Randy Orton: Viper or Legend Killer?

I remember posting in the exact same thread a few months back except, now, my opinion has totally changed.

I prefer the Viper now. He's the most over guy in the company because he has a strong presence. Before when he was Randy Orton the 'Legend Killer', it was kinda hard to take him seriously as one of the elite in WWE, now as the Viper, he is the very elite of the WWE and a future cornerstone and Hall Of Famer. At first I thought his new gimmick was boring and lame as well, but he has really made it work, and there is NO way other than bad booking or injury Randy Orton will stop his reign at top as WWE's top star.
I would love to see orton fued with bret hart and the hart dynasty as a throw back to 97 and possibly have austin come in to help a tweener orton agianst heel (except in Canada) hart dynasty... managed by burticus hurticus

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