Possible Swerve with Reigns


Occasional Pre-Show
After watching last nights RAW I thought what if the Bullet Club (Gallows/Anderson) aligns with Reigns at Payback against AJ Styles causing a big swerve. I know they attacked both USOs and Reigns, but if you end up having Reigns go heel you could have Gallows and Anderson align with Reigns and later Finn Balor when he comes to the main roster. It be a bigger version of Rollins J&J Security without the comedy and more intimidation. You could give Reigns protection for a lengthier championship reign, discuss the past history with Styles and Bullet Club, and have guys chase Reigns with the help of Gallows and Anderson at times. If Reigns turned on his own family just to hold onto the belt I think it could add layers to the storyline around the belt. What do you guys think? You think this could work or would you prefer if Gallows/Anderson either aligned with Styles or align later with Finn Balor and just go after Reigns and his "family?"
It would be a pretty drastic departure from Reigns' character. I'm all for the idea of Reigns really turning heel, but I would argue he should do it in a manner that fits the (admittedly few) character notes that are strong in him - namely, a desire to hold his non-family at more than an arm's length (the only people really on his side consistently are the Usos, and even that's a tenuous bond) as well as a personality complex centered around singularly proving his own, personal superiority. Starting a stable doesn't really fuel that - Reigns hasn't got the character of someone like Triple H, for example, who's always relied on others to prop him up, nor has he gone through enough of an ordeal to believably change his character. Indeed, Reigns is at the highest point of his career. If Reigns were to turn heel, I think it would be better based in irrationally jealousy of people like AJ (much like Jericho's recent turn) as well as a departure into physicality and brutality at a higher level than what he's done before. Becoming the leader of the Bullet Club is, frankly, just more bad storytelling for Roman Reigns.

I would personally prefer to see AJ struggle with the decision to use the Bullet Club in WWE, insisting to himself that things will be different here, only to ultimately give in after a series of matches with Roman and take the belt, solidifying his return to his NJPW character, which is the most successful AJ has ever been, creatively speaking. I think Finn's alignment makes more sense as AJ's second in command at first, building to a massive breakup in the future (HHH/Batitsta style).
I'm not of the opinion that Gallows and Anderson need to perform alongside Balor or Styles. I kinda like the idea of them with Reigns but I'm not sure if he should be portrayed as a chicken sit champion who needs help.

As for Payback it'd be cool if Gallows and Anderson betrayed Styles, costing him the match with a slow tease of Balor coming up.
It's going to be weird seeing people 'hate' (not just boo) Bullet Club, but I feel like them helping Reigns and turning on AJ is probably the direction they're going.

WWE's entire main event scene is just being wrecked trying to find a way to get Roman over.
As for Payback it'd be cool if Gallows and Anderson betrayed Styles, costing him the match with a slow tease of Balor coming up.

Seems pretty clear to me that this is what's going to happen. They're not going to align with Reigns at all, most likely. They're just going to be upset at Styles for not accepting their help. If they want to slow it down a little, they could try to help Styles and they screw it up, costing him the match.
After watching last nights RAW I thought what if the Bullet Club (Gallows/Anderson) aligns with Reigns at Payback against AJ Styles causing a big swerve. I know they attacked both USOs and Reigns, but if you end up having Reigns go heel you could have Gallows and Anderson align with Reigns and later Finn Balor when he comes to the main roster. It be a bigger version of Rollins J&J Security without the comedy and more intimidation. You could give Reigns protection for a lengthier championship reign, discuss the past history with Styles and Bullet Club, and have guys chase Reigns with the help of Gallows and Anderson at times. If Reigns turned on his own family just to hold onto the belt I think it could add layers to the storyline around the belt. What do you guys think? You think this could work or would you prefer if Gallows/Anderson either aligned with Styles or align later with Finn Balor and just go after Reigns and his "family?"
I for one don't think it would be a good idea for creative to align Gallows and Anderson with Reigns, nor revisit the idea of regrouping the Bullet Club. Remember, this is not Gallows first stint with the WWE and I'm sure that this time around, after building a successful name for himself with Anderson in Japan, he's looking to have a more prominent role (especially in the Tag Team division) and not play the background again.
I didn't have the intention of Reigns being a cowardly heel just someone that aligns with a strong team with Gallows/Anderson end up winning and carrying the tag belts with Reigns as World Champ. Thought of it last night and was wondering what others opinions were.
I have been saying this for weeks :) im glad people agree
After Raw and the reports of vince being shocked by AJ's merch sales im convinced it will happen.

What id do is have them cost AJ the match at payback and then destroy him and align with reigns. The next night have the usos confront reigns and have him talk about his new family and how his old one never did anything for him before G&A lay them out too.
This leads to ambrose questioning reigns and the two build to a match where G&A are banned from the arena. AT this point Reigns is saved by a new member - Samoa Joe.
(id add the fourth to stop a shield comparison)

From here we build up to a 4 on 4 match of Reigns Gallows Anderson and Joe taking on AJ Styles, Dean Ambrose, a debuting Finn Balor (he can be linked in through Joe and there NXT rivalry and/or his bullet club past) and a surprise 4th partner.....Seth freaking Rollins.

Would make for a great storyline of Dean getting/accepting Seth on the team but there is obvious trust issues and Seth would join not because he is face or to help but because he sees Reigns carrying HIS title around. (this also makes his inevitable return pop not instantly make him face too)
I think any Reigns' heel turn should be against Dean Ambrose, his best friend, and "brother", as it would have more heat and would make the turn a bigger deal.

Also, if Reigns goes heel, he should align himself with the Authority, and be their "guy". This could then lead to Seth Rollins returning, as a face, being left out in the cold, and have Seth v Roman, the ex-Authority guy versus the new Authority guy.
I have been saying this for weeks :) im glad people agree
After Raw and the reports of vince being shocked by AJ's merch sales im convinced it will happen.

What id do is have them cost AJ the match at payback and then destroy him and align with reigns. The next night have the usos confront reigns and have him talk about his new family and how his old one never did anything for him before G&A lay them out too.
This leads to ambrose questioning reigns and the two build to a match where G&A are banned from the arena. AT this point Reigns is saved by a new member - Samoa Joe.
(id add the fourth to stop a shield comparison)

From here we build up to a 4 on 4 match of Reigns Gallows Anderson and Joe taking on AJ Styles, Dean Ambrose, a debuting Finn Balor (he can be linked in through Joe and there NXT rivalry and/or his bullet club past) and a surprise 4th partner.....Seth freaking Rollins.

Would make for a great storyline of Dean getting/accepting Seth on the team but there is obvious trust issues and Seth would join not because he is face or to help but because he sees Reigns carrying HIS title around. (this also makes his inevitable return pop not instantly make him face too)

This is maybe one of the best ideas I have ever read on here.

It makes me sad because I know for a fact this will never happen.
My gut tells me that if Gallows and Anderson hook up with anyone, it'll be AJ. Why? To lessen AJ's popularity in attempt #74 to make Roman more beloved by comparison. "Oh, you prefer Styles? Well...what if he was a scheming, evil gang member? Bet Roman looks more appealing now, huh?" Granted, this prediction is based on cynicism but it's entirely possible.

Here's another idea. What if the Bullet Club duo didn't side with either guy? Maybe AJ insists he doesn't need them anymore, but Anderson/Gallows refuse to listen. Then at Payback, the pair gets involved and tries to help AJ only to wind up costing him the title by mistake either by getting him DQ'd, or unintentionally distracting him, causing him to eat a spear. Seems like it'd be the safest route, while still being interesting story.

Roman wins his first title defense, AJ doesn't look bad in defeat and goes on to feud with Anderson/Gallows in a story about shaking off his past in order to focus on his future. More importantly, neither man would need to turn heel in this scenario (even though Roman needs it) and WWE can continue enjoying those oh so sweet merchandise sales.
After watching last nights RAW I thought what if the Bullet Club (Gallows/Anderson) aligns with Reigns at Payback against AJ Styles causing a big swerve. I know they attacked both USOs and Reigns, but if you end up having Reigns go heel you could have Gallows and Anderson align with Reigns and later Finn Balor when he comes to the main roster. It be a bigger version of Rollins J&J Security without the comedy and more intimidation. You could give Reigns protection for a lengthier championship reign, discuss the past history with Styles and Bullet Club, and have guys chase Reigns with the help of Gallows and Anderson at times. If Reigns turned on his own family just to hold onto the belt I think it could add layers to the storyline around the belt. What do you guys think? You think this could work or would you prefer if Gallows/Anderson either aligned with Styles or align later with Finn Balor and just go after Reigns and his "family?"

The Bullet Club should stay as far away from Reigns as possible. The last thing he needs is another faction to become the Shield 2.0. Reigns was billed when he was with the Shield as the powerhouse, the muscle, the juggernaut and all of a sudden he needs Gallows and Anderson. No I'm not buying it.

I think the Bullet Club would work better staying on their own, with Balor as their leader. Until he comes up they should just be running around causing shit. Reigns has the title and he has to stand and deliver. Like I've said before, they spent two years pushing this guy, wasted two Royal Rumbles and he's main evented two Mania's. If he can't stand on his own then he quite honestly shouldn't be in the main event, much less a three time WHC.

It's so disappointing to see what this accelerated push has done to his career. It was too soon and too fast, and he didn't have the experience to handle it. Even now with his new tag line about "being the guy", it comes over as disingenuous. I don't even believe him anymore, because I don't think he believes it himself.

Someone else said on this thread the main event has been wrecked and they are correct. RAW ratings are at their lowest point, Reigns can't even be put on RAW in the northeast. Unfortunately for fans this will continue until Vince realizes his experiment has failed. It's too bad it had to come at the expense of Reigns. Take the title off him, push him down the midcard and let it happen organically. If it doesn't then it doesn't, if it does then start moving him again but slowly. With Cena and Orton due back soon, this is the time to do it.
I like the idea of Roman leading a heel faction( I always thought they would put him and the Usos together to form a Samoan Swat Team like stable) but I don't like the idea of putting him with Gallows and Anderson. First it's horrible storyline because you would be clearly ignoring all the history between them, Styles, and Balor. Secondly they have zero history with Reigns so a pairing makes no sense. Lastly Reigns is built as a BIG MAN and this would severely weaken him to a part of no return IMO. As for the match between Reign and Styles I do think Bullet Club gets involved and cost Styles the match but the swerve I see is them attacking Reigns and as Styles tries to seperate them and get answers for what's going on Finn Balor's music hits and he comes out hits the Coupe de Grace on Reigns and as Aj gets ready to confront him the Bullet Club attacks him. This could set up a 3 vs 2 handicap match at Extreme Rules, then Finn and Aj could be in the MITB match and win which could then set up a 1 on 1 match for one of the two at Summer Slam which then could become a triple threat because of an MITB cash in. All of that is the perfect way of introducing the Balor Club, bringing Finn Balor to the main roster, keeping Aj Styles with momentum, and pushing fans to hate Roman Reigns more which I think they're doing purposely to set up a heel Reigns vs a face Rollins down the road.
This one is easy...Gallows & Anderson cost AJ the match with the help of Finn Balor...........why??

Because their is "heat" between Balor & Styles as to who is the leader of the "Baylor Club".

Vince wants to keep Styles a face but won't make him champion. This sends Styles with Reigns & the Uso's vs Balor, Gallows, Anderson, and maybe Samoa Joe in a "red hot" two month fued that will carry us right up until Summer Slam.

Where you probably will get a singles Balor vs AJ match and Reigns will go his own way vs Cena.

Gallows & Anderson will then fued with New Day, Enzo & Cass for the tag titles...and Rollins comes back to face Triple H at Summer Slam, as the Authority endorses the "Balor Club" as their new henchman.

Wyatts move on to face Lesanar at Summer Slam with Bray and you probably see Strowman branch off vs the "GIANT" Big Slow
After watching last nights RAW I thought what if the Bullet Club (Gallows/Anderson) aligns with Reigns at Payback against AJ Styles causing a big swerve. I know they attacked both USOs and Reigns, but if you end up having Reigns go heel you could have Gallows and Anderson align with Reigns and later Finn Balor when he comes to the main roster. It be a bigger version of Rollins J&J Security without the comedy and more intimidation. You could give Reigns protection for a lengthier championship reign, discuss the past history with Styles and Bullet Club, and have guys chase Reigns with the help of Gallows and Anderson at times. If Reigns turned on his own family just to hold onto the belt I think it could add layers to the storyline around the belt. What do you guys think? You think this could work or would you prefer if Gallows/Anderson either aligned with Styles or align later with Finn Balor and just go after Reigns and his "family?"

It doesn't make sense. Reigns takes pride in beating his opponents without help and doesn't seem threatened by anyone.

I think Gallows/Anderson will turn on AJ and just do their own thing, be a power tag team like The Shield.

Main eventing PPVs like Extreme Rules facing AJ and Reigns then go on to win the tag titles from New Day and dominate the tag division.
What i can see happening

Aj is playing stupid and he sets up a title chase with Aj and and THE BC against reigns and the USO's until MITB.

Balor Debuts (after loosing at Takeover dallas) in the MITB match winning the case .

at battle ground - Reigns has a Gimmick rematch with AJ Seth returns to help reigns to retain

Summerslam - Sheild vs BC w/AJ in a no holds bar match Sheild wins (WWE BOOKING)

Balor comes out and fight continues Balor cashes in the BALOR CLUB is born
This is the third topic I've seen started after John Canton (TJR Wrestling) has posted a comment about it. Surely people aren't taking his thoughts as their own?
If anything, I can see a Reigns swerve during a Shane/Authority confrontation down the line. Maybe something like Reigns starts to resent Shane and HHH/Stephanie gives him an offer he can't refuse. Reigns and Authority would become HUGE heels and makes way for Shane to bring back a returning Rollins who never lost the title.
I have thought from the beginning the The Club would turn against Styles. The E is pushing too hard their connection the swerve seems obvious.
I like the idea of a swerve with them turning on AJ. This would be the start of a Roman heel faction that you can then add his "family" too, Uso's, Tamina and Naomi. Anderson/Gallows can wreak havoc in the tag division, the Uso's could be J&J 2.0 but more credible. And you have Tamina and Naomi spreading the Roman Empire to the women's division. Fantasy booking but hey, why not?
This is the third topic I've seen started after John Canton (TJR Wrestling) has posted a comment about it. Surely people aren't taking his thoughts as their own?

I feel like 2/3's of what I read here comes from various podcasts and articles. Vince Russo pretty much covered all of these angles over the past couple of weeks on wrestling inc.

I'm not accusing anyone of claiming these ideas as their own but there are a lot of funny little coincidences around here. Court Bauer mentions something, the next day there is a five page thread on it. Granted some of these could just be common ideas that just happened to jump out at multiple people and the timing is weird but when I repeat a point I heard or read somewhere else I try to at last acknowledge where I got it from.

Anyway for some relevance to tis topic, I don't think sticking AJ with the Bullet Club hurts him in the long run. Let's not forget how fickle the Marks are, his current schtick could eventually get old, so AJ Styles could get into some kind of faction feud against Roman and the Uso's who turn heel. This is a point Russo touched on but didn't get too in depth with. I've thought since around Fastlane the best thing to do with Reigns is what others have mentioned here, his big heel move is destroying lil' Buddy Ambrose and possibly aligning him with the Authority setting up a returning baby face Rollins and Ambrose fighting amongst each other for a shot a Reigns. I would kind of prefer anything with Styles, Anderson and Gallows is of no consequence to Reigns or the title scene after Payback.
I feel like 2/3's of what I read here comes from various podcasts and articles. Vince Russo pretty much covered all of these angles over the past couple of weeks on wrestling inc.

I'm not accusing anyone of claiming these ideas as their own but there are a lot of funny little coincidences around here. Court Bauer mentions something, the next day there is a five page thread on it. Granted some of these could just be common ideas that just happened to jump out at multiple people and the timing is weird but when I repeat a point I heard or read somewhere else I try to at last acknowledge where I got it from.

Likely a fair amount is coincidence. Frankly, unless it's a stupid swerve for the sake of a swerve, wrestling angles are not hard to flesh out. I don't listen to any podcasts or the like. All my wrestling news comes from WZ because I'm part of the forum and I don't give enough of a crap to try and find any other news.

All that said, as I posted earlier in the thread, BC joining Reigns would be stupid. They'll likely cost AJ the match at Payback anyway. Either in a heel turn for them only, or on accident and it will still eventually turn into a heel turn for them down the road.

Reigns's heel turn probably won't be fully complete for another month or 2.
I believe some of you guys are living in dreamworlds. The WWE has rarely if ever been known to regroup a faction in WWE if WWE didn't come up with the concept first. The only time that I'm aware of was when they attempted to reform the NWO by bringing back Hall, Nash, and Hogan (and that was short lived). I mean hey while they are at it, Let's not stop at the Bullet Club, WWE might as well regroup Aces of Eight too right guys?
I think it's safe to say we'll be seeing some version of the Bullet Club after two members were introduced together in week one and then interacted with another member in week 2.

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