Raw is Jericho



with triple H injured for months and shawn micheals wanting some time off what a perfect time to bring back the ayatollah of rock n rolla Y2J.

the man can play heel or face and bring great draws and he is truely missed i belive this is the perfact time to try get him back in the ring

your thoughts!?
Now really would be the best time for him to come back with hhh out injured.I think he would fit in dx until they finally killed the angle off.

However i don't see him coming back ever again,much like the rock.They both moved on to bigger and better things...
if you have read recent jericho interviews he said he will be back and if you saw todays news it looks like the wwe needs him back.
I would like to see him return in the RR match as a surprise entry, then the next night on Raw he could come out and start a feud with Edge (they could maybe start this feud off in a tag match, HBK & Y2J vs. Rated RKO) leading into WM, then for the main event they could have it be Cena vs. Orton vs. HBK, the following month at Backlash it should be Jericho vs. the WWE champion whomever that may be after WM, Jericho should then get the title for a several month run, One thing I don't think they should do is make Jericho a member of DX, I think it's time for a break, if there is anything WWE should of learned from WCW and the NWO it's that if you ride something to for to long the fans start to turn on it now is a good time to put an end to the DX storyline

I hope Jericho does comeback soon, and if he does then I hope at some point they put him in a feud with Benoit, these guys form one of my favorite rivalries of all time
What was the sitiuation when he was 'fired'? I wasnt informed. If they can get him back they should put him in to headline WM. Of course Cena vs Jericho has been done before, but this time many fans will be backing Jericho. ( note I was going for jericho back then and I will now). He is an excellent performer and can do acrobatic stuff while still wrestling technically. But his charsma would pretty much make that title match. I like the RR return idea too, maybe with him being 30.
I've heard that he will eventually have to return. His mainstream media career has'nt gone as well as he had hoped. He's got a wife and kid's and a larde house so I doubt he can maintain his lifestyle if he does'nt make some headway in music soon. Also there's rumour's that he's been asked to appear at W.M. so hopefully we will at least see him interviewing Austin on The Highlight Reel.
the Highlight Reel featuring Austin at WM would be great, especially if they could keep it a surprise till it's time for the segmant to air, imganine the pop he would get when the lights went down and and the Y2J countdown appears on the tron, that would be the shit right there, Jericho should definently comeback, another Idea for Jericho is to maybe have him comeback and be HBK surprise partner in a tag match against Rated RKO, just don't call the HBK/Y2J team DX because their not, Jericho was never a member of DX and it should stay that way
The only problem I have with having Austin on The Highlight Reel is that he probably would get a better pop than Jericho. Although if he played the cocky heel he used to in WCW it would be awesome.
Just to add some info here. Chris has signed on to begin a new film this spring with another deal pending. His book is due out in the fall and his band has begun prliminary work on their fourth CD. So time might be a consideration for him. As for his finances...his father is a financial planner, so my guess is that he was smart enough to plan ahead for the day when he'd leave the ring.

Not that I wouldn't mind seeing him come back. But he's said more than once that he's need a good reason to return. I don't see being HBK's sidekick as a good enough reason.
Just to add some info here. Chris has signed on to begin a new film this spring with another deal pending. His book is due out in the fall and his band has begun prliminary work on their fourth CD. So time might be a consideration for him. As for his finances...his father is a financial planner, so my guess is that he was smart enough to plan ahead for the day when he'd leave the ring.

Not that I wouldn't mind seeing him come back. But he's said more than once that he's need a good reason to return. I don't see being HBK's sidekick as a good enough reason.

I not saying he should come back as HBKs side kick, just as his partner for one match after that he would move on to do his own thing a start his own fueds
If they brought Jericho back he would sell more merchandise than Cena anyway, so it makes sense for Vince to make him champ.
Jericho is an amazing athlete, It would be great to see him back, But did anyone think he hasn't been wrestling in a year and a half now, He would have some ring-rust, But it would be great to see Jericho come back and have a huge Impact at WM.
they need jericho bad
with HHH being injured long term and HBK needing time off badly ( and he prob get injured )
they have no one now that angle is gone except edge orton and cena
its time vince offered big $$$$ to jericho even for a 1 year deal
i can see him coming straight in and feuding with edge
which would let orton and cena go at it
give edge the title though i would rather see a Y2J vs Edge title match
i think cena v orton would be boring
both edge and y2j are great on the mike and great in the ring
pay him vince
If they want to keep DX going they should bring back X-Pac to be part of it and noone else. Anyone else would kill it. Also right now Raw needs Jericho.
Doubtful he'd come back. TNA is more likely. Much lighter schedule for him, could still do music that way.

But i do miss Jericho. he was a great wrestler and had awesome mic skills that Raw could really use now.
It isnt as heavy schedule as people make out, if he did the absoloute minimal house shows, and trained hard enough in the first month or so he could easily have 3 days free for music etc.
If the WWE really wants to bring back Y2J right this what they should do. At the Royal Rumble have Y2J as a surpise entry. Have Y2j than go on to win the Royal Rumble. This way it is Y2J vs Cena at WM23. Not only this be a huge match. It will also start a great fued. Y2J should wants get his hands on Cena, since that who he lost to and got "fired".
If the WWE really wants to bring back Y2J right this what they should do. At the Royal Rumble have Y2J as a surpise entry. Have Y2j than go on to win the Royal Rumble. This way it is Y2J vs Cena at WM23. Not only this be a huge match. It will also start a great fued. Y2J should wants get his hands on Cena, since that who he lost to and got "fired".

Yep ive posted it before if he entered number 30 it would be so foookin awsome! I hold out hope that it will happen although it looks about 80/20 against it happening, as they still have not agreed any sort of contract...
The WWE could really use some of the "Attitude" Era guys like; The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and of course Y2J Chris Jericho. and give some guys that really deserve a good push a chance to shine. Smackdown really needs to hand the Tag Team Belts off to Undertaker and Kane.
the tag match at wrestlemania is a good idea, but then they should make jericho face cena, orton, and hbk at backlash in a fatal 4 way, and make edge the special referee, but then have edge screw randy orton over, and have jericho win the title. Then Edge and Orton would have a fued going with Orton being the face, and Jericho could have a three way fued with HBK and Cena, and Jericho would be the heel. And since Jericho probably wouldn't stay with wwe long if he signs a contract, he could lose the title to HHH or Cena at summerslam, or Unforgiven. If Jericho stays for awhile, they could make him be champion through the year, because he is a great heel, and could have good fueds with anyone on RAW, with the Cena fued being the most likely because of Cena's popularity. But if WWE wants to win some of it's wrestling fans back, and new fans, they should bring Jericho back because Jericho is a great wrestler, and Cena is going to have to get old after awhile to the kids, because their Cena's only fans.
Jericho would improve RAW 10-fold, him and Cena is probly the only main event at mania involving Cena i would enjoy seeing... Also Kennedy and Benoit are carrying smackdown atm, Kane has also given them an added lease of life. I think as far as smackdown is concerned Undertaker vs Kane would be a good match to have at mania for SD
Tonight would be a good night to bring back Jericho. The sooner the better...
That would be great but you know it won't happen. The only person who needs to realize that what he is doing isn't working and should come back is The Rock. He is bad at acting and all of his movies are horrible except for like 2 of them. He needs to realize that and come back to Raw.

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