raw getting boring again

Eternal Dragon said:
I tune in at 9 too.

Raw was good after ONS, especially the night after when DX first united. But, not it's getting boring. Edge vs Cena is repititive, Hogan vs Orton- well don't even get me started on that one, and the Nitro, Carltion, Shelton thing is just going around in circles. DX isn't the same, I'd rather Triple H turn heel.

Flames Out

Yeah they need to end that..The Cena/Edge feud and the Shelton/carlito/Nitro...There both getting stale..and they need to make the DX thing a lil more juicy i mean im glad there back but still its not good...They keep making it the same shit every week...SS jumps DX and Umaga vs. HBK...Its getting tired some...Thats why I think SD! is better IMO at the moment..
Raw was great when Edge shocked the world at New Years Revolution and took Cenas belt...thats when Raw was great...they were scoring 5.0's in the ratings...WWE seriously needs to think of something that will make the fans happy...enough of these predictable matches and storylines. We need someone with wrestling knowledge and balls to run the creative team in WWE
varilux said:
Who do you think you are bitch who do you think you is. Eat shit pussylips, you hippo humping lance bass fucking hypocrite. Coughporncough is the kind of thing inbred albino midgets say. If this aint post of the month then you aint a cracka. Holla back bitch.

who the hell are you? and the kind of person that says shit pussylips usually is from the terrettes house so *!%" off please.

anyway RAW needs better matches where as SD! needs.....matches
Jerry said:
Raw was great when Edge shocked the world at New Years Revolution and took Cenas belt...thats when Raw was great...they were scoring 5.0's in the ratings...WWE seriously needs to think of something that will make the fans happy...enough of these predictable matches and storylines. We need someone with wrestling knowledge and balls to run the creative team in WWE

No, Raw wasn't great it was false advertised with "live sex" which is why the ratings were as high as they were. They were also high at that time because Cena had held the belt for so long and FINALLY lost it. That brought people back, but Raw was still so bad that it kept people from staying. Raw hasn't been good for a long time, especially with the exit of Bischoff.
I think smackdown is boring. I only watch Ashley than I change the channel.
I think they should make a huge trade, It could really bring in good faces from Smackdown to Raw and give Smackdown a bit more personality. O Yeah Orton should be in the Main Event, not because I think he is cool, but because his feud with Hogan is really bringing Raw down. Triple H WWE Cahmp, Shawn IC Champ, DX World Tag Team Champs!
1.) Ortan- back as champ
2.) cena- ic champ ( forms a faction called the chain gang)
3.) HHH n HBK- tag champs

thats all i can come up with......
nash123 said:
1.) Ortan- back as champ
2.) cena- ic champ ( forms a faction called the chain gang)
3.) HHH n HBK- tag champs

thats all i can come up with......

That wouldn't be so bad at all, except Cena as I.C Champion is not a good idea, they have Johnny Nitro, Benjamin & Carlito fueding for the title, which has actually been pretty good, and have him as champ and running through them would not be a good idea at all, and would not build their characters either.
deadmanwalking2006 said:
who the hell are you? and the kind of person that says shit pussylips usually is from the terrettes house so *!%" off please.

anyway RAW needs better matches where as SD! needs.....matches

Dont fight with him..He fights with people just so he can try and get them banned...
ya your right bout cena being champ. but after his feud with edge n edge retaining. cena should form a faction, in which he brings in some new faces, i dunno but i can some how see nitro in cena clothing. he should call it the chain gang n tell everyone that they r taking over raw n start rapping about DX n get on the good side of the mcmans. i think if this happens raw will change for sure

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