RAW 05/01 Post Y2J Era

So does that mean that we don't have Lesnar, Reigns or Strowman for awhile. Good God.
So does that mean that we don't have Lesnar, Reigns or Strowman for awhile. Good God.

Thing is, Braun and Roman are kayfabe injured to high heaven. They'll be brought back sooner, rather than later. And I have a feeling it's going to lead to a Shield vs Wyatt redux at Summerslam.
Thing is, Braun and Roman are kayfabe injured to high heaven. They'll be brought back sooner, rather than later. And I have a feeling it's going to lead to a Shield vs Wyatt redux.

Yeah, that's probably going to happen. They seem to really want that Shield reunion and waste it on a nothing feud. In my mind, that would only happen in that scenario - The Shield vs. AJ Styles, Finn Balor and Kenny Omega.
This didn't do anything. Seriously. Nothing. Are they setting up Bray vs. Kurt? Are they promoting Bray? What was that?

Bray vs Authority angle? I don't know. I wish they'd just put subtitles on the screen when Bray talks to tell us what his true intentions are. Then again, the words would just say - blah blah blah-

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