Push Ezekiel Jackson!

CM Steel

A REAL American
Ezekiel Jackson is now a jobber in the WWE on the Smackdown side of things. But how does a superstar go from starting out as a bodyguard, to being the "last ever ECW champion", to winning the WWE IC title to that in such a short career?Ezekiel Jackson has alot of tools inside the ring and has alot of strengh like we saw last year when big Zeke scoop-slammed the Big Show!

But being a jobber is better than doing nothing at all. But when I see Ezekiel Jackson jobbing to someone like Hunico on WWE superstars. It upsets me for some reason and makes me go huh? Ezekiel Jackson deserves more then the treatment that he's getting in the WWE. So I say give him one big push if a push at all.

What does the WWE have to lose? Big Zeke isn't a Yoshi Tatsu.
The problem is he just doesn't have any charisma. He needs somebody like a charismatic tag team partner or a manager to do the heavy lifting on promos for him. We can't have Vickie Guerrero managing everybody and it looks like Abraham Washington's All World stable is just spinning their wheels.
I am kind of surprised they dropped him so far down the card. I don't know why, either: he was over with the crowd as the face IC champ, they chanted "Torture Rack" for his matches, and they popped for his multiple scoop slams. I always assumed he pissed someone off backstage, because he dropped the IC to Cody relatively quickly (on the SD before a PPV, no less. they couldn't even fit them on the card when they've been feuding for weeks), and then they stalled another planned push for him.

It's sad too, because he's a solid big man and would fit in well on SD!, where they are seriously lacking star power. Zeke still has time; he might get a Ryder style revamp soon enough, but I hope they don't miss the boat with him.
Push Ezekiel Jackson? Why exactly? Aside from having a great look, I fail to see what he brings to the table all in all.

Big Zeke is a powerhouse wrestler and most powerhouse wrestlers are guys with pretty limited ability that rely mostly on their impressive physiques to elevate their careers. In this day and age though, having a great build and a good look just isn't enough. It doesn't take you nearly as far as it used to and, in my opinion, that's not a bad thing. I'd much rather see wrestlers pushed that have talent going for them rather than a Herculean physique.

There are plenty of big powerhouses on the WWE roster that can do anything Big Zeke can do and probably a hundred things that he can't. Sheamus, Mark Henry, Big Show, Kane & Brodus Clay are all big and/or powerhouse wrestlers that are simply far better than Big Zeke is. Zeke's pretty slow & clumsy in the ring, tends to wrestle with a slow & plodding pace, has little to no charisma to speak of, etc. His matches are often kept pretty short because he's just not that good. The fact that he's not that good is why he's fallen so far from the lofty heights of being Intercontinental Champion. Punk, Cena, Orton, Ziggler, Bryan, Kidd, Sandow, Ryback, Kofi, Rhodes, Christian, Show, Kane, Henry, Sheamus, Del Rio, Clay, Swagger, Truth, Miz, Barrett & Gabriel are just some of the guys on the roster that are either much better or have the potential to be so much better than Big Zeke that it's not even funny. ALL of those men I just listed deserve to be pushed before Big Zeke at this point.
yes you're right, they should push him...right on out the door. No charisma, no character, no mic skills, no ring skills, no crowd reaction...just a big black guy with 56 teeth n a dumb accent...#FutureEndeavored
Big Ezekiel Jackson looks like he'd kill most of the roster if wrestling wasn't scripted. That's why it's pretty ridiculous to see him get squashed by Damien Sandow, lose multiple times to the dull Jinder Mahal (cleanly) and lose to Hunico with only a slight amount of interference from Camacho. Not very realistic looking.

I don't know what the hell happened to his career over the last year. Maybe they should repackage him? For starters, get him some different colored tights and he should go back to being bald. Also, he seems better served as a heel. It's too bad that he has fallen this far. He was pretty bad ass a couple years ago.
I am not completely against the idea. The man was pushed to the moon in ECW and when he came to Smackdown he was supposed to ride that momentum to the top.

However, I think there is a completely legit reason why the push stopped and that is because he never got over with the crowd. He started doing multiple scoop slams and his torture rack never really looked painful.... his matches got boring and he slipped down the ladder.
I like the guy, but am not able to explain why....I guess some people have got it...and some people have not. And I dont think Big zeke has got it.
im not sure about push but don't have him lose to Hunico and others who are half his size at least make him look strong
I would love to see Wwe push Ezekiel Jackson he is a big guy and he could destroy anyone Wwe put in front of him if he had the opportunity, I thought him winning the Ecw Championship thus becoming the Final Ecw Champion ever was going to be the push he deserved and needed then he was chucked into a pointless feud with Wade Barrett but that ended with a short title reign with the Intercontinental Championship and since then he has done nothing. He does deserved to be pushed and he could be the World Heavyweight Champion.
I will say I was disappointed when I saw how far Big Zeke had fallen but he really isn't deserving of a push right now as I don't see what he could do with it and there are plenty of others waiting for an opportunity that he's already had. I've always liked Jackson but the guy's greatest accolade will always be his title of being the last ECW Champion, he thrived there and it was the perfect place for him. When he first transitioned over after ECW went down he was bland. Then he got his time in the spot light with his Wade Barrett/Corre feud but after that was over and he had his decent IC title reign he kinda just washed out. He's talented but there are so many guys with more to offer than him that he got sent to the bottom of the deck, unfortunately it's as simple as that.
His best days were with Brian Kendrick,Ruthless Round table & The Corre where he was a bodyguard or muscle of a group. When they try to have him be solo it's a fall on deaf ears. Ahmed Johnson was better than him & he butchered the English language & was injury prone.
I don't think he's necessarily deserving of a big push, but he can certainly be used much better. Problem is, WWE only focuses on about 10 people on the roster and that's about it. They had no business putting the IC belt on him, while Wade Barrett was having a decent run with the belt. I'm going to disagree with an earlier post, I don't think Zeke was over at all when they put the belt on him, and then they had no idea what to do with him as champ, which is WWE's fault for not having a clue. Give him a mouthpiece/manager, make him someone else's enforcer, or put him in a tag team. I'm just glad having the look isn't everything these days because it's well known that being bulky doesn't mean you're skilled or tough.
What does the WWE have to lose?

Money? Perhaps ratings?

During his tenure with the Corre and eventually breaking away from them, Zeke could've been somebody worth pushing. He may have a great look, but he's got the charisma of a door mat. Maybe if he had manager, perhaps adding him to AW's little stable, he could be something to talk about, but at this point in the game, Zeke really hasn't shown me that he deserves a hard push at the moment. Besides having a great look, there's not much to him. As a part of a stable or a bodyguard, he fits in perfectly. But in such a deep pool, Big Zeke still needs floaties.
I think that the WWE should release several of their current talent, Ezekiel Jackson being one of those talents. I think that he wrestles well, without a doubt.. However, I don't see him ever being anything in the WWE. Even with a push, I don't think he'd win over the fans nor build enough heat for anyone to actually care about his character.

Another big muscular guy with no wrestling ability or charisma. Why do these guys keep getting calls for pushes around here? Do you want Mason Ryan to get a push too?

I don't get it. There's plenty of strong guys WITH talent and charisma, push them.
I my eyes Ezikiel Jackson should got the push that Ryback is getting. A big muscular guy who does not say much but plows through the competietion.His mic skills are not that good so a character like that would have fit well with him and he probaly might be more popular then he is right now .
I would have to completely disagree...

Ezekiel Jackson is just too bland... That's not a scary, intimidating name for a big name like him.

His moves list is BORING... multiple body slams followed by the torture rack... Not impressed.

He's just bland and boring
Jackson's talented and should at least be US/IC Champ..He just needs some changes

Finisher Change-Since he never pulled off the Torture Rack convincingly, give him a move such as the Orange Crush Powerbomb

Manager-Slick The Doctor Of Style returns to the WWE to manage Ezekiel Jackson

Theme Music Change-Just give him a better song in general

Attire-He basically would wear Tyson Tomko's attire ie jeans, tanktop, boots

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