Report: Hulk Hogan & WWE Reach A "Verbal Agreement"

I can't wait to see Cesaro get him in the swing and watch Hogan's tattered hips rip out of their sockets and leave Cesaro just swinging around two overly tanned legs. Or better yet watch him declare when he enters the Rumble that maybe "over the top" has gotten stale and just getting gently taken out of the ring will work just fine. Maybe Cena AAs him and a big pile of dust protrudes out.

So yeah, I'm not so sure I believe this rumor but I definitely don't believe he will be competing in any way, shape, or form. I've speculated at length on things he can do for WWE (the network, movies, commercials, video games, nostalgia pops). Some of my new ideas are that he can be Big Show's benefactor or Bray Wyatt's "devil that makes him do things". But those ideas kind of suck since Hogan really won't be competing in the end. I've come to terms with that. And there's always Nick ;)
Wow this was only a matter of time before the Hulkster would eventually make his return. As far a a surprise entrant in the 2014 RR i have no real issue with that,as long as its his only 1 entrant in a WWE ring. What will be his use in WWE be? Nostalgia purpose,comes in flexes his guns (His Arms are still huge beyond belief) and gives the fans what they want then that is great.

I for one dont think he could pass a physical exam if his life depended on it. His body and insides are too damn beat up to allow that to happen. Hogan is way too damn important to the business for WWE not to sign him up. Guest appearances in the ring from time to time is perfect for him!
Wow this was only a matter of time before the Hulkster would eventually make his return. As far a a surprise entrant in the 2014 RR i have no real issue with that,as long as its his only 1 entrant in a WWE ring. What will be his use in WWE be? Nostalgia purpose,comes in flexes his guns (His Arms are still huge beyond belief) and gives the fans what they want then that is great.

I for one dont think he could pass a physical exam if his life depended on it. His body and insides are too damn beat up to allow that to happen. Hogan is way too damn important to the business for WWE not to sign him up. Guest appearances in the ring from time to time is perfect for him!

You bring up an interesting point about the physical exam. I doubt WWE requires it for everybody. If its just a talent contract and a one off match, it's possible the red tape may not be necessary. Otherwise, I don't think WWE would have booked Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon for WrestleMania 27.
I think he could return as a GM he would be better than Vickie or Brad and could draw a far better crowd than them. He could manage a superstar but I do not think he is physically able to compete so I would only sign him to be a GM

That's a terrible idea. He would be like how he was in TNA. That would suck. He needs to set up 1 match. GM would make us here "Hey brothers, this is now a tag team match" every week
Wow this was only a matter of time before the Hulkster would eventually make his return.

I'm not sure. If Hogan had increased TNAs ratings and exposure as he originally said he would do, and if that company was making money hand over fist, I don't know that we'd ever see Hogan in a WWE ring again.

But TNA can't afford him any more.....and he still wants (or needs) to be involved in pro wrestling, so maybe there's credence to this latest rumor.

If so......good. As long as WWE uses him in the manner they need him, as opposed to the manner in which Hogan might want to be used, this could be a good thing. In other words, if there are plans to include him in WM30, it should be on the basis that Hogan is a part of WM......not that he is WM.

Truthfully, I don't know whether Hogan feels it would actually be beneficial to a wrestling organization to have everything revolve around him, or whether he just tells them that because his ego demands it.....but I definitely believe having him included in a WWE show would be of benefit to everyone involved: the company, the fans, and himself. Many folks who remember him well from the 80's might be persuaded to buy a couple PPVs to see long as it is settled contractually from the start exactly who is calling the shots in regard to his participation.
There's no doubt there'd be an excitement over a Hogan return. That first time his music hits, the crowd would explode. He'd get a standing ovation that lasted for what felt like an eternity. The crowd would bow, chant his name - and upon locking up for the first time and tossing his opponent clear across the ring, the crowd would chant "You still got it."

...reactions like this might go on for another week, maybe another two weeks and possibly an entire month for a guy of Hogan's stature. And then they'd stop because they'd be outed for what they are: a nostalgic pop. I think people can generally tell the difference between a nostalgia pop and a potentially long-lasting pop, but for those who can't...

A nostalgia pop comes because we're excited to see something we haven't seen in a long time. The longevity of the pop is based on how much we used to love the guy and how long we've gone since seeing him. These pops die out as the mirage fades, as we stop seeing the guy for what he used to be and start seeing him for what he currently is. A long-lasting pop comes from the fan's current investment in the guy - the guy needs be in meaningful programs and put on quality matches to achieve this.

I have no doubt Hogan's nostalgia pop will last longer than most since 1) we haven't seen him in a WWE ring in nearly a decade and 2) he's one of the three most popular stars in WWE history. But there is the difference between his most recent WWE run and his next one: In 2002, he was able to put on a classic match with The Rock because he still carried a small shred of what he used to be - that match alone extended his pop because it put it in the long-lasting pop category. But at 60 years old, Hogan is playing without real knees and a fake hip. To expect this guy to take multiple bumps throughout a match is simply naive.

So the WWE needs to be careful with how often they book Hogan. They need to limit his appearances. The more appearances he makes in a short amount of time, the faster his nostalgia pop dies. By limiting his appearances, you're maximizing their impact. The other issue the WWE needs to closely monitor is Hogan's physicality in the ring. The crowd EXPECTS him to be physical, and the WWE has to deliver on that. Where it gets tricky is that he can't take bumps. So the idea of him having a match against a top draw is simply not realistic because if he can't take a bump, then he can't sell, and if he can't sell, then the top draw is being booked to look weak against a 60-year old man. So if the WWE wants him to have a match, then it has to be against a lower mid-card guy who is simply getting a rub from being in the same ring as Hogan. If they want Hogan to be involved with a top draw, then it needs to be a one-time thing in the context of a program between two top draws, wherein the heel calls out Hogan to humiliate him and Hogan responds by knocking him out.
See I dont understand the iwc at all. You people all jizz at the idea of Taker Vs Sting at WM, two old men. Yet the idea of one last mania match at WM and you guys have shit fits.

Jesus, the Undertaker has wrestled what, a couple more matches more then Hogan in the last few years, breaks his hip if he farts, looks like he has been paid a visit by the undertaker every time he appears, yet everyone gets so stoked that hes gonna bury another talent at wm? If I can suspend disbelief that a walking injury prone man can beat a younger man, why shouldnt i believe that an older walking disaster cant do the same?

Hypocrites to the left of me, hypocrites to the right of me.

Fuck just sign sting and hogan, let them have a three way match with taker at wm, that way they can all just help each other out.

ughh, the combined age though sucks....
Hulk Hogan in WWE is a lot different than Hulk Hogan in TNA.

I'm glad Hogan's (apparently) leaving TNA. It didn't work. He doesn't fit today's wrestling world. He looks out of place and doesn't seem talented in any way. That has more to do with the landscape than Hogan. TNA wins.

Hogan in WWE is a different story. He belongs. He doesn't have to fit in, or seem current. WWE crowds pop for the guy, no matter how idiotic he looks.

Royal Rumble entrant? Great idea. WM30 match? Even better idea. The crowd won't care how out of shape and old he is. That will mean absolutely nothing. Hogan should be there, no question.
A Hulk Hogan return would be incredible. This man deserves one last moment in the spotlight because he deserves it. Without Hogan, it is impossible to imagine what wrestling would be like and I am forever grateful towards him. I will say that I don't want him back full time. I don't think there is a role that would suit him unless it was manager of Smackdown to help boost their ratings.

I personally want Hogan to make a surprise appearance at the Royal Rumble and then do something at Mania. Just imagine watching the rumble with an average bunch of wrestlers in the ring and then Hogan comes out. Fuck me, that would be fantastic. He obviously would have to eliminate the Real Americans. For WM30, I am unsure what he does. I don't think he is capable of working a match so a small segment in the ring would suffice.

As for those who are sceptical, Vince and Triple H aren't stupid enough to let Hulkamania run wild over their company. Yes, Hogan will want to do what he wants but they are smart enough to use him wisely. Triple H is probably in decent contact with The Rock and Brock Lesnar - Hulk Hogan isn't an absolute must for them in terms of buyrates but it would be a great moment for Hulk, the WWE and wrestling.
What happen to all the haters for Hogan when he was in TNA? Now that Hogan may go back to WWE people are happy, thrilled and Marking out. These same people hated Flair, Foley, RVD, Nash, and others when they worked for TNA but now are big fans of them when they appeared in WWE. There is one word for people who feel this way, hypocrite.
I see nothing but positives coming from this news. I still love Hogan and would love for him to return to the WWE. What can he do? Hell, anything. Put him on commentary. In the ring, pair him with Daniel Bryan on an episode of Raw. There are ways you can use Hogan. I just know I am going to go crazy once I hear that music hit and he comes out.

What happen to all the haters for Hogan when he was in TNA? Now that Hogan may go back to WWE people are happy, thrilled and Marking out. These same people hated Flair, Foley, RVD, Nash, and others when they worked for TNA but now are big fans of them when they appeared in WWE. There is one word for people who feel this way, hypocrite.

Who are the haters? Can you single them out?
I'm not worried about it because I know WWE is the one place where Hogan can't pull rank, so to speak.

He's going to do what they want him to do or he'll leave. That's a fine relationship. Elsewhere though, I feel people really considered him a wrestling mind, who could help out behind the scenes.

EVeryone wins, the WWE, TNA, and Hogan himself.

I feel like all three parties will have something good come out of this.
What happen to all the haters for Hogan when he was in TNA? Now that Hogan may go back to WWE people are happy, thrilled and Marking out. These same people hated Flair, Foley, RVD, Nash, and others when they worked for TNA but now are big fans of them when they appeared in WWE. There is one word for people who feel this way, hypocrite.

You can't compare the two. Not even a tiny bit. TNA is a significantly smaller company and as fans we want them to do well. In my opinion, they needed to use some of these guys in combination with younger superstars that they can build the company around. I mean, Kevin Nash was never ever going to take TNA to the next level.

Hulk Hogan on TNA was painful to watch and they barely moved forward with him. He and his daughter took up too much time on TV which could be used elsewhere. TNA realised some very talented guys that could make a difference and Hogan was earning a ridiculous amount per appearance.

However, Hogan, RVD, Flair and Nash with the WWE is completely different. Firstly, the WWE is a bigger company that is already established - they can afford to give these guys time/money to appear on TV. Plus, it is far more exciting seeing Hogan/Flair once or twice a year on WWE television than it is seeing them on TNA.

Also, it represents completely different things. Hogan on TNA is just a company that is desperate and a pensioner who is draining a business of money. If he comes back to the WWE, it is nostalgia. It is an incredible feel-good moment. Hulk Hogan coming back to the company where he had so many incredible moments and transformed an entire industry. It will be light-hearted and entertaining which is perfect for Hogan at this stage in his career.
What happen to all the haters for Hogan when he was in TNA? Now that Hogan may go back to WWE people are happy, thrilled and Marking out. These same people hated Flair, Foley, RVD, Nash, and others when they worked for TNA but now are big fans of them when they appeared in WWE. There is one word for people who feel this way, hypocrite.

I'm so tired of this "hypocrite argument." I see it all the time on the main page message boards, and it's just plain stupid. You know why Flair and Hogan sucked in TNA? It's because TNA sucks, and by extension, those two sucked. If they go to the WWE, they won't suck. You know why? Because compared to TNA, the WWE doesn't suck, and by extension, they won't suck anymore. This isn't hypocrisy. It's no different than cheering for the hometown team.

Take LeBron James, for example. People in Cleveland worshiped the guy for 7 years. Then he left for Miami, and suddenly, Cavs fans were burning his jersey and saying he sucked. I bet if LeBron goes back to Cleveland this summer, those Cavs fans will change their tune once more. Does that make them hypocrites? No, it makes them fans.

I'm sorry you can't see this very simple act of human nature for what it is. But if you want people to stop saying that TNA wrestlers suck, then maybe you should write TNA writers a strongly-worded letter and advise them to stop putting out a third-rate product.
I'm so tired of this "hypocrite argument." I see it all the time on the main page message boards, and it's just plain stupid. You know why Flair and Hogan sucked in TNA? It's because TNA sucks, and by extension, those two sucked. If they go to the WWE, they won't suck. You know why? Because compared to TNA, the WWE doesn't suck, and by extension, they won't suck anymore. This isn't hypocrisy. It's no different than cheering for the hometown team.

Take LeBron James, for example. People in Cleveland worshiped the guy for 7 years. Then he left for Miami, and suddenly, Cavs fans were burning his jersey and saying he sucked. I bet if LeBron goes back to Cleveland this summer, those Cavs fans will change their tune once more. Does that make them hypocrites? No, it makes them fans.

I'm sorry you can't see this very simple act of human nature for what it is. But if you want people to stop saying that TNA wrestlers suck, then maybe you should write TNA writers a strongly-worded letter and advise them to stop putting out a third-rate product.

That's a good point in the sense that the product is more important than the individual.

If you have a decent entertainer, he's going to become a good entertainer in a good promotion.

Most of the time.

There are guys that I love in Ring of Honor. But I hate Ring of Honor, can't watch it.

I mark out like crazy when I see them in other promotions though.

WWE is the only place that can handle Hogan.
First off, Hogan needs to be at WM 30. Hogan's name helped create WM to what it is today.

Secondly, Im surprised no one has really said they would like to see Hogan as a commentator. If that guy was on Smackdown calling matches I would actually want to watch. He can be like a Lawler, makes corny jokes and sometimes gets in an altercation. I think it would be hilarious to hear, "WELL YOU KNOW SOMETHING BROTHER! KOFI KINGSTON IS ONE BAD DUDE, JACK! THE WAY HE RUNS AROUND THE RING IS OUTSTANDING." I would be in stitches

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