Religious Music That Doesn't Suck

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
So I know I've made some really anti-Christian threads in the past, and I've come out on several occasions and said that I lean towards the side of atheism. However, that's really only been in the last year, to maybe two years. I spent most of my life in a Christian home, and for a long time actually lead worship in my church and youth group(s). Actually went to Bible college and did a semester as an associate youth pastor.

Anyways, I know how important worship music is to a lot of CHristians, and I also - as somebody who had to play it for weeks and weeks on end - understand how difficult it is to find GOOD Christian music out there. And even though I don't really think I believe in God at this stage in my life, I respect the good Christians out there that still connect to what they perceive is god in a deep and meaningful way, often through music. So I thought I'd put together some of my favorite Christian music that doesn't suck. I really don't like traditional worship - Chris Tomlin being the king of it - because it's super repetitive and boring. Mostly uninspired. Kind of a disgrace to music in general. Hopefully this helps somebody, or at the very least allows a CHristian looking for better music the opportunity to branch out.

Most of the following music is pretty chill, acoustic and was performed in a house church I was a part of; a setting with 10-12 people playing guitars, percussion instruments, harmonicas, etc. in a circle, like a bunch of hippies. Still the best setting for worship that I've ever experienced. Really not a fan of churches. You might be thrown off, because they're not songs that are straight up like "I love Jesus, Jesus is awesome, he's my everything, blah blah blah." Many of them will make you listen to the words, and make you think. ALl the songs I'll list I still love today, regardless of my religious thoughts.

This is a song called "Dirty and Left Out" by The Almost. It really hits on the down-and-out feeling a lot of us feel, and how "dirty" we can get over time. It's not pretty, and his voice isn't classicaly trained or anythign; just raw emotion. "I've been dirtier than you wanna know. I've left earlier, than you'll ever know."

Another by The Almost, this one called "Monster". The title is wrong. "Monster Monster" is the first track; this is the last. I really love this song, still.

This song is just absolutely beautiful. Please give it a listen. A real LISTEN.

Also, Gungor is probably my favorite Christian artist, ever. If you haven't listened to his album "Ghosts Upon the Earth" and you like Christian music...or realy just music in general, please check it out. He's one of those guys going out there trying to make good music, combating all the frustrating and bad things the church has/is doing. So good. Here's a sample:


So uh, I guess...if anybody at all likes this stuff, and wants to hear more Christian music that doesn't completely suck, let me know.
When I was growing up mainly all I listened to was Christian music. Around 2000/2001 is when I started drifting away because the majority had become boring and my favorite Christian group had just broken up.

dc Talk will always be my favorite Christian group. Their 1995 album Jesus Freak actually went double platinum, something unheard of by Christian groups back then.
TNA has used a few Christian rock songs for their PPV's and have been pretty good choices in my book.

"Fighter" by Candlefuse.

Another more recent one is this one.

"Valleys" by Close Your Eyes.
There are a number a Christian bands that don't suck - but probably 90% of those aren't mainstream IE getting regular play on Christian radio. I listen to allot of metal, and finding good Christian metal is hard without it sounding generic and forced. Old school Mortification, before they became more technical, was pretty much as brutal as it got for Christian metal.

Here's Deicide - the premiere Fuck Jesus band


And here's Mortification. Can you tell a difference? I can't, and neither would any metal head that didn't care about lyrics.


Other good Christian metal bands include Demon Hunter and Zao, but my favorite Christian band would have to be Extol. These guys have roots in the Norwegian metal scene so they've got the rep, but they were active at the same time as church burning arsonists like Varg Vikernes of Burzum, and "lets take pictures of our dead lead singer who blew his brains out, and use it as an album cover" Mayhem, or "our drummer stabbed a gay man to death because of homophobia" Emperor.



Is that not epic?
I used to have the CD as a kid, but I lost, or gave it away (can't remember which one). I never follow or pay attention to any sort of religious music, but Stomp was catchy and upbeat:

When I was growing up mainly all I listened to was Christian music. Around 2000/2001 is when I started drifting away because the majority had become boring and my favorite Christian group had just broken up.

dc Talk will always be my favorite Christian group. Their 1995 album Jesus Freak actually went double platinum, something unheard of by Christian groups back then.
Meng...Jesus Freak was just a straight-up classic. I doubt I'd like it as much now, but back in the day that shit was my jam.

WWE has used a bunch of random Christian band songs. Technical, Switchfoot doesn't identify as a "Christian band", but Jon Foreman is deeply spiritual and his EP's are some of the best religious music I've found anywhere. Here are a couple of Christian songs WWE has used for themes:
I know squat about religious music, I don't follow it either. But the only religious song I've ever heard and still listen to, is Fred Hammond's When The Spirit Of The Lord. Evander Holyfield used this as his entrance theme in his second fight with Mike Tyson. This song makes me wanna get down every time I put it on.

Meng...Jesus Freak was just a straight-up classic. I doubt I'd like it as much now, but back in the day that shit was my jam.

WWE has used a bunch of random Christian band songs. Technical, Switchfoot doesn't identify as a "Christian band", but Jon Foreman is deeply spiritual and his EP's are some of the best religious music I've found anywhere. Here are a couple of Christian songs WWE has used for themes:

Definitely a classic album. Weren't Switchfoot on a Christian label at one time?
WWE has also used tobyMac (1/3 of dc Talk) songs for PPVs.

One could also argue that U2 would fit into this category. Not really a Christian band, but most (maybe all) of the members have professed their faith and their 80s albums are very spiritual/religious, especially The Joshua Tree.
The only Christian band I can think of that isn't too bad is 1000 Foot Krutch. I believe that is how it is spelled. They have a good rock sound and are also a good band. I enjoy some of their music even though I am not super spiritual.

Oh, so I thought of a few more Christian bands: Creed, As I Lay Dying, Blessed The Fall and there is one more but the band has slipped my mind.

Edit: I believe the band Yes, was a Christian rock group from back in the day. Along with P.O.D. Still not the band that slipped my mind but just a few more.
Most religious music doesn't suck you just don't like the general tone of gospel music.

In general they are better singers than mainstream music.
Deeper lyrics

It's about what your preference of music

Some hip hop
The only Christian band I can think of that isn't too bad is 1000 Foot Krutch. I believe that is how it is spelled. They have a good rock sound and are also a good band. I enjoy some of their music even though I am not super spiritual.

Thousand Foot Krutch would be more accurate ;) . Yeah,so when I listen to music,the majority of times I try and not let a specific type of genre hinder my ability to enjoy music,regardless of religious beliefs tied to a band. I mean,good music is good. I try not to discriminate really.

I have a lot of artists in my ITunes library that I had no idea were Christian rock until I looked them up. With this bit of new recently discovered,it hasn't at all changed my opinion on the bands. I may not share their beliefs but I do share their love of music.

Thousand Foot Krutch-Puppet

On of their older tunes but still a fine one. Upon first listen,I'm sure most wouldn't have the slightest clue this was Christian rock. Krutch gonna get this party started!


Day of Fire-Regret

Good song,my favorite from them. These guys aren't together anymore,which makes me sad because I've always enjoyed their music even if it has a heavy Christian influence to it. If I recall correctly too but WWE used one of their songs for a PPV a number of years back. Don't recall which song or PPV but yeah,it's how I found out about them.


Red- Die For You

Again,another Christian hard rock group. These guys just released a new album and this one is probably my favorite off that album. Very solid group and if you are into hard rock then you should be listening to these guys regardless if you are Christian or not! Catchy tune.

I know of a few more groups such as Switchfoot,Creed,Skillet and Flyleaf(they are Christian right? lol) but these are the groups I'd recommend for sure. Along with the others sure.
allow my to post some thoughts, I am a radio/tv guy who had his own Christian Rock show on the college radio station back in the day. There are several problems with Christian Rock.

Ya see here is the problem most Christian music is it emulates whatever the trend is in nonChristian Rock. I.E. early 90's grunge was king, and then we had a influx of Christian bands who sounded like. It was in this time you could walk into any Christian book store, and see posters with Christian bands and recomended if you like x nonChristian band. Problem with this was these sound alikes were way off base.

The other problem is lyrical content, its rare to find a Christian Artist singing about real struggles, and when I do it's a real treat.

Having at one time a massive collection of Christian Rock there are some real disappointments but there are also some real gems in a saturated market.

Albums that are special to me in no particular order:

Circle Of Dust-self titled, sure Clay Scott, Scott Albert or whatever he is calling himself this month has walked away from Christian Rock, but this album is so well done, it's a brilliant techno, infused, alternative, industrial metal mismash that sounds amazing, it's out of print but if you can find it, you'll love it.

Steve Taylor--Now The Truth Can Be Told--A greatest hit of one of the most influential Christian musicians of our time, he writes thought provoking lyrics that are more lampooning the Christian than the secular, any Christian artist that can write a song called "I Blew Up The Clinic Real Good," (a song about how anyone who calls themselves pro-life can justify murdering abortion doctors), gets major marks in my book.

Neal Morse--a prog rock legend (see Spock's Beard), Neal Morse has written some amazing music and writes some of the most thought provoking lyrics ever--see Flying Colors, and Sola Scriptura, and Snow by Spock's Beard.

I do enjoy the happy feel good stuff of Chris Tomlin and the like Michael W. Smith was the first real artist I listened to a lot, and there is no denying the lyrical impact of people like Rich Mullins (RIP), but I prefer Christian Music that not only talks about Chiristianity but also talks about the fact that when one is a Christian there are still struggles.
I'm a Christian and I listen to some Christian music but haven't really found anything else besides Skillet, Red, As I Lay Dying, Thousand Foot Krutch, and Demon Hunter. I also listen to non Christian music such as Slipknot, Killswitch Engage ect ect. And always wondered If I'm sinning everyday because I listen to Metal and like it?
Just noticed the guy above me point it out in the most under-rated manner I've ever seen. But Neal Morse is one of the greatest guys you can come across for religious music. The dude is a prog genius. Spock's Beard are the finest prog band of the last 20 years. Shame that he left to go solo, but his reasoning was sincere. Having found God and finding the need to express his faith, he deemed it illogical to subject his original fan base to his beliefs and so took of on his own. I'll only post one song off the album "?" but it is well worth going through his entire back-catalog.

I as well grew up in a Christian home, and Christian music was predominantly all we were allowed to listen to until I was 15 or so. Most of it is stuff I look back upon now and groan over, but not because they're Christian. Simply, it's because they're not very good. However, there's music today by bands in the mainstream that are very much Christian that I enjoy.

RED, who are a Christian band but don't come across as 'preachy' or 'repetitive' in their themes or sound, is one of my favorite bands, and easily one of the best I've seen live. Their new album, Release The Panic, is very good, and I've reviewed it on here prior. Glass House is my favorite song off the CD.

Bill Lawrence used to frequently use Christian music on 'Scrubs', which I watched now and again. One of the bands he used more then once was Kutlass, with the song 'All The Words' being from the baptismal scene from Dr. Cox/Jordan's son.

Flyleaf, along with having an incredibly attractive lead singer in Lacey Mosley, has put out some decent music from time to time. From Momento Mori, I've always been partial to the song 'Arise', simply for Mosley's vocals if nothing else.

And finally for my contributions, there's Blindside, another band that's refreshing in that it doesn't shove its message down one's throat, rather, done smartly. I saw them live once when the opened for Cold and Evanescence, and they were excellent. All Of Us is my personally favorite song by them.
I've actually found Christian Metal music now and really love it Living Sacrifice is a really good Christian Metal band I love the song In Christ. Its a really moving song and the heavyness of it is really good too.
Wow, I am old. I was expecting to read at least ONE of my old standby christian bands being mentioned by now, lol

As a kid, we weren't allowed to listen to most secular music, other than Weird Al Yankovic, who was deemed "safe" by mom. Nope. Christian music it was. Fortunately, we weren't required to listen to Amy Grant, Michael W. Smith, Sandy Patti or other music my mom might have been into, we got to listen to the golden age of christian rock/christian hair band metal.

Here are some of my favorites:

Whitecross. Christian metal, sounds exactly like Ratt. Seriously. This song is from their "In the Kingdom" album, which is by far my favorite of theirs.

Stryper. I thought about posting the video for "Honestly", but that was my 8th grade class song, and I am still kinda sick of it, even though that was like 1988. I still haven't heard many falsettos quite like Michael Sweet's.

But, considering when I grew up, and the music that we were allowed to listen to, there can only be one king of the christian bands for me. They were the biggest, they were the best, they are the reason christian rock is even a thing. I am of course, talking about the one and only Petra. Now, Petra's music varied a lot depending on which album, whether it was a praise album or straight up christian rock album, and who was singing. For me, I always favored John Schlitt over Greg X. Volz.
Since we're talking Christian music, I'll update some expletives.

Fugg, no! The pickings are shibb, if you're not into metal or alt rock. I'm under the impression that Underoath, AILD, Demonhunter and Switchfoot all have (at least semi-)religious themes and inspirations.

A South-African band that also falls into this "semi-religious" pidgeon hole is The Narrow. Some nice bass and vocals (for an altrock band). It's not what I normally listen to, but "Lonely Lonely" and "The Banded" are classics over here.

I've just recently found out about August Burns Red and that they're a Christian Metal band and they are really good reminds me of All That Remains a lil. I've only bought there recent album but in the future I hope to buy there early work.
We surely can’t be the only ones who suppressed a shudder when we saw the title of My Morning Jacket songwriter Jim James’ new solo album: Regions of Light and Sound of God. As it turns out, the title doesn’t necessarily mean that James has gone born-again on our hellbound asses, but either way...
Seems Brian Welch from Korn's other band Love and Death is a Christian band and it's actually really good. Listening to the lyrics and knowing about his substance abuse problem and him then getting clean (thanks to Christianity) He's trying to send out a message which isn't shoved down your throats

Just wanted to reply here and say that while I believe in God, I am not dead set on believing in Christ, I won't talk bad about the guy.. I am a deeply spiritual person... However, I have read the bible from front to back and it is a fine book, it's full of heartache, pain, betrayal, love, compassion and so forth, it takes everything in, most Christians I know are very good people, especially the devoted ones who actually live by the word, I live by that word irl, I have a set of virtues and I tend to live by them to better my life.. And with that said, I am a metalhead and listen to lots of metal music and there is LOTS of metal out there that is either very spiritual or religious, some pagan, some promote unification others are christians..

One of my current favorite ones is a oriental band called Orphaned Land who are from Israel.. Lately I have been listening to their new album "All is One" which imo is one of the best albums of 2013.. According to interviews, only Kobi is the only religious as his religion is Judaism, and the rest of the band are agnostic. Their music is first of all progressive and death metal meets Middle Eastern ethnic music and religious chants. Their message is peace and understanding, and this message is what the world really lacks. However, OL's music is more than this message - it's an intricate creative synthesis of cultures and musical genres, full or melody, contrasts, emotions as well as metal drive, and hope. You can be anyone and listen to Orphaned Land's music..


A great band from the U.S. is a power metal band known as Theocracy, they are what Christianity imo, is all about and its clear in their lyrics. What makes them so good and interesting is that they are connected directly to the One who is the Source of all the Wisdom, Power, Love, Salvation, Justice. It is for this reason that this is not about them, it is all about "Him" Theocracy originally started as a one man project but is now a full band..


A lot of power metal bands have spiritual means, a lot of power metal songs are uplifting in general.. Power Metal bands are the flag wavers of metal and in a way they keep other metal genres in check.. Many of the band members of Helloween for example, are Christians, but they are not labelled as a Christian band, but their music, but weather they like it or not, their music was a response or a alternative to the Black Metal scene in the 80's..

No matter how many times I listen to Helloween, I can't believe this was recorded in 1989..


I would say in general, the music is very, very positive, it's not religious, but you can still be religious and listen to it and this goes for A LOT of power metal bands, a lot of them will include God or some kind of savior in their music however, that doesn't make them Christians.. Bands like Manowar are all about being true to yourself and your friends and family and going out there and kicking ass.. ;)

Also.. Here is a band called Wintersun (whom is the most amazing band I have seen live..) They are very nature driven, a lot of their lyrics are about space and time and astral dimensions and so forth.. It's very.. Pagan.. Again I suppose it can be considered "religious" or if you are a religious person it may be a good band for you.. Wintersun's music is deeply divine on a philosophical scale..


And then you have power metal bands like this... One of my favorites from Germany is a band called "Freedom Call.." And while it may seem overly happy and cheesy, that's not a bad thing, whenever I am in a very good mood, Freedom Call just lightens that mood, it's great gym music and since I am a huge nerd, it is kind of nerdy music like "Dragonforce.." it is very cheesy.. But you cannot deny that they take a lot of their inspiration from God or a "savior" their music is all about power, glory and reaching paradise.. And as I have said, there is thousands of bands like this.. Heavenly, Ride the Sky, Kamelot, Power Quest, Edguy/Avantasia, Stratovarius, Rhapsody (or Rhapsody of Fire), Secret Sphere, Hammerfall, Blind Guardian, Vision Divine, Iron Savior, Primal Fear, At Vance, Masterplan, Savage Circus, Dragonland, Vexillium, Fairyland, Pagan's Mind, Voyager, Orden Ogan, Sonata Arctica, Symphony-X the list goes on forever.. Blind Guardian has even done "Christian" songs before for their Christian fan base.. Anyways here is Freedom Call..


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