RAW Live Discussion 1/22/06

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Pre-Show Stalwart
HBK is kicking off Raw. Let me guess he is going to get attacked by Rated RKO again so predictable already. :cuss2:

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I am with you, every product of WWE is seriously lacking some writing skills. I really enjoyed the ending of RAW last week, but thats because Shawn performed unbelievably. This week is I see another Kali squash I swear I am going to freakin puke. I do beleive that Shawn will finish off the show again though.
hbk is kickin off raw yes...if he is going to get attacked by rated rko who knows...so to say its predictable is bull...u dnt kno what will happen yet...i doubt they will come out and attack..he'll prob cut a promo or somthin..so chill with your O SO PREDICTABLE ALREADY...
hbk is kickin off raw yes...if he is going to get attacked by rated rko who knows...so to say its predictable is bull...u dnt kno what will happen yet...i doubt they will come out and attack..he'll prob cut a promo or somthin..so chill with your O SO PREDICTABLE ALREADY...

Geez.... somone hit a nerve... So your telling me that you dont think RAW is becoming somewhat predictable ?? IMO Some storylines just need more of Vince's attention
Geez.... somone hit a nerve... So your telling me that you dont think RAW is becoming somewhat predictable ?? IMO Some storylines just need more of Vince's attention

Just like the Donald vs Rosie skit.:shit:
well there is always a certain amount of predictablitiy when it comes to wrestling..that has always been around...to a certain degree raw is predictable....but im being specific as to the angle with dx..we dont kno whats going to happen yet..we thought last week a new member was going to come out or shawn was going to get his ass kicked and it didnt happen..so to say its already so predictable is a bit of a stretch..jus ride with it and c what happens..i really dnt understand y there is so much criticism put into it..its a show..its Entertainment..dont kill yourself over the show not bein as good as it use to b..
I can see the show starting out with HBK saying how he kept the DX name alive and Rated RKO coming out and challenging him to another match. Then HBK will a partner most likely Ric Flair and it will be a tag match in the main event. I think that this Raw should be pretty good. I dont know why people are hating on the show soo much
If Flair teams with HBK tonite, then Flair is turning heel. Flair has gotten beat down way to many time by RKO without D-X there to help. I have said since the first Flair beat down he would turn, and if he teams with HBK tonite it will happen. Jeff Hardy vs Joey Mercury tonite should be interesting. Also this is total guess work on my part, but since there are 3 Royal Rumble spots left i could see each show havin a match to see who gets 1 of those 3 spots.
Whatever happened to surprise entrants?

I don't think RAW will get another slot because they have the most slots out of the three brands. I also don't think Flair will team with HBK. I think the main event will be HBK vs. Edge because Orton got a conchairto last week so he won't wrestle so he can "rest" for the rumble.
Shawn will kick off raw and Team rated RKO will come out and start beating crap into him, and just when you think Shawn Michaels is gonna die...


Not only would the thousands of fans in the arena go wild, but I would wet myself and squeal like a little girl ^^;

The Stone Cold runs down the titantron and gives stunners to rated RKO :D
Shawn will kick off raw and Team rated RKO will come out and start beating crap into him, and just when you think Shawn Michaels is gonna die...


Not only would the thousands of fans in the arena go wild, but I would wet myself and squeal like a little girl ^^;

The Stone Cold runs down the titantron and gives stunners to rated RKO :D
It could happen, since Austin is returning to Raw... Not likley tonight, but that would be sick
Not likley since Edge always leaves his partner in the ring to get beaten... So Orton probably wont be mad...
Looks like we are going to have a HBK vs Edge main event. Should be pretty good main event if that does happen. Both man are talented
I hope MNM beat the crap out of 30 yrs.old Spot Monkey name Jeff Hardy.
I'm wondering if WWE will have HBK win the rumble now that HHH is out. Or at least have him in the storyline for the title while HHH is out. Since HHH was supposed to get in a match at mania for the title
Looks like HBK is set to be in the title hunt again, possibly wrestlemania now HHH is gone, thank god because CENA SUCKS nd UMAGA lmaooooooooo ur kidding me thank god HBK is in the light of the WWE title
Jeff Hardy is the worst Wrestler of all time and his mic works sucks boring in the ring same old low spot monkeys.

Very predictable and the Senton Bomb is a boring move, i can do 630 splash
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