Bands/Artists who you like literally all albums by?

Like all the other posters, my favorite band doezn't have a single bad record: Foo Fighters. I enjoy everything these guys put out, even fucking comedic covers. Everything is awesome, they rock seriously.

Other bands are far more musical technicians like Tool, Rush, Explosions in the Sky, Porcupine Tree, Opeth that you can't definitely go wrong with.
The one artist I love everything by is Marilyn Manson. When I was 8 The Golden Age of Grotesque just came out, and I seen heard his songs "The Fight Song" and "Mobscene" on my brothers computer. I found out that he had a new CD out and begged my mother to let me have it, but of course most parents don't let 8 year olds listen to that kind of music. So one time when I went to the mall with my brother I had him buy it for me. And ever since then I have been a devoted fan, owning every album and knowing every lyric.
Theres a bunch like Descendents, Black Flag, The Ergs!, Hunchback, Gorilla Biscuits, Devo, Minutemen, Dead Kennedys, Presidents of the Undited States of America,Dinosaur Jr., Screaming Females, Tear it Up, Mudhoney, Dead Boys. Those are some of my favorite bands of all time and i ownn all of their albums

I saw how someone mentioned Rush I love them too don't have to many albums of theirs but last year I saw them play the entire Moving Pictures album that show was incredible. If your a drummer or just a fan of music everyone should see Rush at least once in their lifetime
I have to say for me Nirvana is number 1, I can only think of 2 songs of theirs I don't like and both were unreleased from the box set. Also others would be Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Soundgarden, Lynyrd Skynyrd and I have to agree with everybody who listed Rush. Can't wait for the new Soundgarden album to be released later this year, just read a tweet from Cornell's wife before writing this that they are recording songs now.
Oh god their are simply way to many artist that I enjoyed to a point I have listened to every song from every album. I can go back to the '60's and pull out the Beatles and the Who. I can go into the '70's and nab Def Leaperd and Aerosmith. Oh go into modern day and grab guys like 2-Pac, Eminem, B.I.G, Linkin Park, and Kanye West. But in the feeling of keeping my post short and sweet, I'm just going to narrow it down to my top three.

Linkin Park: Linkin Park simply popped out of nowhere for me when I was a 5 year old boy. There was something about their music that was just so powerful and raw. I remember listening to their first album, Hybrid Theory over and over again. They were simply addicting. I collected their albums and still own my first Hybrid Theory CD.

Aerosmith: I guess you can say I was a actually born into Rock and Roll. But I remember as a young baby listening to Aerosmith as a toddler. Listening to songs like Love in a Elevator, Living on the Edge, Walk this Way. The classics. Stephen Tyler is the king of scream. All the singers for scream bands wish they could produce the octaves Tyler can create on demand. My only regret is that I never got to see them in concert back in their hey-day.
TOOL - no question, no doubt ever. Maynard is unquestionable as probably the biggest music/performance genius of the last 20 years. TOOL is his baby and it's why he pays very careful attention to it. He does other side projects that are good, but they don't get the same devotion as TOOL does and rightfully so.

How many bands out there can put on a LIVE show in which you never see the lead singer except for maybe his shadow and turn a crowd reaction like no other? I can't think of one and no one does it like they do either.

Each album is unique, powerful, and delivers a story all its own. Musical perfection is what TOOL is and as many others out there I'm sure who are like me, cannot wait for the next album to finally be here!
I have already posted in here about my favourite band Oasis, but there are several more artists that I enjoy all albums by, but I am going to focus on one.

Guns N Roses

Obviously nothing compares to their epic debut release "Appetite For Destruction"- that really is an absolute classic with some incredible songs, but both the "Use Your Illusion" albums are also great. I think if you had changed the 2 UYI releases into 1 single album with the best tracks picked from both then you would have one of the all time greatest albums.

I also like their covers album "The Spaghetti Incident", it gives a different side to the band and lets you see their influences. I think "Hair Of The Dog" (a Nazareth cover) is especially good, as is "Black Leather". "Lies" is another good album, while not a "proper" Guns album it gives a good look into their early days.

Now, I AM going to include "Chinese Democracy" on this list. I like it. It's not as good as their earlier material (which isn't surprising as there is no Slash, Duff, Izzy, Steven or Matt) but it is still a good rock album, and would have got better reviews had it been a different band and not a "Guns N Roses" album.

The title track is excellent, "I.R.S" is a good song, "Better" rocks hard and then there is "There Was A Time"... an absolute classic, one of my favourite Guns songs of all.

So, that explains why I like all albums by Guns 'N Roses
New Found Glory

Literally all their albums have been awesome and they somehow get better with every new album realised. Not Without a Fight was awesome and although all their songs about generally about the same thing, they never get old! Definately a band I could listen to 24/7.

Chris Brown

No hating please. Whether you like it or not Chris Brown is an amazing artist. His singing is incredible and he can actually rap for someone who is meant to be a singer. His new album F.A.M.E was a great mixture of songs but yet could of still been better. Graffiti was an awesome album and one of my all time favourites. His first few albums were good I thought but his new album, Fortune, will be the best of all.
Oh wow. This is something to really think about lol but I think I'd have to say:

The Sick Puppies

My all time favorite band. I just love their music, especially because they are a three person band with a badass female bassist. They are such talented music writers and even though they've only released three albums (only two in America), I still love every song on every album and I will be a fan for life.


In my opinion, the big dogs of Heavy Metal today. I'm not talking all time because I give that honor to Black Sabbath and Metallica but today, I believe Disturbed and Slipknot are the two best Heavy Metal bands around but I just love Disturbed more. Every album (The Sickness, Believe, Ten Thousand Fists, Indestructible and Asylum) is amazing. They all have their own distinct songs and just show the pure talent that Disturbed has

As I pointed out in a couple of other threads in this sections, they became my favorite band last year, and I finished collecting every single album they have ever released. A lot of people had mixed feelings towards their new singer and dislike the newer material, but I like it all. It's all heavy, catchy, and full of fantasy themed lyrics. They are everything I could ever ask for in a band, honestly. I could listen to nothing but them for hours and not get sick of it. They are one of only 3 bands I can say that about, the others being Linkin Park and Def Leppard, both of which I brought up in an older post in this same thread long ago.
I'm not a Music expert, so here goes nothing.

Linkin Park

How I came to liking these guys is actually pretty funny. It was back in 2003 when Jay-Z and Linkin Park did the Collision Course album. I found myself liking Linkin Park's part of the songs more than Jay-Z, and then the rest was history. I was a die hard fan ever since then. I've listened to Hybrid Theory, Meteora, Minutes to Midnight, and A Thousand Suns.

There's something about them that I like. I their music. Once again, I'm not a music expert, but their sound is really intriguing and they make great songs. I feel like the songs are well written, and true. They don't stray away from who they are and I was really digging their music.

There were some people who didn't like their mew stuff, but I don't get why. You have to adapt to the times and that's what they did. I still listen to Catalyst to this day. Linkin Park will forever be my favorite band.

Meteora, IMO, is their best album with so many great tracks from top to bottom. A Thousand Suns is a close second. Their sound may have changed, but they still had a few good songs. It's not often a band can change their style and still sound great.

There's only one band in the world I'll love more than them and thats.....


Judge me if you want, but this band is awesome. If I had heard of these guys before Linkin Park, they would be my favorite band.

Despite the fact that lead singer is a complete babe, she has an incredible voice that makes every song they write so much more better.

Their sound maybe a bit generic, but their lyrics are so close to the Heart that you can easily get into them. Hayley is amazing at enunciating with those vocals.

Riot is one of the best albums I've heard in long time. That's what you get, Broken, and Misery Business are great tracks.

And there's already a few better songs on Brand New Eyes. Tracks like Monster and The Only Exception. I just dig these guys and really hope they stick around for the long haul.

If Paramore and Linkin Park ever went on tour together. I would freak out.
I'm BIG into the Ska scene. One of my close friends is in a local ska band that's played with some big ska groups... but one they haven't played with but I LOVE ALL OF THEIR ALBUMS is Gainesville Florida's own LESS THAN JAKE.

These guys have never put out a bad album in the 20 years they have been around. They have released a few eps with 5 songs a piece over the past year or so. There is not a bad song on ANY of their albums. I can't help but dig them.

Another band I can't get enough of is MUSE. They're just good. I can't explain it any other way. None of their albums have had a bad tune on them.

Alter Bridge (I blame Edge for getting me to listen to them the first time. THANK YOU EDGE!) They are great. Solid hard rock. All three albums leave you wanting more.

I Fight Dragons (they did the theme for Money in The Bank 2010). They have 1 full length album and 3 EPs. Nothing bad from them even though a couple songs make multiple appearances.

One last one that I will get hate for: Five Finger Death Punch. Each album was better than the last, showing that they were growing musically. I listened to them on a whim one day and after that I got the albums and they've been in my regular rotation ever since. They're good at what they do.
Oh wow. This is something to really think about lol but I think I'd have to say:

The Sick Puppies

My all time favorite band. I just love their music, especially because they are a three person band with a badass female bassist. They are such talented music writers and even though they've only released three albums (only two in America), I still love every song on every album and I will be a fan for life.

I totally forgot about their albums. They are great. They have yet another album coming out this year (so they say). They have NEVER had a bad album. I saw them at my university a few years ago as they were a co-headliner with Chevelle (that I lost respect for after this show...). Shimon is a hell of a vocalist and guitarist. His banter with the crowd is awesome. I love that interaction between the band and the fans. I became a HUGE fan of theirs after that one show (only time I've seen them live to date unfortunately). Yeah, and Emma Anzai is hot.... She makes most bassists look weak.
Nine Inch Nails all of them are gold, even the fucking remix albums.

Depeche Mode so many albums, and all of them have great tracks and last the test of time

Radiohead again so many gems spanning their entire career
So I have since discovered another band where every single album is all good songs


Scream Bloody Gore, Leprosy, Spiritual Healing, Human, Individual thought patterns, Symbolic, and The sound of perseverance... all great albums the whole way through

So at 7 albums w/ no faltering, that ties Children Of Bodom which I mentioned in the OP

They are my new favorite band :)

Judge me if you want, but this band is awesome
Yeah they are, I'd say them too but I think in the original post I did (or should have) said something about bands who didn't yet have enough albums to really be screwing up. Paramore has 3 so not much chance to screw up yet. I love them too.

I meant bands with like 5 or more CDs that somehow never screwed up
I have a few... little bit of a variety:

Streetlight Manifesto: Great ska group from Jersey... Can't say they did a bad album.

Less Than Jake: Punk-Ska 20 years strong. They're a hell of a live act to see. Some fans gave them hate over their album "In With The Out Crowd" because it wasn't "true to their roots" or some bullshit... still a great album. Of all their albums there are no bad ones. Love them all...

The OC Supertones- Great ska group out of So Cal. I have all their albums. Always good...

Five Finger Death Punch- Do I have to explain?

I Fight Dragons - You'll remember them as the band that did the theme for the 2010 Money in the Bank PPV. They have an album and 3 EPs out. Not a bad song in all of them and they did an epic cover of Huey Lewis and The News' song "The Power of Love" (from Back to the Future)
Deftones would be the main one as they are my favourite band ever ever ever.

One would be Born of Osiris, although they're only on their second full length release; as Senator Palpatine would say, "I'll be watching their career with great interest".

And then there's the big names like Metallica, Radiohead, Placebo, Nightwish, Bjork; most of which I'm just missing one album or EP.

Think I'm one shy of having all of Between the Buried and Me's stuff too.

And finally, the little band that I keep in my back pocket that no one else has heard of, Mr. Meeble, who I've discovered on Myspace years ago, got everything they've put out, which is like 3 EPs and a full length album.
I have quite a few actually so this may be a somewhat lengthy post...

Luna Sea:
I don't think many even know of this band since they are a japanese band but they happen to be one of my favorite(if not my favorite) bands of all time. Every album they have put out has been so rock solid and amazing that I never find myself skipping a track, not even one. Of course all of their currently released albums were released before I had even learned of them but thanks to my japanese ex-girlfriend I picked up a lot of great music released in japanese.

VNV Nation:
Now, this one is weird for me because my first impressions of some of their albums have been bad but nowadays I can't ever find anything wrong with any of them. I've enjoyed VNV's music forever and will continue to do so. Their consistency is to be admired in the ebm scene.

Rin Toshite Shigure:
Another japanese band but this one is a bit more obscure. Their style of music is so left field that at first listen you wonder what the hell is going on but really this 3 piece band is as perfect as you can get. Each one has mastered their instrument and each role in the band is massive. Their style plays to ALL of their strengths which is just simply mind blowing. The vocals are questionable and a lot are turned off but really it's quite beautiful. Every album/EP they have released has been a 10/10 in my book. They also have mind blowing lives and you can truly sense how much they love what they do.

Honestly, a lot of people can complain that their changes over the years have made them lose respect in the punk scene and that they turned to shit but I'm the kind of guy who respects changes and doesn't think too deeply about them. I mean sure some style changes in music are awful but these guys did it well. I cannot think poorly of them no matter how many times i get lectured on why they turned to shit.
Guns N' Roses:

Appetite for destruction,
Use your illusion,
The spaggetti incident?,
and more more yet none of these albums seem to dissapoint,
P.S i haven't had the time to listen to Chinese Democracy yet
I have ever Oasis album ever released and some bootlegs of rare stuff. From Definitely Maybe all the way up to Time Flies, the greatest hits album. I've Live from Maine Road, Familiar to Millions, Unplugged, audio version of their Manchester gigs from '06, got the DVD to boot. I got There and Then, Wibbling Rivalry, even got their rare performance from one of the first Isle of Wight festivals.

Got every Kaiser Chief album, not that it's hard. Same with Hard-Fi, Kasabian, Muse, Stereophonics, Arctic Monkey's, Kings of Leon, Panic at the Disco, Nirvana who again, isn't all that hard. Velvet Revolver, Eminem, Fall Out Boy despite not really listening to them anymore since that collaboration with Kanye that was horrid. Got a few more, those are some.
Radiohead; Pablo Honey, The Bends, OK Computer, Kid A, Amesiac, Hail to the Thief, In Rainbows, King of Limbs
-Only album I don't prefer as much is Pablo Honey. The rest I could literally make an argument as one of my favorites of all time. Except King of Limbs, as it's newest, it hasn't time to grown on me as much.

Nirvana; Bleach, Nevermind, Insecticide, In Utero
-Yes, I'm coutning Insecticide as an album because it had enough songs and was brilliant, loved the Vaselines covers. Also has one of my favorite Nirvana songs: Aneurysm.

Gorillaz; Gorillaz, Demon Days, Plastic Beach, The Fall
-Honestly, I haven't listened to The Fall as much but from what I've heard, it's great. The rest have been consistently played throughout my life.

Honorable Mentions; Tool, Alice In Chains, Modest Mouse, Kanye West, Atmosphere, A Tribe Called Quest, Pixies, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Stone Temple Pilots, and definitely WEEN
There are only two bands that hold this honor for me. Disturbed is my number 1 I have all of their albums and I've heard all of their songs even the one Draiman did by himself in the movie Queen of the Damned called Forsaken. The other group I don't have all of their cds but my dad does it's Van Halen. Whether it's with Roth, Hagar, or Gary I love em all.
Michael Jackson, Coldplay, Radiohead, Nirvana, Sevendust, the Foo Fighters, and Lupe Fiasco are maybe the only names that come to mind for me.

Own every album by 'em, but in the event of asking for favorite albums by each: "HIStory" by Michael Jackson, "A Rush of Blood to the Head" by Coldplay, "Kid A" by Radiohead, "Nevermind" by Nirvana, "Seasons" by Sevendust, "Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace" by FF, and "The Cool" by Lupe Fiasco.
2pac: Disregarding his posthumous releases that he had no control over, every Pac album, especially the holy trinity of Me Against the World, All Eyez on Me and The Don Killuminati/7 Day Theory were classic. Probably a giveaway due to my sig. Favorite was 7 Day Theory

Michael Jackson: Then again, who doesn't love MJ? Favorite was Invincible (odd choice, I know, but I LOVED it)

Queen: I know, by today's standards they had a shtload of albums, but I can't remember one I didn't enjoy. Favorite was Queen II

Immortal Technique: Immortal is one of my top 5, dead or alive MC's ever. Even though his name probably won't be legendary among common mainstream music, he will forever be a staple of the underground. Favorite was Revolutionary vol. 2 or The Martyr, can't decide.

My Chemical Romance: What can I say? Guilty pleasure. Favorite was 3 Cheers For Sweet revenge

Wu Tang Clan: I'm a huge hip-hop head. That alone warrants me to love everything Wu Tang ever put out. Favorite was 36 Chambers.

Jean Grae: Screw Nicki Minaj. THIS is what a FeMC should sound like! Favorite was Jeanius.

Kanye West: Kanye is a genius. End of story. Favorite was Dark Fantasy

Scarface: king of the South. Favorite was probably The Fix or The Diary

Honorable Mentions: Prince, Lupe Fiasco ('cept maybe LASERS), Bob Marley, Talib Kweli, The Used, Rise Against, Royce da 5'9, K'Naan, Nas
Hopsin - Eventhough he only has 2 albums, many aren't really a fan of his first album including himself but I enjoy listening to both of his albums,

Slipknot- I can not fault any of their albums

Avenged sevenfold - All their releases have been awesome!

Tech n9ne - Eventhough his new albums haven't been as good all of his albums have been classics imo and he is the best MC there is

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