Reforming Bands


I've noticed that there have been a lot of bands reforming after a hiatus as of late, bands like The Eagles, AC/DC etc. And it got me thinking, what band would I like to reform? For me, there is one huge one that sticks out in my mind.

Blink 182 - I love this band. I love all of their music, and when they broke up they were moving into a more slower, more mature type of music, which I feel was better than their earlier stuff. But in 2003, they released a Greatest Hits album, and they went on an indefinite hiatus. Travis and Martk started +44, and Tom started Angels and Airwaves, and I also love both bands, but nothing they make can compare to Blink 182. If they came back, I think that if they got along well, they could make some great music, better than anything they had before.

So, if you could reform a band, which band would it be? Also, since this is hypothetical, it doesn't matter if one or more of the band's members is deceased.
No doubt, The Beatles. If Harrison and Lennon hadn't passed on, a reunion would've eventually happened, with possibly some new music. I really don't think you can deny it, The Beatles are one of the most influental bands of all time. If they came back after going through the rest of lives with so many more stories to tell, it could've been some of the greatest music of all time.

Oh, I should say that Metallica never took any kind of hiatus. They did plenty of touring from the release of St. Anger up to '06 (I think), when they began serious work on Death Magnetic while doing even MORE touring. Just thought I'd let you know :thumbsup:.
It would be a crime not to reform the most technically proficient and one of the most influential metal bands of all time, Death

When Chuck Schuldiner passed away in 2001 the legacy of Death went with him, the man was Death, the personification of all that was right and good in the metal world. There was an outcry in the metal community when he passed and everyone from Napalm Death to Cannibal Corpse to Nirvana to Alice in Chains to Slipknot to Pantera to Judas Priest were affected by the tremendous loss.

I would want Death to reform, just so that I could not only hear Chuck's wisdom on a changing world but also his incredible musical genius. As for the rest of the band, there have been so many members of Death (22 to be exact, but Chuck was always the heart of the hand) I'd bring back Gene Hoglan, Shannon Hamm and Steve DiGiorgio (Death's best combination of lineups) to combine with Chuck one more time.
The Police - Yes, I know they did a reunion tour last year. I missed it. So I am holding onto a glimmer of hope that they will set aside their differences and regroup for a new album and a US tour. The Police were a very influential band for many of the rock bands of the 90's and now. I would love to hear how an updated Police album would sound.

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