D. Bryan = the new Bret Hart????


Getting Noticed By Management
They are certainly giving him the chance. I never in all my years thought anyone would have the opportunity the wrestle two matches at Mania after WM10. He is packaged as a superb submission mat wrestler Ala the excellence of execution. He kind of has the underdog thing going which Bret really didn't have going into his runs with the belt but the similarities are there.

In my opinion Bryan will find away to get a clean win over HHH but will then get jobbed out of the title later that night. Bautista will walk out of Mania with the belt as a MASSIVE heel and Authority/Corporation shill. Orton will get another turn and be a tweener face. Bryan and Orton will feud with Bautista and the Authority all the way up until Summerslam.

The long con continues.
That being said...D Bry is going to have a very long run with that belt eventually. Maybe from Summerslam through WM31.
They are certainly giving him the chance. I never in all my years thought anyone would have the opportunity the wrestle two matches at Mania after WM10. He is packaged as a superb submission mat wrestler Ala the excellence of execution. He kind of has the underdog thing going which Bret really didn't have going into his runs with the belt but the similarities are there.

In my opinion Bryan will find away to get a clean win over HHH but will then get jobbed out of the title later that night. Bautista will walk out of Mania with the belt as a MASSIVE heel and Authority/Corporation shill. Orton will get another turn and be a tweener face. Bryan and Orton will feud with Bautista and the Authority all the way up until Summerslam.

The long con continues.
That being said...D Bry is going to have a very long run with that belt eventually. Maybe from Summerslam through WM31.

I don't see any other similarities between him and Hart. I also think a SummerSlam to WM31 reign would be terrible. He (his character and his popularity) doesn't have that kind of stamina.

As a long-time wrestling fan, I have seen great long-term angles done right with big payoffs (ex. Hogan/Savage) and have seen great long-term angles done horribly wrong with watered-down payoffs (ex. Hogan/Sting) It is my opinion that anything other than a Bryan title win at Mania will be a horrible swing-and-a-miss on WWE's part.

I said on another recent post that Bryan had a very small window to strike while the iron was hot. I also feel his HUGE popularity (not his career or popularity as a whole), but this Yes-movement-type HUGE popularity, will fizzle by the end of 2014--and wouldn't surprise me if it was sooner. I feel this storyline's wave is carrying to great heights a very good wrestler, but a very mediocre character. You can only pull for an underdog who continuously gets screwed for so long before giving up on it.

I feel he HAS TO win at Mania. After that, if they want to try another angle or use his still-hot popularity to create a mega-heel, that is fine. But having this mega-heel Batista move (as you said) would be a horrible waste and a terribly wasted opportunity at, not only a Mania, but a milestone Mania.

The angle started to get old between SummerSlam and Royal Rumble for me. But, WWE has done this beautfully along the Road to WrestleMania. They kept his character down, but his popularity up. They gave him momentum going into the big event. They HAVE TO give the fans the big payoff. It is the only way to go.

Like I said, once you give him (and the fans) that moment, it is there forever--it will always be the night Daniel Bryan's underdog reached his goal. AFTERWARDS, you can use his still-hot (but soon to be fading, since he is no longer the underdog) popularity and create a mega heel by screwing or cheating him out of it. It will then be on that heel to ride that wave into greater things. Bryan will then have to find something else for himself. But, that is all down the line.

What is right for this moment now is to have Bryan win the title at Mania and fade to black during a GIANT YES chant. If they have him lose--whether it is Punk-related or anything else--it will water down the eventual payoff and ruin what has been beautifully built thus far.

I think WWE knows exactly what it is doing and is doing it the right way.
If I had to make a comparison to anyone, I would say that Bryan reminds me of Ricky Steamboat. Steamboat filled the underdog role incredibly well, and that's the same place that I see Bryan in right now. Steamboat was never one to keep a title long...but it was great to watch his ascent to the title. Bryan and Steamboat are both suited to the underdog role and the challenger spot. The important part is that the WWE will need to find a way to keep Bryan in that spot without making it seem like they are shafting the fans out of seeing him get the win at some point. What I see happening is Bryan losing his match to Triple H, having the result overturned by Hogan or Vince, and win the title in the Triple Threat. After that, I wouldn't expect his title reign to last terribly long; my prediction is Money in the Bank will be when he drops it to someone.

From there, it'll be interesting to see how they keep Bryan's momentum going. I wouldn't discount him though, or think he'll fade away. The guy could've faded away after WrestleMania 28. Instead, he skyrocketed. He seems to have the ability to make lemonade out of whatever lemons the WWE hands him.
Comparing Bryan to Hart, is a insult to Bret Hart's Legacy only Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit can be compared to him. Hart Is One of the greatest wrestlers if not the greatest technical wrestler off all time, his wrestling ability is unparalleled. He had a true passion for wrestling and he would always put the wrestlers he was working with over. He could make any wrestler he stepped in the ring with look like a terrific athlete. "Was so good, Excellence of Execution, nickname given to him by Gorilla Monsoon.

- By losing to Shawn Michaels, he gave HBK a name. Even in defeating Steve Austin and Chris Benoit, it was his performance with them that made them look so great. Their careers went uphill after a well fought battle with the Hitman. The POINT i'm making is, Compare Daniel Bryan to Owen Hart or Chris Benoit, Even Kurt Angle. but NEVER say he is the next Bret Hart, the facts are he wouldn't be able to lace Hart's Boots on his best day.
There are no similarities'' between Daniel Bryan and Bret Hart'' I'd throw you a bone and say maybe Owen' Even than I'm just being respectful to Hart.. if it weren't for the fans Bryan wouldn't even be wrestling in two matches at WM, So that does not count! the,fans whine and complained like spoiled brats until the WWE Caved in.. They never,cave in during Bret Hart's matches he earned them and carried the company by himself during his title reigns.

Bryan can thank the fans for being in Two matches at WM30

WWE, Always intended for Hart to wrestle in two matches at WM10 . He was their best wrestler
Comparing Bryan to Hart, is a insult to Bret Hart's Legacy only Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit can be compared to him. Hart Is One of the greatest wrestlers if not the greatest technical wrestler off all time, his wrestling ability is unparalleled. He had a true passion for wrestling and he would always put the wrestlers he was working with over. He could make any wrestler he stepped in the ring with look like a terrific athlete. "Was so good, Excellence of Execution, nickname given to him by Gorilla Monsoon.

- By losing to Shawn Michaels, he gave HBK a name. Even in defeating Steve Austin and Chris Benoit, it was his performance with them that made them look so great. Their careers went uphill after a well fought battle with the Hitman. The POINT i'm making is, Compare Daniel Bryan to Owen Hart or Chris Benoit, Even Kurt Angle. but NEVER say he is the next Bret Hart, the facts are he wouldn't be able to lace Hart's Boots on his best day.

Exactly man. Daniel Bryan and his abominable fans would like to believe he's like the greatest thing in years. However, he's NOT. Daniel Bryan being compared to Bret Hart is a disgraceful slap to the latter's legacy and a more suitable comparison would be to Owen Hart.
Daniel Bryan = The new Daniel Bryan

These comparisons are ******ed. Daniel Bryan is nothing like Bret Hart, he doesn't look like Bret, he doesn't wrestle like Bret, he doesn't talk like Bret. Bryan is more popular than Bret.. Where are the similarities?
Daniel Bryan = The new Daniel Bryan

These comparisons are ******ed. Daniel Bryan is nothing like Bret Hart, he doesn't look like Bret, he doesn't wrestle like Bret, he doesn't talk like Bret. Bryan is more popular than Bret.. Where are the similarities?

Exactly. Not to mention Bryan is totally devoid of Bret Hart's aura, presence, or charisma, his enjoyable quasi-heel run in 1997 with him stating he's pro-Canadian while not really being anti-American which betrayed a sense of Patriotism and made for great TV in my opinion.

Bryan is exactly 4 inches shorter, and doesn't have the ripped chiseled frame that Bret possessed, and albeit a good wrestler, he wouldn't really ever amount to what Bret Hart was- a true warrior and a champion of champions who should be loved for his wrestling and not loathed for his personal shit/bitterness that has been so popularized and publicized over the years. A more suitable comparison should be Daniel Bryan and Owen Hart.
I don't like when people compare current wrestlers to past greats. This extends to sports and other things in general as well. It's about carving out your own personal identity.
No absolutely not. Daniel Bryan is an underdog, Bret Hart was never an underdog. He was never underrated and in fact I remember a time where some people viewed him like people view Cena today. Daniel Bryan is much more agile and light on his feet in the ring. Has a much bigger Japanese influence in his style. Bret Hart is very meticulous and methodical in his movements. He's much slower, much more aggressive, and his style has the Hart Dungeon written all over it. Their characters are completely different. The only similarity is that they both got fucked over by WWE in favor of a veteran (no I'm not talking about Montreal). Bryan was fucked over in favor of Orton. With Bret, he got fucked over by WWE building him up for months as the face of the company just for Hogan to come back a yank the rug from under him. Other than that there's really no similarity. That and neither one of them were exactly masters of the mic. If anything Bryan is closer to Chris Jericho as far as in the ring.
Daniel Bryan = The new Daniel Bryan

These comparisons are ******ed. Daniel Bryan is nothing like Bret Hart, he doesn't look like Bret, he doesn't wrestle like Bret, he doesn't talk like Bret. Bryan is more popular than Bret.. Where are the similarities?

I agree with all but the being more popular thing. It was a different time with a much larger fanbase. Not only that but at his peak Bret Hart was extremely popular, definitely more popular than Bryan. Not exactly Stone Cold or Hulk hogan popular but definitely more popular than Bryan
Hart and Bryan really don't have a lot in common apart from being elite technical wrestlers and outstanding in-ring storytellers. They have very distinct styles and personalities that aren't really similar to each other, but as for this...

Hart Is One of the greatest wrestlers if not the greatest technical wrestler off all time, his wrestling ability is unparalleled. He had a true passion for wrestling and he would always put the wrestlers he was working with over. He could make any wrestler he stepped in the ring with look like a terrific athlete.

You do realize the irony of the fact that you can take Hart's name out of that statement and replace it with Bryan's and it would still be just as accurate? Right?
I think each person is unique, so no I don't think he is the next Bret Hart, his story is pretty unique, and it's not really fair to compare the 2 in two different eras of wrestling,

But what I'll say is this : My god would I have loved to see a match between Owen Hart and Daniel Bryan, I won't say Bret because he's on another level, even Owen is to some extent,

But a match between the two... I would've LOVED to see that,
First of all calling the op a ******ed, moronic, fat, piece of shiiiit is very mean!!!! With that being said they actually have alot in common...like they both wrestled, both had a mother, both breath air...come on the list is endless
This thread went pretty much as I expected.
I think a lot of you people thought I was trying to fluff D. Bryan and say that I FELT he was the new Bret Hart.

I think Bret is one of the four greatest professional wrestlers of all time.
Daniel Bryan might have a silly catch phrase that all the children, dolts, and fanboys flock to but he absolutely doesn't demand the same type of reaction. I actually could believe Bret could out-think and out-wrestle bigger men like Bam Bam and the Undertaker. I think about Daniel Bryan beating ANYONE on the roster that's bigger than Ziggler/Del Rio a huge fucking stretch.

With all that being said...if he wins both matches at WM30 and leaves with the belt it will be one of the single greatest nights and accomplishments in wrestling history and will vault his legacy into a pretty high stratosphere.

Also: Very nice of a lot of you to point out that Owen would be a better comparison. Never even thought of that. Truth be told the idea for the thread came from knowing he will be the first guy to wrestle twice at a Mania since Bret.
Daniel Bryan = The new Daniel Bryan

These comparisons are ******ed. Daniel Bryan is nothing like Bret Hart, he doesn't look like Bret, he doesn't wrestle like Bret, he doesn't talk like Bret. Bryan is more popular than Bret.. Where are the similarities?

You obviously were not around for Brets run. He was every bit as popular as Bryan is, maybe even more so. The arena used to explode when he came out, absolute Road Warrior pops. Not to mention he was pretty much the, then, WWFs only top draw for a while. He also put Shawn Michaels and Steve Austin on top, and could make ANYONE look like a million bucks. Truly the excellence of execution and the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be.
Bryan has been incredibly over for about two years now. He's the most over I can ever remember a superstar being. His in ring ability is certainly on par with Hart's. Personally, I feel like he has more charisma than Bret. Similar but different at the same time. I'm someone who's followed DB since the first ROH show in 2002. I'm bias, I love the guy. He's been my favorite wrestler since probably 2004. I've met him a few times (he's tiny) and he's responsible for my favorite live wrestling experiences.
You obviously were not around for Brets run. He was every bit as popular as Bryan is, maybe even more so. The arena used to explode when he came out, absolute Road Warrior pops. Not to mention he was pretty much the, then, WWFs only top draw for a while. He also put Shawn Michaels and Steve Austin on top, and could make ANYONE look like a million bucks. Truly the excellence of execution and the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be.
When was Bret getting Warrior pops? If he was, it was for maybe 6 months. Bryan is getting "road warrior pops" and has for about the last 2 years and it's been growing.
I've had similar thoughts, but Daniel Bryan has always reminded me more of Shawn Michaels and CM Punk has reminded me of Bret Hart.

Daniel Bryan is a submission wrestler, but he's always been more charismatic like HBK was, where Bret Hart was a more "serious" character that had attitude like CM Punk. Punk is also a crybaby like Bret Hart was, where Bryan doesn't care to put someone over like HBK.
The IWC weren't around when Bret Hart was on his original run in WWE, they are now and are in love with Daniel Bryan for some reason.

Comparisons though? Why? If DB was Canadian fair enough, but he is not.
Daniel Bryan is really more like Stone Cold if you think about it. Looks nothing like any of the other top guys. Is so over they have to push him. Has an aggressive style. His appeal is the blue collar underdog taking over the establishment. Toiled on the indies for a while before getting a big break in his early 30s. Had Austin not been dropped on his head by Owen (who some of you think is a level above DB even though I know you wouldn't think that had Owen not died, Biggie syndrome right there), then Austin would have been more technical. Still aggressive, but more "move" based.

Bryan has a hell of a lot more charisma than Bret and doesn't have the benefit of a shitty sparse roster with only 2 or 3 other talented guys and all the old draws gone. Bret also had the enormous benefit of having a lot of friends and family in the business. Bryan has none. Bryan has lots to compete with on the modern roster and old guys coming back all the time. He's still more over than Bret ever was. People always talk about Bret getting these massive pops. I've never seen a video with it. I've never watched more than a handful of Bret matches where the crowd was super into it the whole time. Definitely not a single one with the reaction that more recent Bryan matches get. Bryan also has a more difficult audience to please.
Bret was a technical guy who also did some brawling. Bryan is a technical guy who also does some (albeit mid-level) high-flying.

Bryan isn't great on the mic, but he gets over regardless. Bret wasn't great on the mic, period.

Bret was a grittier and serious character, Bryan is a cartoony character.

Bryan is pushed partly because fans are tired of massive, immobile wrestlers, Bret was pushed partly because of the steroid scandal that nearly ruined pro wrestling.

There are many, many differences...

Comparisons are really hard to make, since the landscape of what they put on TV has changed so much over the years in accordance with what fans want.

All that said, I appreciate any Bret love... ;)
I don't see much comparison between Daniel Bryan and Bret Hart.

Daniel's stock-in-trade since his program with Kane involves Daniel being an underdog, while Bret Hart could in no way ever have been regarded as that. In fact, Bret was pretty much the same performer throughout his career, even as he transitioned from heel to face in WWE; he possessed the technical proficiency to match up with anyone and never seemed to deviate from that.

On the other hand, while a large part of the WWE Universe is going nuts for Daniel now, it's only in his latest incarnation as an underdog that he's flourished. Before that, he spent time as a struggling mid-carder in WWE, even jobbing to Sin Cara and others at one point. Wasn't he the same Daniel Bryan then? If so, why weren't we falling on our butts to worship him at that time?

No, Daniel is now riding the crest of a program tailor-made for him.....and when it ends, it will be very interesting to see what they do with him and how fans come to regard him when the "Yes" chants finally run their course. There were programs written for Bret, but none involved radical changes in his personality, except maybe for the "evil Bret" who departed from the family-oriented approach that eventually caused him to want out of WWE. He was never an underdog, never a rebel .....even as a bad guy.

It isn't a question of whether Daniel is as "good" as Bret.....and I'm sure there are similarities between the two if one wants to find them, but they are two entirely different characters who have followed completely different roads to prominence.
Bryan is really over, but this whole yes movement thing and his huge pops will sadly come to an end as soon as Bryan becomes the WWE champion, which will make him "overrated" after that. Fans blow the roof wanting to see a wrestler get pushed, then once the WWE pushes them they become overrated and get booed out of buildings. The fans don't know what they want and I don't blame Vince for not wanting to immediately bush Bryan just to see it backfire in a couple of months.

At least when a heel is the champion you expect them to be booed.

Things are kind of backwards now than the way things were when Bret Hart was in his prime. If Bret hadn't wrestled all of those years ago and wrestled today with this generation, he'd be booed out of buildings. His typical "good guy" character wouldn't make it to the ring without being booed. Fans tend to do things backwards now. They cheer for the bad guys and boo the good guys. Want to be a popular face in the WWE? Spend about 5-6 years as a villain and then turn face.
Daniel Bryan is great in the ring, But comparing him to Bret Hart is a big time statement. As far as In ring ability I can completely understand your opinion, However he doesn't remind me of Hart at all. I'm currently watching a Chris Jericho match from SuperBrawl 1998 and I kinda see some Chirs Jericho in Daniel Bryan. I also see some aspects of other wrestlers in him as well. To kinda sum it up I can't make a choice as to who Bryan is like. In my eyes, he most reflects Daniel Bryan. He comes across very original and has no twin in the wrestling world. I do though, believe that ten years from now we'll be talking about a new guy who reminds us of Daniel Bryan.

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