Redemption - Karnage vs. Austin Reynolds vs. Chris Beckford - Elite X Championship

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Karnage finds himself defending his Elite X belt for the first time against two men who can't seem to beat each other, Austin Reynolds and Chris Beckford. Both men wouldn't stop in their Number One Contender's Match, so they face in a Triple Threat Match. Will either men finally go on one up and claim the gold or will Karnage send fear down the Elite X division and prove he is a champion of destiny?

Deadline for this match is Tuesday 20th April 23:59 EST
Redemption: A big night for Austin Reynolds – a blog looking at the Elite X Triple Threat match.

“The Elite X title is the most prestigious title in WZCW. “ Chuck Myles

“The Elite X division is the future of this company.” Vance Bateman

From humble beginnings in the early days of Meltdown, the Elite X division has proved to be the step on the ladder that everyone wants to be on. From The One Big Will to Titus to Carmen Bratchny, this title unlike any other, has created star after star. And it has seen more successes than failures, even Zander and Frankie Smith made an impact.

Karnage however, had impressed recently and having reached the Elite X title, the pinnacle of his career so far, he will not want to be a placeholder for a title which rewards consistency and a long reign with future success.

For his challengers, Chris Beckford and Austin Reynolds, nothing has separated them. Two weeks in a row, their encounters saw indecisive outcomes.

And so we are here. Six shows have passed since Kingdom Come and Karnage has to deal with two opponents in his first title defence. The numbers are not in his favour in an environment that punishes a simple rule. Whoever gets the first pinfall walks out with the belt.

For Austin Reynolds, this will be his second opportunity at a title that he felt screwed out of to begin with. Although that ended in defeat, that match set a standard that Austin has maintained ever since. Great performances, backed up by the highest rated segments of the show.

And whether it was taking Xander’s place in the Elite X League or the King for a Day match, Austin Reynolds promised ratings and thrills and delivered on both. Having worked his way to the forefront of the Elite X division, Sunday was his chance make everything right, to correct the wrongs of his WZCW career so far. The first match, last week against Big Dave, the whole Chris Beckford episode and the King for a Day match.

Redemption was the perfect night for such an occasion.

***** ***** *****

Austin is relaxing at his Chicago home. By relaxing, he is doing sit ups on a bench in front of his 50 inch TV. On the television is a special highlights DVD that his agent and friend Dominic had put together of this past weeks Meltdown and Ascension.

Garth remains silent as in the ring, Beckford drags Phoenix over to the corner. Beckford gets on the top rope, signalling for the Cross Country. He leaps off the top rope, but Phoenix manages to get his knees up. Beckford rolls on the mat, clutching his ribs as the referee starts to count. Both men get to their by 7. Beckford goes for the clothesline on Phoenix but he ducks under it and hits the Incinerator on Beckford. Phoenix goes for the pin, 1.... 2.... kick out by Beckford! Phoenix starts to look angry as he gets to his feet. He climbs to the top rope, getting ready for the Final Flight, but Beckford quickly gets up, and quickly delivers a right hand to Phoenix, who loses his balance. Beckford gets Phoenix in a front facelock before delivering a top rope DDT. With Phoenix not moving, Beckford quickly goes for the pin, 1.... 2.... Phoenix gets his foot on the bottom rope! Beckford lets out a yell of anger. He gets up and again gets ready to go for the Cross Drop. Phoenix slowly gets up, using the ropes to steady himself. Beckford goes for Phoenix, but Phoenix hits the Rebirth out of nowhere on Beckford! Phoenix drapes an arm over his opponent, 1... 2.... 3!

He pauses the DVD as it focuses on Beckford being pinned. The very thing that Austin has failed to achieve.

Austin: “Typical. Beckford goes one step too far and gets punished. How did I not see it before? Beckford will make a mistake.....he always does. I just need to wait for it to happen and get him out of my life once and for all.”

He fast-forwards the DVD onto the next match.

Both men get to their feet at the count of 9, and start exchanging right hands. Cougar blocks one and Irish whips Karnage, but Karnage reverses, sending Cougar into the corner. Karnage hits a running shoulder block in the corner and lifts Cougar up to the top rope. Karnage tries to go for a Superplex, but Cougar blocks it. With Karnage dazed on the top rope, Cougar goes through Karnage’s legs onto the mat. He climbs up on the top rope behind Karnage, and hits a modified version of the Final Act, with Karnage hitting the mat face first! Cougar drapes an arm across Karnage, 1.... 2.... 3!

“That right there is what will be seen on Sunday. It’s time to rid ourselves of the transitional champion. The Elite X belt is supposed to be a step to greatness but there has been some sort of mistake and there is an illegal, immoral criminal holding my belt when he just isn’t good enough to lace my boots.”

Austin puts the remote down and picks up a pair of weighty dumbbells from the rack to his right.

“This is a match of destiny. The Elite X title was promised to me on my debut and it was falsely ripped from my grasp by Blade, who like Karnage, doesn’t deserve the prestige of being the Elite X champion.”

Lifting each weight alternatively, he focuses on each rep as if it was an opponent.

“It is a privilege to hold the Elite X title but it will be a true honour to bring the division back to the top of the company, where it belongs. Karnage and before him, Frankie Smith and Zander, have dragged to the depths and I will not allow that to continue. I am going to end this thing with the bootlicker Chris Beckford and then I will do what I do best.”

“Consider the show stolen because as champion I‘ll breathe life into the division and get rid of the deadwood that have nearly killed it.”

Austin rewinds the DVD to the point where Karnage looks at the Elite X title and hands it the match officials. He gazes at it longingly.

“The Elite X title deserves to be around the waist of greatness, to be in the presence of a rising star. It should belong to the face of the future, someone who is bringing in fans and who never has a bad match.”

Austin’s tone is not as cocky as we are used to. He knows that if it is to be his time, he will need to focus, not let up and ensure that Karnage and Beckford do not take the opportunity that is rightfully his.

“Now I’m not stupid. I know triple threat rules mean that once again, an opportunity could be ripped from right in front of me and I would be robbed by circumstance, a happening outside of my control. Redemption means things are going to come back around on Sunday and things will be made right.”

Austin replaces the dumbbells, looks back at the TV and the lasting image it is paused on. The Elite X title, in Austin’s mind, it is the key to bigger and better things.

“I am going to walk out of Redemption as the new Elite X champion because it will be the right thing to do. And it will be fantastic for ratings, just like me!”

And with that confident assertion of things to come, Austin leaves. The camera lingers on him before turning to the image of Karnage’s Elite X title and then fades.
The WZCW corporate building is shown as a stretch limo appears in front of the vast tower. After a few seconds, the imposing figure of Karnage is revealed as the driver opens the door. Karnage steps out of the car and tosses the Elite X Championship over his shoulder as he closes the door behind him. He takes some money out of his trouser pocket and inserts it into the suit jacket of the driver before giving him a little slap on the cheek. The driver smiles and gives a little nod before heading back to the front of the vehicle as Karnage walks towards the doors of the building. A doorman pulls open one of the doors and gives a nod to Karnage.

Door man: Welcome, Mr. Karnage.

Karnage continues to walk inside the building as the Elite X Championship glistens upon his shoulder as the open-plan building allows the bright sunlight to shine in. Karnage arrives at the welcome desk and is immediately greeted by a sprightly, jovial woman with too much energy.

Hello, Karnage! It’s very nice to see you once more. How have you been?

Karnage rolls his eyes and looks at the receptionist questioningly. The receptionist remains stoic with a curious smile still plastered across her face. After a few seconds, Karnage opens his mouth to talk but his stops himself as one of his eyebrows raises.

Karnage: … Fine…?

Receptionist: Wonderful!

The receptionist turns away and starts to collect some files before turning back to Karnage in question.

Receptionist: Yes? Can I help you with something else?

Karnage looks very confused but keeps his calm as a perplexed look crosses his features.

Karnage: Why yes! Yes you can. You can start by doing your God-damned job and giving me my messages. How does that sound!?

The receptionist loses her smile immediately as she leans over her stack of newly-collected folders.

Receptionist: Hmph! All notices are around the corner, on the notice board.

Karnage picks up his Elite X Championship from the table. He gives a wry smile to the receptionist and moves around the corner. He finds what he is looking for and scans the little wooden board for anything that concerns him. Suddenly, a look of curiosity and then fear crosses his face. Bottom lip beginning to shake, Karnage turns on the spot and hurries back around the corner. The receptionist is sitting in her chair, expecting Karnage’s return.

Karnage: You! Where did that message come from!?

That tone will get you nowhere, Mr. Kar-

Karnage: Tell me now!

Receptionist: …

Karnage: … Please.

Receptionist: Excellent! A gentleman called this morning to pass on that note for you. I wrote it down and put it on the wall immediately. You shou-

Karnage hurries out of the door and into the limo that delivered him to his destination a few minutes ago. The car speeds off as a sense of tension fills the air.

To be continued…


Curious as to what he saw?

Click below to find out.

A large house, flanked by acres of green pastures and very grand marble statues comes into view as the black limousine that was carrying Karnage from WZ headquarters speeds up the gravel driveway. Skidding to a stop, Karnage hurriedly gets out of the car and quickly gets to the front door before forcing a key into the lock and stepping inside before slamming the door shut behind him. Once inside, Karnage continues to walk, his polished shoes clicking on the cold marble floor and the Elite X Championship slung over his shoulder. A harsh look on his face, Karnage continues down a long hallway until he comes to a junction. Following it round to the right, he finally finds a closed door. Opening it and rushing inside, Karnage slams the door behind him and rests his back against it.

Karnage: Where is it!?

Karnage opens a closet to his left that buckles under the strain as Karnage yanks the flimsy wooden door open. His eyes scanning around the dark closet, Karnage continues to look for what he needs. Suddenly, a look of relief crosses his face as he finds what it is he was looking for. Pulling a cardboard box out from the back of the closet, Karnage picks it up and places it on a wooden table that lies adjacent to the closet. Staring down into the box, Karnage looks sombre but relieved. The dark room barely illuminating his features. Putting one hand into the box, Karnage pulls out some items.

First, Karnage pulls out a prison jumpsuit. It is orange in colour and looks worn and tattered. Holding it in one hand placing another on top of it, Karnage closes his eyes for a second and feels the emotion coursing through his veins.

Next, Karnage pulls out a few photographs. The photo on the top of the pile is an old picture of a woman smiling broadly. A cold shiver runs down to the base of Karnage’s spine as he struggles to keep his emotions in check. Flicking the photo over to reveal the next one, it is a picture of a group of men. All of the men pictured are broad-looking and a young Karnage, devoid of muscle and strength can be seen smiling in the corner. Narrowing his eyes, Karnage sets the photos down.

Finding what he actually came into the room for, Karnage breathes a sigh of relief. Putting both hands into the box, Karnage pulls out a large, leather-bound journal and clutches it to his chest. Silence fills the air as his prize possession rests on his physique. Suddenly a light voice comes out of the darkness behind him.

Voice: I would never have taken it.

Karnage drops his journal onto the table immediately and dashes at the stranger, his hand meeting with the stranger’s throat and driving him against the wall. Karnage surveys the strangers face and his mouth visibly widens in shock.

Karnage: You…

Voice: Me!

Karnage: How…?

Voice: I’m out, Davey-boy. The system works.

No! No, you can’t be. I saw you maim a guy right in front of me.

Voice: Thanks to you not testifying about that, it was never proven. You and me were a team back then, Dave. You would never rat me out and I always looked out for you.

Karnage: I never needed your help, Marty!

Marty: Never needed my help!? When you came to prison, you were nothing but a boy. If it wasn’t for me, you would never have made it this far. If it wasn’t for me… You would probably be dead.

Karnage remains motionless, hand fixed around the intruder’s neck with force.

Marty: So, you gonna let me go or what? You know, you owe me.

Karnage shoots a look at Marty and releases his grip before turning away. Marty rubs his throat and lets out a frail cough.

Karnage: What do you want?

Marty: What do I want? Hmm! Now there is a question. I want a night on the tiles with Big Dave’s sister. I want to be driven around in limousines. I want to have a clean break in life but most of all… I want things to be like they were. I took you under my wing in prison and now I expect the same. I mean, look at you. Fast cars, limousine drivers, marble floors and Elite X Championships. You’ve come a long way since prison and you have me to thank for that. Back then you were more pathetic than an Austin Reynold's title challenge. You were more feeble than Chris Beckford after a Red Bull and Vodka. You were weak. Now look at you... A Champion. You owe me!

Karnage: I don’t owe you shit, Marty!

Marty: Bullshit! I looked out for you for the better part of three years and put my body on the line to protect you. I knew you had what it takes and knew that when the time came, my sacrifice would be worth it. I helped you with everything in prison and we were like brothers. I can help you again.

Karnage: Help me how…?

Marty lets a sneaky smile appear on his features, that already seems familiar.

Marty: You have a big match coming up, right? I can help you train. I can help you be better! I can help you crush those puny little fuckers head’s into mush. I’ve seen these guys, Dave. Reynolds and Beckford are nothing individually. You have beat Beckford before, I saw it! Reynolds can’t even beat Beckford. Together, though, they are a challenge. You don’t even need to be pinned in this match and you know as well as I do that you will need someone to watch your back…

It’ll be like old times, Dave. I gave you a chance all those years ago… Do the same for me.

Karnage moves towards the door and opens it slightly.

Karnage: We had better get started.

Marty smiles broadly with a look of deceit and slyness on his face.
*Scene opens with the camera panning round a room, we appear to be in a gym. As the camera pans round we can see various pictures of fighters,boxers and wrestlers scattered about the gym. We can hear commotion in the gym, alot of shouting and bellowing. As the camera pans round towards the ring we can see various people stood around the ring and 3 people inside2 of them are wrestling the other is the ref. One of the people inside the ring is wearing blue and yellow trunks with the words Metcalf written on his backside, the other man is Chris Beckford. Beckford is wearing white 3 quarter length shorts. Metcalf charges at Beckford, Beckford rolls out of the way and delivers a kick to the midsection. Beckford grabs Metcalf attempting a DDT, but Metcalf fights out and throws Beckford over his shoulder. Sam Remmington is noticed at ringside. Beckford gets up and runs at Metcalf hitting him with a clothesline, Metcalf gets straight back up and walks into an atomic drop from Beckford who then hits a neckbreaker on him. Beckford climbs to the top rope and attempts the Cross County but Metcalf rolls out of the way and Beckford crashes to the mat.

Metcalf gets Beckford up and hits a DDT of his own. Both men are down but Metcalf is slowly getting to his feet. He picks Beckford up and goes for a gut wrench powerbomb but Beckford fights out, Beckford slides down Metcalfs body grabs his leg and flips him over to set up a boston crab. As the boston crab is locked in Metcalf is screaming in pain....but refuses to tap out. Metcalf reaches the ropes as Beckford releases the hold. As Metcalf is slowly staggering to his feet Beckford is right behind him, Metcalf turns into a kick to the midsection followed immediately by the Cross Drop. Beckford climbs to the top rope and hits the Cross County. He covers metcalf as the ref counts 1....2......3. Beckford slides out of the ring and takes a drink. A couple of minutes pass as Beckford takes a time out before heading over to Sam, who by this point has walked over to a TV screen. As Beckford gets closer to the TV, we can see Sam is watching footage of the wrestling match between Metcalf and Beckford. *

Remmington: You really have a lot to work on before Redemption. If your sparring partner can nearly beat you, imagine what Karnage and Reynolds will do to you. Reynolds is right man, you need to stop making these mistakes that are blatently costing you matches. Look here

*Remmington shows Beckford the footage of his missed Cross County attempt*

Remmington: If this happens at Redemption then you will walk into either Solitary Confinement or the Ratings Killer and then its match over. Bye bye Elite X title shot. What you have here Chris is the oppertunity to earn your first Championship in WZCW. But mistakes like that are not Championship material. You need to focus more in your matches.

Beckford: I know what I need to do at Redemption.

Remmington: What you need to do is beat two men you have not beat yet. Last time you came close to beating Karnage but you took your eye off the ball and it cost you. Reynolds is the same, I'm sure you haven't forgotten what he did to you 3 weeks back. Now I did have plans to take us back to the UK to train harder than ever but that damn volcano has messed up those plans so I've had to call in some favors. A friend of mine from a gym in Seattle is sending two guys down to spar with you. One is roughly the same size as Karnage and one has near enought the same speed as Reynolds.

Beckford: Sam, calm down man. I know I need to tighten my game and wrestling these guys will help----

* At that moment Leon Kensworth appears with a mic in hand*

Beckford: ---but I'm ready to take on Karnage and Reynolds. I feel like I'm on top of my game at the moment. Granted I lost to Phoenix last week, but neither Karnage or Reynolds won their matches.

Kensworth: Chris any chance I can get an interview with you?

Beckford: Sure Leon.

Kensworth: Ok so, Redemption is next up for you, Elite X Championship is on the line. How are you feeling going into the Triple Threat match for the Championship?

Beckford: I'm feeling pretty good, I know the challenges ahead of me and I know what I need to do to overcome them. It's not going to be easy, but this is WZCW nothing is easy here. Sam is stepping up training though, we got some people who are simillar to Karnage and Reynolds coming in to spar and I really think if I can find away past them I will be in a good position for Redemption.

Kensworth: Are you feeling any ill effects from your loss against Phoenix?

Beckford: No, I feel great and ready. The loss against Phoenix was one of those things, I think its fair to say we both had Redemption on our mind and maybe I wasn't prepared enough, I won't make the same mistake again.

Kensworth: You came up short against Karnage last time you came up against him and you haven't beaten Reynolds so far. Does that hurt your confidence going into the match up?

Beckford: Not at all. The last time me and Karnage got into it we had a fantastic match and I've been counting down the days untill I could face him again. Karnage got the win, but only just. Since then he's been on a roll and deserves to be Elite X Champion. But come Redemption that roll ends and a new Elite X Champion will be crowned and his name will be Chris Beckford. As for Reynolds, yeah I haven't beaten him yet. I've said before that this guy is tough and we all saw what he did to me a few weeks back. He has definitely got a big future ahead of him, but I'm throughly confident I can beat him. You could say I'm the underdog here, both men have beaten me and I haven't beaten either of them. I like being the underdog because nobody expects me to win. But I know I can win.....I know I WILL win.

Kensworth: Ok Chris, thanks for your time and good luck in your match.

Beckford: Thanks Leon.

*Leon leaves, Beckford returns to his conversation with Sam Remmington*

Beckford: Everything we have worked towards, since coming from your gym in Leeds has been about becoming a Champion in WZCW. At Redemption I have that chance. At Redemption I will take that chance. My time starts now.

*Scene fades out*
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