Rank the Women in the Diva Revolution


Championship Contender
This is a simple 1-9 ranking based on your opinion of the members of Teams Bella, PCB and BAD. A reason would be nice to fuel the debate but just the list is ok. My list is

1. Sasha Banks - Simple, She is the best Wrestler, Character and Talker of the Women
2. Paige - High level talent in the ring but irritating character and bad talker means that a big gap to Banks
3. Becky Lynch - Good Character, Great talent and unique look
4. Charlotte - Talented wrestler but overuses the fact that Ric Flair is her dad and needs to be herself and not the female Ric
5. Alicia Fox - Solid in ring worker and the most talent and well rounded of team Bella
6. Naomi - Athletic and Talented Diva who has some areas she needs to improve
7. Nikki Bella - Improved but that wasn't difficult considering how bad she was, along with Brie she has the worst mic skills of any wrestler ever
8. Tamina - Provides something different with her larger size but her knee injury is clearly holding her back
9. Brie Bella - Least talent wrestler, talker and character. I have no positive comment to add on Brie
Ranking 9? Eh, really there's only FIVE to rank, because the other four are useless, IMO.

1. Sasha -- has it all
2. Paige -- well, it's her house, right?
3. Charlotte or Becky
4. Becky or Charlotte
5. Nikki (distant 5th, and while I hate the Bella Bozos, people have to at least admit she puts on a decent match and plays a decent heel in the ring -- she knows every hardcore person thinks she's a joke and she plays off it well -- a built-in hate/gimmick, but at least she's effective -- just please drop the belt already, nobody will ever believe she's better than AJ just because she held the belt so long)

The other four are useless. Naomi can be called a great "pure athlete" or whatever anyone wants to call her, but she simply doesn't connect with the crowd. Alicia Fox had a very short run with her crazy thing awhile back, and since then hasn't connected with the crowd, either. Tamina concerns me -- she's sloppy. They need to just keep her as the "muscle" and nothing else. As for Brie, what a useless worthless … ugh, I'll stop :)

I think Natalya should've gotten Alicia Fox's spot, and I feel bad that they didn't do anything with Emma.

Well this will probably be a unpopular list.

1. Paige - Great ability in the ring, can be okay on the mic but her accent throws some people off I think, dedication and passion for wrestling.
2. Charlotte - Extremely talented, would be better off as a heel with the Flair legacy
3. Nikki Bella - Vastly improved in the ring, has good matches regularly, knows her character and embraces it.
4. Becky Lynch - Promos aren't her strong point, but is very good in the ring, definitely a unique look.
5. Sasha Banks - Talented, but something is missing for me. I don't see what so many others do.
6. Alicia Fox - Talent is there, just not displayed properly
7. Brie Bella - Promo skills are not great, not as good as Nikki in the ring
8. Naomi - Sloppy in the ring, promos are dreadful, no one makes me want to change the channel more than her
9. Tamina - Last simply because she has absolutely no character except a bodyguard type. Just as sloppy as Naomi, no promo skills that I've ever seen.

Told you my list would be controversial for my placement of both Nikki and Sasha. If I were to rank all the divas other than the 9 being featured, Natalya and Emma would be up there, Summer Rae has impressed me during the Lana deal as well
1. Sasha- she is the best. Awesome in the ring and the best on the mic(I wouldn't say she is good on the mic but she's better than EVERY OTHER diva)

2. Nikki Bella- Its kind of hard to say with Nikki. She isn't great but she is the only diva that really has everything together. Unlike most of the divas she has a character, can get fan reaction, and has improve in the ring(she won me over in her match with Paige on Main Event last year). Her mic skills are terrible but so are the rest of the divas so not going to count that against her.

3. Paige- Paige just annoys me. She thinks she's better than she really is and her fans only add to her ego by constantly overrating her. People dislike the Bellas because they are always in the title scene but don't seem to complain about Paige. (Who have been in the title scene since debuting)

4. Charlotte- Talented and can wrestle. But she needs to develop a character and not depend so much on the Flair name. Don't get me wrong though I like the "do it with Flair" and the Figure eight a lot but other than being Flair's daughter....What?

5. Naomi- She is athletic and talented but needs to learn how to connect with the fans. She turned heel and looked uncomfortable for a while but she has really gotten into character as of late and looks good. Though Naomi needs to train. She has so much ability its a shame that she isn't using it.

6. Becky- The top divas before the "revolution" were Paige, Naomi, and Nikki and it wasn't even close. Charlotte and Sasha have now gotten up their but Becky seems to be floundering. (though I don't blame her when she is paired up with Tamina and Alicia Fox)

7. Alicia Fox- She isnt bad but no where near as good as the above divas

8. Brie- HOW DO YOU CONSTANTLY BOTCH YOUR OWN FINISHER!? (Velvet Sky does a better job)

9. Tamina- She is bigger than the other divas. WHAT ELSE? she's been paired with the Usos, Aj, and Naomi and didn't add anything to any of them. She don't even bother to interfer in most matches.
This is gonna be unpopular I'm sure..the revolution needs to split up. More feuds and can get out of this team deal. But...just out of these 9 I'll give my "10 thumbs up or down"

1) Sasha Bank$.. Solid gold pure and simple...best in ring, attitude, gimmick, fan support. She has it all. With the hard work put in, she has. Daniel Bryan following. Best at everything!! ��������������������--10 up

2) Paige... Except her accent she is almost as good as Sasha. Killer music, great wrestler, aggression. Fan support. ����������������--8 up

3) Becky Lynch..fireball and the fans get behind her. Great submissionist. Can wrestle and handle herself. ������������-6 up

***i wanna say at this point I would interject my favorite Bayley is the 4th best Diva on either roster. I also wanna say that out of these 9 my list takes a "HUGE" drop in talent***

4) Alicia Fox...she has an impressive skill set, very unhinged. ������--3 up

5) Nikki Bella...my ears bleed when I hear her on the mic. But she's worked hard to get a little better in the ring. She didn't deserve the belt for a month, let along this long. Too much backstage pull for her own good. ������������������--9 DOWN

6) Charlotte... I may be wrong but I don't see it with her. Beautiful looks and athletic. But she's riding her dads coat tails as far as she can. She can jump around but her spear looks ridiculous. ������--3 up

7) Naomi...athletic, but horrible fan support. I HATE her "butt bump" or whatever she calls it. Her booty ain't that nice..not very talented---����������---5 DOWN

8) Brie... Never had much of a chance to show herself or what she has ����---2 up

9) Tamina... So rarely used and so so unbooked she's hard to grade or rank. But has the look of dominance and could easily be in the top 5 of this list... UN-GRADEABLE

Im sorry I can't give Nikki or Naomi a thumbs up...
Normally I hate these list threads, but it's 5am and fuckit.

1) Queen Sasha- the female total package. She can flat out go in the ring, works the microphone well, and has a gimmick which is only a couple of years stale, which means in professional wrestling terms it's hot-as-shit.
2) Nikki Bella- ah, people love to hate on the Bella twins. Professional wrestling protip- if people are talking about you, you're doing something right- it doesn't matter what words are coming out of their mouth. She's improved her ring quality quite a bit, and she's a heat magnet.
3) Paige- Works well in the ring, passable on the mic, over as fuck amongst men ages 14-49 who prefer the entertainment cliche 'approachable' in their women.
4) Charlotte- She has her dad's face. This has nothing to do with her professional wrestling ability (slightly overrated now, but she'll get there), but I can't look at Charlotte without having this weird double-vision thing going where I see her as her dad. Also, that's about her gimmick right now, "I'm someone's kid."
5) Becky Lynch- If this were a list based strictly on professional wrestling ability on the mat, she'd be #1 or #2. Unfortunately it looks like the W has less confidence in Lynch than they do Banks or Charlotte, and fans aren't independently picking up on her.
6) Brie Bella- Now we're getting into "best of the worst" territory. Nikki has stepped up her game significantly in the past couple of months; Brie's may have actually declined in her current role as 'the other Bella sister'. Maybe she's just not getting the front time that Nikki's been getting; maybe she just isn't as good as these other ladies. Dunno yet.
7-8) Alicia Fox and Naomi- I'm pretty sure they're just here so the WWE isn't accused of running a harem of white women. Naomi at least has those cool shoes, when they're working right.
9) Tamina- I could use a primer on why Natalya doesn't have her spot. She might be in this because they needed a 9th person and she was the only one left who could make the tour dates.
The Boss SASHA BANKS is the #1 diva, far and away the BEST woman wrestler in the world today.

If you dont see this, there is something wrong with you. Like, seriously.

She is the total package.

Why is she playing the sidekick to whack ass Naomi??? WTF man??!!

They need to have her break out and show everyone who's BOSS already!!
1. Sasha - she's simply the best out of all of them and I can't find anything to take away from her.

2. Becky - This was a tough spot to decide, but Becky's an all-around good character. She's very good in the ring, but she can improve on the mic. Also, her underdog story gives a good reason to root for her.

3. Nikki - Nikki has improved so much in the ring over the last year and it's really showing. My only complaint is that she sounds so forced on the mic.

4. Charlotte - Probably the second best in terms of in-ring skill, I could easily see Charlotte closer to the top of my list if she stopped reminding us that she's Flair's daughter every time. The thing about Randy Orton is that even though he makes it clear that he's a third generation superstar, he never made us think of Bob every week.

5. Paige - I think Paige could tighten up a little bit in the ring because I just find some of her matches a little bit sloppy. She also comes off as annoying at times.

6. Alicia Fox - Literally the same thing I said about Paige.

7. Naomi - She's definitely athletic and I think she could go places with her gimmick, but something just isn't clicking. I think she needs to retool her moveset a bit.

8. Brie Bella - One year ago Brie would have been closer to the top, but so many new divas and gimmicks debuted since then, pushing her down. She's not bad, but she's just not as good as everyone else. I wish she wouldn't rely on her husband's gimmick/moveset as much as she does.

9. Tamina - All she has is her superkick. She may be bigger than most divas, but she's not even intimidating. I feel like Cameron would have been a better fit than her, but then again she'll probably be irrelevant once Nia Jax makes some noise.
My rankings are based off in-ring wrestling skills, character, and looks. You receive points for each ranking. (Best - 5, Great - 4, Good - 3, Decent - 2, Awful - 1)

1. Sasha Banks - Best character and best wrestler. Good look. (13 points)
2. Becky Lynch - Great wrestler and best look. Good character. (12 points)
3. Paige - Good wrestler. Great character and look. (11 points)
4. Alicia Fox - Good wrestler, character, and look. (9 points)
T-5. Naomi - Good character and look. Decent wrestler. (8 points) & Nikki Bella - Great look. Decent wrestler and character. (8 points)
7. Charlotte - Good wrestler. Decent look. Awful character. (6 points)
8. Brie Bella - Good look. Awful wrestler. Awful character. (5 points)
9. Tamina - Decent wrestler. Awful character and looks. (4 points)

The point system changed my rankings a little. I originally had Becky Lynch ahead of Sasha, but I changed that. I also had Charlotte ahead of Alicia Fox and Naomi. Anyways, great thread and discussion topic.
people first understand the real divas revolution is not started yet. second thing don't compare nxt with wwe main roster. nxt is a platform to showcase their talent. but main roster always had longer plan and story. third thing they want to erase aj in their record history. aj had 3 records are longest single reign, longest combined reign and most reign tied with eve.

the real divas revolution starts at noc.

according to my rank
1. Sasha banks the boss. she is the female version of Daniel Bryan.
2. Becky. she looks like ambrose in character.
3. Paige. she definitely became most reign divas champion. she is diva version of architect Rollins.
4. Nikki. in my point of view she improved lot inring skills. she is super Nikki.
5. Charlotte. if they push Charlotte over top 2 divas. then wwe universe turn their back with boos. she may be the female version of roman.

down 4 are just fillers in divas revolution.
1. Sasha Banks. Definitely. Total package, The Boss, can't wait for her to dump Naomi and Tamina and rule the division. I just wished she came up with another finisher, I'm not fond of submission moves (which is a huge problem for me atm in the divas division)

2. Becky Lynch Definitely fell for her during her NXT title match with Banks, she's awesome, amazing look, amazing entrance, and from the Balor doc she seems like a genuine nice girl.Once again I'd like a new finisher (come on, the Lass KICKER, it writes itself, gimme some kind of brogue kick) Too bad that higher ups don't seem too believe much in her.

3. Nikki Bella Quite amazingly I'm less and less disappoited when I see her, promos are a problem, but then again, it's pretty much everyone else's too, but I actually quite enjoy her in-ring. And well, compared to her sister and Alicia Fox, she obviously stands out. And guess what she has a "real" finisher!

4. Charlotte Not really a big fan of her, mainly because yes, we get it you are Ric flair's daughter woooo f'in woooo. I will probably like her more when she turns heel. Italso doesn't help that wwe is desperately trying to push her the most, in a painfully obvious way.

5. Paige. I used to like her. A lot. She looked different, she had an agressive moveset, Rampaige and Paige turner looked awesome...but now I'm just tired of her, not really her fault but we've seen way too much of her...and "this is my house!" is stupid and annoying as hell.

6 Naomi I see kind of some potential in her...somewhere. But I fear that she's ultimately irrelevant. If the women had as much time as the guys do, she'd be middle card, not great but not bad (ironic isn't it) Let's say I don't mind her.

7 Alicia Fox Well, she is foxy. She's only here because there are only 2 bella sisters, need to fill the gap , who's available? Still she's a former champion, I guess it gives a little more "credibility" to team Bella...Other than that, the focus is so much NOT on her that even if she could we wouldn't know.

8. Brie Bella BRRIIIIIIIE MOOOOOOODDDE!!!!! 'nuff said. Nah seriously she's, well, ok-ish I guess, always a bit annoyed when she goes for the Bryan kicks, crowd seem to like it so, but then she should do the running knee as well and even wear the same boots Bryan wore, go for it, but don't do it half assed ffs.

9. Tamina She's supposed to be this intimidating presence, the muscle, a ruthless killer. Yet whenever she steps in the ring, she ends up pinned. Her in ring ability suck, and clearly she sucks in kayfabe too. Stay out of the ring do some run ins, interference, but stop here, you're embarassing.

And finally I know she's not in the main roster but I wanted to give an honorable mention to Bayley, her character has improved a lot since the "fan-girl-creepy-hugger girl" the build to the Takeover title match should prove that. And I quite like that her character is about fun stuff (kina like Becky btw) and not being a (badass) b****. I think she could connect well with the fans too, obviously kids will love her (entrance, character "john cena-esque" personnality) and she could convince adults with her skill. Yeah I'm totally marking for her since Brooklyn lol.
my ranking:

1-9: none
10. all of them. they all equally suck at promos and their 100 pound frames can only support the same moves over and over and none of it is thrilling. this revolution just injected and bunch of kids who are green as hell, inexperienced and have performed in front of a few hundred people at most.

but i hope wwe keeps on this path....let this division sink and be gone its been here for 15 years too long anyway.
my ranking:

1-9: none
10. all of them. they all equally suck at promos and their 100 pound frames can only support the same moves over and over and none of it is thrilling. this revolution just injected and bunch of kids who are green as hell, inexperienced and have performed in front of a few hundred people at most.

but i hope wwe keeps on this path....let this division sink and be gone its been here for 15 years too long anyway.
We have seen some good hard hitting matches out of women before. Roxxi had several good hardcore matches with great spots in TNA. I believe that some of the divas listed are as talented in the ring as she was. Do you expect them to go red mask? No. Can they still do great matches. Of course.
Try and keep this short.

Sasha Banks - Best in-ring talent, best mic worker, character is developed the most, every match she has is fantastic. Only total package diva they've ever had.
Nikki Bella - People love to hate on her. Much like Cena it's the 'cool' thing to do. Nikki is one of the best in-ring talents in WWE. Deny it all you want it's a fact. She looks fantastic and she can cut a decent promo if she has to.

Paige - Amazing in the ring, very awkward on the mic (like most divas), looks average, but she's starting to develop more of a distinct look now.

Charlotte - Very athletic, never heard a good promo from her. She constantly mentioning her father in promos which is starting to get on my nerves.

Becky Lynch - Same as Paige, except Paige looks more like a diva. Becky still has work to do.

Not bothering with the rest, although Brie is decent in the ring, she sucks at everything else.
1.Becky Lynch She's perfect, everything about her, she has the most experience of all the Divas. All she needs is the spotlight.

2.Sasha Banks The Boss is definitely the future of the Division, She has everything to break all the records of the Divas Championships.

3.Paige She's young, beautiful and a great in ring worker, also she's very charming, definitely the most charismatic Diva of the bunch.

4.Naomi I think she's great, people don't like that she turned heel but i think the writers did the right thing turning her heel, shes the best athlete in the division.

5.Tamina I dunno why people don't like her, but i think she's great, she can hit a perfect Superkick, and She looks like an absolute badass.

6.Charlotte She's alright in the ring, as was said before she acts too much like her father, she needs to find her own moveset, and her own catch phrase.

7.Nikki Bella I don't like her, her voice is like a nails on a chalk board, move set is decent but thats about it.

8.Alicia Fox Sucks on the mic, very sloopy in the ring, i once saw her hit Natalya with a scissors kick on the Butt when she was aiming for her head.

9.Brie BellaThe Useless Bella, i cringe whenever she scream "Brie Mode"
1. Sasha Banks- I honestly believe she can be the best woman on the roster since Trish or Lita. She is the complete package and most seem to agree. She has the charisma, mic skills, ring skills, and is very attractive. Sasha is such an awesome as a heel, that the crowd will turn her face eventually, like Lana. The crowd is already wild for her.

2. Paige- She was already clearly the best in-ring worker other than Natalya when she debuted. Paige should be the face of the division, but she often comes off as heelish when she speaks and not in a cool anti-hero Stone Cold way, but more of a whiny, pissed off face like Bret Hart before Wrestlemania 13.

3. Becky Lynch- Becky is definitely my personal favorite. She can definitely use come polishing but she can go in the ring and has a very unique look which is a nice contrast to Paige's goth look and Charlotte all-American girl look. Her fiery character has potential and clearly stands out. I just can't see her getting pushed as hard as Sasha, Charlotte, or Paige.

4. Charlotte- Very impressive athletically. She may be a little sloppy, but I think she might be the least experienced out of all the women on this list, if I'm not mistaken. Charlotte can physically do things the other divas can't due to her frame, athleticism, and flexibility. She really does need to quit making references to her daddy though. I can see her, Nikki, Sasha, and Paige battling for the title in the very near future.

5. Nikki Bella- I know she gets a lot of hate from fans, but she really has improved and much more than her sister. She can work well in a match and has a good moveset that she pulls off nicely. Not the best on the roster, but she is not doing bad as champion and even though her gimmick and promos are one dimensional, she plays her character well.

6. Naomi- She and Charlotte are clearly the most athletically gifted divas on the roster. I only recently started to buy her as a heel. She always came off as a natural face, like the way Paige comes off as a natural heel to me. She has potential and plenty of room for growth with her natural ability. I can see her turning face and having a program with Sasha for the title. Unfortunately like Becky, I don't think Naomi will ever enjoy being the face of the diva's division, but she is good enough to have a few title runs. She can be this generation's Molly Holly, and I mean that in the best way possible.

7. Alicia Fox- While she is sloppy in the ring, her promo skills and character aren't too bad. She has a great look and is really a nice fit with the Bellas. She has a character that's interesting enough to be a solid member of the division, but I don't see her at the top anytime soon.

8. Tamina- Not sure if my memory is failing me or if all the tag matches give her less of a chance to stand out, but I could have sworn that Tamina was a lot better in the ring a few years back. Could be injuries as well. She has the size and that real tough woman look that separates her from everyone else. No one else can play as good of an enforcer as she can. I can see her being Sasha's bodyguard for awhile and turning on Naomi.

9. Brie Bella- Maybe it's just her husband's moveset and "Yes" chants but the crowd seems to react well towards her, despite being the least impressive on this list. Last year, the crowd really did get behind her, but she is basically in the shadow of her sister at this point. She's improved, but not as much as Nikki. Her moves are sloppy at times and with so much talent in the division now, it makes her work look less impressive, unfortunately for her.
So the question was ranking the women in the divas revolution. I will ranks them out their talent on promos first and then wrestling talent.

1. Paige: she has proven for the past year and a half how good she is in the ring and on the mic. She has proven that was she is on TV is her real person a in real life.

2. Sasha banks: out of the three nxt rookies that we're called up, she's the one that has the total package. She great on the mic and great in the ring, enough said.

3. Nikki Bella: I know this might not be a popular choice but let's look at it that way, she's been champion for almost a year, everybody hates her and she's great as heel. Cuts really decent promos and out of the two bella's, she the one that as the most presence. That why she third on my list.

4. Becky lynch: again she's a great wrestlers, on Monday she was the only bright spot out of the miz TV debacle, so she shown that she can do comedy promo as much as serious one.

5.Naomi: really talented in the ring and is finally getting comfortable with her new personna. Still need a little more confidence as a heel but she's getting there.

6.Alicia fox: let face I had a hard time choosing between the last four woman because they all have some big flaws but a pick Alicia first because she's as proven that she can actually have charisma if the right character is given to her. This team Bella thing doesn't fit her but at less she feature on TV.

7. Brie Bella: not great on promo but she's still better then the other 2 and wrestling wise, I haven't seen a bad brie Bella match since she came back and if your able to carry Stephanie McMahon to a good match, you deserve respect because that a hard thing to do.

8. Charlotte: again pretty good in the ring but lack any personality, when you watch her cutting a promo, it's like watching paint dry. And always using the fact that she's Ric Flair's daughter isn't helping her. It didn't help her in nxt and it's not helping her now.

9. Tamina: again same has charlotte, she nothing special and I feel that if she's wasn't jimmy snuka's daughter and the rock's cousin, she would have been release year ago.
AJ would be #1 if she were still active..

1) Sasha Banks
2) Becky Lynch
3) Paige
4) Nikki Bella
5) Naomi
6) Alicia Fox
7) Charlotte
8) Brie Bella
9) Tamina

Others who will factor will be Bayley who would be #4 but they need one
Diva to separate herself from the others and carry the others along.
1. Sasha- no doubt about it most talented, she is the boss the future is hers.
2. Paige- there are plenty of titles in her future.
3. Charlotte- very talented.
4. Becky- very close if not tied with Charlotte, she has a brighter future than Charlotte though.
5. Alicia- experienced but a little sloppy at times.
6. Nikki- she is getting better all the time.
7. Tamina- she can be awesome if they used her correctly, make her a female powerhouse like her cousin Roman.
8. Naomi- I am not sure what it is she should be so much better.
9. Brie- nothing there she will always be known as Mrs. Daniel Bryan that is it. The Brie mode yell gets on my nerves.
1. Paige
The diva who has accomplished the most, and at such a young age. Paige will be a top tier diva for many years to come and is the very best when you take a look at accomplishments alongside her legitimate skills whether it be in-ring or on the mic.

2. Becky Lynch
Becky's potential is through the roof. While she may not have accomplished as much yet as Paige or Charlotte, she is the very best in the ring of the entire division right now and is great on the mic too.

3. Charlotte
Another with massive potential. Charlotte may have a legendary father, but she has the skills to make a big impact in the divas division whether she was the daughter of a legend or not. Can't wait to see her as Divas Champion someday, and many great matches with Paige or Becky over the belt in the future.

4. Sasha
The best heel diva. She was great in NXT so I was glad to see her get a simultaneous promotion with Becky and Charlotte. I do not like her as much as some of the other forum members do, but she won me over as a fan during her NXT Women's Champion reign. She'll be a top heel diva and remain in the spot a good while.

5. Alicia
She sucks. Despite having been there for many years, she really hasn't improved much at all.

6. Naomi
Better now than before her heel turn, but still annoying and awful.

7. Tamina
She's got some catching up to do. Her best work was as AJ's bodyguard and is noticeably worse than her Team BAD allies at the moment.

8. Nikki
WWE can force Nikki Bella on the fans all they want and give her the longest Divas Championship reign when she did NOTHING to deserve it, but it doesn't change the fact that she's awful.

9. Brie
The worst diva in the entire division. If she did not star in Total Divas with her twin sister and was not married to Daniel Bryan she would have been gone ages ago. The absolute worst on the mic and bottom tier in the ring. "BRIE MODE" might be the single most annoying thing in the history of WWE. She's useless and has no business being in the ring with anyone of the other 8.
1. Sasha Banks is the total package. Charisma, wrestling ability, mic work. Continues to out do herself in every big match she has. Will for sure be the next big thing since Trish & Lita.

2. Paige great technical wrestler. Very young and has a lot more potential to grow. Needs to work on her mic skills and maybe do some work outside the Divas title picture.

3. Charlotte very athletic and good ring work. Needs to work on her mic skills

4. Becky Lynch good wrestling skills. Different but interesting look to her. Needs to find a way to step out of the shadows of Paige and Charlotte. I think she could work better as a heel.

5. Naomi super athletic. Coming in great as a heel and really showing a lot of versatility. She is getting out shown a bit by Sasha both being apart of team BAD. Needs to really be on her own or back with just Tamina.

6. Tamina a lot of people underestimate her because the way she is booked. She is a good powerhouse diva but really needs to have the time to show her power. She is not the typical diva and WWE has shown they don not believe in her to ever be on top. I would love to see her align herself with the Usos or Roman to be the Chyna to DX.

7. Nikki Bella looks great and has improved so much in the ring. She is a very strong diva and pulls off some good powerhouse moves. She needs to work on her mic skills however to really come full circle.

8. Alicia Fox is very athletic and has good skills, but she is very sloppy at times and can always be a hit or miss with her.

9. Brie Bella in a list of very talented divas she falls at the bottom. She has improved a lot but no where near how far her sister has. I think she should go have some kids while the big girls play.

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