Poster Related Poems

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Write a poem that relates to a certain poster. Bount to be the most successful thread ever.

I will be drinking later. I'll make one up them. I apologize in advance.
Do you want to be mod? You're not trying very hard.
For you see, Colamania, this is Jake's yard.

The second line was added after I wrote the first. I'm a fucking genius.
May actually be more of a rap. I can write rap wuite well. Strange, since I hate rap, think it's utter shite. 50 Cent should be deported, Snoop Doog should be arrested and Eminem should just be shot. Prick.

Sam, you watching iMPACT! at the moment?
Jonny B
He's an advocate of sodomy
He wants to have a piece of me

Fuck it I can't be arsed. I could come up with something good if I was pissed. But I'm hungover now and my brain is all dry. Like Koalamainias ********.
oh shit!!!!! someone just got owned lol!!!

Here is my rap of Jake.

Hey Mister Jake. Jake. Jake.
All dressed in black. Black. Black.
With silver buttons. Buttons. Buttons.
All over his back. Back. Back.

He asked his mother. Mother. Mother.
For 50 cents. Cents. Cents.
To see the Elephants. Elephants. Elephants.
Jump over the fence. Fence. Fence.

I don't wear black.
Certainly not with silver buttons.
My mothers dead.
There's no Elephants in Stoke.
I gave your mom a poke.
oh shit!!!!! someone just got owned lol!!!

Here is my rap of Jake.

Hey Mister Jake. Jake. Jake.
All dressed in black. Black. Black.
With silver buttons. Buttons. Buttons.
All over his back. Back. Back.

He asked his mother. Mother. Mother.
For 50 cents. Cents. Cents.
To see the Elephants. Elephants. Elephants.
Jump over the fence. Fence. Fence.


WORST rap ever

oh shit!!!!! someone just got owned lol!!!

Here is my rap of Jake.

Hey Mister Jake. Jake. Jake.
All dressed in black. Black. Black.
With silver buttons. Buttons. Buttons.
All over his back. Back. Back.

He asked his mother. Mother. Mother.
For 50 cents. Cents. Cents.
To see the Elephants. Elephants. Elephants.
Jump over the fence. Fence. Fence.


Wow.... i've heard better raps from both Shaq and Arron Carter
My Jake rap.

You! My Name Is Jake,
I'm skinny,
Like a mother fucking rake,
I got the biggest dick in tha city o Stoke,
The ladys think I'm fine,
The fellas think I'm dope.

I wish I was skinny.
Jake is the god of this land
ban yo ass if you get outta hand
don't take no crap
i can't rap
just sit back and obey his rule
or he will make you out to be a fool

Better than peanuts I hope.
Ah, couldn't be bothered. Won't waste valuable energy on some twat-faced Londoner. Might do one if I get bored.
Mr. Sam
What the fuck with all the spam?
How did you become mod anyway
We don't just employ any gay

Man I'm terrible at these. I used to be able to think up shit like this when I was at school. My guess? Alzheimers.
Well the thing I wrote was from a rhyming things 4 year olds hear.
There once was a poster named Brian...
When the Steelers lost games he'd run cryin'...
And it got to his head,
When he was banned from one thread,
And said he didn't know why, but he was tryin...

There once was a poster named Spawn...
Whose lectures made Y2Jake yawn...
Being thrown in prison wasn't super,
'cause he took it in the pooper,
And he's Michael Buble from now on.
There once was a poster named Brian...
When the Steelers lost games he'd run cryin'...
And it got to his head,
When he was banned from one thread,
And said he didn't know why, but he was tryin...

There once was a poster named Spawn...
Whose lectures made Y2Jake yawn...
Being thrown in prison wasn't super,
'cause he took it in the pooper,
And he's Michael Buble from now on.

:lol: Good stuff, you've been repped:thumbsup:
There was once a poster named Brain.

His posts are really lame.

He sometimes reminds me of Senor Cunt

Brain, please put away your blunt.

Face it..Big Ben wreaks(sp?).

Before him I'd take Ryan Leaf.

On Feburary 3rd when the Cowboys are in Arizona.

I'll kick back and have a Corona.
There once was a poster named Coconut,
Wes punched him so hard that he broke a nut,
As coco lay on the tile,
Wes said with a smile,
"I'm gonna go out now and smoke a butt."
Okay, you want a poem.. I got one for you. Its NOT about any current member of the forum, but its one I wrote when my first fiancee' left me. (keep in mind, it was right before Christmas)

'Twas the before Christmas, and somewhere in the house,
Big Will sit alone, clicking away with the mouse,
Everyone else lie, peacefully asleep in their bed,
While Big Will sit alone, with many thoughts in his head,
Suddenly without warning, a loud crash came thundering down,
Making Big Will think, "What the hell was that sound?!"
Running to the window, to see whats the matter,
Only to find a fat guy, had fallen from a ladder,
Going to help, trying to be quick,
Only to find, this fat guy's St. Nick!

Helping him up, still shocked at the sight,
Barely finding the words, "How is this right??"
"You're not real you're only a myth, I can't believe my eyes!!"
"My dear boy, I'm as real as you, just a lot bigger in size."
"I go round the world once a year, to all the girls & boys,
I bring them tons of gifts, make-up & toys."
"But on this Christmas Eve, you look so crappy,
Tell Santa what he can do, to make you happy?"

"But theres nothing you or anyone else can do, for this Christmas I'll spend alone & blue."
Big Will replied, as he looked to the ground & sighed.
"I know you feel bad and that you hurt,
because this girl you love left you in the dirt,
I can't bring her back, or take away your pain,
But its for the best, her friends would've drove you insane."
"I know you love her, and thats just great,
But what would've happened, had she said she was 'late'?"

"You know shes immature and just way to young,
If she would've got pregnant, you would've been hung!"
Its not what you want to hear, but she left, she's gone,
May I suggest someone new, better, blonde?!
More importantly the girl, she never 'went down!'
What did she fear? Did she think she would drown?!"
Big Will replied, "Of all the nerve,
I can't believe my ears, Santa's a perv!"

"If you were me, you'd understand more,
On how much Santa, has longed for a ****e!"
"Mrs. Claus is iffy and gawd what a prude,
Do you believe she had the nerve to say,
I repulse her nude?!"

"Life's hard on Santa, I don't even get paid,
But just once I wish, that I could get laid!"
"And don't make me start, on the milk and cookies,
I've had enough to make me choke,
You wanna impress Santa, leave me some rum and coke!"

"I understand your problems, all of which I can see"
Replied Big Will, "But how does any of that,
have to do with me?!"
"My dear boy, I'm only trying to make you see,
things could be worse, you could be me!"
"The girl left, didn't know what she had,
and in the future, she'll see it was her bad."
"You're a wonderful person, charming and sweet,
Anyone would be blind, not to sweep you off your feet."

"Do you understand, all that I'm trying to say?"
"I think I do?" Big Will replied, "but you're coming off gay."
"I do wish things would get better instead of worse,
But sad to say, this is my Christmas curse."
"Just give it time, the right one is out there,
But I understand, that it just doesn't seem fair.
Look on the bright side, you still have great hair!"

"But I really should be going, its around one or two-ish,
Santa needs a better schedule, why can't more of you be jewish?!"
"I hope something I've said, will stay in your mind,
Because you Big Will, truly are one of a kind."

And in the blink of an eye, he was gone just like that,
returning Big Will, to where he once sat.
And on the computer, Big Will would write,
Merry Christmas to all, & to all a good night!
An Encore has been asked for.. once again, it isn't "poster related" & it was written about 3-4 years ago.

~Like a spirit that haunts, I remember you well,
The memories remain, some painful as hell,
You set the standard, and broke the mold,
In the time that was, you made life less cold.

My scars slowly healed, but will never be the same,
No matter how deep, I'll never cast blame,
We were never together, and always apart,
Regardless the status, you still had my heart,
Its been so long, forever left in the past,
How did I know, these feelings would last.

It didn't work then, what could've changed now,
When will I learn, to just throw in the towel,
I feel once again, that I'm risking it all,
I love to fly, but I'm afraid to fall,
You've been gone so long, but yet here every night,
Filling my dreams, with your beautiful sight.

With the pain I'm taking, its hard to see,
Anything but darkness, ahead for me,
I believe in fate, I'll wish for the best,
Trust in me, Cause I'd give nothing less.
You spammed and fucked around
Tried to post a pic of your Rod
Now your PMs blinking
It's Jake, the drunken mod!

30 beers before sun up
He's on a mission today
You find a warning in your PM
'cause your posts are fucking gay

A drunken rambling warning
Is issued from above
So you send a nasty PM back
Where the fuck is the love?

He's on his 10th beer
He crumples the 9th can
You wanna fuck around
So he issues a ban.

You can't login now
So you try a new name
As he downs beer number 15
He sees your IP is the same!

He calls your ISP
Slurring like Daffy Duck
Now you have no internet
"I'll kill that drunk fuck!"

You show up at Stoke
Wanting to start shit
But his attack duck is waiting
Your ass just got bit!

Now you're in the hospital
From a duck related wound
He doesn't care, he's still drinking
And it's not even noon!


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