason why not to include them, wrestling is wrestling. Is it not?

In one sentence you say it is completely different and in the next sentence you say wrestling is wrestling. Contradict much.
Not sure how much more I could stress this, to anyone. Entertainment and the professional wrestling business are the EXACT same thing. Without the entertainment aspect of professional wrestling, the ratings would be nothing. Look at indy promotions, they draw 1000's of people if that, nothing more. There could be a few that draw more, and a few that draw less. Thats because most indy's have mediocre mic skills. Theres no entertainment, to their wrestling.

Yes, but Kurt Angle can entertain just as good as RVD if not better and he is a much better in-ring worker. RVD gets pops for his flips and creativity, but Kurt Angle overall puts on more entertaining matches and he is also much better on the mic then RVD.
in my opinion i think they both should come back that would make WWE better than it is today because they are both huge stars. but if i had to pick 1 i would say RVD beacuse angle has done everything in the WWE as RVD still can accomplish a lot more.
Wow, I'd love to sign both. Two of my favourite wrestlers here.

As a WWE exec I would sign RVD. He has more years ahead of him than Angle and would be able to get the pop he had straight away. He wouldn't need to work on getting over again and would be able to step from main event to mid card sporadically. RVD would have a brighter future than Angle if WWE were to sign one of them.

Having said that, I personally would prefer Angle. He is pretty much the only wrestler I legitimatly miss from WWE. Yeah I miss Rock and Stone Cold but their time was up and easier to get over. With Angle he hadn't accomplished all he could in WWE. I miss him, I miss his over the top aggression, his suplex's, his arse kicking promo's. He would be awesome in todays WWE, he would stir up so much shit with Orton, HHH or Cena. Fuck yeah, can anyone imagine how good an Angle v Jericho feud would be???

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