Randy Orton; Excellence of Execution?

Bret hart is really losing his mind the man has cost so many careers I hope somebody throws the biggest tantrum in the ring with him I am praying mark Henry knocks him out and then quit the wwe. I think Tully Blanchard said is best a Technician is somebody who can put over anybody and knows his way around the ring something that Randy knows nothing about.

yeah for this you are pretty much an idiot!

How had Randy cost any careers? And how the hell does he not know how to put people over? Did you just not watch his match with Ziggler on RAW?! Oh he doesn't know his way around the ring????? THATS FUNNY! The man has held countless titles and had some of the best matches ever seen but he doesn't know his way around the ring???? Yeah that makes alot of sense pal!

To the topic No Orton is not or will never be as great as Bret! But he is probably the best in the WWE right now which is why i feel Bret made the comment
I was watching the Christian/Orton cage match for the second time today; simply because I was half asleep the first time I watched it and somehow missed such major details as Christian's frog splash. Later that day, I was watching Batman - the animated series from the nineties. I'm sure you've already reached the same conclusion that I have, but I'll say it anyway:

Randy Orton wrestles like Batman.

This isn't a "Randy Orton isn't boring" argument, because, frankly, I think he has been. Not lately, but he has been. This is an argument that points out, just like that cage match showed, how precise and clinical Orton is in the ring. Orton's powerslam is a good example of this; that thing gets better every week. He's got it the point that, if he were half an inch off, he could fuck it up badly. But he never does. With Christian, he's been pretty much skimming the floor when he does it, and it looks awesome as a result. It's like ballet. Nobody - not CM Punk, not Samoa Joe - does that move better.

Sorry, this isn't a very good post, but I spent fifteen minutes trying to make it good (to no avail) that I'm just going to post the bloody thing.
Im not a huge Orton fan, I feel his face persona to be bland and a bit awkward and his mic work to be ok but nothing to write home about, and Iv found him to be a bit an ass whenever Iv heard him in interviews breaking kaybface which is really besides the point. However in ring he is without down one of the best right now, and is really on top of his game, clean. crisp and can really tell a story and work the crowd but Bret Hart level??? Well not right now but he is hardly a veteran is he so there is plenty of room for improvement, and he certainly has in the last six month. But in the same respect he was working with one of the best in Christian and these two pushed each other to new heights. I think the acid test will come at NOC because if he makes Henry look great while still looking great himself then maybe the Bert Hart comparison will be more fitting because we all know that bret could make a block of wood look a million dollars!

I don't think randy is on Brets Level, he has far surpassed bret.I've always believed bret was overrated and a bore to watch (but that's another topic for another day). Randy is so fluid in the ring. If there a better word to use I would, but fluid works. Just consistantly putting on a good show. I truley have enjoyed the Evolution of his character over the last almost 7-8 years. And I'm sure he'll continue to grow over the next decade and beyond..

Where you dropped on your head a lot as a child? This cannot be a serious post did you write this for a bet? Orton has surpassed Bret Hart???? WTF The tears of laughter are now making it difficult for me to type this post, please refer to my post above which I think gives a far more accurate description of the level Randy is at and where he might end up, and I believe my post has more validity on the basis that I am sane and you clearly are not!
Was it not Bret Hart who was just praising the Bella twins as top Divas....

Oh, alright, it was... Well...Um.....There you have it.

Orton has been having a series of great matches with a guy (Christian) who's pretty much known for putting on above average matches. Obviously it takes two to tango, and Christian deserves just as much (if not, than probably more) praise as Orton is receiving.

Anyways, back on topic here, obviously Bret Hart is spewing from a script, I mean, it's a WWE interview... HELLO.

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