Rear View! Seriously??

I wouldn't rank the Rear View much lower than The Peoples Elbow or Hogan's Leg Drop in terms of worst finishers, to be honest. It all has to do with the presentation... and Naomi doesn't present her finisher well. Hogan and Rock could work the crowd to the point where people would forget that it's just a leg drop or elbow drop being given, and legitimately believe that they were seeing a top-notch finishing move.

True, it's probably hard to put much presentation into slamming your ass into someones face, but if Rikishi can do it, than Naomi can find a way. The main problem I have with the move is it's not a heel finisher at all. I assume Naomi implemented that scissor-lock facebuster(?) a few weeks ago as her new heel finisher, but for some reason it seems WWE has put the nix on that. I'd argue it's for the exact same reason that Seth Rollins' Curb Stomp was banned, which sucks because now we're stuck with the Rear View for the foreseeable future.

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