RAW LD - 22nd of October, 2012

I don't get all the negativity towards tonight's raw. I really thought the show was solid, we got good wrestling throughout from the opening tag match, to Cesaro Gabriel which was good but not as good as last week's match between the two, Cesaro losing was a surprise but it most likely sets up a title match between them at hell in a cell which should be damn good if they get a reasonable amount of time. Bryan vs Ziggler was another good match that started slow but really picked up towards the end and Punk vs Sheamus was also pretty good, I didn't see their match with each other on main event so I can't compare it to that but I enjoyed it and I thought the lumberjacks added a nice touch. Ryback
looked great tonight in squashing the Miz and destroying Punk at the end with power moves. The only
things that really bothered me tonight were the newly tag game which was just a kill time segment and these constant shitty replace the gm angles. The fact that they replace Aj as gm because there are rumors of her being involved with a superstar yet they replace her with Vickie who used her power as smackdown gm to always help Edge. Oh wait were supposed to forget about that. One more thing that annoys me is the way Cena keeps putting over Ryback. Cena chanting feed me more is just irritating. Overall good show if you watch that wrestling and skip the bad shit.
Your not wrong about the wrestling but the bad shit (especially Kaitlyn's hair :) ) and my manic channel flipping ruined the flow of the show. I was flipping back and forth to four other things. It could have been the greatest Raw of all time but outside influences would never have allowed me to realize it.

Highlight of the night: Sandow hurling his body under the ref's third slap of the mat. In almost thirty years of watching wrestling I don't think I had seen this before and there was no way the rest of the show could have lived up to something so amazing happening in the first 15 minutes.
Little Jerry Lawler's Raw Thoughts
1. The way that Sandow broke up the pin was the highlight of Raw.

2. I'm getting tired of general managers.

3. Cena's trying to mack all the divas now. I thought Kaitlyn was more his type but there's still time.

4. I enjoyed seeing McGillicutty out there even if it was for a few minutes.

5. I wonder where Cena went after his confrontation with Vickie. He probably was trying to mack Kaitlyn.

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