RAW 15th anniversary predictions!!!!!!!

The Greatest RAW superstar???

  • Mr. McMahon

  • HBK Shawn Michaels

  • Triple H

  • Stone Cold

  • The Rock

  • Y2J Chris Jericho

  • Ric Flair

  • Kane

Results are only viewable after voting.
Here is something interesting. Evolution reunion was just announced on WWE.com. What is interesting about this is Randy Orton is a heel and HHH, Batista and Ric Flair are faces. This really is making me curious on what is in store.

Hmmmm:scratchchin:.....You know what would be really interesting is if they turned this reunion into a Fatal 4-way match, Orton vs. Batista vs. Trips vs. Flair, of course Flair would win, but still think it would make for an interesting situation, I doubt this would happen but wouldn't mind seeing it, another interesting match, and one I could see happening is Evolution vs. Jericho, Jeff, Edge, & Taker, which would be another interesting match if you look at the fact that both teams contain both heels and faces on each side, would be interesting to see the fan reaction would be for those teams
This just seems weird, cos' it's impossible for kayfabe purposes, that HHH and Ric Flair would re-align themselves with Orton, since he ended HHH's 11th title reign (with a bloodified face, no less) and almost ended Flair's career. Batista is right at home for this gimmick cos' he has absolutely no complications with any of these 3 superstars since he's on Smackdown.

So to speak, this 'reunion' would not be an actual reunion at all. It'll rather be something like Vince forcing them to reunite and competing against a star-studded opponent team. HHH heel turn is too prematured for next week's RAW. Ric Flair would most likely be a face throughout this 'lose and retire' angle. And Batista just looks out of place in RAW now.
I idea just popped in my head,although I do not think that It will happen, I will think out loud anyways.What If this whole "family portrait" thing is a way to get Mr. Kennedy back in the "bastard son"storyline? Maybe something along along the lines of not being able to sit Hornswoggle down long enough for a picture(Hijinks ensue,etc.), and a moment before the picture is taken,Mr Kennedy's music hits and he announces the previous results were flawed and that he is his real son.
Well like everyone else i agree Stone Cold is more than likely to Stun Vince and probs give the whole family a beer bath. Santino will run his mouth about Hulk Hogan and then get his assed kicked by Hogan. And i would love to see The Rock and Sock connection back together that would be great!

And seeing as Bischoff is there this means maybe a small chance Heyman will show up i doubt it but i would love to see him again and seen him in ages!
Here is something VERY interesting. WWE.com announced the return of Sunny on Monday Night RAW. It will be interesting to see what kind of role she will take part of.

There will also be a 15 man battle royal consisting of WWE superstars from the past. They sure as hell called many former WWE names to show. I can't wait for the RAW XV show. Too damn bad I have work that evening.

You know how the WWE can be. If they are impressed with a superstar and they seem to be in good shape, they will re-hire them. I am curious if the WWE will express interest in any names after the Anniversary show after seeing the WWE Alumni performances.
As you can see by my signature- Lita AND Trish are coming back, as well as Sunny. It's great to see three Divas that really revolutionized the division in their own ways get mentioned and actually make a comeback. I would love to see Lita and Trish in some kind of staredown- like the one they had at NYR 2006. As for Sunny, I can only wonder what she'll be doing.

Someone else I'm looking forward to seeing is Mick Foley. I know we see him every few months, but he's always very entertaining and fun to watch. I definitely see him coming out and doing some kind of segment in the ring.

Flames Out
Predictions as to who's the greatest Raw superstar. Vince... That's just WWE's way of thinking, so that's more then likley going to be that. Anyway. My predictions for the rest of the show is that we'll be seeing by far the best Raw in ages. Looking at the list of returning former stars like Lita, Trish, Austin, Bischoff, Hogan possibly, Sunny, and others, I think we'll be seeing a star studded night. Lets not forget that battle royal. Also an Evolution reunion! When I heard about that I was all like wooohhhhooooo since Evolution was pretty much dominant when I started watching WWE. Things for this Raw are certainly looking awesome, and I don't intend on missing a minute of it.
Stone Cold is just going to stun someone like he always does. I love the guy and thoroughly enjoyed his matches/feuds during the Attitude Era, but his career is over. He has been reduced to nothing more than a special appearances guy, a 'ratings booster' if you will.

Trish & Lita are both scheduled to make appearances, so my guess is they relive their old rivalry. We'll probably hear Lita talk about how she might have lost to Trish in her last match, but she is still better than her. Not sure, but I'd expect to see these two square off at least from a verbal standpoint.

Hulk Hogan, oh boy! What could he possibly do, I wonder! The short answer is a run-in, but that's only if he appears live. I'm not sure whether that'll happen or not, but if it does then I would expect to see the same thing that happened last time against Mohammed Hassan and Daivari. I couldn't honestly say what is going to happen, but it should be interesting to see what the WWE has him do/say!

As far as who Vince McMahon selects as the Greatest Superstar in Raw history, I wouldn't be surprised if he picks himself, but I still chose the Rock! I know he *allegedly* turned down the WWE invite to appear next week, but that doesn't take away from the guy's ability. Granted, Shawn Michaels was a VERY close second!

All in all, it should be an eventful Raw, and I hope it does the job of grabbing a great ratings number. Vince, I am begging you, do NOT screw this Raw up. Make this one of the greatest Raws ever, at least in the last 5 years! Ever since 2001, the business has been stale for whatever the reason, but you have the ability to bring it back into peoples' minds on Monday. Freshening things up will bring new faces into the fanbase, and I believe that could be done on Monday. It NEEDS to be done DESPERATELY, and Vince knows it!
All I can say is that i cant wait for monday night. I am a HUGE womens wrestling fan and Lita is my all time favorite. I cannot wait to see her back. I just hope that the fans give her a warm welcome and not boo her out of the building. I am also very excited to see Trish and also Sunny because she was the first ever diva and one of the firsts females I ever had a crush on(I was8). I really am hoping and predicting that Trish & Lita have some kind of run in and would love to see a match between them(never going to happen).
I'm looking forward to the 15th Anniversary Show.
Now, I heard The Rock isn't supposed to be there but due to the Y2J return being spread all over the net, I think it's possible that he could be there via titantron or maybe even live. I would hope The Rock wouldn't forget the fans or the WWE.
I think Vince McMahon is going to pick himself, hopefully we see another Stone Cold/Santino Marella segment, those 2 cracked me up but yeah, then comes the beer, stun, finger, blah blah blah.
I'm VERY excited to see Trish and Lita! I didn't think I would become a Trish Stratus fan but low and behold it happened.
I haven't been reading any spoilers really just so I can be shocked out of my mind when whomever returns and mark out in front of the screen.
Best part of this show is that Sunny is coming back. She was so hot back in the day, lol. I'm really hoping she hasn't gotten huge or anything haha.

The more I think about it, the more I think this might be filled up with promos, which sucks, as we can't go a single week without having half the shows filled with promos, commercials, and plugs for dvds. Hopefully they put on some really exciting matches, but really, can you expect anything more than the bare minimum from the WWE this past year?
- The Wrestling Observer is now confirming Mae Young, Gangrel and Jim Neidhart to appear on the big RAW Anniversary show on Monday. Expect to see some of the legends who still work with WWE in some capacity make cameos in their old gimmicks, for example Ted DiBiase appearing as the Million Dollar Man.

We seen Mae Young for many years in the WWE, but I'm most excited about Gangrel's return. I was always a fan of his since the late 90's which I'm assuming he will be one of many that will be apart of the 15 man battle royal. It will also be good to see Jim Neidhart back home.
Of all the people I've seen on the comebacks list, the most interesting to me is probably Sunny.. My theory is there will be some sort of diva showdown, like a bikini contest with the current divas.. Then at the last second, there's a special entrant. Lita! Lita comes in to some heel heat, seemingly steals the show.. and Trish Stratus' music hits and out she comes, to a huge pop, really stealing the segment, and then of course, what's a diva showdown without Mae Young.
With the highly anticipated Raw Anniversary show pending, who do you think will make the biggest impact among all of the 'invited guests?' I am just curious about hearing everyone's opinions, so I started a thread. Just so this thread can last a while, when Raw ends, you can come back and explain who in fact made the biggest impact, and discuss accordingly.

I personally think either Bischoff or Hogan will make the biggest impact, just because it'll be a one-time appearance for Hogan, and because Bischoff might have some strong words to share. Austin is just going to follow the etiquette on his shirt: Arrive, Raise Hell, Leave!

As we can all see from the preview, this should be a very interesting show, and I look forward to hearing from each of you and reading the individual opinions which are sure to be expressed in this thread.
I'm sure the crow will be pumped, so most of the well known legends will receive a good pop.

I think if a shock legend e.g. The Rock actually did a u-turn and showed, just once, it would be huge.

Austin has been pretty stale in all his comebacks. All he does it coming, stunning someone, then drinking beers...ok if it great in the attitude era but it's getting pretty repetitive.

I'll have to go with Hogan (if he makes it) as having the biggest impact.
Scott Hall...oh no he might have food poisoning. No seriously though, i think Hogan will, although i would like it to be someone really unexpected like Bischoff announcing something or Paul Heyman possibly claiming he was going to take back ECW (it won''t happen) but i would like it to be something a bit unexpected except for Austin stunnign the mcmahon's again and drinking before leaving. Then wwe.com will just report on Orton and Jericho because of another run in in the main event
I dont know if anyone else has said this exact thing, but maybe a 4 way between evolution, with Vince trying to end Ric's career with the winner getting a title shot for any time, but have HHH and Batista take out Randy and give Flair the win to screw over Vince. This could lead Flair using the shot at Wrestlemania, and having the RR winner being from ECW, and the Smackdown using the Elimination Chamber
Holy crap, I think its honestly just hit me how much I'm going back to pre-W.W.E. days, when I was really excited for a wrestling show. This is probably one of the first shows that the W.W.E. has produced since the end of W.C.W. & E.C.W., that I've generally been looking forward to seeing.

I have no clue what to expect, I know a few matches have been signed & several big names have been mentioned on being there.

Just running down the list.. you have the return of Eric Bischoff, Steve Austin, & Mick Foley who've all been in & out on a couple occations. Then you have Hulk Hogan's return to W.W.E.. I can't really see any of these names being mentioned with anything beyond the McMahon segment & the "Greatest Superstar of All Time."

My hope is that we could see the return of Trish Stratus v. Lita, in a special "one night only" match. Or possibly, a Beth Phoenix v. Trish Stratus match?! I honestly wanna see Lita & Edge repair up, assuming the Smackdown & E.C.W. crew will be there tonight as well. Also, you have the return of Sunny! It'd likely work so much better to bring Sable back as a surprise as well, but I don't see that happening.

The only match I know of thats taking place, is the Carlito v. Jeff Hardy Ladder match for the Intercontinental Championship, which I can't help but think Carlito will walk away with the belt, after reconsidering & deciding to stay with the W.W.E.

The McMahon Family Photo segment will likely be stupid & about 20 minutes long, which kinda sucks because I don't want the segment to run longer than enough time for McMahon's family to really implode.

Also, the "reunion of Evolution." How exactly is this suppose to be anything?! Randy Orton is a heel, all the rest are face.. & apparently somehow this will be the supposed beginning of the Triple H./Batista build-up for Wrestlemania?! Just not really sure what to think of all this.. unless it ends up in a Triple H. & Ric Flair v. Randy Orton & Batista match up.

Overall, tonight's Raw should be huge. I still can't help but think that even with it being 3-hours long, it'll still only remain with about 5 matches in total.. with everything else being segment after segment. Also, I truly think Hulk Hogan & Santino Marella should have a promo together. To me, that would be classic.
Holy crap, I think its honestly just hit me how much I'm going back to pre-W.W.E. days, when I was really excited for a wrestling show. This is probably one of the first shows that the W.W.E. has produced since the end of W.C.W. & E.C.W., that I've generally been looking forward to seeing.
I have to agree with you on that one, I don't know what it is about the old WWF guys or the Attitude ara that really makes a great show.

I remember back when Vince brought NWO in, I was real excited to watch Raw. I hope tonights 15th anniversary Raw show both lives up to the hype and also is a turning point in WWE tv.

I watch some old WWF bits on wwe 24/7 and I remember how great wrestling was at that time. I expect the current WWE to get back there, hope it isn't wishful thinking.
It's gonna be an interesting show.

Stone Cold will do the same thing he always does, and thus will be the predictable part of the show. But if he's the worst, then you know the show will be good.

I honestly think Lita's return will somehow involve the Edge & Vickie angle. Maybe her confronting him about it.

The Evolution Reunion..........I definitely see Vince trying to screw Flair here. Maybe a Fatal Four Way Match. Triple H pedigrees Orton, Batista goes after HHH, they end up outside the ring, and Flair gets the pin. That would be a good way to start the HHH-Batista Feud build up.

Carlito will be champion. Just because Hardy is getting such a push, the best thing to do would be to take the title off him

I don't think the Rock will be there, but someone we don't expect will. They'll probably end the show, too. It could be anyone. Those are my thoughts.
I'm pumped for this show....Austin, Foley, Hogan, Bischoff, 2 cold scorpio, The Anvil, Gangrel, Bart Gun, Trish, Lita, Evolution Reunion (i just wanna here the music), we're prolly going to get other guys like: I.R.S., patterson and brisco, mae young, etc. etc. but im mostly looking forward to the return of SUNNY!!!!!! and this one is a toss up but Johnny Ace and the WWE has been in contact with SID for the past few months about a return...GOD THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!

What i would realyl like for them to do tonight. and this is just me dreaming.
have Howard Finkle ring announce, have like Tod Petangil and mean gean do backstage interviews, change the entrance up just a hair, still have the titan tron, the stage and the ramp but they should also try to throw the big R.A.W. letters up there just for a old school feeling. i would really like it they kept the stars of today off RAW tonight. like guys who realy didnt all that much for RAW. like for example...Santino, Ken, London and Kendrick, Cody Rhodes, CM Punk, Etc. Etc. Etc. u get the drift.

all in all i hope that Vinnie Mac doesnt screw this one up!!!!
does anyone else think this may be a big let down? The wwe has come out and told us all about this night and may not have any big surprises. They have come out and hyped this night up and told us who will be back to really just help ratings which they are really hoping for to see if they still got it....is what wrestlezone.com says.

IDK I just hope it has the whole old attitude feel and quality.
I really feel like it's goign to be another let-down by the WWE , I got the feeling they will just play the minumun, I doubt any of these stars will do anythign other than an indivual promo. I want somethign that will link a star from these to some start I want some thintg big. I want the Fricking Attidue feeling back. Pleasea I'm just hoping the play the cards right this time like they have been playing it for the past month or so.

Yea I got the feeling that somethign big will end the show as well. Can't wait.
Alright i have a friend who works for the WWE (Hornswoggle) i just got off the phone with him about 20 minutes ago. he was telling me everyone who is currently backstage and more names that are on the run sheet that havent arrived yet and also told me what he is doing on the show. let me tell you. there are names from the past that will be there tonight that the WWE has not announced. and i would highly encourage everyone to watch hornswoggles segments tonight as i know for a fact 1 will be AWESOME! thats all im saying because i dont want to give out any spoilers
2 Cold Scorpio, Jim Neidhart, Steve Blackman, The Mean Street Posse, Gangrel, Scotty 2 Hotty, Marty Jannetty, Ted DiBiase, Bart Gunn, Gilerg, Mae Young, Bastion Booger, Barry Darsow, Lita, Sunny, Trish Stratus, Steve Austin, and MANY others are all at RAW today.

Damn I wish I didn't have work tonight. Damn I miss Steve Blackman he was pretty entertaining in his days IMO as the Hardcore champion. It would also be great to see a segment with the Mean Street Posse and Shane McMahon like the old days. Marty Jannetty will probably be in an angle with Shawn Michaels. The rest (other than the divas) will most likely be in the battle royal.

Former ECW Champion Steve Corino is backstage at RAW and is expected to get a tryout tonight prior to RAW against DH Smith. He may work under a mask. I'm also told he may be getting offered a tryout as an agent/producer as well.

Corino had a meeting recently in Stamford, CT. about the possibility of working full-time for WWE. We'll see how it goes tonight but it appears he is looking for work.

It has been confirmed that Barry "Repo Man/Smash" Darsow and WWE Hall of Famer The Iron Sheik have been booked for tonight's Raw's 15th anniversary show. Iron Sheik managed The Sultan (a masked Rikishi) in 1996-97. Darsow appeared on Raw's second ever show in his "Repo Man" gimmick in January 1993, but left the company shortly there after.

Sheiky Baby + camera = classic!

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