Your Favorite Live Album(s)

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Is a horrible poster.
What is your favorite live album you like to listen to? It can be from any style of music as my ears will give any band a chance of hearing.

I find listening to live records at times hard as it is not really my cup of coffee. But, there have been a few live albums by a few bands I listened to and rather enjoyed.

Slipknot 9.0 Live, It sounded amazing and the play was as close to the cds as they could possibly be.
Lamb of God-Killadelphia, by far the greatest live album I have ever heard. This album sounds so much better than the recordings to be honest with you. It just shows how amazing this band is and how hard the work to truly so epic while playing live.

I also seen both bands live after hearing these albums and I was not let down.

So what are your favorite live albums??
I would have to say my favourite live album is Familiar To Millions by Oasis, which captures their shows at Wembley in 2000. The band were absolutely on top of their game at this show, Liam Gallagher's vocals were spot on, he and Noel had great banter with the crowd and the set list was pretty awesome too.

As well as the regulars such as "Rock n' Roll Star", "Live Forever" (which sounded incredible!!), "Champagne Supernova" and "Wonderwall" (an electric version which I prefer to the original), there is "Supersonic" (which is my favourite song, and which Liam precedes by telling Noel to "write a few more of these babies!"), a Oasis-style cover of Neil Young's song "Hey Hey My My", and songs from the Be Here Now and Standing Of The Shoulders Of Giants albums which don't normally get played live.

Overall, a magnificent album showcasing the best band in the world at their very, very best.




The best live album is....

Nirvana - Unplugged In New York

I usually do not like live albums due to a personal preference of studio recordings over live music. The interactions with the crowd on live albums often get on my nerves. That being said, this album contains Nirvana songs that are covers you will never find on any of their regular albums. Some, such as "The Man Who Sold The World" are even better than the original versions. The funny thing is that before that song starts, Kurt says "I guarantee you I will screw this one up" but instead he completely blew the original away. This is the one live album you should not miss out on as a rock music fan.
Unplugged In New York - Agreeing with Dagger Dias, That was Nirvana's jackpot, Kurt's voice was so.. amazing. Krist seemed to have a good time strumming that acoustic bass and Dave hit those drums softer then anything, Pat Smear and Lori Goldston were involved as well. On A Plain, The Man Who Sold The World, Come As You Are were their pitch perfect songs, although all the songs were phenomenal - Tell me that voice isn't inspiring..
Nirvana Live at Reading.

Great album and dvd showcasing a band at the height of their fame playing one of the best sets of their careers. Perfect from top to bottom.

Nirvana: Unplugged In New York

Utter perfection. Everything about this performance is amazing and if you consider yourself a music fan and have not heard this album then shame on you!

Sublime - Stand By Your Van

A mixture of live performances by one of the most underated bands ever. Bradley Nowell is simply one of the greatest singers and songwriters ever. I dont think there is a sublime song i dont like.
Fuck you guys for picking Nirvana- Live At Reading and Nirvana-Unplugged In New York :p

I guess if I have to pick something else I guess it'll be these then

Alice In Chains-Live

I love this live album because it's got all my favourite Alice songs live (admittedly as it goes on Layne Staley's voice gets weaker due to his heroin addiction but he still performs well)


Alice In Chains-Unplugged

Again its great the mere fact that Layne Staley wasn't 100% and still did a good performance is reason alone to like this, the harmonised vocals between him and Jerry Cantrell were great.



Its awesome because they are playing with an orchestra, you'd think electric instruments played in a metal style would not gel with a classical orchestra, but it does.


Ozzy Osbourne-Tribute

Released as a tribute to his original guitarist Randy Rhoads it shows just how awesome Randy Rhoads was as a guitarist, the sound on the live album I feel is actually better than on Ozzy's first two studio albums (the wones Randy played on) top that with some great Black Sabbath covers and its a great live album.



Some good picks so far, but I'm going to go with Jeff Buckley's "Live at L'Olympia."

I was 15/16 when I got into Buckley Jr and had only listened to Grace for the most part. I had a free period at school so wandered into town and picked up this album for £5, one of the best buys ever! Initially I just listened to the songs I knew from Grace but once I started listening to the other songs that I knew I really loved this guy! Top 3 songs from the album to get your ears round -
Not only is my pick a great live album, it's also a nostalgic pick. My dad is as big a Bob Dylan fan as you will ever meet, so being a fan of him has been drilled into me from birth. I remember Bob Dylan at Budokan being a staple of family holidays when growing up. I always wanted to play Ballad Of A Thin Man, one of my favourite Dylan songs ever, in the car. Dylan is one of those guys that like to mix things up when he's live, and this album (just like his live performances that I've been to) is all the better for it. So if you're a Dylan purist, don't go near it. I can't post any songs off of it, because they don't exist on YouTube (not much of Dylan's back catalogue does).

Another nostalgic choice is Neil Young's Unplugged. It was my first taste of Neil Young and I loved it. It was another staple of family holidays when growing up. Hell, I'd go as far as to say this is my favourite Neil Young album, period. His voice is (in typical Neil Young fashion) just beautifully fragile on this. A great, great album.

The band that changed my life. They have been mentioned already but I couldn't not include my favourite band...

Nirvana - From The Muddy Banks Of Wishkah (Great mix of live songs taken from different sets. Not the best live versions of a lot of the songs and a lot of good songs not included but still a brilliant live album including live versions of Milk It, School, Negative Creep, Lithium and lots more. The intro alone is raw brilliance).

Nirvana - Unplugged (The best Unplugged performance in my opinion and not just because I'm biased).

Nirvana - Live at Reading (Near perfect Nirvana set as you'll get...I prefer more chaos myself but this performance was amazing and now legendary)

Iggy and The Stooges - Metallic KO (It's The Stooges and the're live..yeah)

Ramones - It's Alive
I'll be the first to place the best live album ever on here. Iced Earth, one of the most UNDER RATED bands out there.

Iced Earth Alive in Athens



My second pick would be:

Kamelot: One cold winters night.



For me the answer is very obvious and an easy choice. It would be Metallica's "S&M."

That record changed the way metal bands incorporate orchestral instruments into their style and provided amazing counter melodies to some of Metallica's greatest songs and also made some of Metallica's previously bad songs sound fantastic.

Im not a huge Metallica fan, but this record is my hands down live album winner.
This is an easy one for me, because no live performance that I have seen to this date will ever be able to touch Metallica with the San Francisco Symphony at the Berkeley Community Theatre about 20 minutes from where I live. I could go on for days about how awesome this album is but I'll tone it down, everything about the music that night was spot on. I honestly enjoy the live versions from this album to the originals and studio versions, they had an energy that night that was amazing and Hetfeild's voice was better than ever. Also alot of the reason for how awesome this was has to go to the symphony, they did an excellent job as well and the music really blended better than I ever would have expected. Who would have guess that two genres of music that are so different could come together and make such amazing and beautiful stuff, absolutely amazing album.

I liked KISS's symphony album, kind of similar to Metallica's S&M album, but different genres of rock lol :p


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