Renee Young has a lisp? Had no clue....


Dark Match Winner
OThought I had posted this earlier, but it looks like I didn't submit it or it just disappeared. Mods, if I did something, I apologize...just not sure what I would have done. Couldn't find it anywhere else so I'm honestly clueless as to what happened.

Anyway, on to my actual post...
I want to preface this by stating I am in no way trying to make fun of her.

That being said, I was watching Fastlane with a lot of friends tonight and we all noticed at the exact same time. We've watched PPVs together before and have never noticed it. I thought it was odd they we noticed it at the same time.

I was curious so I got on Twitter and searched "Renee Young lisp" and learned a few things.

1. Apparently a lot of people were like me. They had not noticed before. You can go back to previous PPVs and there seems to be a group of people each time that are blown away that they had never noticed it before.

2. I would say 90+% of comments about her lisp were POSITIVE. Guys were saying it made her cuter. Some just said they hadn't noticed before. I truly expected the Internet to let me down and see people destroy her. It was a pleasant surprise to see people being kind about it. Can't help but wonder if these same people would be trashing her if she wasn't attractive. Sad but likely true if she didn't look nice and seem sweet.

3. It wasn't many people but apparently some have noticed this way back in early 2013. I was blown away that I had never noticed. I've never noticed an issue on RAW. Seems like it is mainly noticed when she does PPVs which I thought was odd. She does a decent job of overcoming it most of the time.

4. I'm slightly surprised Vince has kept her with her lisp. It appears to be more of a lower lip placement issue for some reason. Id like to think that he sees how well she does her job moreso than the possible negative feedback on how she talks.

All that being said, I've got no problem with it at all, but didn't know if anyone else had ever caught it. I think she does a great job and is a "breath of fresh air" on the show since she doesn't seem like a lot of the other on-air personalities, past or present. She just unique in her own way, but in a good way.

Really don't want anyone tearing her down, but I was more or less curious if anyone had noticed. Here's an opportunity for us to be respectable people...don't let me down. :)

Also, if it continues to be noticed more by the public and it grows into a negative thing, can you see WWE making a change and removing her from more prominent roles like heading the pre-show, etc?
Can't believe this is actually a topic on here, I mean really, who cares?

But, I've never noticed it and I am wondering if there was either a microphone issue or she just had some dental work done that impacted her speech.

I find it strange that nobody would notice it before and, in broadcasting, there's almost no way she gets to this stage with a full lisp.
John Cena's lisp is a bigger story. There's almost no trace of it now, but when he spoke straight in his younger years (yelling seemed to conceal it) it was pretty noticeable. If you watch his interview on TSN's Off the Record from 2005, he's clearly lisping it up at certain points.
I noticed her lisp the first time I ever heard her speak.

I am more shocked that this thread has remained open since it is quite stupid.

She is adorable and her lisp just adds to that I think.
Uh, so what? She's a damn fine on screen personality that adds some legitimacy to the out of the ring motif that the WWE seem to be going after. Honestly, she's one of the best interviewers / presenters that the WWE has had in some time and I don't even notice a lisp. And even if she does have a lisp, what does it matter to anyone? Most don't even notice it and it doesn't inhibit her doing her job...
Merger, at first I thought it was the stream and a lot of people thought the exact same thing but it has clearly happened over a long period of time.
I guess I am surprised by the IWC because people have no problem ripping Jack Swagger and his lisp. People want him to shut up, saying that he needs Zeb Coulter so he will sound credible as a wrestler. At the same time, you have an announcer, who has talking as her primary objective, and people think it's cute. With Jack, people call him "Thwagger" and say he shouldn't be allowed on the mic. But then you have Renee and people say it adds to her on-screen personality.
I think it is a credit to her that she has worked through it so well. I just find it very interesting how people view it as such a negative with Jack but the same exact thing apparently works as a positive for Renee. The IWC is an unpredictable thing sometimes.
Vince has asked her to do this because he thinks The Brady Bunch is the hottest thing in pop culture right now and that Cindy Brady is just cute as a button.

She does her job fine and her speech is not even close to an impediment. I don't think it is all that noticeable.
I never even noticed she had one. Doesn't seem to affect her job because she's pretty good at it. Now I'm going to be listening for it everytime she speaks.

Now Jack Swagger on the other hand.
I don't think i've ever heard her speak before, i have no idea who Renee Young is, but if she has a lisp. That's good for her.
She addressed this on Twitter a while back, she doesn't have a lisp, it's the mic being too close to her face, this topic is irrelevant, you're welcome.
I honestly had no clue she had a lisp and could care less.. She is a great on screen personality who does her job very well.. Not noticeable at all IMO!
Jtrivera, go back and watch the segment she had at the round table during the PPV. No need to be a jerk about it but the video shows pretty clearly that the mic is not interfering with her speech. She can see her physically pronounce certain words differently because of certain letters. She may have said the mic had affected her in the past, but it is not what caused it last night. Next time you want to call someone out, make sure your facts are straight.
I have to say, as a guy that has a lisp, that it is sorta of inspirational seeing her managing to basically be the top on screen interviewer on WWE while having a lisp.
Jtrivera, go back and watch the segment she had at the round table during the PPV. No need to be a jerk about it but the video shows pretty clearly that the mic is not interfering with her speech. She can see her physically pronounce certain words differently because of certain letters. She may have said the mic had affected her in the past, but it is not what caused it last night. Next time you want to call someone out, make sure your facts are straight.

1. I'm not calling anyone out this is a wrestling forum not a wrestling ring, 2. She's stated on Twitter it was the mic and she doesn't have a lisp,

I'm not going to debate Renee young's speech problems with you, the topic is irrelevant, PUBLIC OPINION, just like your fascination with her lisp is a public opinion, good day.
I don't think i've ever heard her speak before, i have no idea who Renee Young is, but if she has a lisp. That's good for her.

Renee Young is on all the shows. She's the short blonde who does the interviews with the wrestlers. She has done commentary on NXT in the past and is in charge of hosting the PPV preshows.

You don't watch much wrestling if you don't even know who she is. She's all over the place.

Oh and on topic, went and watched a few Youtube videos, still can't hear a lisp.
Renee Young is on all the shows. She's the short blonde who does the interviews with the wrestlers. She has done commentary on NXT in the past and is in charge of hosting the PPV preshows.

You don't watch much wrestling if you don't even know who she is. She's all over the place.

Oh and on topic, went and watched a few Youtube videos, still can't hear a lisp.

I'm sure i seen her before, i just don't know her by name... If she's only an interviewer, it shouldn't be shocking some people don't know her name.
Well other than Saxton, she's pretty much the only interviewer. She's much more than that really. She hosts a couple of their TV shows, she did the 2k15 panel discussion with Stone Cold, and much more. Like I said she's all over the place.
She doesn't have a lisp. I used to see her on The Score, and she used to host the wrestling wrap up show. She didn't have one then. I think it's a case of the mic being too close.
Strongbad, thanks for sharing that about the Score. If that's the case, why in the world would they constantly give her mic that would make her talk differently? Honestly I have never noticed it on Raw.
The really odd thing is that when I looked at Twitter, it seemed (and I didn't check all of them by any stretch) that many of the comments came during PPVs. Whenever she is on Raw, she typically has a handheld so that would make sense if the mic interferes with her speech.
They need to get her a new mic or move it away from her face. I wouldn't think it would be that hard. Such a small thing seems so simple to do so she could sound clearer at PPVs.
I guess the whole thing just puzzled me when I noticed it. Anyway, it was somewhat interesting to me just for the fact the lisp seemed to be so random.
As strongbad alludes to, Renee Young (previously Renee Paquette) had been a sports broadcaster on a TV station in Canada previously known as The Score (now known as Sportsnet 360 I believe) for quite some time before leaving to head to WWE. I've been listening to her do sports commentary for quite some time involving "real" sports and there's never been even the faintest hint of a lisp. As well, she hosted a show called Aftermath on this station, where WWE for the week is discussed with a group of guys including former WWE referee Jimmy Korderas. She did that show for ages as well and again, no hint of a lisp whatsoever. Frankly, I couldn't care less if she indeed does lisp when she speaks, all it am saying is I listened to her for years prior to her arrival in WWE and there was absolutely no way she had any form of a lisp whatsoever. Not sure if it was mic placement, or if she was tired, or had dental work done earlier in the day or whatever, but while she clearly was lisping during Fast Lane, it is the one and only time I have ever noticed it.
I never noticed and I'm not going out of my way to find a video to see if I can pick up on it. I just shake my head at the absurdity. Someone took the time to start a topic about, and give a long winded dissertation on, Renee Young's hardly perceivable "lisp". Keep this garbage on Reddit.
My and my friend both noticed at the same time during Fast Lane that Renee was speaking with quite a prominent lisp and both of us said we'd never heard her speak with a lisp before- and we've seen her on TV many times.

Perhaps it was the mic too close to her face, perhaps it was dental work as others have said but she definitely seemed to be speaking with a more noticable lisp than ever before. She's good at her job and a slight speech impediment doesn't bother me, but it definitely stood out during Fastlane, unlike any other time I've heard her speak.

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