R-Truth Suspended - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

So, you start off as a jobber. Work your way over with the fans for god knows how long with the "whats up" crap (i always skipped his entrance when he did that crap). then finally get a bit of a push with the heel turn. Play that role PERFECTLY in my eyes. Looked like you are really out of your mind. Then..you start fueding with the face of the company in John Cena. Then The Rock comes along, the face of the previous generation.

You fued with the faces of the past and present. MAIN EVENT one of WWE's top 3 PPVs of the year against JOHN CENA AND THE ROCK...and you get suspended for a stupid wellness policy?.... :banghead:

Truth is, R-Truth screwed R-Truth...in other words R-Truth just got GOT! by himself.
That's really tough for Truth. That guy was enjoying one hell of a push and was being genuinely entertaining. But I guess that it could turn out to be a blessing in disguise for him, granted Vince is willing to forgive him.

Awesome Truth has broken up. If Truth would have stayed on Raw, it would have been very difficult for both Miz and himself to stay heel as Miz turned on Truth tonight. But because of the suspension, that problem has been solved which allows Miz to stay a heel on Raw. Truth can resurface on Smackdown a month later when this Awesome Truth thing has cooled down a bit. He can resume on Smackdown as a heel. If he resurfaces after a month on Smackdown, him becoming a Smackdown superstar would not look all that odd.

Of course, if you want to depush him, there is no better option than turning him face and have him lose to The Miz. He will fade into obscurity faster than anyone.
Not much to say here. Im assuming this is why they had him sell big for Miz on the stage after taking the Skull Crushing Finale. I thought it over the top when they had trainers come out to check on him, but assumed it was just to build sympathy for him for a sudden face turn. At least we know why now. If the reports are true and they popped him for the same thing as Evan Bourne, it makes sense they held off on enforcing his suspension. I understand how some could view it as being slightly hypocritical, but it also would have done some damage to the angle WWE was counting on to sell Survivor Series.

Further, this is only Truth's first violation of the Wellness policy, so I doubt it's going to do much damage to his push. I don't believe they would have apparently written him off in what appears to be an injury angle unless the goal is to build sympathy for him upon his return. Will he lose his feud to the Miz? Sure, and he should. In what way is Miz not above Truth in terms of pecking order on Raw? Truth has been doing great work, but he's really just been used to get angles and other wrestlers over for the most part. Why would that continuing upon his return be a bad thing for him? I honestly don't believe this will hurt him much, if anything at all.
My second issue/concern with this is how the WWE handled the subseqent breakup of Awesome Truth. Why in the world did they not do this better or differently? I hate these sudden break-ups, that come outta nowhere and have no reason to have ever occured. In the case of Awesome Truth, that's exactly the case. If R-Truth was going to be suspended, it should have been a situation where Cena or Rock just basically went crazy and beat the crap outta R-Truth, making an injury angle more than anything else. They took the easy road out, by simply having Miz turn on Truth. It looks more like an on-screen punishment vs. just taking him off TV for a few weeks or a month or however it takes for his suspension to end.

Midnite Express makes a very valid point here. When I first saw Miz and DA TRUTH bickering in the ring that eventually led to their fight, i was just shaking my head in disappointment. Breaking them up was such a bad idea, because even though making them lose at Survivor Series made them lose a lot of steam, they could have furthered this storyline for a few months, maybe even to Royal Rumble and have them split by eliminating one another and start a feud as both heels, as matches like that are pretty interesting and rare. Kinda like a Rated RKO situation, where Edge and Orton had that one match against each other after they split.

But no. Like the person i just quoted said on how WWE took the easy road out, is 100% right. I didn't know R-truth was suspended until this morning, but was it necessary to completely ruin a good storyline? Sure you have to write him out somehow, but it doesnt take half a brain to think of a way to write da truth out. Cena injuring him was the best possible way to write off R-truth, but instead, they bury him, an alliance and a storyline.

Unfortunately it looks like it will be back to basics for Truth. WWE knew that the "what's up" character was getting REALLY old and everyone was sick of it, so why would they make such a move that foreshadows a face turn? We all know the WWE loves to cater to the casual fans, which makes up the majority of the crowd, unless they are in (Canada, New York etc) Both the casual fans and internet fans love R-truth the way he is.. The casual fans had more laughs and fun with the "Little Jimmy" references and all the "WHAT"s that pisses him off. People loved to hate him, and he will only get lost in the shuffle as a face.

But at the end of the day, Truth fucked up big time. This is his biggest storyline of his career, bigger than his short feud for the wwe title. He's getting all the attention, he became a top 3 heel on the RAW roster, and then he pulls out this stunt that has cost him severely. He should have known beforehand that the WWE WILL find out about this, and at his age (39) he should really be making better decisions.
Damn. Think about it, Thanksgiving to Christmas, usually the happiest time of the year--now going to be the saddest 30 days maybe ever. You been a baaad R-Truth, R-Truth.

I don't think all the criticism is really necessary. If, in a matter of six months, I went from putting on a good match with JTG to main eventing with John Cena and The f'in Rock, I might want a little something to calm down/celebrate, too. I don't think we really have any idea how stressful these guys' lives are (and frankly, I don't think weed should be punished so routinely [at least with suspensions, maybe fines] by the Wellness Policy Police... it'd probably keep them all healthier, at least mentally, in the end). Sucks, though! R-Truth doing awesome right now. Hilarious character, very quotable, decent in the ring. Damn!
Damn. Think about it, Thanksgiving to Christmas, usually the happiest time of the year--now going to be the saddest 30 days maybe ever. You been a baaad R-Truth, R-Truth.

I don't think all the criticism is really necessary. If, in a matter of six months, I went from putting on a good match with JTG to main eventing with John Cena and The f'in Rock, I might want a little something to calm down/celebrate, too. I don't think we really have any idea how stressful these guys' lives are (and frankly, I don't think weed should be punished so routinely [at least with suspensions, maybe fines] by the Wellness Policy Police... it'd probably keep them all healthier, at least mentally, in the end). Sucks, though! R-Truth doing awesome right now. Hilarious character, very quotable, decent in the ring. Damn!

WWE is a PG product, they have PG sponsors and dont want drugs associated with their company. Maybe Truth did smoke a little weed, to you and me thats not so bad but to the little kids, well, he's meant to be a role model to them.

Drugs, lead to more drugs and no doubt the boundaries would be pushed without these strict measures. Can't have another Benoit or Eddie scenario can we.
That's really tough for Truth. That guy was enjoying one hell of a push and was being genuinely entertaining. But I guess that it could turn out to be a blessing in disguise for him, granted Vince is willing to forgive him.

Awesome Truth has broken up. If Truth would have stayed on Raw, it would have been very difficult for both Miz and himself to stay heel as Miz turned on Truth tonight. But because of the suspension, that problem has been solved which allows Miz to stay a heel on Raw. Truth can resurface on Smackdown a month later when this Awesome Truth thing has cooled down a bit. He can resume on Smackdown as a heel. If he resurfaces after a month on Smackdown, him becoming a Smackdown superstar would not look all that odd.

Of course, if you want to depush him, there is no better option than turning him face and have him lose to The Miz. He will fade into obscurity faster than anyone.

Not to poke holes in your theory and reasoning, but Smackdown's already got something good going on with the push of Wade Barrett and having R-Truth venture over there would make no sense for his career because he would be right back to mid-card status. I mean for goodness sake, even Randy Orton is being placed in somewhat of a upper-mid card status at the moment. R-Truth's status would be overshadowed big time.

I think the WWE did the wrong thing in breaking up the team even beyond what R-Truth did to himself. I think they rushed this. Only time shall tell...
WWE is a PG product, they have PG sponsors and dont want drugs associated with their company. Maybe Truth did smoke a little weed, to you and me thats not so bad but to the little kids, well, he's meant to be a role model to them.

Drugs, lead to more drugs and no doubt the boundaries would be pushed without these strict measures. Can't have another Benoit or Eddie scenario can we.

1. He didn't smoke weed. WWE doesn't do suspensions for marijuana, it says so in the Wellness Policy. It's just a $2,500 fine. He smoked Spice, what's basically fake marijuana. They suspend for that.
2. Weed is not a drug and the "gateway drug" theory that cops & D.A.R.E. agents like to convince simple-minded people about has been proven to be B.S. by studies and examinations across the past 15 years. Weed does not lead to more drugs. It's arguable that Spice doesn't, as well, but it's in a different ballpark from weed because certain chemicals in it are not healthy and it has no medicinal value.

And to all the people acting like Truth screwed up the biggest push of his life, realize that he didn't actually smoke Spice recently, or even after his match with The Rock and Cena was set. This happened over a month ago, at a party in mid-October. Evan Bourne was also suspended for smoking Spice at that party (and it's likely Darren Young and Heath Slater were suspended for the same thing), Truth's suspension was simply delayed. And he's probably not gonna be any lower in the card when he comes back, really. No talent suspended for the past year and a half have come back to be buried or delegated to lower-card status (if they weren't already there, that is).
Goddamn it Truth, this pisses me off because I love the guy and ever since his epic turn earlier this year he's been on the ride of his life career wise. Why he would go and do something so stupid when he is getting more love and attention from the brass and fans is beyond me, I mean what kind of a fuckin idiot would do something that could send them back down to the spot they used to be which was upper mid card for life. I really though he was turning around his career for good when he made the heel turn, he's been on a roll and now he's screwed it all up. Way to go Truth, you're free to do whatever you want for 30 days, just not work and now probably have your push brutally murdered.
it just seems so much like a coincidence that they talk about him being crazy and the next minute he is suspended perhaps they are looking for a way to get rid of that gimmic than to say drugs caused him to act that way
WWE is a PG product, they have PG sponsors and dont want drugs associated with their company. Maybe Truth did smoke a little weed, to you and me thats not so bad but to the little kids, well, he's meant to be a role model to them.

Drugs, lead to more drugs and no doubt the boundaries would be pushed without these strict measures. Can't have another Benoit or Eddie scenario can we.

lol Yea marijuana totally led them down that path.

The fact that they were wrestlers had way more to do with that than possible smoking a weed. Honestly, this was a dumb post. Well the second half was, the first part is valid, but you know what as much as they try to push this kid product garbage the fact of the matter is that the show doesn't air until 9 on the east coast. What other childrens show airs then? When they move to Saturday mornings ill put a little more into that image. Sure they market to them, but guess what they always did. I was 6-11 in the attitude era, the video games, action figures, rings, title belts, those weren't targeted at kids?

Their's a simple solution, don't test for marijuana. It's stupid. And if they fail it, fine them who cares... it's a private company nothing about it says they have to be open about it, or really be open about it.

I mean I give them all the credit for being proactive and open, but in the end, I think it is much better if they just said they did that and kept it quite or didn't test for quite honestly, irrelevant substances. Steroids I get that, shoot, they have to. The rest of the stuff, this isn't the Olympics, they aren't really in a competition (though I know they are to an extent) who cares...

I'm a R-truth fan and a weed smoker so my view is a lil different.
I think as it is unfortunate that R-Truth has been suspended I do not believe that his status will change nor will he be de-pushed. I believe that he may never go beyond upper mid card status however. I honestly believe he cemented his status as a top-tier performer over the course of the last few months. I only hope this does not lead to his return to face status. I like this paranoid edgier Truth it plays to his limitations as well as enhances his performance skills as a heel. His move set seems more believable with out the stereotypical dance moves and rap persona WWE gives to damn near EVERY black "sports entertainer" not named Rock. Get your self together Truth looking forward to seeing you return, and stop buying weed from little Jimmy lol.
Who ever that was that posted that racial slurr, i hope you get banned for LIFE!

This forum in no way should tollerate such hate and ignorance towards a historicly persecuted group of american society.

any such posting towards jews, african americans, muslims, gays or religous sects, should be cleaned up immediatly and the poster should be banned fot life.

Now, on to the topic at hand, i am really kinda sad that I wont be seeing his charachter on Raw for whatever aount of weeks as he was getting over major with the crowd. they really started to care about what he brought for entertainment purpose in his character. Kinda like Gold Dust-Booker T in '01.
R-Truth just did the dumbest thing he did in WWE, his character is made to look dumb, but i didnt think he was actually that. Truth was becoming a decent heel and with more wins and if taken seriously, he would've been a better heel. however, now i can see him being a mid-card heel (which now i would do) and move Dolph Ziggler up when Truth returns. i think at TLC they should have a one more match deal for Del Rio, then have Ziggler feud with Punk over the WWE title, then i want to see Miz vs Punk at Mania which i think will be great.
I hate that R-truth messed up like this because this give ppl backstage a reason to knock him back down a peg and ppl to say we give a black wrestler a chance and he screws up. I would like to know what chemical in spice was detected on the test. Spice suppose to be the alternative to weed and you suppose to piss clean. I see a lot of hate on the thread. Dumb muther fucker, he'll become a jobber, and michael vick comparison. First off vick and truth situations are totally different. One broke the law, did cruel and inhumane things to dogs and went to jail. The other smoked fake weed which is still legal in some states. Even Vick got a second chance. Why shouldn't Truth? I think the majority want him to return as a jobber because he doesn't have the look of cena. He doesn't "fit in" with the "good guys" because of his look and background. Out of all the African-Americans in the E, he had a gimmick that got a good reaction to the crowd and was interesting and not monotoned and watered down like Zeke and Otunga and not playful like Kofi. Smackdown has Henry and Raw needs Truth. The guy did a 360 with his character. He's not an Austin or Orton, but the guy has worked hard to dig himself out of the whole he was buried in. His psychotic heel character best thing he has gotten to do in the E. Shit we all fuck up and we all would want a second chance. I hope Vince realize it was mistake and continue to use him as a heel. Don't take all his hard work and flush down the toliet. I didn't read all this hate in the Evan Bourne thread and he not only jeopardized his push but Kofi's.
The suspension is the punishment. Vince isn't (shouldn't) be dumb enough to punish a guy twice, especially when he was as over as Truth was. Truth comes back and he'll be hot. The character was hot. He'll be that crazy mofo the fans love (they already love him).
Their's a simple solution, don't test for marijuana. It's stupid. And if they fail it, fine them who cares... it's a private company nothing about it says they have to be open about it, or really be open about it.

They do fine them when they smoke weed. They don't suspend them. And they don't fine them if they are medical marijuana patients. Truth didn't smoke weed, he smoked Spice, which is handled under a different part of the Wellness Policy. Spice = Fine + Suspension. Weed = $2,500 Fine.

But it's not stupid, not by any means. As a medical marijuana patient & supporter of the herb, I can still acknowledge that it impairs both your perception and your ability and when you're working with someone and both of you are putting your bodies, your safety, in each other's hands, you should be sober, not stoned. That's why they drug test. To ensure the safety of their performers in the ring, so nobody gets Jeff Hardy'd.
Truth made the biggest mistake of his career here. I think that this cost him any significant pushes in the future. When he comes back it will be as a complete joke with his Little Jimmy promos being no more than a comedy act. Hey, he could always start hanging out with Santino. Truth has been hilarious since he turned heel this summer, but he screwed up big time and because of this violation his return and anything he does afterwards will likely be nothing to write home about.
Not to poke holes in your theory and reasoning, but Smackdown's already got something good going on with the push of Wade Barrett and having R-Truth venture over there would make no sense for his career because he would be right back to mid-card status. I mean for goodness sake, even Randy Orton is being placed in somewhat of a upper-mid card status at the moment. R-Truth's status would be overshadowed big time.

The key thing is to get him away from The Miz. There is no way that, after this break-up, Miz and Truth can co-exist on Raw with both of them being heels. Both rosters are loaded at this point to be honest. If Smackdown has Wade Barrett and Cody Rhodes then Raw also has Miz, Ziggler and Swagger in the midcard with the prospect of Brodus Clay debuting. It'll be hard for Truth to stage a comeback no matter where he goes. Smackdown becomes the better option in this case because he has a chance to stay heel there.

I think the WWE did the wrong thing in breaking up the team even beyond what R-Truth did to himself. I think they rushed this. Only time shall tell...

I guess you could say that but then what else was there for them to do. They have made their attacks and they have been resoundingly defeated by the babyfaces, and that too on more than one occasion. Anything they would have done from here on would have been boring and repititive.
Could. Not. Be. Happier.

Finally, my main man The Miz will get his chance to go back to the top of the singles roster. Never disliked R-Truth particularly. He's got some in-ring talent, you can't deny that, and the conspiracy gimmick is alright, although am not so keen on the whole Little Jimmy thing, could definitely have come up with a better catchphrase to go with the gimmick there. However, what I did not like was Awesome Truth. Miz's skills on the mic and talent in the ring were wasted. Miz was a great tag team wrestler for a long time, first with Morrison then in ShoMiz, but since then his time as a superstar has come. MITB win, WWE Championship, main event of Mania, everything was going right. The tag team just felt like a step backwards. Now he can go on his own. Miz/Cena in a Tables match at TLC is coming, and then... Rumble? You never know.
First Darren Young, then Heath SLater, then Evan Bourne who was also in an amazing psh, NOW R-TRUTH??

Geez, next thing you now they'll be busting Cena.


R-Truth will never recover from this. He might get a push later on in his career but for now he's getting his ass thrown to Superstars and might even get fired. Poor guy.
Simple fact of the matter is, he broke the rules. This isn't a debate about drug abuse and whether it's right or not, WWE laid down a set of code and regulations both as a PR standpoint and maybe to help the wrestlers healthwise. The guy has been as thick as you can be, it doesn't make a difference whether it was on the company's time or not he signed an agreement to the wellness policy. He knows the rules, it's a shame for those that like him but not for him. His one crumb of comfort is that maybe he can work his way back up, I enjoyed watching him when he changed his gimmick but I'm not bothered if he comes back.

Your WWE career like any sports careers is fairly short, when you finish do what you want. But he is paid good money not to act like an idiot, personnally I think 30 days is a light sentece for what is basically a breach of contract. I know it's part of the policy agreement, but the point stands a month for any form of drug abuse is a hell of a lot less than in many career paths.

Sometimes in life you get what you deserve and if he is buried onto Superstars after this he can't complain, he messed up his big chance. A chance many would kill to get, even more so at his age.
The suspension is the punishment. Vince isn't (shouldn't) be dumb enough to punish a guy twice, especially when he was as over as Truth was. Truth comes back and he'll be hot. The character was hot. He'll be that crazy mofo the fans love (they already love him).
The suspension is just for show. The real punishment is much more subtle. He will most likely be passed over for a push or he'll be jobbing a good bit for a while and probably get okie-doked by a couple little Jimmies again.

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